Why do right wingers love Snyder so much. Armond white, Ben shaprio, that dude from the american cinema foundation podcast, and sonny bunch all are hardcore apologists for Snyder. I watched watchmen last night and thought it was pretty good. But i dont get why these dude like it so much. I havent seen any of his other cape shit but was hoping somebody could would elaborate.
Zack Snyder
i dont know what a right winger is or who ben sharpy is but your image is broken bro
Its just a picture of watchmen and i didnt spell anything wrong
Cmon you guys spend all day sucking armonds dick and now you wont even explain wtf he means
He's a masculine talented man and his movies aren't full of virtue signalling diarrhea, but rather masculine. Masculinity is what the west is utterly lacking right now and would solve a lot of the problems at hand.
>praising the guy who's contradictory for attention
Yep, sounds like /poltv/
He's right a lot of the time though.
He has a lot of dumbfuck opinions but at this point hes more interesting that all the sheeple writing 10/10 reviews for The last jedi.
What is there to bump? Snyder movies portray and encourage masculinity and self-improvement and are aesthetically more similar to classic cinema, than any of the current shit. Snyder's movies are plausible and don't rely on feels over plot. He's deconstructing without destroying whatever property/concept he visits. His movies also have a fair amount of Christian sensibilities.
Should I watch man of steel and B v S then? I heard theyre bad from most of this board?
I personally love them. Pay attention and you may too. Prefer BvS over MoS because I can relate more to the core theme of the Bruce Wayne story, the better script (many may disagree) and because of the superior aesthetics. If you decide to watch them, definitely watch the Extended Cut of BvS.
Youve talked me into it. I am going against most other accounts ive heard of them. But the people who say theyre good love them.
OP, because he's an Ayn Rand worshipping closet faggot who fills his movies with homoerotic machismo and casts beefcake like Cavill or Momoa or twink fuckboi's like Erza Miller!!!FACT!!!
Don't expect capeshit. They are way closer to character studies, though a lot of it is portrayed visually and especially allegorically, less via dialogue.
Because his movies aren't cucked with radicalized politics from either side. He tells his stories with a fair, unbiased lens. Take the post-911 sociopolitical interpretation of BvS, for example:
>Superman: visible immigrant
>Clark Kent: fully assimilated *invisible* immigrant
>Bruce Wayne: America/Western society
>Alfred: U.K.
>Lex: M-I Complex, corporate elite
>Zod: Al Qaeda/"alien" extremism
>Doomsday: ISIS/"alien" extremism
Superman feels a measure of guilt over the destruction and loss of life in the Battle of Metropolis(911), and he's allowing that guilt to silence him in its aftermath. He's ducking out on any responsibility for his part in it, actively not having much of a voice in things for much of the film, trying to let good deeds do all the talking for him.
In contrast, Clark Kent, the "invisible" alien, has no problem speaking out against injustices as he sees them. He has no problem calling out what he(rightly) sees as the Batman's tactics trampling on the civil liberties of people, criminals or not, by circumventing due process and the justice system.
Bruce is traumatized by the loss of friends and loved ones he witnesses and embarks on a "war" against the alien, dragging his reluctant British ally along with him who is calling him out for his willingness to resort to increasing brutality(torture, marking "undesirables") from the onset. Alfred knows that Bruce is really just engaged in a vendetta for which Superman is just an easy target, not really an enemy and that Bruce is justifying his vengeance as a war, citing not anything that Superman has done, only what he *might* do.
Lex is meddling in places he shouldn't be, orchestrating confrontations and disrupting dialogue between opposing sides all for his own benefit. That's present from the scene with the warlord and carries forward through the rest of the film.
>i'm ignorant on the topic
>i have watched one movie out of 30
>but follow e-celebs and their opinions a lot
>please spoonfeed me
how about you kys yourself instead op
Man of Steel and BvS are like part 1 and part 2 of the same movie (pure kino). Watch the director's cut (extended edition) of BvS bc they cut 30 min from the theatrical cut.
To continue:
Lex is playing Superman and the Batman off one another in precisely the same way he manipulated events in the desert earlier in the film. He has no interest in these men talking to each other in a constructive way, and that's just as true of the undercover CIA officer(foreshadowing the Batman) and the warlord(foreshadowing Superman) as it is of the film's two other principal characters. Lex is manufacturing controversy and conflict because it serves his ends. It's to his benefit that these men kill each other instead of engage in any sort of meaningful dialogue.
