
TOS edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


me? just LUFF that /trek/ is civilized enough to link the previous thread in the OP for context x


But Spock is overrated and McCoy is underrated

Reddit is calling Captain Pike the greatest Star Trek character of all time after the latest STD episode. Do you agree with them?

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I demand more furry representation

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One beep for yes, two beeps for no


Gang's all in here, not this bot OP

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How did the writers manage to make a mind reader completely useless?

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What the fuck was his problem?

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She wasn't useless to the writers, she was just a plot device for them. Plot device used up their fuck-giving quota for her character.

Star Trek the Animated Series was ahead of its time

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too many wrinkle nose bitches wanting the Dukat D

Yes yes. Take him away!

Looks like your thread got baleeted friend-o

Fuck off, retard


How useful would you really expect an "officer" who wears low-cut, cleavage blouses on the bridge of a govt vessel to be?

What was the Zelda Easter egg in the last STD?


Something about the time crystals and the caverns they were in? Or around the time Linus Snek Tips said Earthbound?

When I was a young boy
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said, son, when you grow up
Would you be the savior of the broken
The beaten, and the damned?
He said, will you defeat them
Your demons and all the non-believers?

The plans that they have made?
Because one day I'll leave you
A phantom to lead you in the summer
To join the black parade

When I was a young boy
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said, son, when you grow up
You will be the savior of the broken
The beaten, and the damned?

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Don't know and don't care

okay so why the FUCK haven't ancient aliens abducted me irl and asked me to be the exotic alien on their crew like in star trek?? am I not good enough for them? I'm nice cute and fun so why doesn't anyone want me..?

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Who is the Vulcan admiral?

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Has anyone got an explanation as to why the Feds medical tech is so fucking helter skelter? They wave devices over traumatic bone breaks and lacerations which heal in seconds. But spinal cords and eyes are too difficult?

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i just want to know... wtf where they thinking when they created the character Seven of Nine?
Yes, she is hot as fuck, but having that female in skin tight uniform kinda brakes the inmersion.

Just like Troy before being asked to use the uniform. Is out of place.
>imagine fucking that female.
my god...

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This, it was the same with any of the catsuits. Just put the women in uniforms ffs

>not a bear

At least be creative, gosh.

I know a retarded fatass dinosaur will never understand this but when you know you're sexy you want to show it off
when you can control an entire room, any room you walk into, with your raw physicality and aroma of lust you do as much as you can to utilize that power
only fatasses and retards get pissy about form fitting outfits but who gives a shit because those kinds of people should he thrown into the ovens anyway
tldr have sex retard

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>Reddit is
Open you're veins.


>wtf where they thinking when they created the character Seven of Nine?
We need something to keep the dads watching and a turtlehead and a menopausal broad ain't cutting it.

I was going to give you a reply against your argument but you had to finish with "have sex" so now you dont even get the (you)
tl;dr you are a discord tranny.

>tldr have sex retard

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So the uniform Pike was wearing in his flashforward shows him commanding another ship right?

Imagine if the blow up Discovery and reset the timeline somehow. Final reveal is 'Star Trek: Galaxy' with Picard.

"Dramatic Effect"

In the 60s, Pike being like that was excusable cos the series didn't have TNG, DS9, VOY canon added. Bring in STD (being literally an amalgamation of all that fancy tech), cybernetic officers, holographic communication, people coming back from the dead, and Pike should literally be in sickbay, healed and back on the bridge in 6 hours.

They should have made it another timeline!!!!!

>women shouldn't be sexualized because it's degrading
>women should be sexualized because it's empowering
Why can't feminists stick to a single narrative?

You could at least put in some minor thought to the OPs, it is the blandest OP I've seen in a while and that is saying something.

>getting triggered by OP editions

A nigger and a nobody.

Because Star Trek is THE incel series. It needs fan service or the retards watching it fall asleep from diabetes coma.

your narratives and agendas are boring and gay
just do you

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>So the uniform Pike was wearing in his flashforward shows him commanding another ship right?
It's a cadet ship, this was mentioned in the Menagerie.


