Disney buy Fox

So what do we think about this deal?

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Scary, any other powerful international companies of the world?
The other I can think of is Alphabet.

The mouse is becoming a god damn monopoly. I think we should burn down Disney world

>Star Wars Episode IV
I thought Disney had the rights to all the movies before though?

Comcast (Universal, ABC, Sky)


James Cameron or M. Night Shyamalan?

nope, not a new Hope, Lucas didnt own it when he sold out.

Well, it's pretty obvious that they're going to buy out the rest of Hulu next. Might as well at this point. Probably roll it over into the streaming service they plan to do

I cant wait for PG rated Alien movies!

Can you imagine Disney owning Fox News though, that would be pretty hilarious

I hate it and I want Disney to capitulate and dissolve as a corporate entity as soon as possible

does this mean that disney owns the film rights to dragon ball now?

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It's great. They're gonna make some good X-Men movies.

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What's gonna be the 5th stone?

Disney has a reputation for bullying cinemas into carrying their movies for long periods. Like "show it for at least the next month, or don't get the movie at all". And they do it with their huge hits, like the Marvel Movies or Star Wars. They run a racket, and force smaller movies out of the way in turn. So basically they're going to double down on this now that they own a lot more valuable IPs, and they'll grow even bigger.

our freedom of speech

>not wanting Disney to but out D.C. so they can rescue that shitfest and reboot the whole thing.

>disney owns the tv rights to batman

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Trust busting when?

Comcast bought Sky Plc. in 2018

A movie like this will never be made again

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>capitalism works

no retard, gotham is made by warner bros television, fox, the channel, which wasn't sold to disney, buys the episodes from WB. why are capeshitters so fucking dumb


Disney owns ABC guys...

Fucking hate it. Endless sequels, no more Wes Anderson and Inarritu kinos. Fuck you Bob Iger and fuck you George Lucas for selling Star Wars ip, which caused the avalanche.

They own the film distribution rights, as well as the possibility of a live action adaptation. Sony owns Funimation, so they effectively own dbz in the us.

>Sky plc UK
for fucks sake thats them raising prices
hopefully it means the on demand service gets much better though

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The 5th stone is Apple buying Disney and everyone needing Apple devices to watch their content in the future.

I meant NBC


Any chance they keep the 20th Century Fox name or similar, and use it to release more mature content without the Disney logo slapped on? Or is it all tinsel and Tinkerbell from here on out?

It’ll be gaming studios.
Watch this space.

You mean NBC, not ABC.

Like AvP? We've had those for decades now.

Remember when governments broke up monopolies

rip fox news
going to be so cucked now

No, that's what happens when Mickey snaps his fingers. The fifth stone is Warner Bros., and the sixth is Apple.

>Disney gets Marvel films.
What the fuck I thought Disney was already responsible for 100% of the capeshit faggotry.

does Hulu become Disney streaming or will Disney keep Hulu and still make their own streaming service but come out with a deal like:

>goyim I see you like streaming
>sign up to Disney streaming for only $19.99 per month and get Hulu free!

This is Disney's true endgame. A 4K resmastered release of the OT.

>Watch this space.
Thanks, I will. Do you have a blog I can subscribe to? Thanks.

Disney gets the Marvel films: X-Men and Deadpool.

Disney will buy the entire entertainment industry at this point. Fuck off, kikes.

Neflix will buy Warner in 8 years. At least those are the plans I've heard around. They specifically want the catalogue and the franchises.

Fuck Kikeflix.

I still hope they bankrupt

They're going to use 20th Century Fox as a marketing label, like Lucasfilm, sadly ;_;

>netflix will buy an ISP in 8 years
please think about the shit you say

I hate how people were cheering this deal on because it meant Ironman gets to quip with Wolverine and Deadpool.

Hitler predicted this

And literally NOTHING of value was lost. Who gives a shit about mouse buying dead franchises? The only bad thing they can do is mutilate the corpse of Futurama.

So when it fails are we finally going to build communism or come with another idea?

Is Disney now too big to fail?

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Disney will be the Standard Oil Company of the film industry 2bh. Once Iger retires in 2021, I can see them fucking up without his guidance and aggressive corporate behavior. Normies need to realize that, without capeshit, Disney is fucked. Their big budget films not part of the MCU flop and so they resort to live action remakes of their famous animation movies. Dumbo recently flopped and people can't stop laughing at Will Smith as the Ginnie. The Mouse can eat shit in the long run 2bh f-a-m.


Star Wars is failing. And I highly, highly doubt people will be eager to see a Mouseified Alien or Planet of the Apes, filled with quips, capes, and 10 year old humor.

Aren't there laws that prevent a company from getting too big and powerful?

big media company also carry many risks if public opinion of them is bad
they also have to make large gamble that might not end well
for now cape shit is their least risky franchise
pixar stuff is up and down
other life action and starwar have bad reputation

Comcast own Sky. Not Disney.

Laws operate within a nation.
Megacorporations operate above and betwen nations.
And they have succesfully made globalism into an unacceptable boogeyman, so there will be no stopping them.

Is Disney bigger than Berkshire now?