What he doesn't anticipate is them finding common "ground," so to speak. That common ground is named Martha. In the film, Martha and several of the other female characters represent different aspects of the world. In Martha's case, she is "world as nurturing mother." In understanding that she is a world they both share, their conflict ends. They have to work together to save her. Bruce at last confronts his obsession head-on, realizing that by losing himself in pursuit of vengeance he very nearly became that which he hates the most - not a crusading, righteous knight, not a soldier in a just war, just a murderer.
Lex uses Zod's corpse along with some of his own blood to birth Doomsday, a dangerous monster he might have *thought* he could control. This is a reference to how our own M-I Complex "bled" money all over Iraq in the aftermath of Saddam's fall and how using that money and the training they'd received from CIA advisors, ISIS was reborn from Al Qaeda's "corpse."
This is just Lex's latest manufactured conflict. Regardless if whether he can control the monster, regardless of who ultimately wins in a fight between the monster and the heroes, he's confident he can kill it, even if he has to use a proxy to accomplish the feat(see Wonder Woman). Lex gets to look blameless, or at least like he was always working with the best of intentions, and besides, he *did* kill it, didn't he? He was right about the "aliens" all along - they're dangerous, uncontrollable beheading lunatics. I mean, Superman *did* show up carrying Bruce Wayne's head, right?
Trust Lex. At least he's trying to protect us from those guys.
Give it a try...at the end of the day u r watching the 2 most iconic superhéroes.
And to sum up my initial point, this is what I mean when I say his films are more fair-minded. He draws a distinction between the American people and the elite who manipulate them. His Batman, even at his worst, lost in the depths of his obsession, is still a heroic figure. His Superman is *right* to feel guilt, but he’s wrong in letting it cripple and muzzle him. Much that’s wrong in their world is born of both his past actions and his present inactions.
Snyder’s film give us a world that’s better than ours, where the West learns to stop obsessing on what the “alien” *might* do and instead start paying more attention what *is* being done and what *is* being said, and that Eastern “alien” learns that it can only be seen as heroic by the West if it takes up the lance and starts killing the monsters being born of its culture.
If we’re going to save this world we share, we’re going to have to do it together.
i wonder if anyone read all of this
I disagree with White about 80% of the time, but he has an excellent command of prose and can support his assertions very well.
You caught me. Guess what? Go fuck yourself now.
He literally defended transformers 2 and sounded intelligent while doing jt.
Transformers 2 isn't even that bad. The other sequels are much worse.
He's the only director in capeshit who understands cinematography and lighting
Sure his is in a grimdark way but at least it has style and tone
Just look at any still compared to any marvel movie outside of iron man 1 when marvel still gave a shit
imagine unironically legitimately caring about capeshit lmao
And that’s just one angle on it. This film is a baroque masterpiece.
Imagine being a brainlet incapable of distinguishing and calling everything involving capes shit.
It's literally just one user who starts these threads to discuss Snyder. Less and less people care these days.
No you fucking pseud cunt this is my first time posting about snyder. Most of the time im here just to rip on marvel and sneed.
>ben sharpy
He's some nobody that people only know about because he rides on the coattails of his sister's fame.
Dem milkers
>would solve a lot of the problems at hand
ya it really wouldn't. it caused a lot of the problems in fact. but this isn't the thread ferret and i'll just have to assume you're baiting (in which case good work)
I liked Snyder's other films even though they get a mixed wrap. I'll check this out too
I am sure you do.
>it wouldn't
I did, grateful to whoever did all that spoonfeeding
imagine thinking praise of masculinity is bait. imagine what this poster looks like irl
because theyre among the few people that relate to the deception that takes place at the end
I think you should apologize to him. Y'know, if you care about redemption at all
Always watch something for yourself, but in m opinion they're trash. Poor acting, awful dialogue, ham-fisted references and weak antagonists
They're capeshit trying to be something else and it doesn't work
Dumbfuck. Yes i post about snyder everyday you dumb incel
Have sex
Im sorry youre such a faggot user
>imagine what this poster looks like irl
Lmao. I don't know if you're the same autist but you're just as easy to trigger.
>get mocked for being paranoid and retarded
>omg youre triggered
Because his films typically reproduce a right-wing worldview. 300 is the best example I think but I don't watch a ton of his flicks. He has a strong eye for visuals that he applies to glorifying reactionary imagery/individuals(fictional/historical).
lol, I wish I floated in your bliss
Nice spergout.
What's keeping you from it?
I read the stuff and I really loved it, Snyder was only trying to use capeshit to share his ideology so woke people could understand it, I really appreciated you bringing this to light for us!
Thanks guys.
Snyder is a fucking hack and his movies are for brainlets.
>Why do right wingers love Snyder so much
He's always been a corporatist and military industrial propagandist.
