What the fuck was Lil Dice's problem?
What the fuck was Lil Dice's problem?
I think they say later in the movie that he is ugly.
>nogs are so alien to us that we have to be told if they're ugly or not
Lil Dilce O CARALHO, meu nome é ZÉ PEQUENO!
I'm confused. Is this film set in 1970's Brazil or 2010's America?
2019 Toronto
He's born in Brazil.
Looks like 2019 Brazil to me.
That cant be right, I didn't see any chinese people buying up all the slums
Holy shit now that I think of it he's an incel
>Lil' Dice
Why were the english names so retarded?
It's not lil dice anymore, now its LIL ZE
Is this actually good? i always avoided it because it seems like the brazilian version of Amelie, normalfags praise it to oblivion because it's the only foreign movie they've seen, even though it's shit.
>Is this actually good?
>i havent seen it
>even though it shit
>the brazilian version of Amelie
wtf user ?
I was talking about Amelie, retard.
It is. But ive been to the favelas so I might be biased.
I can't even imagine being this retarded. Absolute pleb mindset.
Worse than a nigger...a Brazillian nigger...
american niggers are worse than us, tell steal your food, we only steal your money and your dignity.
What kind of a fucking mental midget could compare this absolute masterpiece to that fucking retarded frog fuckers piece of shit.
2019 Sweden
Just the niggers? Clearly you've never been to disneyland. Google it and see how their self proclaimed whites behave
>brazilian nigger
That's a bit redundant, isn't it?
He was ugly and insecure.
what's the difference of this to the 2019 joker?
in the end is all about society's fault
So original.