Pro-christian kinos?

Pro-christian kinos?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Christians

Passion of the Christ

Think about it logically...

Christianity and religion in general (judaism included) is a mental illness just like faggotry or trannyism.

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Based Lot

is this really in the bible? what the fuck is wrong with Christians?


its from the old testament, you should be asking what the fuck is wrong with jews

The Goddamned would make a great movie.

Obviously it will never be made, but a man can dream.

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>people that escaped Sodom and Gomorrah aren't pillars of humanity
wow really gets the old noggin joggin

Logical poster.
Illogical poster.

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How is that awkward

Lot being seduced by his daughters is not supposed to be a positive thing. In the story, it's because the daughters think that after the destruction of sodom and gamorrah, they are literally the last humans on earth. The allegory implies that even with the destruction of the cities, sin and Vice remains within all of our hearts

Lot was from Sodom

Ignorance is sin?

>Lot was from Sodom
He wasn't born there; he just happened to be living there at the time

wtf i love christianity now
no no, fuck.....YOU

damn... what instrument did he play?

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Yeah, and if I remember correctly, they both get punished after Lot finds out.

How does he punish them, though.

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Wasn't this thread deletec by a jannie a few hours ago?

There is literally nothing sinful about incest if the daughters make the first move
Sexually punished I hope (although in this case it arguably would be a sin)

Stupidity and ignorance leads to sin, yes

and nuck figgers!

makes sense
thanks christianbro

Based patrician teaching these redditors

That's from the Jewish part of the bible.

Jews have secretly thought the Catholic Church was their tool for centuries.

The behavior of the Jews throughout the OT was atrocious. Christian doctrine is that God does his most active work in the world through the weakest and most broken. Evil is allowed because He turns it into a greater good.

Willful ignorance is a sin. Lot's daughters were not ignorant in this case.

Unironically this one:

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>ignorance leads to sin, yes

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Jesus is a descendant of Moab tho

>the bible has morality tales surrounding incest
>this means the bible supports incest
It's like those same dickheads that continue to think Eve must have slept with her children

Jews really liked to slander the other groups living around them.
>this tribe is a bunch of inbreds
>this tribe is a bunch of fags