Watch 'metal' movie

>watch 'metal' movie
>it's just feminine boys doing feminine boy things

Attached: culkin.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

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Isn't that metalheads in general? Spending loads of time talking about shampoo brands and some even wear makeup

>Big Butt Varg fucked all that prime pussy
>Euronycuck SEETHING

My favorite part of the whole movie, 2bh.

>Girls: "tee hee is Griefi here? XD"
>Euronycuck: "NO HE'S NOOOOOT GET OUT!!!"

>it's just feminine boys doing feminine boy things

So basically metalheads?

>makeup is feminine
also that's only black metalheads

i was pretty much the cliche metalhead in highschool, we had a clique and didn't really socialize with the hiphopfags/jocks but we were friends with them and smoked with them at lunch. Funny enough while we were all losing our virginity to cute emo chicks we met at shows all the super popular guys were still struggling to fuck their daddy's little girl rich kid girlfriends until like grade 12.

What faggoty metal bands did you listen to if emo chicks liked them?

>Detroit Rock City
>Four edgy homos are mad because their mom won't let them visit a glam rock concert


different time my bro. now the spoiled little rich girls are all just as fuck-mad and mainly fucking guys in their 30's like me

Emo chicks were everywhere my man, they went to metal/rock shows to post about it on tumblr to prove how cool they were. We went to all types of shows, post-hardcore, metalcore, prime pussy was at MIW shows, also Manson. We even went to FoB's return tour and started a circle pit, it was fucking hilarious. i have no shame about any of that, shit was fun. Besides, what "TrVMetALD00D" bands are you gonna go see to meet people nowadays? we're not in the 80's and youre not gonna socialize at an ampitheatre/arena.

depends on where you live tbqh

Lmao. Imagine coming onto an indonesian underwater basket weaving forum and LARPing this hard.

That's an accurate portrayal of them though

Horseshit. Emo chicks were always super easy to fuck since most have mental issues. But stop pretending like chad wasnt absolutely slaying the prime pussy in your school.

Is that actually a thing? How many kids does an average american school have?

I sure hope you're bald and fat.

>Lmao. Imagine coming onto an indonesian underwater basket weaving forum and LARPing this hard.

Attached: douchelarva.png (870x580, 870K)

imagine thinking going to rock shows and having sex in highschool is so outlandish that you refuse to believe any of the sort happened


Project harder faggot

Granted, I haven't experienced that personally, but those smaller cliques in high-school really seemed like a great place to get a gf. All the metal guys had metal qts. It's mainly a matter of being 50:50 boys and girls.

Lolwut, I've never seen a metal nigger

again, it depends on where you live/what school you go to. My jock friend in gade 12 told me that when he tried to fuck his rich kids stacy gf he got the head in and then she pussied out. he didn't get laid until the summer.

That girl you lie is fucking someone 25 years her senior and also thinks you're a loser, stay mad :^)