300 was made when it was to keep the rabble roused about the Terror Wars after people started to realize the occupation of Iraq was a disaster.
And MoS is literally about letting everyone else die to save yourself. The whole reason the movie is such a shit show is they took an altruistic heroic ubermensch and tried to shove in a bunch of half-thought-out Libertarian and objectivist and "conservative" themes that fundamentally clashed with the character and the genre.
And then BvS is literally fascism propaganda. Batman is literally some Stand Your Ground zimmerman nigger that drives around in a tank with a turret murdering security contractors for no reason.
It's some kind of bizarre art form to be wrong with every single word you type.
>And then BvS is literally fascism propaganda
Its the opposite in fact
Movie was written by Terrio, who is left-winger
>nah uh
Not enough stronk and independent wimin
>300 is the best example
He literally only adapted Frank Miller´s comics dumbass
yeah the reason the movie is such a fucking joke is precisely because they took a script that was fundamentally built around empathy and coming to humanize your enemy, but it was executed by some meathead jock faggot propagandist.
The whole Martha reveal falls flat because the goddamn director fundamentally didn't give a shit about it and made no effort to build the movie around it. He even ACTIVELY sabotaged it by cramming in the Flash "Lois is the key to it all" autism immediately after the knightmare sequence that was SUPPOSED to be about fucking Martha. Batman was SUPPOSED to be obsessed the entire time about who "her" was in the script, but fucking retard Snyder and his enabler wife decided half-way through production to shove in a commercial for a different movie and fucked it all up.
Save hex.
I mean frank miller is a reactionary psycho too...dawg
no he added the part where the senator rapes the protagonist's wife, the protagonist's wife leads a coup and takes over the senate, and it's revealed that the senator was being paid by the enemy.
Most of the more overtly fascist messaging in the movie was added by the brainlet.
>thinking anyone here cares about some reddit blog post
>MoS is literally about letting everyone else die to save yourself.
Could've sworn he saved the entire world from not just one Kryptonian, but a fucking bunch and their world-destroying spaceship.
Words have meanings. Look them up if you're confused.
Anyway, the part you're confused about is that Batman had bottomed out as a hero, after the death(?) of Robin at the hands of the Joker. He was now just a bitter vigilante, and the movie relates his redemption arc. You're welcome.
Why do you people need to bring political sides to his movies, I mean his movies are trying to be smart but end up being on 12 year old level of "smartness".
> you people
Except other people call his movies political, some even called BvS fascist.
How is life without a penis?
Is Rorschach a fascist?
>The whole Martha reveal falls flat because the goddamn director fundamentally didn't give a shit about it and made no effort to build the movie around it.
You must've shown up late, because I'm pretty sure the opening sequence was Wayne's father dying with the word "Martha" his last words.
>Is Rorschach a fascist?
Yes, but a very incorruptible one
a broken clock is right twice a day.
It´s a freudian idea called identification
This. There even was a dream sequence with blood coming out of her grave. The guy you've responded to is retarded.
>Could've sworn he saved the entire world from not just one Kryptonian, but a fucking bunch and their world-destroying spaceship.
And he did it in a sequence that is noted for the creative decision to evoke 9/11. The whole movie leading up to that shit is his adopted dad telling him not to be a hero, then his ghost dad telling him he's literally space jesus. It's narcissism/egoism training to teach "conservatives" and kids how to think like self-involved, self-important faggots.
>Words have meanings. Look them up if you're confused.
I've very literally talking about the academic concept of "fascism." Showing Gotham as literally being a fail state where the police headquarters has been overrun by crime and abandoned, is literally fascism messaging strategy.
>Anyway, the part you're confused about is that Batman had bottomed out as a hero
Yes. Because society is evil and crime has broken him and now he has to resort to giving out "death penalties" and is gleefully murdering random poor people (but not the billionaire terrorist at the end! He doesn't get the death penalty!)
The creative decision to make "what falls has fallen" batman was made because that lets him abandon the fundamental aspect of Batman's motivation that is too librul for the Zakk attakk. He had to kill the baddies he was in fear for his life! They were coming right for him!
>He was now just a bitter vigilante
yeah Zakky didn't want to make a Batman movie. He wanted to make a Punisher movie. Because he's literally a propagandist for fascism.
>and the movie relates his redemption arc.
yeah when he becomes an apostle for space jesus. His "redemption arc" is realizing his mommy has the same name as Superman's mommy, then he goes and goes to save Superman's mommy (while Superman literally does nothing for no reason), and then almost kills her by shooting a dude IN THE FLAMETHROWER.
>Why do you people need to bring political sides to his movies
he literally ruins his movies with his political autism. You can't NOT talk about it.
