>no Gomorra thread

Fucking why when season 4 looks promising again

Has anyone watched the new episodes already?

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watching 4th now
Patrizia confirmed for autist
looking forward for the inevitable conte resurrection

N-no spoilers pls
I have only watched episodes 1 and 2 so far

1>2>shit>>>>>beard faggot larpers

I still haven't watched s3, subs were janky last time i checked. The first two seasons were by far the best tv to ever come out of europe.

yeah. looks great. genni was out but in like 2nd episode understood his true nature and his birthright.

What? You’re on the fourth already? I’m sorry to be that guy but does anyone have a link with subs?

the season ranking so far

a lot of weird things in the series are from reality

Attached: barbudos.jpg (1280x1351, 95K)

in english or italian?

i'm sorry but every series must be watched in the original language (with subs if needed)

English subs please

Ok but those forcella guys are cringe

I meant if he wanted the english subs or italian subs
there's a gomorrah subreddit where they usually get posted, the italian streaming with subs is actually on the top of google results if you just search it

they're too good looking to be believable, they had to pick uglier actors
the young guys from secondigliano were done better, they looked like street thugs

>trying to greentext in the subject line
>using the subject line at all
what the fuck is wrong with newfags

Fuck Terroni

Patrizia is dragging the series downhill.
Someone kill her already.


the "strong women" characters have ended up being jokes in this series so far
she'll probably end up like that

>two seasons as main character
Probably the last capo.

My niggers.

Fucking 'O Zingaro was the ugliest of the bunch and his nickname was spot on. Top casting.

last season was kinda boring, only memorable episode was the one with Ciro in Bulgaria

cliffhanger was kinda shit too, I mean killing Ciro is the worst they can do

Attached: ciro.jpg (1777x970, 77K)

OP, were you trying to greentext the title? This board has a very narrow band of accepted behaviors, you will get called names for inappropriate shenanigans like this.

I fucking hate this guy, I can't believe I had to put up with him even on an Italian show

Anyway, the show will inevitably get worse and worse as episodes go by.
They killed all the top tier characters (Pietro, Conte, and at last Ciro) and replaced them with much weaker and flat ones (Patrizia and Sangue Blu), even the side characters were a lot more interesting. I guess it makes sense since that's what is actually going on in Naples with all these baby gangs and young guys already controlling areas.

So far I'm still enjoying it, but I'm afraid they will come out with some shitty plot twist and turn it into an average soap opera

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