Uniforms are love, uniforms are life.

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>being this boring of a boomer
Might as well just call it "Star Trek" edition.

>tumblr filename
gg no re

lol dum idiot

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Better than your reddit humor thread

>le reddit
Okay, tourist, since you know so much about the site's content.

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Ok thanks. The STD timeline is fucked a bit so I won't ask when it was supposed to take place.

Discovery doesn't have any fan service and it's the most watched Trek in history.

>caring about contents on Yea Forums
anonymous rise up

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Have sex.

>most watched Trek
Based on the stats given to us by historical revisionists?

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>my mfw when irl perfect vulcan gf is watching me from orbit but won't beam down to say hi because the swiss haven't built warp drive yet
born too late to meet ancient aliens
born too early to be part of Starfleet
life is so fucking gay

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You do realise there won't be a starfleet in the 23rd century right?

You do realise will probably have very similar tech to what we have now, and at most will have a mars colony, that we will NEVER make it to even alpha centuri


How's /r9k/ these days? It used to be funny, now it's just depressing.

hmmm you don't know that for sure and there are so many UFO sightings every day that space travel has to be possible we just need to figure out how
just because you're a retard doesn't mean everyone else is too

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>Most watched
Lmao it's one of the least watched based on CBS in numbers nigger

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It's Netflix's most watched airing show

>there are so many UFO sightings every day
UFOs """somehow""" stopped appearing when smartphones became ubiquitous.

Apparently nothing scares UFOs more than a camera in every person's pocket.

>Alpha Centuri distance is 25.67 trillion miles
>Sun distance is 92.96 million miles

>Alpha Centuri is 4 million times further away than the sun
>It would take 19 years for us to reach the sun
>Do the math
>Fine I will
>76,000,000 years to reach alpha centuri

>Using UFOs and a TV show as a case for human space travel
Even if UFOs are real, they're MILLIONS of years more advanced, its not even cavemen vs human its like protozoa vs human.

It's not going to be gray aliens bro, more like gods to us.

/trek/, would you like to help decide the next Yea Forums soccer team? vote below!


>he hasn't been following CIA leaks about jet fighters pursuing UFOs
>he doesn't follow UFO report centers to track phenomenon hotspots
>he doesn't compare the locations of those reports with Bigfoot sightings and native legends about cursed areas and dimensional portals
there is so much more to this universe than you will ever comprehend

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huh it's almost like there's a connection between contacting spirits/demons and aliens
weird that

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Not that other guy, but reality is so much more interesting than these kooky legends.

There might be a starfleet a million years from now, but not 250 years from now. You have to understand something, star trek is science fiction, they set it 300 years from their time because everyone is long dead, they wouldn't set it 10,000 years, or 100,000 years because it breaks the fantasy for people. But the chances of anyone who calls themselves homo sapiens ever reaching another star is infinitesimal.

This isn't "you'll fall off the edge of the world" stuff either, the closest star would take tens of millions of years to reach.

No mate, now you're being a christfag retard

She was only half Betazoid, so she wasn't a full mind reader. Just an empath who could detect emotions.
>"I sense anger from this man attacking us."
No shit Troi


Can we livestream your Muslim execution now?

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I'm not OP

you'll drink my piss and like it, retard

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Picard I'm going to blow up the Enterprise to smithereens
>Captain I sense danger
>somewhere in the Universe
anymore than that?
>He's angry
you just sensed that, you worthless piece of
>Captain I sense more anger

thank god she had a nice rack

We're going to get BTFO by the Sun this century. By the 23rd century we'll be lucky to have anything resembling society.

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>I'm not OP
This sounds exactly like something OP would say. I know because I've met a few OPs in my life.

Why don't you go for the high score and incorporate scat + gore? Come on, it's the edgy thing since the 00s before Yea Forums was popular. You're not a newfag, are you?