Disney ain't even in the top 10 riches companies in US alone
and yes there is a law that stop them from getting FOX news

Iger is responsible for everything outside of capeshit failing. He's focusing on making a media conglomerate to try and make sure at least one piece keeps them afloat instead of focusing on strengthening the disney brand itself.

based Hitler

you are so fucking stupid it's unreal

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Shyamalan Avatar is Nickeledeon/Viacom

Comcast, AT&T, Apple to a degree by cult following

>Disney buys Star Wars and Marvel because they are franchises that trend well with boys in almost every demographic
>a demographics that Disney was struggling reaching (they had girls in similar age groups locked up)
>make the decision upon buying Star Wars to aim it more at girls and assume it will still appeal to boys
>Films make money, but the toys aren't selling and none of the merchandise is moving

Marvel was successful and more or less had a long term plan when Diseny bought them. That being said if what is currently happening in the comic sign of things is a sign of what will happen in the film franchise post Endgame then Marvel movies are fucked.

If they fuck up American dad we’re going to have a big problem boyo


No, they're going to go the route of nuWars and recent Marvel movies and start shoehorning in social politics to the point they kill whatever series it was, off. Hope your ready for the inevitable "Alien that identifies as a human" movie or the inevitable "Ellen Page becomes leader of the X-Men who then goes on to kill all the straight white males of the world" flick.

>Oy vey, goyim, you can't break my corporation up
>We'll move our base of operations and/or financial operations to a country which values us ;^)

Globalism means countries are literally competing to lick the ass of conglomerates like Disney, in order to make have them in their countries. The same way states in the US compete against one another by offering lower corporate tax.
The truly scary part is that the right side in politics supports this because "muh free market", while the left side supports it because the corporations pander to their emotions through "corporate activism".

We really are fucked.


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There's tons and tons of other media companies.

I seriously don't think this is a big deal at all.

Blessed post

trump let it happen

>Haha dude, who cares if 6 conglomerates (now 5 conglomerates) controls 90% of all US media, and it just keeps consolidating as these same conglomerates merge and buy eachother up until there's only 1 or 2 giants left? Ain't nuthin to worry 'bout. Thas' jus' the free market.

The absolute state of you.

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>Mega corporations continue to consolidate power.
>Average person doesn't know or care that a handful of completely unaccountable individuals now wield more power than historical emperors.

The lions share of media people consume on a daily basis pretty much only comes from one of five or six places, and that's pretty fucking scary.
>want to push an idea?
>want to completely block another out?
These companies can do that with pure saturation.

There's literally nothing to worry about. Why should I care about any of this?

Nestle and Unilever

Will Alien TERRORextrial encounter return to the park with the originally intended Aliens theme?
Will Alien: Isolation 2 finally get made?
Will the Simpsons finally get canned?

>disney buy a lot of shit and try to go in every industry
>in one day google/amazon or apple will take over disney and buy them

can feel it

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Hey Yea Forums, if you don't like mega corporations ruling over the world, maybe don't vote Republican next time. Just saying.

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Owning a few movie studios and theme parks is a long way away from ruling the world.

These idiots believe "monopoly" and "market leader" are the same thing, lol.

>Why should I care about any of this?

Ask the Chinese.


Disney isn't the government, user.

What is Joker?

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riddle me this
why the FUCK can't these companies just make GOOD content

It's worse. It's unaccountable.

Because the goal is not to make things that are "good", the goal is to make money.

>fuck fuck FUCK
>fucking FUCK
who cares?

>dude, let's just have one entity own everything instead

Post tfw Disney buys DC

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>dude, let's just ignore most people are retarded and incapable of governing themselves and allow them to start governing others too

>Most people are retarded, so let's have unaccountable mega corporations have monopoly on information, media and infrastructure, which yields them more power than any ancient Emperor could only dream of ;^)

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>tfw no simpsons world

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I think there should be a cap on when corporations can merge with other mega corporations. I want Fox to be a private entity to have competition and not rely on big bucks from Disney so they take risks, also the fact that violence and the general tone of their movies will be more kid friendly presumably


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my Yea Forumsorts are safe from the mouse so I don't care

There is a cap, and the FTC has fairly strict guidelines to abide by. But that doesn't help much when the majority of the people who create the guidelines in Congress receive campaign contributions and promises of well-paid positions when they finally retire from Congress, from the same conglomerates that they create the rules for.

The whole system is rotten to the core.

I thought Sky was owned by disney

Have faith, fellow AlitaChad.

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Ah I didn't know that. That sucks


Breaking up monopolies is communism. Don't you want to make America great again?

How does Hulu work now? It was supposed to be split evenly between Fox, ABC, and NBC. Can't imagine NBC wants to still work with Fox-ABC now that they're one entity.

Despite evidence to the contrary this is not a hivemind.

We'll get something, might not be a sequel even. James might have to get a studio to make another OVA followed by a new series.
Be patient.

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>one company owning all media is bad
>four companies owning all media is fine

go back

...you know Apple would be the ones to acquire Disney, right?

Funny how the narrative being pushed by said mega corporations is anti-Republican (apart from Fox), really makes you think

It's kind of brilliant. They know they have the Republicans on their side due to the free market economics stuff. So they peddle cheap corporate activism through corporate social policy to get the leftists on their side as well.

The Republicans defend them because muh free market. The Democrats defend them because muh equal rights.