Why is Yea Forums shitting on Shazam?.It was a pretty comfy movie with a good message about family...

Why is Yea Forums shitting on Shazam?.It was a pretty comfy movie with a good message about family.It isnt a great movie but its enjoyable.Compared with captain marvel, this feels a bit refreshing.

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>imagine defending a multi-billion dollar studio

Oh no no no!

>Why is Yea Forums shitting on Shazam?.
Mouse shills

i saw a review that gave it a 2/10 and called it a boring and cheap marvel clone so i assume its bad.

DC Captain Marvel > Marvel Captain Marvel

Who are you quoting?

>using a dead 2015 meme

Every time Yea Forums hates something it ends up successful.

You should be encouraging it not trying to stop it.

MCU Chodes are just that insecure. They love shitting on anything not MCU but when they fuck up they have to try and backtrack and spam fake hate for attention when they lose. Just look at Aquaman, WW, Venom and Spiderverse. They were super successful and theMCU Chodes backtracked instantly like pathetic faggots.

It's only mouseshills and contrarians. Ignore them.
For a DC film, it's actually plays like one of the better Marvel movies.
Much better than their recent shit, almost original Iron Man-tier but not quite.

Agreed. It's enjoyable and better than most mouseturds but that's no standard I'll ever apply. It's capeshit and I'm not gonna praise capeshit.

I would normally agree with you,capeshit fans are fucking cancer but I dont think it was a bottom of the bin movie like people are saying

t. perpetually open mouthed so.y loving marlet

I don't see how you DC shills are any different than mousefags, just two sides of the same coin. Get fucked

>Warner Bros. heads into this weekend celebrating a No. 1 win for its comic book label’s Shazam! with current Friday night estimates seeing $20M (including $5.9M Thursday previews) for a weekend of $51.5M.

>Overall CinemaScore for Shazam! is a solid A, like Ant-Man and Wonder Woman, but better than Aquaman‘s A-, Justice League and Suicide Squad‘s B+ and Batman v. Superman‘s B.

>Many B.O. analysts had a feeling that Shazam! would over-index due to what they were seeing on social media. RelishMix reports that the viral rate of four trailers for the superhero pic stands at 129:1, “far and above the superhero standard of 37:1.”

>In regards to the positive word of mouth for Shazam! RelishMix says folks online “are shouting that it’s by far the best DC film so far, very funny and entertaining. Some even compare it to Captain Marvel saying this is the movie they were hoping for. There’s an ongoing feud between Marvel & DC Fans related to the very name, Captain Marvel'” Shazam was renamed and formerly known as Captain Marvel despite being a DC character/hero.

Captain Marbel BTFO

why is she so perfect bros?

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Now post the international box office numbers DCuck

Is Captain Marvel a more popular movie than Matrix?

capeniggers do this all the time

>Muh capeshit boogayman

Shills and trolls, as it has always been, as it shall always be.

The most prolific posters on Yea Forums are shills and political activists.

Welcome to Alita´s world.
The damn discord trannies couldn't make a dent in our love armor and now they´re seething and turning their demented hatred for everything good, pure or simply wholesome on this.

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A+ is way too rare for them to consider A just solid

Don’t lewd the loli!

Probably seeing as The Matrix is like 30 years old so most people haven't seen it

probably cause we're bored of transparent astroturfers shilling their capeshit.

you're the scum off the earth. worse than nonces.

>b-box office numbers!
Holy shit, just neck yourself already.

But those don't matter, mousecucks told me that much when Aquaman pissed all over the corpse of Captain Feminazi

Because no matter what Yea Forums says, this is what they actually wanted.

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>muh company wars!!!!!!
Kill all zoomers

>with a good message about family

It doesn't have a good message about family. It's just more destructive "family is what you make of it" garbage, shit that encourages cuckoldry and other gayness.

You better hope they matter because this piece of shit needs $230 million to break even and it sure as shit won't do that domestically

Shazam Family was a mistake. I refuse to see it knowing that crap is in there. Only thing worse is the Flash Family.

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Because it's DC.

You seem mad.

release the snyder cut of shazam


Nah dude, it needs 650m to break even.
t. Forbes Hollywood insider

Shazam family literally started every single Super family and group of heroes with the character same power like Super family, Spider-family, Bat Family, Hulk Family etc.

fuck off mouse shill

Calling it. It beats Captain feminism domestically.

Felt like a silly 90s comic book kino we never got had shades of jingle all the way perfect casting well acted.
It's more akin to the first deadpool movie in that it just does what it wants and doesn't go all in on the established ways of making a comic book movie.
It's legitimately good

she is the best one

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Imagine pretending to like a mediocre at best dc movie just to spite feminism or something


it's fucking great. Anyone shitting on it either hasn't seen it, is dead inside, or is a disney shill

>Batman v. Superman‘s B.
Way to destroy their credibility.

in that case Captain Marvel was a megaflop since it only made half of its 750m breaking even point domestically

Imagine having sex with female Shazam and she screans shazam! in the middle of it.

