Movie uses DEEP FOCUS

>movie uses DEEP FOCUS's Kino

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Imagine not knowing the difference between deep focus and split diopter.

I saw a screencap of some redditor who made a post about how amazing the split diopter scene was in Us. Just lol


A split diopter is just doing deep focus in a different way you pleb.

I didn't see US
Was there Split Diopter or not?! WHATS THE JOKE?

Looks retarded, literal gimmick to cater to redditors

Yes there was. Everyone jerked off over it

deep focus is tryhard framing
let the whole set drop silent for a single manufactured shot, sad

yeah there was. it wasn't impressive and was literally just LOOK AT THIS TECHNIQUE I'M USING. shit flick

All else aside, Carrie is an incredible film

Pretty sure there was one in Ouije Origin of Evil movie.
At least that one was a decent horror flick with lulu and basso

DePalma had a bunch of great films; even his "bad" ones are interesting (even if you overall don't like the film) such as SnakeEyes

The split diopter in US was so fucking hamfisted and unnecessary and you could just tell peele put it in to get people jerking him off for it

>both women holding the males that their livelihood depends on


Attached: roma2.jpg (800x468, 232K)

there's a split diopter shot in the trailer for de palma's new film

yeah that sucked

There was a split diopter shot in the SUSPIRIA remake, too. Discord redditors peed their pants!

never seen. i'll throw it on the list. Carrie is one of my all time favorites and I am a big fan of Blow Out, also like Sisters. where should I go from here?

ugh the new suspiria does not deserve to exist. could have been a completely separate film, removed from any relation to argento's suspiria/the lore. keep the dance scenes, which were pretty great, and make your own fucking film around it. appalling piggybacking

scarface, mission impossible, and the untouchables are entry level de palma. then carlito's way, femme fatale and snake eyes. watch phantom of the paradise to see his masterpiece. body double, dressed to kill, and obsession to see de palma in peak hitchcock mode. the fury is really underrated. hi, mom and greetings are pretty different from everything else he did. both weird NYC experimental arthouse type films, though well worth checking out if you're really into de palma.