If I looked like this guy all my problems would be gone

If I looked like this guy all my problems would be gone...

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If I didn't have a receding hairline all my problems would be gone

is that jizz all over him?

youd still be a faggot op

If I weren't born all my problems would be gone.

/fit/ are all suicidal virgins

dude not really, getting fit makes you realize how shitty most people are as they start to treat you better

>that obvious stomach sucking
>looks like he’s covered in semen
Who is this show for?

It wasn't until I became /fit/, took my glasses off and got a personality that I realized how shitty this effect is. It's like you're "okay" now.
-You wanna have lunch with us user?
Fuck the world and fuck Orson Welles. Overrated garbage director.

Literally me. Life would be a dream

hurr durr what do people treat me better now that i'm better

he's a walking plank of wood

>me-me-mellenial wants to talk about itself again.
self absorbed faggots live over at /r9k/

joel kinnaman literally has a receding hairline

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Because they are ugly and short as well, while this guy has it all.

does his heart litteraly look like fucking ana de armas


His wife is pure trash.

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Some people can pull it off, while others you take one look and your eyes start watering due to how bad it looks.

Not personality-wise user. Besides, you wouldn't be able to maintain that physique.

jesus christ, she looks like some fucking mexican gangbanger, what the actual fuck

Something tells me she's far prettier than whatever you're bedding.

also this
I look like nice guy and ir bothers me that if i look like ugly asshole no one to even speak to me

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She’s not :^]

Found the incel.

bet he should consult you before the marriage

Judging by his arms and chest the only reason he isn't looking similar is employability.

You deserve to be treated like shit for looking like it

He doesn't even look that good. Just hit the gym for a few years and actually eat

they divorced

>and got a personality

>white-knighting a literal chad

If I wasn't black all my problems would be gone unironically serious


Don't judge

Why can Americans literally not get enough of scandi cock?


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Doesnt matter when you are a handsome chad

>junkie kinnaman
no homo

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Based Holder
>actually improves upon Scandinavian murder mystery in american remake with original character
What did he mean by this?

except if you're looking for rich sugar daddies who are mostly top

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I would kill to look like this. But no, I had to get the curly hair and chubby face genetics.

I enjoyed the American version but how is it better than the original one?

You think that's bad? I started going bald at 15, thanks a lot God.

Yep. That's why people are shit, as are you, little thread rat.

Delete this

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As a whole? I prefer the final season of the american reboot over the final season of the scandinavian one by a mile, far as Holder is concerned I just like what he brought to the table. Character felt authentic/believable and made the show something new instead of just an Americanized rehash.

this is why i'll never be jealous of hollywood types even though they're fitter, more handsome, taller and richer than me. i will always be happier living my normal life surrounded by normal decent people :)

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Yeah yeah dont hate the player etc.

They'd just be replaced by new problems. This is the reality of life, son. Own your shit and get on with it.

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Very average face, but decent height and body.
This aesthetic can be achieved by pretty much anyone, but it helps if you're a lanklet.

He's with a new model gf now?

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Can you pull off this look if you're a normie?

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That's not receding dipshit, that's just a normal hairline for whatever weird mutt genes he has. For it to be receding, the front must be receding. Here it's clear that the front of his hair is 100% healthy



Kek that's a very optimistic take

yikes why would you post this

Even being ripped and good-looking cant fix having a sucky personality.
t. extremely handsome user with no personality

What the fuck is up with his belly button?

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how do you know you have no personality? what's your favorite joke?

How does that make people shitty ?
Is it wrong be more receptive and positive to better people ?

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It's called an outie. They're incredibly hot.

Because of high school the only thing I know how to do socially is seem intimidating enough to make people avoid me.

At least you can get pussy now

He deserves better

Some people's umbilical cord just won't sink in naturally. His parents and himself didn't bother to fix it.

how many job interviews have you flunked? because i've flunked many

Outies are disgusting. I want to core them out every time I see them.

Get a personality off the internet, it's 2019.
>be me 2 years ago
>research most likeable celebrity personalities
>study R.Reynolds and Crisp Rat religiously for a month
>am literally them now
It's that simple.

What do you get when you cross a Samoan and a nigger? Some mo niggers.

he had surgery to fix his pectus excavatum

But part of my sucky personality is I can't ever lie or act fake in any way.

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Oh, you can, believe me. You WILL.
It is your destiny. Pretty soon it will become second nature. Practice, Practice, Practice.

>who kind of look like a dude

based chad user. you can be my friend even though you'll mog me

>have "problems"
>all of them solved by something superficial

If only poverty and conflict could be solved by having good looks.

How many black men jizzed on him?

how about this.

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>If only poverty and conflict could be solved by having good looks.
They can. Well, and money, to be fair.
But yeah, good looks and money are unironically the most important thing in the world.

That is literally a man's face

Dude has kinky tastes

>Even being ripped and good-looking cant fix having a sucky personality.
So women want to suck your dick until you open your mouth ? How's that possible wtf ?

Man if you only knew all the things I've screwed up by telling people the truth. Its like this powerful autism I have.
Girls like assholes who lie not assholes who tell them the truth.


Cleo is cute and very talented!

She looks like a trans and she messed up her body bad. She’s bisexual though.

What's shitty about that, you faggots? Nobody likes fat disgusting slobs. Your appearance mirrors your mind.
I don't see you hanging out with hobos, you fucking hypocrites.

I come off as extremely polite and withdrawn but with random outbursts of either being very awkward or a huge asshole. I'm very socially uncomfortable.
If you met me you would think I was a Chad for awhile and then slowly start to think I was a serial killer.

Read some novels.

>I don't see you hanging out with hobos, you fucking hypocrites.
You haven't looked closely enough in that case. I would genuinely, unironically, from the bottom of my heart, sacrifice each and every single one of you in exchange for the life of a "just okay" hobo.
Doesn't even have to be the personable, charismatic or funny. Just not entirely off his rocker either, you know what I'm saying?

Is it just me or does something about her look... gentlemanly? Supremely gentlemanly.

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Alright you *looks both ways* cunts, I'm out, I'm done schooling you, I'm off the supermarket to buy food. As you were fuckos. *leaves*

>DUDE people treat me better now but it's terrible I swear to god LMAO

Nooooooo!!! Don't leave cuz!!

came to post this

This is so true. I kinda wish I could erase some people from memory because their treatment of me before getting fit was atrocious.

>never invited me to stuff
>actually discouraged me against going to the gym because "it's not you,user"
>was the butt of all the jokes because I was a skelly

I got fit and I fixed my posture (I am 6'2 but I slouched to probably 5'11) and suddenly we are good, people who actively ignored me now remember that we went to high school and some girls even want me who never gave me a time of day. It's shitty and I wish I had the guts to move to a foreign country to start a new life.

Why not just move to a different town or state? Or ignore those people?