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because I'm a mischievous imp not a gigantic faggot
anyway it's only a matter of time before we craft space ships that don't suck and top scientists say faster than light travel is an inevitably so basically star trek irl any day now

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>anyway it's only a matter of time before we craft space ships that don't suck and top scientists say faster than light travel is an inevitably so basically star trek irl any day now

I know, right? totally not a dystopian hell, it's gonna' be b̶i̶t̶c̶h̶i̶n̶'̶
I mean Trektacular!

in the future there will be fewer cunts like you

At it's core, trek is about racism.

It's weird how birds, bees, the wolves and the trees are all racist but it's bad to be racist if you're a human. Funny that.

I still find it hilarious that Riker was floored by a Blueshirt.

I'm shocked how bad std is. Not joking or baiting, such an amazing production quality for a teenage fan fiction tier script.

Maybe we're like more intelligent than those animals? Wow! Dude!

I can't believe anyone would ever let a nigger touch them. Fifty years ago that was unheard of.

You'd pound black mound in a heartbeat.

>Maybe we're like more intelligent than those animals? Wow! Dude!
Deffinitely! WWWWAAAAYYYY smarter. That's why we mutilate ourselves and have organisations dedicated to pedophilia. Fucking awesome group of biological lifeforms, humanity.

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Seriously wouldn't. They're ugly, they smell like shit, they're always loud, they always want free shit, and they're retarded. Anyone who thinks niggers are attractive and wants to live with them suffers from a mental illness.

>Seriously wouldn't. They're ugly, they smell like shit, they're always loud, they always want free shit, and they're retarded. Anyone who thinks niggers are attractive and wants to live with them suffers from a mental illness.
Holy fucking based, I think I just came in my white wife's pussy and spawned an army of little Dolph Lundgrens from this post alone!

Just cool it with the antihuman remarks.

I always play as human in RTS.

Why do you feel the need to betray your people for a bunch of monkeys who just want to rape you and steal your stuff?

Pls no meanies in trek just nice words. Fank u!

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How is this to do with /dwek/?

nasties that hurt and cause tears aren't welcome here

>implying you wouldn't.

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Hey, man, I meant that! I thought your post was on a scale of 1 to Ubermensch about a Ian Smith

Do people really think niggers are attractive or am I being memed?

Is she at the helm though?

Is that even a real name?

Hi, where are you stationed?
-Stellar cartography.

You'd have to be the biggest idiot on the ship to not respect your mapmaker.

>holodeck operator

>hating the operator that enables your wildest fantasies
Got any more?


Thanks user. I've been debating whether to put my trek Pepe folder in my star trek folder or as a separate folder in my Pepe folder. Right now all trek Pepes, Apus and Wojaks are in one folder in my Pepe folder, they need their own folder because I have so many of them, unlike my Star Wars or Stargate Pepes which are few in number and in their respective universe folders not the general Pepe folder. The problem with my trek folder is that there are folders for each main character as well as each series, so I could split up the trek Pepes into each character folder but I like having them all together. I also have only a single folder for O'Brien, Keiko and Molly which I think is appropriate as they are a family. I keep all the Patrick Stewart pics and webms in my Picard folder, no matter what film or tv show they come from, so I have shots from Dune, Excalibur and X-men in it as well. The only problem lies with actors who have trek cameos but are better known for something else, such as King Abdullah II of Jordan in his VOY cameo where he wasn't allowed to speak because he wasn't in the Screen Actors Guild or something.

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no one cares, faggot

The important thing is that the frogs are accessable so that they get posted in every thread.

You don't care how /trek/ works?

>top tier acting

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No? I just come here to blast you faggots with piss when I get bored. Fuck anyone who takes /trek/ more seriously than that. Get a life.

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Full body stills, not face webms

think twice,
is it nice?

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Even 14 year old Edward Furlong playing After Burner is light years ahead of this "LOOK AT ME I'M ACTING!" mutt.

no it isn't stop lying

I'm rewatching TNG straight through for only the second time ever and I really can't believe how crap most of the episodes are compared to TOS

That was so bad I kind of felt sorry for her. She's a bad actress already, but the way they shot that sequence did her no favors.

