>has a black girlfriend
Can someone explain this to me? What did they mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That his face isnt the only thing getting bleached

he cute

What did you think fuck niggers meant?

What's the problem? Joker has never been racist.

Attached: 1524942460239.jpg (850x1062, 90K)

>tfw no black gf

Why your threads always gets hundred of replis but mines don't? This is unfair.

Attached: 1554498633621.png (514x686, 117K)

I bet it all started at/after a Black Panther screening

Because black girls are Yea Forums's weakness. Jungle fever.
t.someone who married a black woman
15 years of happy marriage and more to come.

Marry me pls

How do you call this?

Attached: 1554423066835.jpg (640x579, 149K)

Well I guess I should do something about this. Joker is my boyfriend btw

Attached: thejoker-8fbd1dbfe5bf60f86823e5465be96376-1200x600.jpg (1200x600, 115K)



>black males bangs white women
Nobody has a problem
>white male bangs black women
Everyone loses their minds


Spoilers say she’s not his gf just a prostitute he thinks is his gf.


Attached: joker gf.jpg (557x426, 15K)


Attached: 1554492428161.jpg (950x1272, 160K)

They can do that and still be less pozzed than marlel

To create a realistic situation where someone would go crazy

Those aren’t Eve’s children lmao

>Everyone loses their minds

No, only black males

Attached: black r9k poster.jpg (1125x1761, 192K)

Better than the BMWF we have been seeing on every other Hollywood product

It's a known fact that racist incels CONSTANTLY fuck black women.

White Chads rise up

My cat didn’t like that.



Attached: meanwhile on pol3.jpg (1600x1184, 717K)

Oh they'll be rising allright

Attached: black girls on twitter.png (1197x844, 856K)

what a bizarre picture

>tfw you will never have sex with a 10/10 black women and she will call you
>The Colonist
Why even live?

literally me


Feels good to be a white chad

>>black males bangs white women
>Nobody has a problem

Attached: 1488425892502.jpg (830x770, 98K)

probably not girlfriend just love interest that will turn him down, I bet he kills her.

When you go full honorary white, the genes mutate in weird ways.

Stacy Dash is a Trump supporting Fox News Anchor that hates communism that's why she somehow gave birth to fucking Basshunter and a little white girl

But this is only about Chads, not the demographics of this board. The only women spergs here can get are asians.

Black dudes are as insecure as they come. In college I dated a black girl and you wouldn't believe how many angry stares we got whenever we went out.

Forgot to add the pic

Attached: 10294.png (634x866, 814K)

>>black males bangs white women
>Nobody has a problem
Which Yea Forums have you been on?

femcels are mostly black girls.

Any movies about redemption?

Attached: 1554561523629.jpg (441x767, 36K)

>Has European features
>Somehow represents sheeboons

This chick doesn't count. She's white in every way except melanin.

Warner Bros SJW race mixing propaganda.

She is considered BLACK

do black girls like being called "nigger" during sex? i'd imagine it would play on the dominant male master / submissive female slave psyche

My black wife used to call me her colonist
And told me COLONIZE ME when we had sex

Attached: no toni gf.png (640x1136, 674K)

Dios Mio!

Attached: El Goblino de la Isla Sorna.png (531x367, 404K)

cells interlinked

>average Yea Forums poster

Attached: IMG_20190406_174718.jpg (731x752, 69K)

It means let's see if it's time to report the mod/janitor to hiro for taking handouts from WB

Embarrassing copy pasta thread

>average /pol/tard
Prove me wrong

Attached: 39e44417a2ccb7cfd24925c6b7aef772--dope-couples-bwwm-couples.jpg (236x255, 15K)

How fucking new are you fags? Go back to plebbit

I am an unironic nazi, but i wouldn't mind racemixing with a qt choco girl.

Attached: gt nig.jpg (1080x1080, 98K)

She probably cucks you. Also your house now has that musky black people "scent" and you wont be able to get rid of it.


Based and ebonypilled


FUCKING adorable and looks like she has a good job, damn I need a negress gf

>go to hospital
>see her
What do?

Happily Married: 15 Years of Constant Cuckery
By user E. Moose

Attached: 1549869423111.jpg (552x532, 60K)

Does someone need a surprise waiting for him in his favela?

There are no black males in my country she is the only black girl in my city,she would cuck me only with other whites

Having a black spouse is fine
Having goblino children is not

>Because black girls are Yea Forums's weakness
A brazilian monkey and a chink leaf spamming these threads isn't Yea Forums just like how it isn't /pol/ when they do it there.

We still don't even know if she's gonna be his gf.

Stop reposting this you fucking mongoloid

>i know this might sound weird as a heterosexual male, but I do find attractive women attractive. crazy, i know


How can i get a black gf like this in Serbia?

How do I get a black gf?

Yea Forums how do I get a black ebony gf?

Like this

We already know the spoilers
she's a hooker that he thinks loves him. OP is just a shill

>tfw have jungle fever
>dont want mullatto kids

Attached: tinder.png (576x1024, 603K)

God damn I want that nigger cunt.

