Why is the Joker such top tier meme material?

Why is the Joker such top tier meme material?

>gamers rise up
>mom's gonna FREAK
>I'm going to say it!

All right off the top of my head and I know there are more I'm not immediately thinking of. I have zero interest in capeshit outside of liking the Nolan Batman movies (and maybe the first Two Raimi Spiderman films), but this character unto their own is - and really a lot of Batman material too - produces such high quality meme content.

Why is this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=gamers rise up&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=mom's gonna FREAK&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=I'm going to say it!&src=typd

>>gamers rise up
>>mom's gonna FREAK
>>I'm going to say it!
if any of these lines appear in the movie I will declare it my favorite movie of all times

because popular character

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When has the Joker not being a good meme material? Even the shittiest Joker (Leto's) lived for a little while.

It’s a DC thing.

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i dont know

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I still don't get the "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY" meme

Because the Joker is about being an outsider, someone who breaks taboos, and outsiders are easy to make fun of because the people who latch onto that image are often pariahs for a reason.

Oh look, I’m so whacky. I’m wearing primary colors and I’ve mental issues. I’m like a crazy man who laughs a lot. Haha. I’m culturally relevant.

It's just another incarnation of the cooly detached post-ironic apathy people need to project lest they be branded "cringe" for caring about something.

Popular character that's always been a twisted fucking psychopath. The Suicide Squad look and promo stuff was basically made for memes.

It sounds profound but it's not

First because the idea of being external to or giving up on society is compelling and then additionally as a reaction to that idea and people who like it.

Joker is the only sane man left in an insane world
He represents everything we want to say but can't because we live in a society

>I’ve mental issues
We know

This movie looks to be absolute kino though.

it takes no effort to blame all your problems on mental illness and society, undermines people who actually have legitimate mental problems

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Successful memes tend to be random, edgy, and ironic, just like the Joker.

You forgot the clown world meme.

It's a parody of tryhard attempts to be "deep" or "woke", lampooning statements like "we live in a society where problematic thing happens" or "this issue says a lot about our society"

It literally is other peoples fault though
No one chose to be born


Could be a masterpiece

Batman has a dozen top tier villains and I'm not sure why he is always pushed as the main big one.

The movie looks like a real snoozefest. A loser has a bad time of it; yawn.


Absolute Justice vs. Absolute Chaos
Duality of Man
Normal men having one bad day fuck their whole life up

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The easiest way for a pseud to feel intellectually superior is to find a guy who is mindlessly rejecting the norm and mindlessly reject him.

Its an anti-GG meme from tumblrites who are still seething five years later

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>Yea Forums

Dumb gators are the ones seething lmao, literally everyone looks back on it over just how goddamn embarrassing the situation was

>u ironically browsing knowyourmeme

People have been making fun of wannabe Joker edgelords since TDK came out.




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Why don't they make a gritty penguin or riddler? Jesus christ.


It's from Seinfeld

>literally everyone looks back on it over just how goddamn embarrassing the situation was

>muh made up concensus assertion

It was fun making trannies and feminists shit their fucking diapers.

The Jungian Shadow

yeah, except you all looked the whiny babies. Top tier delusion though

im going to throw up at the thought of how depressing your life is

Again, because you're a redditor that only heard about Yea Forums after Bane went mainstream. It's as desperate attempt at emulating a time you weren't here or even understand why it happened
The biggest give away was you praise of "i'm gonna say it" which is a product of twitter and their tourists.

Used to be a funny parody of internet anarchists now leftists ruined it by shoehorning Trump stuff in it

>haha everyone was laughing at you
this didnt hurt in 2014 and it doesnt hurt now

No wonder it's so popular with shitskin Yea Forumsedditors

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However you need to cope, dude

Because brainlets can't handle a true mastermind.

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>Society has become so toxic, we don't need to dump the Joker in a vat of chemicals anymore

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it's reddit """"""humor""""""""""



We live in one.

Doesn't even make sense, try again

You were scared shitless of us.


From what I understand, it's basically when you mock social issues that other people take seriously.


Because clowns are spooky

we could actually see him say most of these things in the film. It could all be organically written into the script.
>gamers rise up
eh probably not
film is about society treating the joker badly. we could see this line
>mom's gonna FREAK
he lives with his mom in the film
>I'm going to say it!
could show up its not an uncommon phrase

KYM is worse than Reddit

But you wrote a million articles about how we were the end of the world.

i always took it to be goofing on guys who were really into Heath Ledger Joker

twitter.com/search?q=gamers rise up&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=mom's gonna FREAK&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=I'm going to say it!&src=typd
If it can be posted here then it's inauthentic and not true to Yea Forums

You harassed a shit ton of people

>I'm going to say it!

How did this one start?

Would the Joker be the guy who really likes Donnie Darko too much?

Yeah, that was the point. Glad it bugged you.

Glad you admit it, cunt

the people you trust are abusing you lol

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Because the joker...and that's the bloody thing about the joker...he represents chaos!

Now make one where every square says "being a tranny faggot" and then it just ends in a tombstone.

You're right.
I would be served much better if I allowed my community to be destroyed by mass immigration and my living standards destroyed by economic illiteracy and socialism.
We need to praise central banks and print more money for Jeff Bezos because the left is right about everything.
We need to stop disagreeing with the authorities that run the universities and mainstream media, they are always correct. I mean they are the "experts" after all.

>gateway to compliance
How does this make any sense whatsoever discord tranny?
You people and your ilk are currently in control of society.

I made the original “What kind of gamer are you” image while bored one day at work, and have been here since 2012 ask me anything

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I love how the movie isn't even out yet and Phoenix is already set to overshadow Ledgers performance meme wise while Letos been completely forgotten about already

first world problems

Why did you only join Yea Forums after reddit made it pleb friendly?

>design of a clown
>from capeshit, so he will always be relevant/popular
>edgy traits
>memorable performances

Know Your Meme is wrong a lot of the time desu. Most memes get attributed to reddit because they actually archive all their posts.

I’m a refugee from Yea Forums

I have mental illness. And you know what the hardest part of having a mental illness is? You're expected to act like you don't have it.

>just one moment officer, you're going to love this rubber chicken

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Yea Forums is better than this shitty board tbqh


I think the alt-right/anti-SJWs/Gamers should unironically co-opt Joker and the memes that go alongside it. Leftists think their Joker memes meant to make fun of these groups are somehow actually an insult.

The memes are unironically based and something that should be embraced.

>tfw was there for the original thread


Why should I care what discord trannies think of me?

Discord trannies aren't even real, pure adhom

what if this is legit good?

I know the fag didn't mean it this way, but all the things on the hopscotch are gateways to compliance(ecelebs, maga, qanon). Right wing normies know that something's wrong with society, but they don't know the true cause. They use these outlets to cope and act like everything's going to be alright while not requiring any action from them.

This. Fuck boomers and fuck Qanon. Accelerationism is the only thing that will set things straight anymore.

>he thinks any of those people represent the new right

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fucking newfag you forgot WHY SO SERIOUS?

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Because he's been developed into having the deepest and most intimate relationship with Batman out of all the villains.
He's batman's greatest rival, his opposite ideologically and morally, but also the only other person in the world who understands him.
In a perverse way, he's Batman's "best friend."

Also he's gay for Batman and it's basically canon now. Thank you, Snyder!

>Duality of Man
polarity you gnostic-mason-jewminatti new age douchebag

Seinfeld joke