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Temper, temper, Mon capitain!

>believing youtubers

it's already cancelled and the actors are being told to look for work elsewhere
it's not getting a second season
it's not getting a third season
okay it's getting a third season but it's 20 short treks and like a third of the budget
Sarek is a temporal nexus between the Prime timeline and the Kelvin timeline
the real reason Les Moonves got fired was because of how much of a failure STD was, him getting #metoo'd was a coverup to hide CBS's shame.

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Damn right. Troi looked better in an actual Starfleet uniform than she ever did in that lowcut hippie shit.

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I always keep it friendly in /trek/. A lot of people here were bullied in school.

>wasted chemicals

Oh yeah it's pretty bad. Season 1 has five episodes when I rewatch it.

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I bet you think 9/11 was an inside job, don't you?

no but Midnight's Edge's "inside sources" probably say it was.

Yes, clearly this is the only alternative to "most watched tv show on Netflix"

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. . . . . . . . .

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it's more popular than Stranger Things. FACT!

She talks over Pike so... yes.

shut the fuck up you fucking nigger I swear to god I will rape your pale once ass with a broken glass bottle if you ever mention midnight's edge again

Better not move those goalposts too fast chief, might give yourself whiplash.

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>caring about autistic faggots on youtube
absolutely fucking based

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This episode preceded by Siege of AR-558 made the Nog character for me.

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Sometimes I feel like it wouldn't be make-believe if you believed in me. Sometimes.

What ever happened to the milkman and SHHHHHH can sisko save his crew from a station programmed to kill them? Find out next time on SHHHHHH I'll call today, you'll call now, I'll call now SHHHHHH 4, 5, 6, six apples in the box, Yaaaayyy! SHHHHHH set a drift with the timeless pleasures of tubular bells or take BLIP

Sometimes I worry that dedicated anti-DS9 posters might have some form of mental illness. All those pictures of abandoned malls saved to their hard drives, that whole fixation on pissing and shitting, the raging fire that burns for nine years, and now .

Lay off the kay-nar, buddy

How is that anti DS9?

>still thinking only one person can dislike DS9
This is the true mental illness

Maybe my interpretation of that post is flawed. How do you interpret it?

You just want to hurt people.

It's clearly a nostalgia trip

Who is nostalgic for six apples in a box?

It's not funny.

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>talking shot about uhura

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These threads can be a chore sometimes.

>stopping your hands from posting. Webm.tar.bz2.zip.arj.ace.rar.7z

you can thank ENT alt-righters for that

So THAT'S the appeal of ENT
got it

>whiny white guy constantly complaining about a superior race because "baww they manipulate us! they lie to us! they don't give all their technology to us!"

t. a nigger

You can post here anytime you like
But. You. Can. Never. Leeeeaaaave

Doesn't ENT also have a part where the Xindis are helping the fuhrer or something
no. but, clearly, you

but user
YOU are white

I belong to the "only white when is convenient" racial group.

Can Odo cum?

Jewish? Irish? Italian? Slavic? Hispanic? You'll have to be more specific, racists have a lot of excuses for a lot of peoples.


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Getting from there to here

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Where are the holistic healers and alternative crowd in star trek?


Kill Worf

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>crew speak american
>No one's 800 lbs
>No one's shat themselves
>no mobility scooters



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but MY time IS finally here

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Cringe af

At it's core, dreck is about racewar.

These threads really went to shit when STD started airing

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Dude, non-trek reacpic. Not cool.
At all.

he would probably be inside Kira then if you get what I am saying

Could you dumb it down a notch?

Odo slips his peepee-no-no into Kira's right, lil' cha-cha.

just can't I am afraid, have sex

Odo's stinky dink in Kira's num-num.

This is what we have come to.

well, odom would be losing part of himself if cummed. think of how many times he must have tapped dat ass, he would surely have found himself inside her within a week

>maybe you should talk to worf again

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Wouldn't Kira just piss him out again?