Lmao stay btfo cuck

Post full body pics with face or gtfo

Sex tourism in Africa


Would've been more believable with a spic. Those bitches are crazy. With the spear chuckers, you got to belt the in the jaw a few times.


Attached: hold hands with black gf.jpg (640x909, 43K)


I think it's more about the fact that most people in the world would prefer to look at a beautiful blonde with white skin and colored eyes.

>all the anons itt falling for the jews trickery


As a blonde white male,I love black girls

Should've started telling them you bleached her desu

Black women with European features are high tier, and most of them like white dudes

Attached: 1553978966223.jpg (600x456, 39K)

>ape chaser gets exposed
>his hotpocket vanishes
time for /pol/ threads

She looks like a white girl whose face, eyes and hands have been painted black, it's uncanny

>As a blonde white male,I love black girls

>European features

Attached: 1548810855169.png (1000x432, 165K)


What's wrong with having a mulatto gf?

Attached: d080d0141cd8449846b93695bb4f357f226d0fc9203387d43562457dbe83140d.jpg (640x640, 51K)

It means he has good taste


That's not me,I'm from Germany faggot

Nothing,post more

I want her to BLACK me



why do women take pride in negative character traits?

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Those types are great, aren't they?

Attached: 1510108994942.png (596x1079, 1.01M)

>wh*te women think they can compare to this


>>black males bangs white women
>Nobody has a problem

Here's what it looks like without all the heavy editing

Attached: IMG_5088.jpg (500x650, 68K)

You cannot beat Josh Homme's genes

But the blonde german from brazil said

The EU will hook you up

/pol/ or Yea Forums aren't the world. All major online reactions hate BWWM couples but love BMWW ones.

You niggerlovers have spammed the board with your ape fetish. Worse, you’re so thin skinned, you actually report anyone who calls you out.
>t-they insulted m-Muh K-Kweenz Janny
Man, imagine being so pathetic you report people for racism, on an Italian Pasta Sauce Recipe Forum, because they call the apes you keep posting, what they are.
>inb4 Muh toastier
Ever since the trailer came out, they’ve been out in full force. Previous “Chimpanzee Fever” threads happened once a week and died after 100 replies at best. These have been multiple, daily, and bleed out to more threads all over the board. It’s not even shilling, just a couple of subhuman autist with a bestiality fetishists doing this all day.

Attached: AB2B96CB-93A8-46B9-A215-1627BBC14EEC.jpg (750x1124, 99K)

Let's see if he'll babysit this spambot thread full of off topic posts. why are niggers so evil?

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Attached: pink dress.jpg (1440x1381, 296K)

That’s fucking adorable

Only thirsty simp like you would find trash like that appealing. As soon as you rob you blind. She will leave you for Pookie or ray ray. Right before she shames you for not being a real man every second of everyday

>kid misbehaves
>it gets punished
waah why are niggers so mean :(
Your parents should have beaten you too

Based Chad Homme

Funny joker man

Attached: 1554553141627.png (1199x1024, 264K)

Come on janny, you've been deleting stuff left and right all day and now that your friends been exposed you vanish?

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WTF that is pretty quick

Brie Larson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>black women

Attached: MV5BMjExODkxODU3NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTM0MTk3NjE@._V1_.jpg (1477x2048, 1.95M)

>tfw no black gf
It's not fair

he's basically Rupert Pupkin


I’d unironically take Brie Larson over any negress.

>she comes at you and ask you if you would watch a movie withher,she pays it all
What do?

Attached: 1554564701089.jpg (1999x3000, 999K)

Cringe and bluepilled

Black girls secretly love incels. It's an infamous fact. They don't usually act on it because society deems it to be wrong.

Attached: Bonang-Matheba.jpg (3500x2825, 797K)

That's pretty racist, user.

Why the fuck do any of you ever have a problem with white men bestowing their superior seed upon nigresses? You have any idea how enraged and emasculated that makes niggers? Look at Zoe Saldana's Twitter sometime. I bet Zendaya's explodes too after Holland gets her hooked on BWC. White men should be bleaching as many breed ready black concubines as possible.

Attached: 1550208313237.png (680x357, 189K)

Holy.. I've fallen in love for real this time.
Very kino outfit.

>strong jaw
>blonde hair
>nice knockers
>cute when she wants to be
>clearly just needs a good dicking to calm down
>IQ not under 70
Nah, I stand by my choice. Have fun with your mutt kids.

Interracial porn is a Jewish propaganda strategy to breed out black genes by pairing them with whites throughout generations.
Most mixed people here are a single step away from having blonde, blue-eyed children. Only Asian phenotypes are stronger.

I feel bad for Zoe and girl black girls who married white men,they are hated by black males every day. Wonder why because those same black males date white women. Are they the black's /pol/tards?

He cute.


>I know how I’ll trigger the niggers!
>by creating even MORE niglets!
Brilliant user! Are you some kind of Rocket Scientist or some other big word job?!

Attached: 6DA4E46E-5C93-444E-AD94-5FEBE57DCC2E.jpg (345x336, 214K)

What they mean by this is "He cute"

Attached: wink.jpg (200x200, 11K)

>jews want you to fuck big butted, big breasted nubian queens
They don't need to make propaganda for me to want that. It's also the based and redpilled choice


>strong jaw
Enjoy your lego brick face
You are secretly gay
>muh IQ
You know black girls could be smart too? Do you?

