Other urls found in this thread:
>face tattoo mumble rappers are better than kino actors
Thanks society
I know I'll get a lot of shit for this, but I liked Heath Ledger as the Joker.
why would you get shit for that? ledger was great
Was he? he had like 5 lines in the whole film and basically just stumbled around the set like a child having a temper tantrum.
Leto was the worst joker in film, the contrarians on 4reddit are panicking due to the fact that everyone is excited for the upcoming joker movie
I'm excited for new Joker and I'm not from reddit. :3
i remember all those Yea Forums threads hyping up leto fucking lol
>he had like 5 lines in the whole film
2/10 bait
Yeah Leto joker was cringe as fuck, it's like they ripped a character from a harmony korine movie.
seriously, ledger was amazing as the joker. the best one.
I can't understand this site and its obsession with hating The Dark Knight. It's unironically the best Batman movie.
Unironically using cringe as a viable criticism is fucking pathetic you worthless retard
Defending Leto's Joker is the real cringe here, though. Not him btw.
>steal from reddit
>post it here
Leto's Joker Is Hella Based
He's coming back for Birds of Prey
ITT user(s) can't distinguish which one was Ledger and which was Leto
It really is. I can understand people complaining about it for being more about the antagonist than about the protagonist. But to be fair Batman begins was all about Batman and it was incredibly boring.
>caring when 90% of the internet is twitter screencaps
>madness is like gravity... all it takes is a little push
Stop being so contrarian, he was GOAT
bad visual story-telling. left to right, my man. reaction should be on the right or below, not on the left.
This trailer doesn't tell anything remotely related to the DC Joker.
May as well called Pierroth or Pagliacci.
what makes the Joker the Joker?
What are you even talking about?
The consensus is that Ledger is the best Joker, though. You are the contrarian for thinking the shittiest Joker in the shittiest DC movie is GOAT.
You can see he becomes a clown criminal and at some point something changes. He is literally The Joker.
You should read The Killing Joke, faggot.
Because newfags like you
One bad day.
I like both Leto and Phoenix Jokers, but I could take or leave Ledger Joker. Leto did a unique take where he was more pimp than prince. The tattoos were too on the nose, and that circle of knives scene was nonsensical, but he's the Joker. Nonsense is his forte. And to be honest, I found Leto to be genuinely intimidating, which is something that never existed with the character before in film.
Phoenix is taking what Ledger did and refining it a bit more. He brought the prince aspect back to the character. The showman aspect. Ledger Joker was an awkward mishmash of concepts. It was Ledger's performance that saved the character from being a failure.
> hurr we are gonna make serious capeshit now! a real psychological thriller!
it will never work manchilds
>Implying make fun of reddit matters on 4cuck
This is place is literally just an edgier version of reddit with more anonymity.
>movie isn't out but writes a whole paragraph about why he likes it
never change, retard
So in Leto "Nonsense is his forte" but in Ledger "was an awkward mishmash of concepts"? How does that make sense? Imagine doubling down so much that you start to try to pass this as arguments. Just say you're a homosexual enamoured with Jared Leto because you went to one of his concerts at ag 16 or whatever. You colossal faggot.
t. no one ever
Gentlemen, let's broaden our minds! Best Joker scene in cinema history coming through:
It's because it's high up on IMDB's top 250 movies list which means you can't like it here
Update your list already, faggot
We live in a society
it's just going to be more Her without the nice things, but only ugly things
>What if Her ended up like Terminator?
>Starring Joaquion Phoeniaix BUT WITHOUTH THE MUSTACHE
this is gonna suck, I know now
listen to me
You just described the removal of everything that sucked about Her.
You're wrong, but thanks for trying to make my dick even harder anyway.
You all may disagree, but i think Jared Leto wasnt bad joker. Script was shit and still i really liked him as a character, hes modern joker