I'm sorry for doubting you, based George.
wtf why is this meme tacked?
i'm sorry you made 5 shitty star wars movies in a row you fucker, if i see you in the food court i'm kicking in the back of your knee
For what fat fuck? I'm not the one who sold Star Wars to the kikes.
I'm sorry you were ever put in charge of star wars and someone else should have done the prequels and kept on making movies instead of selling out to disney.
Georgie get the sticky UH
We all know why he wears the beard. Who do you think you're fooling you fat fuck.
>"In fact, I never ever wanted you fuckers to apologize. I don't regret for any of my decisions taken and now I'm living a happy, fulfilled life, sitting on my cash stacks and doing some coke from time to time while you, losers, only know how to brag about some fantasy movies and don't have the balls to move on. Deal with it, that's how today's world works."
its unironically better than disney
Remember that time he cried because of how mean the people are who gave him billions of dollars were?
disney wants to talk about being "imaginative" and creative and yet shit out this
I'm sorry, George, who would've thought someone could do a worse job at directing Star Wars. We were ignorant. We were stupid fucks. Daily sorry.
Money is worthless, arbitrary numbers after you have your needs met. Being harassed is being damaged.
well toys don't sell anymore, so there's no reason for new designs
prequels have soul
disney are soulless
i dont agree, to me, all the disney ones look basically the same base with slight changes, the other ones all look unique
I'm sorry George. You tried to warn us about the (((white slavers)))
>implying soul exists
Imagine being deranged for 20 years because someone made a fantastic sequel to a simplistic kids movie from the 70's.
>fantastic sequel
He said 5 shitty films in a show, so this fag doesn't even like ESB. But yeah I should have said Prequels.
I'm sorry George. You were right.
Tell your sister, you were riiig......