Ham Burgera general /hbg/

>caught on camera screaming and threatening his manager after he turns up late for a 'show' and theres nobody there to see him
>hosts his own festival at castlebam but the township and police shut it down and block the roads
>they need to move location 4 times due to police interference
>when they finally get a location theres hardly any attendees and theyre all fat and old
>the standup 'comedian' is cringe and insults the attendees
>nikki leaves him and takes all his credit cards

youtube.com/watch?v=9VbYZWtAVNk [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=4sbWmiLI-Fg [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=6QJH851gwOg [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=bfEhJ8AknBw [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=Cn7HJ3XSaOM [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=NeFjclsnVJk [Open]

>that one wanker in the white at 00:10 who comes out of nowhere to sucker bam
youtube.com/watch?v=vvXLv8xs97w [Open]


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Stop shilling this irrelevant loser you fat shit

Is this the start of the Alimony bam arc?

>Its another Ape and Phil act shocked and angry at Bams antics even though he's making them multi-millionares and we're supposed to believe they give a flying fuck about a blown up car or shit smeared on the wall episode


Sad stuff to see how washed up they are

Not sad in Bam's case. He was always doing the easiest stunts and whine the most.

they're not really washed up, Bam just has obvious mental problems

Fucking pathetic

>Nikki left him
Good, he didnt deserve the credit he got and he sure as shit didnt deserve her
>tight goth gf
He only got her bc she wore nostalgia goggles

i have alcoholic tendencies when i start drinking and go on binges for days until i'm alsmost suicidal and have night sweats and shakes but i'm so thankful i can actually stop if i want. it truly is a depressing existence, nearly ruined my life.

Agreed. I see this copypasta every day, and it's getting boring.

Who cares what you think

>it's another episode of Yea Forums seethes over successful, likeable people

Attached: q5OL30E.jpg (250x174, 5K)

Attached: feel fat feels 2.jpg (650x509, 38K)

I check Yea Forums every couple of weeks and I an enjoying the thread so far.

Formerly Chuckcessful

Have we officially entered the Hamburg Era?

Bam and Vinny were on CT, but why the fuck did the fat looser ranted at them after that shit show? They didn't fucked it up.


it's Cum Town reddit autism again

fuck off

Bam it's OK bro your gonna make it you can stop with the (anonymous) larp
Love u bro fuck the hatwrs I get u senpai

I'm sorry that I have to make a post responding to this, but it feels necessary
Everyone reading, please stop replying to these threads. It doesn't belong on Yea Forums and it is a bankrupt "joke". Yeah Bam sucks and is a loser, he is literally not worth having a general over. The best thing you can do is to read this, leave the thread and not contribute to similar threads in the future

CuM ToWn!!!!

Jazz and 600 Pound Kino threads are two items on a very short list of things that make me happy while living in a society, and those threads have been lacking. These Hamburger threads are helping me keep my shit together.

hes a piece of shit and deserves it all

Who here cum town??

Wow, he's become the new Don Vito. NuVito.