It was comfy but very cringy. its probably about as good as capt marvel overall
it did some things better. if it left the cringe at the door it'd probably be an 8
7/10 just like captain marvel

hi red.dit

Whores like that are destroying civilization

You non pig eater

>casting whores in family roles


This was like Marvel meets Tom Hanks' BIG and I loved it so much I cried and shat my pants.

That was maybe 5 minutes of the movie total. Movie was based, made me legit laugh. Don't deprive yourself because of some grainy screencaps.

But I'm never going to see Captain Marvel because I heard it was shit on Yea Forums

she cute

>Mary's actress Grace Fulton trained as a ballerina
No wonder her everything made my pee pee so hard

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Yes and it was always stupid. Only acceptable one is Batman. But even that started getting retarded as it kept getting bigger. Superman too i guess. Other than Krypto. That was retarded as well.

who is the actress of those big tits?

It really was a genuinely great movie. I was surprised DC even made it

I hate to say it but even aquaman was better than Shazam.

>but even aquaman
as if Aquaman wasn't a masterpiece

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Zoomer shit for retarded 12yo made by basedboy jews. Only reason Yea Forums ever supported it was to try and mess with capeshit fungus, fungus made billion, this shit struggles to make 90m in first weekend and presales of capeshit endgame are higher than shazam ticket sales, europe hates it for being most retard american movie and it set antirecords of boxoffice in europe, the land of kino. Move to Joker, it looks like something good.

I really loved the movie. Almost all of the action scenes fucking sucked though, but the movie was just well constructed. Maybe a bit rushed in some parts, too much slo-mo and maybe some scenes are a bit sloppy though. But overall, the movie really delivered well on the themes it had.

Which one? Everyone in that pic has about the same tits

nice larp

most movies get A now. At this point it is just "not shit" grade

just wait for the RLM review, then the reddit threads will start kicking in

Michelle Borth prepare for disappointment

I don't dine on hood rats twerp.

They made him too old, Billy that is. He is supposed to be innocent and pure of heart, not a mischevious teen. He wouldn't use his powers to be a hero. He would be fucking his way across the US, eating as much shit food as he could, and playing vidya.

fucking this!

It happened about 2 years ago

The mouse shills hit this board hard for star wars, they completely ruined this board, it used to be my favourite.

Now I have a fucking 6-pack cause I had to move to /fit/

Disney is THE MOST EVIL company in the whole currently engaged in propaganda ON THIS VERY FORUM

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>Michelle Borth

>Joker without the Batman
There has never been a successful Joker story without Batman's presence. If the rumor about Thomas Wayne being a Trump caricature and the illegitimate father of Joker is true then that trailer is going to be the only good 3 minutes of the entire movie. Phoenix is the only person who could hold go beyond Ledger in the current pool of actors we have though, so it's a pity he doesn't get to play off of Affleck in a Red Hood film.

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This man speaks the truth!

Oh now box office matters again, I missed that mousememo

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They should've used Mary Marvel's white dress, that way all the family members would've had their own unique color costume.

probably avoiding the connotations wearing white implies plus she's worn red as long if not longer than she has white

plus it's a nod to them being blood relatives in the comics

Yea Forums is so contrarian it likes Disney now

Anyone else have a preview for that shitty Christfag easter movie in their showing? Holy fuck.

Shazam is just vanilla-flavored Kazaam.

It's not a meme to make fun of someone for greentexting wrong newfag

This. Disney owns several shilling companies. They started as SEO but eventually converted into social media influencers.

The one about the kid falling below the ice?

She’s a whore for showing her husband (who waited until marriage to have sex with) her tits?

Oh nonononononono

How can DCucks ever recover?

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Nope. All I got were shitty horror previews and "what if we did Big, but reversed and niggers"


If there was a movie like this but about Judaism or Islam you'd have people shitting their pants over it.

i had no idea this came out.
should i use a free ticket to go see it or is it really shit?

why did her husband share the pics? I know nothing about her and whatever drama surrounds her

if you're watching it for free there's no reason not to. At worst you'll chuckle a bit and I think that's alright for free

You knew enough to call her a whore, you triggered incel.

I'm not that guy, girl or thing

>Aquaman makes 300 million
>Captain Marvel drops like a stone
>"Who cares about China anyway"?

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Marvel drones.

Eh, it could be good as an Elseworlds story, which it is. It wouldn't be the first time Thomas has been made a villain for drama. Gotham has the homo-lust Joker pretty firmly in hand.

Hm, does this mean the home release will happen sooner? What decides physical release dates? I missed Aquaman due to family health issues and waiting for the BR is killing me. I'm planning to go see Shazam but it would be nice to have it on my shelf in the next couple of months.

Mose shills have been out in force declaring it to be a bomb even though it was made on a shoestring budget for capeshit.

Film will open third behind Pet Cemetery and Dumbo despite good reviews and positive word of mouth.
Cap this post.

It was okay. Like, 3/5. Some poor editing, awful cgi monsters and shitty and slow start were mainly the lowest points of the movie.

Why is Patrick Wilson so fucking good?
I hope he and Black Manta end up joining the Suicide Squad like in the comics.