I ran out

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That will be all, cadet.

>piss him out again?

Apology refused.

They actually put Pike in the wheelchair? I haven't seen the new episode.



He gets an R2D2 thing to sit in.

Quit it, you guys.

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Where DA FUCK is my gurl Bash?

/trek/ is dead. Kill it like /who/

complaining about racism on discord

But Bashirfaggot is a white girl.

/trek/ is one of the most sacred shites in the Star Trek discussion empire.

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What's the difference between Data and those virgin fuck dolls? Robot cock?

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A positronic brain

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Is the river like the invisible hand?

No, because the river actually provides.

anyone here has a /strek/? just started to look through it. and just whoa

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deleted mine a while back

are you also the chartard?

both are just cogs and gears when you really think about it

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TOS is pretty much unwatchable. More than half the episodes are complete cringe. About to watch the movies so I hope they are at least entertaining.

Just skip to DS9 and ENT.

>when data tells sela she may be happier in another job

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>these are the people you share a board with
Perhaps the fine folks over in reddit will be better company for you

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the Kirk - Spock - Bones dynamic got boring by the third episode, always the same gimmick.

Fuck off to the /std/ thread faggots.

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I had a dream Nimoy came back to life.

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Why didn't she rabbit punch him in the windpipe or at least rip out his tongue so he can't taste anything ever again?

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wat do?

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Who are the Bebop and Rocksteady of Star Trek?

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out russian trolls reee

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Jack & Patrick

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"everything is Russia's fault. EVERYTHING"

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Patrick is Patrick
Jack is Spongebob

Is that Kevin Spacey or Mike Huckabee?

>altright appropriation of the episode drumhead
These creatures depress the shit out of me.

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>That faint nipple print
Actually watching her just try to walk around in that ridiculous first incarnation of the post-borg dress..

INSTANT channel hopping stopper!

They knew DAMN WELL what they were doing.

Who is this semen-demon?

Ensign Wato Sushi From The Animated Series

Maybe it's the light but she looks like she has a ton of acne near her mouth

Dirt, she was crawling around in the doohickey tubes.

No she's real dirty in that scene.

Frakes directed this episode.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

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STD season 2:
>Hey, do you know how Insterstellar was popular?
>What if, like, we did the same thing in Star Trek?

Benjamin Sisko is a good captain.

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I like Captain Kirk of the original starship Enterprise.

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Can I get like a 1 sentence summary of STD S2? Just to satisfy my tepid curiosity?

In Star Trek, everyone works together in common cause.

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He's only a captain for 102 out of 173 episodes or 58% of the series, but it's best to round it up to 3/5ths.

What are some Treks about guardian angels who never get the thanks they deserve?

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which is the definition of communism

Skynet in sppaaacccceeeee!!!!!!


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Star Trek is fun as well as entertaining. I like Star Trek.

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Sometimes I wonder if Frakes has gigantism, you know, like Andre the Giant?
He continues to get bigger and bigger as the years go by.

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you just know that bowl of fortune cookies was empty halfway through shooting the scene.

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!chenmoH America Dunqa'!

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Std is aids.

Star Trek: Discovery

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maybe it's the world that is getting smaller


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std is this wirralsurgeon.co.uk/conditions-treated/anal-warts.html

We heard you like Burnham so we gave you more Burnham

This sounds awful.

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>the Spock - Bones dynamic got boring by the third episode

true. bones just came across as pissy for no reason

You have ten seconds to explain why the main shuttle bay door isn't open here!

>No you can't, don't even try!

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The true answer is they didn't want to budget showing it.

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Fascinating. So lifelike.

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umm..ya...who made dis

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Is that you, Vietlad? No noncing off this Saturday? Or is it Thursday over there?

Convoluted mess.

umm...nabla x

innit la?


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Season 3-4 Wharf is probably the best Wharf in both looks and story.

