So what's the Yea Forums consensus on this?

So what's the Yea Forums consensus on this?

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Nobody actually went to see it since they just watched cpt marvel and they already have tickets for endgame

The actually good Captain Marvel movie.

better than black panther and captain marvel


You ask this like we're some kind of Marxoid hivemind. People here vary in their opinions.


Thank God it's bombing

saw it with my little brother, even he hated it

Instant red flag. Not even gonna bother.

I've heard enough good things to be excited, but I don't lurk threads because I don't want to get anything spoiled. Couple of friends saw it Thursday and said it was awesome. That's all I needed to hear.

>Marxoid hivemind
Don't talk like your in an anime, this is the real world kiddo

Mediocre. Pacing issues, bad cg, bad choreography, bad characterisations. Quite entertaining but completely forgettable.

It looks pretty good.


>best christmas movie since the 90s
>comes out in april

Thoroughly fun, don't listen to the seething mouseshills who are butthurt about their flat Captain Marvel flick being outdone by this Chad Captain Marvel Kino

It's Capeshit made for kids.
As opposed to Capeshit made for retarded adults like Captain Wagegap, Captain Zapper at least knows what the Capeshit's intended audience is and on that account is better than Captain Wagegap.

Looks fun but theaters are way too fucking expensive

I don’t think anyone saw it

Well last Christmas was Aquaman and this Christmas is Star Wars


Loved it


It's a kids movie.

meagan good is smoking hot

Chad kino

I'll marathon this flick when it hits the rarbgplex.

Pretty much this. It also starts absurdly bleak and dark like most DC movies, but then it turns into a straight up kids film at around the half way mark. Honestly, it felt like several people wrote several parts. Because for a while people were really just dying, and you half expect more, but then it just stops and everyone gets a ph anti hurt shield

it was shit

saw it yesterday, i unironically wanted to like it but it was shit

>mary became ugly when she became shazam
how sad

Based and LITTY

Movie with soul. Great humor and characters that are fun to watch throughout. The third act fight was too long but I'd rather rewatch this film 20 times instead of having to go watch Captain Fungus or Thor 2 once.

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>Captain Fungus
what's this meme about again ?

It's a lot closer to being a marvel movie, which means that it's better that the majority of DC's movies.
It's nothing special, but it's not bad either. A lighthearted superhero film - enjoyable but forgettable.

so like every other comic book movie ever made, thanks for the hot take

the Scooby Doo of our generation

I liked it. It was very childish, but that's what comic book movies should be in my opinion. Made me feel like I was watching a Saturday Morning Cartoon all over again.

It's great but just walk out of the theatre when the main bad guy first encounters the main good guy. You're in for about 5 minutes of content stretched into 60 after that

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Saw it 2 weeks ago, overall was a fun movie and best of the DCU. The villian sucked, but the comedy in it was great, especially zachary levi's preformance. 7.5/10 I'd say, better than captain marvel and a nice light hearted superhero movie

It was okay. The main kid sucks at acting, the script gets real shit at times and the second half drags. But I liked it.

>that's what comic book movies should be in my opinion.
Some, not all. Not all comic books are for kids either.

But this is captain marvel

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