>The Happytime Murders has grossed $20.7 million in the United States and Canada, and $6.8 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $27.5 million, against a production budget of around $40 million
because it looks fucking stupid, Melissa McCarthy is painfully unfunny and nobody gives a shit about literal who muppets
Oliver Morris
fat woman lead
Dominic Torres
McCarthy became a meme unto herself by losing weight and still staying fat
Ian Scott
Sexism and xenophobia towards puppets
Leo Gray
The trailer for this actually looked pretty funny. Was it any good?
Wyatt Evans
I knew the twist half -way in.
Gavin Morgan
It's quite literally one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Easily the worst movie of 2018.
Adam Roberts
It bombing gives me some hope for society
Jaxon Allen
what was it?
Cooper Hernandez
Because it was that fucking awful
This is coming from someone who didn't outright hate Sausage Party
Jose Taylor
> Melissa McCarthy is painfully unfunny Spy and Identity thief are great
Bentley Hill
>worldwide total of $27.5 million Oh fuck, ouch.
Zachary Wright
Believe it or not, nobody wants to see a movie that involves puppets from their childhood jizzing all over the screen.
Robert Bailey
Probably because they advertised it so fucking heavily everyone already saw it
Nolan Long
Because Greg The Bunny did it better.
Joseph Kelly
yea I lead fat women if you know what I mean
Leo Harris
Because I haven't heard of this movie until now.
Chase Taylor
It was awful and not in a fun way like Drawn Together
Jeremiah Williams
cause it fucking sucked next
Wyatt Martinez
McCarthy's character realizes that she's also a puppet, but not in the literal sense but a puppet for the zionist conspiracy to corrupt the western hemisphere by dismantling christian values, brainwashing the youth, promoting race mixing and exchanging faith for hedonism to create a cattle like populace that will stand by dumb and defeated when the Zionists will finally annex the world state they created through international trickery and intrigue making Israel expand its territory over the whole planet, abolish borders they said, well that was why it turns out. Came out of nowhere for me desu