Too bad Brie Larson dates only black guys

>This is the final make-up for the Joker - it's suppose to be more Cesar Romero-inspired
>Arthur starts out as a comedian who does a lot of shady stuff on the side (sees prostitutes mainly), the guy is described as a failed and poor comedian and a person overall but is mainly delusional and desperate
>Arthur's never had a girlfriend or wife, there are two women in his life - a prostitute who he thinks IS his girlfriend and his mother
>After being rejected so many times and failing as a comedian, he sinks to being a clown (which is looked down upon as the lowest of the low in his circle)
>Arthur's turn comes when his mother dies and reveals he is the lovechild of Thomas Wayne and he takes part in a bank robbery where he is used as the fall guy
>Failing at comedy and rejected by a local comedy club promoter, his darker side comes out when he threatens to hurt the family of a producer-type where he manages to use TV to captivate people pitting the poor against the rich he kills the family - the joke being that they had painless deaths
>Thomas Wayne is not a bad person but because of Arthur's bitterness - he uses the Joker character to completely absorb himself into it and it influences the whole city
>Everything leads up to two points
>Revealing to the world - his grand joke or his ace up the sleeve
>and the death of Thomas Wayne and his wife (not by him - but because of the influence has on people)
>After he is arrested and does a lot of interviews from Prison
>There's a montage of all the people he has "helped" who look at him as an inspiration and an idol
>The homeless child we see watching Bruce mourn his parents on a television outside of a store is implied to be the real joker we all know.
>The whole film is basically how we give attention to mass-murders like Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer - and put them into a sort of celebrity status

You can fuck black girls without having to have a baby with them. Chill out, dude. Condoms and contraception exist if you're so fucking worried about your race magically not breeding anymore.

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Cunt has no lips

Based. /ourgirl/ confirmed yet again.

Attached: 20393953_1809214869390683_5659103236250927104_n.jpg (1080x1350, 176K)

Who gives a shit about the white race or black race? You won't live forever,most of you won't even hit 60.

why are black incels not a notable thing? this shit is hilarious

Attached: 1553801833752.jpg (1080x1350, 145K)

Essentially. All niggers are actually.

>Doesn't understand the concept of domestication of wild animals via controlled breeding
Just allow white male sex tours in Africa and it will happen just like wolves to dogs by 2150. Or fuck off back to the hapa circle jerk on /pol/

Does he actually die?

Got your lips right here bro. Nice and plump, ready for the pickin'

Attached: Jocelyn-Wildenstein-Cat-Woman-Plastic-Surgery.jpg (645x773, 93K)

It's literally the other way around, at least on Yea Forums.

>t.someone who married a black woman
My condolences, cuck.

>whitoid women jpg

White men are frail cucks in general. That's why I'll have mutt children: I want them to inherit my white intelligence AND black dominance (physical and non-physical). I want my children to be smart bulls.

>writes these kinds of jokes
Can someone tell me what jokes he'll actually tell? These are his B material, right?

Attached: Joker Jokes.jpg (749x773, 52K)

Have sex

>Does he actually die?

God I wish I had a black gf.

Attached: 1539204755423.jpg (885x1002, 140K)

Can we at least all agree that pibulls should be gassed?
What a shit breed honestly.


Attached: 1554504420435.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

>the worst part f living in a society is people expecting you to behave as if you DON'T!

With all that much she injected on her face I’m surprised her lips aren’t bigger than that

>White men

Anyone remember that Jim Carrey film where he had schizophrenia and three black children? Name?

Oh, but I'm not talking about pitbulls. I'm talking about big, muscular, dominant, successful men that cuck whites.

Wish this story was true outside of dragging Thomas Wayne through the mud. The whole Batman story only works when his parents have their halos and aren't pieces of shit.


So THIS is the kind of user that posts about “Ebony Queens”. Woah...

Attached: 02E7792A-A2EC-4B81-8FA3-9793678CCC55.jpg (283x326, 27K)

A Series of Unfortunate Events?

Why isn't this me????? Aaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg

This is a BRUTAL mog

Fair enough, but I was talking about the dog breed.
Gas shitbulls.

Me, Myself and Irene

It's just biology. I want the best for my children. This means my genes have to be blacked.

Jannyyy you forgot to delete this one!!

Attached: 1533935836107.webm (264x480, 1.97M)


Attached: 1484802282758.jpg (1322x1040, 220K)

This KILLS the Niggerlover.

Attached: D042632B-13AD-4210-B2A7-D331F810653A.jpg (1080x1080, 1.41M)

I just can't get excited about another damned Joker movie.

I don't find mental illness all that interesting.

Anyone remember that scene from Blade one? The black chick and that vampire in a white clean room,with bed and computer

don't half of everyone?

I already have herpes in my DNA,everyone can make herpes. Most peoplemadeherpes when they were children,it stays in your DNA forever after that. But you are an illiterate black boi that's angry.