You're a brainlet.
Don’t encourage him. He literally gets off on abuse.
You didn´t even read what i ve posted, brainlet
The movie is a criticism of fascism, retarded
>And he did it in a sequence that is noted for the creative decision to evoke 9/11. The whole movie leading up to that shit is his adopted dad telling him not to be a hero, then his ghost dad telling him he's literally space jesus. It's narcissism/egoism training to teach "conservatives" and kids how to think like self-involved, self-important faggots.
Literally the opposite of fascism. It's individualism.
>I've very literally talking about the academic concept of "fascism." Showing Gotham as literally being a fail state where the police headquarters has been overrun by crime and abandoned, is literally fascism messaging strategy.
You're literally retarded.
>Yes. Because society is evil and crime has broken him and now he has to resort to giving out "death penalties" and is gleefully murdering random poor people (but not the billionaire terrorist at the end! He doesn't get the death penalty!)
He was broken and Superman's shown him the light. The death penalties were made to be death penalties by Lex Luthor paying for the murder of branded inmates.
>The creative decision to make "what falls has fallen" batman was made because that lets him abandon the fundamental aspect of Batman's motivation that is too librul for the Zakk attakk. He had to kill the baddies he was in fear for his life!
It makes him explore the character origins, you mongoloid. Batman was vengeful his whole life, until he managed to save Martha.
>yeah when he becomes an apostle for space jesus. His "redemption arc" is realizing his mommy has the same name as Superman's mommy, then he goes and goes to save Superman's mommy (while Superman literally does nothing for no reason), and then almost kills her by shooting a dude IN THE FLAMETHROWER.
His redemption arc is him realizing how driven by the fear of impotence he's been and finally overcoming his trauma by saving Martha. Superman couldn't find her himself before and flew to the Kryptonian ship, which was his responsibility.
You're a stupid reddit nigger literally kys.
He made ZERO effort to do anything useful in the edit. He's one of the worst directors ever when it comes to actually overseeing the creative editing in his movies. They took a script that was meant to be edited with a creative vision similar to what Nolan does with all the montage editing and recurring thematic conversation so something stupid out of context, like a spinning top, is hugely important to EVERYONE that just watched the movie.
Putting a retarded poem in the beginning and his dad doing a faggy Rosebud meme, then randomly throwing the Manbat sequence somewhere in the second act, then sabotaging the Knightmare with the Lois meme, didn't magically make the MUH'RTHA plot pivot work. That's why everyone makes fun of it. He did the bare minimum that was in the script but didn't give a SHIT about actually executing it competently in the edit so that the audience knows they're supposed to remember how his dad said Martha 2 hours ago. He directs the commercial bits and fucking phones in everything else.
You're a coward.
You're a sniveling bitch. Let me spit in your mouth.
>can't read
>calls people brainlet
project less loser
Nobody is reading your fucking reddit blog you sandy cunt.
>The whole movie leading up to that shit is his adopted dad telling him not to be a hero, then his ghost dad telling him he's literally space jesus.
Wow, it's like he has a developmental arc where he has to arrive at his own identity and moral standing. Imagine that.
>It's narcissism/egoism training to teach "conservatives" and kids how to think like self-involved, self-important faggots.
As opposed to virtue signalling for all the downtrodden hobos and trannies and po' black folks so you can score meaningless points on Twitter? Good.
>Showing Gotham as literally being a fail state where the police headquarters has been overrun by crime and abandoned, is literally fascism messaging strategy.
Truly a first in a Batman movie.
>Because society is evil and crime has broken him and now he has to resort to giving out "death penalties" and is gleefully murdering random poor people (but not the billionaire terrorist at the end! He doesn't get the death penalty!)
Post-redemption arc spares Luthor.
>Zakky didn't want to make a Batman movie. He wanted to make a Punisher movie.
He's asking why Batman doesn't just turn into the Punisher or Rorschach, same as he's asking why Superman doesn't just turn into Dr. Manhattan. The movie is about opening up and listening to other people (like Alfred, Supes, Flash and WW), not going it alone as a bitter old dick.
>His "redemption arc" is realizing his mommy has the same name as Superman's mommy, then he goes and goes to save Superman's mommy
Not just that...he realizes that it's the death of Supes mom (and not Lois) that turns him into Darkseid's henchman.
>didn't give a SHIT about actually executing it competently in the edit so that the audience knows they're supposed to remember how his dad said Martha 2 hours ago
Kek. There a flashback to the scene of his parents' murder right there, you fucking retard.
