Blockbuster times


I missed those comfy summer nights out, where we walk to the blockbuster right after sunset. Enter those doors and only to be welcomed by the cool air of carpet cleaner, popcorn and plastic VHS and DVD covers.

....I feel like we went backwards.

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Post movies you remember seeing on the shelves but never rented

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Sorry didn't read. I was too busy remembering a superior video store.

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>....I feel like we went backwards.
We've got Redbox and Netflix. You some kinda anti-capitalist who wants to throw money at businesses made irrelevant by progress because of nostalgia?

i miss physical media and all the money it brought the jews

This nigga gets it.

What was the last good era to be a kid here?

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>Those sure were the days user. I remember being a lowly Blockbuster cashier myself and giving customers B-horror kino recommendations. Anyways what'll it be today?

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Every hollywood was i knew was in the ghetto and infested with blacks.

blockbuster was usually in suburban whitewashed neighborhoods though.

just some milk-duds my good man.

My dream job would be in a video store. I love movies and I always know what to recommend. Also it's low stress.

I finished law school and now I am lawyer in training and I hate it :(

Always good to see Robert

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Get a loud of this triggered subhuman retard.

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it's true. hollywood was shit, and never have extra copies.

It was alright.... not kino but alright

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Is this the thread where we pretend video rental stores smelled like popcorn?

Anyone else have former rental tapes?

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The last time I went to Blockbuster was 2007. It closed a couple years later.

>rent movies with qt high school gf once a week
>mostly get horror movies to get her in the mood
>rent this
>can't even get my dick sucked because she's too distracted with how shitty this movie is

The cast is street urchin Russian hookers and I can't tell you enough times to not watch this garbage

To a certain extent I miss going to blockbuster/ Hollywood video but this experience made it easy to say goodbye

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