ITT: things you do while watching kino
>cut toenails
>sniff them before disposal
ITT: things you do while watching kino
>cut toenails
>sniff them before disposal
>pour bowl of water
>pop open fresh bag of doritos
>watch movie
>eat a few chips when i feel like it
>rub fingers in bowl of water to get residue off
>am now able to touch volume without dirtying remote
best part is at the end of the movie when I get to drink the bowl
Please be in London.
use chopsticks nigger
Martha Stewart tip newfriend: squeeze some lemon in the water
That's disgusting. You eat those chips?
>open bag of doritos
>lick of the cheese powder on each chip
>put the chips back
>turn the volume up: too loud
>turn the volume down a bit: now too quiet
>do this for 75% of the movie runtime
>have vlc open and squished into the corner of the screen so the film is about 6 inches across and scroll endlessly through Yea Forums in the rest of the screen
>tweak the MadVR setting constantly in MPC thinking I can improve the image quality
But you'll get your remote wet
>>sniff them before disposal
Thank god I'm not the only one, especially the ones with a bit of black on it. My dog used to try to eat them.
>cutting your toenails anywhere the clippings can fly and sully
I hope at least you wrap a plastic bag around your foot while you do it.
>not using a raw pad of hard ramen noodles to absorb the liquid
>characters are arguing
>pause the movie
>walk up and down my room arguing back as if they're listening
i was bad with that in that one movie. it took me four hours
The Invitation (2014)
>stick my hand down my pants
>just rest my hand on my balls
>use nailclipper on the hard skin on my feet
>eat it
Very Patrician desu
FEEEEMALES will never understand this feel .
My friend did this but with my hand. It's not a joke, he liked me to feel them. It was better before we hit puberty because I think pubic hair is too coarse
My friend knows a girl who told him when it's too hot and she's watching a movie or playing some videogames, she keeps her feet on a plastic basin full of water. Just imagine those wet feet...