>being this asshurt you weren't spoonfed every plot element and had to fucking think about what you watched instead
>You're a coward.
always the same exact 30 IPs in these pathetic Snyder circlejerk threads
>how do IPs work
Oh nono look at this dood he didn’t wait for the image to load
>Literally the opposite of fascism. It's individualism.
Eh it's the perception of individualism. And it's really not even that. It's just narcissism.
>You're literally retarded.
dope argument loser. Why not shoot yourself in the brain today? Do it in your mom's room.
>He was broken and Superman's shown him the light.
Through a bunch of religious christian renaissance imagery awkwardly shoved into it.
No part of any of this ISNT "conservative." Whatever the fuck your argument is you're not making it.
>Batman was vengeful his whole life, until he managed to save Martha.
By killing! He's still the Punisher! And not just killing but killing in the most retarded way possible. He causes an explosion 2 feet away from Superman's mommy.
And again, Superman can apparently hear when his fuck buddy is in trouble in Africa, but can't hear a flame thrower a few blocks away. And he does nothing in the meantime. Just trusts the guy that was trying to murder him a minute ago to go save his mommy by himself.
>The death penalties were made to be death penalties by Lex Luthor paying for the murder of branded inmates.
Pretty sure Snyder even said that wasn't the intent. And there's nothing in the fucking movie that says or shows this happening so shut the fuck about it. If that was the intent, then SNYDER FAILED AS A DIRECTOR. And if that was the intent, then that makes Batman NOT giving a death sentence at the end EVEN LESS MEANINGFUL. The point of the "death sentence" was to establish that he had fallen. The point of showing him not give it at the end is to show that he has ascended again. But they fuck it all up and Snyder has repeatedly made it clear that he didn't realize ANY of this shit was the point. He just thought Batman should kill people if he was ascared for his life. Zimmerman Batman.
>His redemption arc is him realizing how driven by the fear of impotence
lol projection
Conservatives worship Jews and Ayn Rand was the Jewistest of then all.
>Why not shoot yourself in the brain today
I recognize that spelling. You're a mentally deficient individual.
>Through a bunch of religious christian renaissance imagery awkwardly shoved into it.
Pic related.
>No part of any of this ISNT "conservative."
And that's a good thing, you libshit cock gobbler.
>By killing! He's still the Punisher! And not just killing but killing in the most retarded way possible. He causes an explosion 2 feet away from Superman's mommy.
He only started killing after Superman appeared because he made him obsess really hard. Never executed anyone. Flamethrower worked out and was again no execution.
>And again, Superman can apparently hear when his fuck buddy is in trouble in Africa, but can't hear a flame thrower a few blocks away. And he does nothing in the meantime. Just trusts the guy that was trying to murder him a minute ago to go save his mommy by himself.
There isn't so much going on in the desert, especially if you know where to look. Not the case for Metropolis.
>And he does nothing in the meantime.
He confronts Lex, dipshit.
>And there's nothing in the fucking movie that says or shows this happening so shut the fuck about it.
KGBeast visits a prison and has someone killing a branded guy.
>lol projection
*wrong pic
>Wow, it's like he has a developmental arc
wow it's like you have a developmental disorder.
The existence of a script doesn't make a movie good. BvS is such autistic shit that "there was a bit of an arc when you squint" is an argument.
>where he has to arrive at his own identity and moral standing.
Yeah they made an entire trilogy about this a decade ago. And it was about him NOT MURDERING PEOPLE.
>As opposed to virtue signalling for all the downtrodden hobos and trannies and po' black folks
exactly it's fascism propaganda. Killing poor people=good. Killing billionaire terrorists=bad.
>Truly a first in a Batman movie.
Literally is. The Martha scene is taking place in the abandoned Gotham PD headquarters. The messaging couldn't have been more obvious.
>Post-redemption arc spares Luthor.
Post-redemption arc shoots a dude with a flame thrower with a machine gun, causing an explosion that almost kills Superman's mom.
>He's asking why Batman doesn't just turn into the Punisher or Rorschach
Yeah exactly. He didn't want to make a Batman movie he wanted to do another pass at Watchmen.
> same as he's asking why Superman doesn't just turn into Dr. Manhattan.
exactly. He didn't want to make a Superman movie he wanted to do another pass at Watchmen.
> The movie is about opening up and listening to other people
Yeah and he hated and didn't care about that part, and made no effort to edit the story so that any of this is coherently executed in the fucking movie. He didn't care about, and apparently even understand, all the librul parts of the script and phoned them in, sabotaging his own movie out of his political autism.
>Not just that...he realizes that it's the death of Supes mom (and not Lois)
you a Mexican? Learn english you degenerate
Go back to listening to some basedboy commie podcast. I hate the fact people like you exist. You're not welcome here. Fuck off. Live your mayfly life as poorly as you want, but don't be an obnoxious cunt about it.
