What are the best RLM reviews?

What are the best RLM reviews?

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Batman v Superman

Captain marvel is pretty good


This is secretly their comfiest review. The perfect level of disdain and funinness on just the perfect level of energy.

This is my secret weapon when i'm trying to fall asleep.

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is that mike cernovich on the left?

It's Jake Stoklauman.

Alien Isolation

Anything where the point of it isn't the movie

Like Jack and Jill

the milwaukee review saved it

I like watching Mike and Rich talk about Star Trek Discovery, because there’s something weirdly cathartic about a guy who’s absolutely obsessed with something at least have a shred of decency to put aside his fanboyism just long enough to know when social justice and political bullshit is destroying what you once loved.

Captain Marvel sucks because half of it they are just triggered Brie shat on white male film critics

Literally who

I like all the yearly re-cap episodes and Jack and Jill. For the first 50 or so episodes I like the intro/outro skits storyline. I haven't seen more than maybe 10 of the movies they've reviewed though.

do you think mike and jay spam these treads all day on tv or do people actually enjoy their episodes?

All they review anymore is comic book trash.

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don't forget shlock. they review old shlock

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They just reviewed Us and Paddleton

Its Jesse Ventura

Baby's Day Out

Good, they're one of the few critics that aren't totally cucked.

Go back to plebbit

What's his book called again? Orangutan Outlook?

wish upon is a classic

Wait wasn't this guy actually in porn though?

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Ghostbusters reboot