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Dr. Neelix is being generous btw

caption this

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In my opinion Ds9 is really based and I think I may end up liking it even more than TNG. I'm about to commence season 5

Season 5 onwards is complete shit

N-no that is not possible. Things are gearing up to a big war between the federation+Cardassians against the Jem Hadar and founders and it's going to be great

Mysterious signals somehow predicted by Spock and a powerful entity guide the ship around the universe for some mysterious purpose. Discover halfway through the season that the mysterious entity is a time-traveller (Michael's previously-thought dead mother) who is trying to prevent a rogue starfleet AI from wiping out all life in the universe.
Much better than the first season, which was clearly a mess. Much more focused, less weird. If you're going to hate it, it would be for the premise, not the execution (still far from perfect, of course).

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Looks like he's got a case of the sharts

Have fun, just remember everything you love will eventually betray you.

>Charles "brown dwarf" Tucker the Third

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Why didn't Picard notice the power Riker was was building and the alliances he was making with the senior officers until it was too late? He had to know Riker was getting ready to usurp the throne.

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He's been laying low this season. When's Barclay gonna make his power play?

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Loved Phillip Seymour Hoffman's cameo in this grand ole' eppy.

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Barclay was a shit person who deserves to be alone.

I'm so sick of this smug little bitch stabbing everyone in the back and getting away with it. When Riker gets back from conquering the sluts of Risa he's gonna clean bridge.
Day of the phaser.

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>Day of the phaser

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What's his endgame? Or is he just another one of Picard's pawns?

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Worf is the most honorable man on the ship. qaplA!

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post your /trek/ stations

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Worf Kinslayer allowed an illegitimate heir to inherit his house, his honor is a meme

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Ahhhhh the good ole days

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yes bois, I've finally watched star trek for the first time in my life 2 days ago. My life has changed, I am in a happy state of mind, and I don't even feel like watching porn or drinking. I am completely disappointing in my ignorant preconceptions of the show. I can finally say that this show is much better than Star Wars, and I've only watched 6 episodes.

Reminder that Tim Russ has been on screen with Captains Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and Mercer.

None of us care about Star Wars in relation to Star Trek. Trekkies do not even remotely or slightly care about that for a single second.

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Nice. I've seen a couple episodes of Trek and they seemed pretty shway. Marathoning Game of Thrones right now but might czech out Trek afterwards.

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I'm talking about the original series, but will no doubt eventually go onto the Patrick Stewart series. I just love the colours, plots, themes, design and acting from Spock and Shattner.

The oxygen mask and neural interface are taxing to the central nervous system. I do a cold boot every 12 hours.

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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after this thread has ended.

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>hates women
>red scribbles all over the face
hmm I've seen this handiwork before

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a. which star trek woman had the stinkiest feet?
b. was spock always simply high off of smelly girl feet?

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Same day my dentist unveils a Trek room I encounter this based mo'fo' on the highway./

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Only /trek/ officers with a level 4 security clearance or above allowed in the next thread.
Head forth to the next thread in 3 posts.


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This guy is what you would call a 'False Chad'.
Has the looks and the potential but is completely out of his element in most situations.

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Its impressive how pretty but bad std is. Like, there us so much production value, for such a shitty script.

O'Brien is naked, because of course he would sleep in the nude.

He kept looking for the one that said "Your best days are yet to come " He never found it

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He sees his future via some time Stone or something. The reaction from present pike is great though. He's so terrified, dude is a good actor.

the reaction and actor are really good yes.

but did anyone else get irked that they never showed the yellow starfleet uniform again? is it because they had to pay for it?

i really wanted to see pike in his yellow again cause tos uniforms were great. also it irked me that pike has been acting less and less commanding and more weak, steering away from his 1960's self. micheal is more dominant than him on ship. it sucks.

i dont understand riker. he always seemed cringey to me. never convincingly confident.

what exactly do you mean by your dentist having a trek room?

Make nnew threads

Where's Bash?

>what exactly do you mean by your dentist having a trek room?

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