I'm German and my English is pretty good. Yours not so much.
>I'm German
t. Fritz ibn Khalib
>t. jealous retard with inferior genetics
I did. Pretty good analysis desu
>Go back to listening to some basedboy commie podcast.
Unironically go back to rubbit you degenerate newfaggot. You don't have an argument. You literally agree that it's conservative propaganda. What in the FUCK is your point right now?
> I hate the fact people like you exist.
The solution is to kill yourself. Shoot yourself in the brain TODAY you sniveling little loser. Nobody will mind.
>You're not welcome here. Fuck off.
LOL webm related m800.
>Live your mayfly life as poorly as you want, but don't be an obnoxious cunt about it.
I want you to livestream your faggot death. Do not @ me with your degenerate toxic bullshit. Learn how to engage with an argument instead of lashing out and attacking the people saying the things that give you cognitive dissonance.
You're going to die a virgin and it's entirely your fault.
>tfw democratic socialist who appreciates Zack's kino
Wow what a disaster of a post
>nigger barbarians thinking they're superior
This thread goes in my backlog
>demanding movies be simpler and less intellectually taxing
>wanting to see some sinister fascist "message" where one doesn't exist
Can't relate.
He mad.
If anyone should kill themself in this thread, it’s you. I’ve never seen anyone more consumed with sublimated self-loathing. You project your lack of imagination and intellectual mediocrity through focusing medium of your seething envy.
>demanding movies be simpler and less intellectually taxing
t 15 year old.
Shoving renainnance imagery into a movie to sell toys to babies isn't "intellectually taxing." The existence of uppity pretentious horseshit only makes it EVEN MORE embarrassing when you fuck up basic shit. When the movie came out, the buzz wasn't everyone talking about the subtext of the movie. That shit was the only garbage in it that wasn't ambiguous. Everyone was asking what the fuck was the point of the bullet? What the fuck was the point of the convoy attack if he could just steal it from the lab later? Who the fuck thought the wheelchair bomb plot was a good idea? Why did Lex have a graphic designed make up logos for the superheros he had on his computer? Why did Batman ask Superman if WW was with him, when Batman invited her? How did Lex know that the Batsignal being lit was Batman challenging Superman? Why didn't Batman save Jimmy Olsen? Why wasn't Clarke Kent fired for refusing to do his job? Why did they go with Lex molesting a Senator with a Jolly Rancher?
The problems with the movie are in the basic execution of entry-level shit.
>wanting to see some sinister fascist "message" where one doesn't exist
I don't understand why you nigger PC cucks get so triggered by what words mean. It's literally fascist. This isn't a value statement.
Explain to me what even is the problem with fascism. Why don't you like the idea that you're drawn to fascist messaging strategy?
>If anyone should kill themself in this thread, it’s you.
>I’ve never seen anyone more consumed with sublimated self-loathing.
The irony is that you hate yourself. You externalize it at strangers because it gives you cognitive dissonance. You literally can't cope.
>You project your lack of imagination and intellectual mediocrity through focusing medium of your seething envy.
You make empty ad homimeme shitposts with no argument. You're a seething virgin LMAOOOO
Post your address.
>The irony is that you hate yourself. You externalize it at strangers because it gives you cognitive dissonance. You literally can't cope.
>no u
>You make empty ad homimeme shitposts with no argument. You're a seething virgin LMAOOOO
What's with the virgin thing?
I'm staying with your mom right now. I'm your new daddy.
>What's with the virgin thing?
I had an argument but you're too virginal and pathetic to engage with it so now we're talking about how you're going to die without ever having had sex.
and also it isn't
>no u
nothing is more pathetic than assblasted virginal cucks that spend all their time externalizing their disaffection at strangers. Successful and smart people are self-loathers. If you're just happy with yourself you're never driven to improve or challenge yourself. You just lazily blame everyone else and attack things that give you cognitive dissonance.
>I had an argument
To the same degree you ever had intercourse, you fucking fat slob.
>Successful and smart people are self-loathers
You are a self-loather and lack all success. You're projecting your shit onto others instead of getting rid of it, faggot.
You're ok, Bro. Don't bother.
>To the same degree you ever had intercourse,
I've been in a 9 year relationship my dude.
> you fucking fat slob.
I weigh 160 lol. Project moar
>You are a self-loather and lack all success.
I'm literally a millionaire.
> You're projecting your shit onto others instead of getting rid of it, faggot.
how are you not just repeating what I said? I'm happy to be a self-loather. Nobody has done more harm to my life than me! I'm motivated forward by self-spite and I'll never be satisfied with myself!
