Who is the best?

Who is the best?

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>200 posts of people discussing Norn Iron politics instead of the show

Why do Irish people love painting murals?

I hope these are caricatures and these people aren't actually that ugly.

not got TV's yet.

its good in a way, people tend to be ignorant of the area. most burgers don't even know what a unionist is.

the slutty one

It's a Norn thing, used by the primitive warring tribes to mark territory

What's the best episode? I'm partial to the Ukrainians one.


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is that real a mural? I suppose the show must be a real phenomenon in Northern Ireland

I saw an article saying it was the most watched show in Northern Ireland. Seems to have a a similar popularity to what Still Game had in Scotland.

They are all best in their individual ways :3

they need to hide their shitty council houses somehow

Northern Ireland is literally inbred thats why everyone from there is hideous

Prove me wrong

Orla, then Sister Michael

There's almost 2 million of them, why would they be inbred

Lol why should they? Contribute something to the global culture and people will learn the intricate history and politics of your little country. Remember how the Romans created Western culture? Or how the British colonized the entire planet with their navy? Or how the Americans created the atomic bomb, won the Cold War and exported their culture to the entire world? That's why people aren't ignorant of their politics.

I've been to that Debenhams, ask me anything

To pre-empt the obvious question: I was buying a set of colour-coded cutting boards for my mum, got them click & collect. She really liked them.

Erin is cute. Cute!

they made the english lad look vaguely african, there

makes sense that they went and populated the American South

who /clare'smassivewhangers/ here??

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Damn Hillbillies.

Cute. Cute!

She's so pudgy, like a giant baby
A giant baby I want to FUCK

I went to a private school similar to the school on this show and the girls were constantly rolling up their skirts to make them shorter and taking their shoes off in class

the mom

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>won the Cold War

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Who are these people? They look like they were all too fat and ugly to get into hogwarts or something.

>imagining these girls at 35

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Clare is 32

>Aqua dress in the latest episode
>Yep, glad to be Catholic right now.

Also Chinese girls from Donegal are the only Chinese girls my gran would let me date. Even if they did Carrie someone at Prom.

why is this soap opera shit about some backwater shithole in NI so popular?

Cause they talk funny

The one with curly hair. Forget her name, looks like a proper slag

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>not enjoying a good mural

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>All three characters in the middle of that picture have curly hair
>The one with the curly hair

Nice one, lad.

No, they're accurate

Northern Irish protestants from Scottish planter stock are literally inbred

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Which one? If you mean Michelle, then yeah, she is. Reminds me of every slag I knew at school. Fucking love it.

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God, what a dirty looking slut

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Bet she takes it up the arse

muh dick


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>When you're out on patrol and realize you've missed you People Plus appointment

Shit I just made a thread and didn't realize there already was one. Orla is the funniest (and actually decent looking if you look up her actress). Erin is the hottest.

Catholics love a good mural or a statue.

I love this show too. Fancy the arse off Saoirse Jackson even with her mania and treble chins.

Orla is from Dublin. She is a completely different person in interviews and much smarter than expected


Orla has nice baps.

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Orla is best girl

Sauce on Dublin? I can't find much about her.

Also, do you guys from the Republic view the Northern Irish as your countrymen?

She has a nice face and demeanor but definitely not enough tits.

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fuck you if you like this normie shit show. I'm sick of plebs talking about it. DUDE IRELAND LMAO. I'm Irish and I'm glad I don't live there anymore. They are the most insufferable insecure nation of people ever and irish humour is shit. Watch The republic of telly and that's irish humour in a nutshell

>50 replies without any names of actresses or the show.
What fucking show is this you cunting cockgoblins?

I like you.

Have only heard her normal accent once on The Late Late Show.

This is interview is the best I can do districtmagazine.ie/louisa-harland-discusses-working-on-derry-girls/

Reverse image search you retard.

Harry Potter

Fuck off back to whatever plebian country you live in so, you fucking spa.

Blue Waffle Townfolk.

>not knowing derry girls
I'm an american, I have literally never seen one episode of the show, and I have no idea why I'm in this thread; but if you weren't a total newfag, you'd recognize the mick's favorite show to shitpost about.



Father Ted will always remain the best comedy set in Ireland.

Yanks will never understand this show


Someone hasn't seen The Snapper

Sharon! Did ya not see me there standing by the vegetables?

Erin best

>literally inbred
>treated for gigantism
How will manlet mutts ever recover?

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>I hear you're a racist now father

damn, that's some good art

They almost already are irl

the only correct answer

When will they learn

>Tiernan stated that a comedian should not be looked to for political correctness, and then went on to say:[16] "These Jews, these fucking Jew cunts come up to me. Fucking Christ-killing bastards. Fucking six million? I would have got 10 or 12 million out of that. No fucking problem! Fuck them."[17] He later suggested in several interviews that his points were intended as a commentary on how somebody's words can easily be taken out of context when a small segment of a dialogue is quoted.

Lmao is he /our guy/

This show made me realize that the Irish are a bunch of faggots.

what's all this

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Erin will still be hot and Orla will look good too.

They're Northern Irish. Not real Irish.

Absolutely based. Retarded Irish btfo

Nah, I meant all the people on that shitty island.

I couldn't really care

>Not real irish even though the second word of "Northern irish" is "irish"


They're part of the UK. Only the Republic of Ireland counts.

To call something "Northern Irish" is the same to call it "Ukrainian".

Are there any pr*testants ITT?

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People born in Northern Ireland are also Irish citizens with Irish passports etc.

Who are these 40 year olds in school outfits?

Can someone list what age they all are plz

Seething manlet

no they're not idiot

the main chick is like 34 or something. They all some form of dwarfism-- typical irish stuff.


>The law grants citizenship to individuals born in Northern Ireland under the same conditions as those born in the Republic of Ireland.

So how does that make all people born in Northern Ireland Irish citizens? You have to apply for it dumb fuck

Wrong. It grants citizenship automatically as per the constitution. There is no applying involved, leave this thread brainlet.

The one making the peace sign looks like that fat lady that plays the mother in Zohan, I think she's also in those awful movies about Greeks getting married

Incorrect. People from NI have to choose to take either British or Irish nationality or both

Uhm eww

Don't talk shit about things you know nothing about. Dual citizenship is allowed in both the UK and Ireland

>Under the Good Friday peace agreement, anyone born in Northern Ireland has the right to be British, Irish or both.


Now shoo brainlet

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>has the right
Thanks for proving my point