And the only real difference between us is you've been trained to throw away all your bottle at strangers instead of harnessing it for your own ends. The reason you're a permavirgin is your need to tell yourself you're not "self-hating" and all the justification strategies you use to get around the cognitive dissonance you feel about that.
>I've been in a 9 year relationship my dude.
How does Tyrone's cum taste?
>I weigh 160 lol. Project moar
Eh, it's skinnyfat then.
>I'm literally a millionaire.
Sure you are.
>how are you not just repeating what I said? I'm happy to be a self-loather. Nobody has done more harm to my life than me! I'm motivated forward by self-spite and I'll never be satisfied with myself!
Self-loathing isn't the way, you faggot. Self-criticism is important, but you will never be able to enjoy your success, if you're self-loathing. You have serious issues.
All I can make of your shit is you're a disingenuine retard, who rationalized his self-loathing will grant him measurable success at some point, while emanating from his projected state of inceldom. Session closed.
I love Snyder's movies, but I'll be honest. Both MoS and BVS are literally the most divisive films I've ever seen. Apparently, some(including myself) see something that makes them greatest superhero movies ever. And the rest believes those movies shouldn't have even been made. You have to see them yourself to see which one you'll end up.
>How does Tyrone's cum taste?
geez louise no wonder you're a virgin lol. How confused about sex are you?? How much blacked porn do you watch that having sex with a woman leads to a man named Tyrone cumming in your mouth?
>Eh, it's skinnyfat then.
Hell yeah dude. Fuck crunches.
>Sure you are.
Yeah I very literally am.
>Self-loathing isn't the way, you faggot.
Said the virgin LOL
>Self-criticism is important, but you will never be able to enjoy your success, if you're self-loathing.
You don't really enjoy it regardless. Having money just leads to different types of stress. And you can still enjoy learning new things and producing new things and building stuff but "enjoying your success" is a meme for people that haven't been successful but fantasize that they will if they believe hard enough!
>You have serious issues.
Yeah and I use them to my benefit. You have serious issues and use them to fantasize about black cum.
>All I can make of your shit is you're a disingenuine retard
How is this not projecting? You entirely abandoned the discussion about the movie and the concept of fascist messaging strategy to instead attack me for being a weirdo.
> who rationalized his self-loathing will grant him measurable success at some point
It already has I'm making a lot of mailbox money.
>while emanating from his projected state of inceldom.
A: the idea of "inceldom" is inherent nonsense for self-justifying virgins. Celibacy is a choice. It can't be involuntary. The term itself describes the self-justification strategy of the disaffected virgin. I reject the concept, and again I'm very much not a virgin and haven't been for 15 years.
>Session closed.
Whatever you need to tell yourself ya unfuckable faggot. Your unearned sense of self-importance is the reason you're a permavirgin. Stop lying to yourself.
But back to the argument: What is wrong with fascism?
watch more movies
Based Arian btfoing inferior races and their inferior taste on movies
>that image
It's like I'm back on a 14.4 dialup connection.
When it comes to superhero movies definitely. The BvS phenomenon was so weird. It came out surrounded by immense hype, crazy fan theories and rumors, in the middle of the rise of popularity of the MCU and it spawned the most polar opposite reactions between critics and fans and other fans. There hasn't been anything like it recently in the capeshit genre.
>pretending he's volcel
Okay, incel. That much for an after word. Session's closed. Go visit a real doctor or at least take your meds. (You)s won't do.
>the most divisive films I've ever seen.
Everyone but snyder fanboys were either luke warm on it or hated it outright.
Both movies are fine up to their final act where they just become nauseating and offputting.
>There hasn't been anything like it recently in the capeshit genre.
Everything after the release of BvS kept to capeshit formula, making safe bucks, though Legion and even Logan are a bit of an exception.
That's not true. The outright love sure took a bit of time, because one viewing rarely suffices to get even half of what's there out of it.
Because they misinterpret his work because they're brainlettes. Literally ignoring the subtext, which is fairly progressive, and just focusing on the stuff on the surface. He's actually really critical of unhealthy masculinity, and uses the hypermasculine aesthetic to criticize it, but they don't see the meaning just the WOH MASCULINITY SO COOL ZACK IS OUR GUY
>I'm German and my English is pretty good.
no here I'll help
>I recognize that spelling.
this isn't good english. There wasn't anything wrong with the spelling, you should have said like "writing style" or something.
>You're a mentally deficient individual.
And following your misuse of the word "spelling" this just screams "tryhard foreign gook."
>And that's a good thing, you libshit cock gobbler.
The argument was that it was conservative propaganda. And good english would be "cock-gobbler."
>He only started killing after Superman appeared because he made him obsess really hard.
Bad english.
>Never executed anyone.
Bad english. We're talking about him killing people and giving them "death sentences" not executing them.
>lamethrower worked out and was again no execution.
He shot someone to death. And it "worked out" because it's a hack movie.
>There isn't so much going on in the desert, especially if you know where to look.
whatever you're trying to say in this is lost in translation. He was able to hear a conversation on the OTHER SIDE OF THE GLOBE YOU STUPID GOOK NIGGER. What is "critical thinking" in your gooksprecht?
>Not the case for Metropolis.
Except he's able to hear when Lois gets thrown off the building and saves her. You're being thick.
>He confronts Lex, dipshit.
He flies faster than the speed of sound. And he doesn't arrive until after Batman saves the day by himself for no reason. And again we're talking about character motivation, he just lets some asshole deal with his mommy when he is literally Superman.
>KGBeast visits a prison and has someone killing a branded guy.
Maybe in the "this should have stayed out of the cut" cut. Not in the theatrical cut. And again, THIS MAKES IT WORSE. But it also doesn't change the point, Batman is still knowingly giving a "death sentence" to crims.
This isn't your ESL practice board m8. You're proof that globalism is a mistake.
>pretending he's volcel
How many fucking LGBT categories do you have for unfuckable faggots now? YOU'RE JUST VIRGINS! REBRANDING DOESN'T STOP THAT.
Fix you're life kiddo. You're killing your self and it's never going to get better on your current path.
After the capitol bombing and after being shown the letters from Keefe, instead of investigating the bombing himself, he immediately goes and steals the kryptonite from Lex, and then this almost comically hyper masculine montage happens youtu.be
>you should have said like "writing style"
Fair enough.
>And following your misuse of the word "spelling"
Not an argument.
>And good english would be "cock-gobbler."
>Bad english.
Not an argument.
>Bad english. We're talking about him killing people and giving them "death sentences" not executing them.
Nope. You pulled out the Punisher who's actively executing people.
>whatever you're trying to say in this is lost in translation
There isn't much distraction for him, especially if he knows what place to look. Retard.
>He was able to hear a conversation on the OTHER SIDE OF THE GLOBE YOU STUPID GOOK NIGGER
He knew where Lois would be, not precisely the coordinates but enough.
>Except he's able to hear when Lois gets thrown off the building and saves her.
It's a huge building. Way above the city. The skyline isn't nearly as crowded as the city below. Way less distraction.
>And he doesn't arrive until after Batman saves the day by himself for no reason.
He could've chased Batman, but that's it. He had his own task.
>And again we're talking about character motivation, he just lets some asshole deal with his mommy when he is literally Superman.
He knew a lot about Bruce. He knew Bruce would honor his promise. He was severely weakened himself.
>Maybe in the "this should have stayed out of the cut" cut
His unwillingness to investigate comes down to his childhood trauma, which is his fear of not being able to defend himself or those he loves. Call it what you want, but overcompensation isn't bound to one sex.
It's both, and obviously overcompensation isn't bound to one sex, but everything about the montage clearly points to a criticism of specifically masculine flaws.
Where do you live?
It was quite the kino analysis if you ask me. I just hope that the
Snyder Cut gets released and Snyder's full arc for Superman gets to be shown on the big screen!!!FACT!!!
>everything about the montage clearly points to a criticism of specifically masculine flaws
>physically preparing oneself for an upcoming challenge is exclusively masculine.
Don't you think that's a bit sexist?
>I have an argument
Your “argument” is the same Gish gallop whose answers have been ignored by you countless, countless times. If you’re not satisfied with them, you could just move on like a sane person, maybe find new targets for your bile, such as the people propping up “Us” as something other than a clusterfuck of uninspired, hackjob mediocrity, yet here you are still, three years later with precisely the same questions.
You’re a lazy fuck as well as a mental midget with such an appalling lack of moral sophistication that you still can’t draw a distinction between killing and murder, so enjoy this post, because it was more than your entire “argument” warrants.
Dude i clocked out of this thread for a while and found this massive seething faggot
now you're just being ignorant
Fuck off, sexist.
All the knightmare scene was a commercial for Justice League, there were Parademos and everything
Is his cap on sideways or is head?
Der andere Hurensohn hat sich bereits kläglich scheiternd bemüht, das Gegenteil zu beweisen. Glaubst du, deine Chancen wären besser?
Movie would have been 10/10 if they could have casted a Jupiter who could act. Malin Akerman is trash