
Recommend movies with psychology as an important element.

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umm... one flew over the cuckoos nest

The Dark Knight
Joker (2020)
Who was in the wrong here?


Psychology is literally a scam by people not smart enough to become psychiatrists

>imagine being this much of a brainlet

Did you even know the postgraduate training is the same for both when they become therapists? And that medical studies are easier than psychology studies? Of course not: you haven't tried either.

The Exorcist 2


Where I live, the main differences between the two is that a psychiatrist is a doctor so the sessions are partially reimbursed by the government and he can prescribe medication.

I'm sure you haven't either, or maybe you just live in some 3rd world country.

Not a movie, but Oz.

Cope. Psychology is one of the easiest degrees to do.

Cure (1997) I think it's Korean or Japanese

they're the same.

>Be a psychologist
>Trying to cure the mental issues studying the mind deep inside

>Be a psychiatrist

If you think the second option is the good one maybe you really need to see a psychiatrist

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Requiem of a dream

>Be a psychiatrist
>make discernable hands-on decisions and practice actual chemical interventions with significant ramifications

>Be a psychologist

This is pretty easy to do with just about anything

my gf of 6 years is gradually going completely insane and I don't know what to do anymore. nothing works, psychologists and psychiatrists have done fuck all, I've aged 10 years in the last 5 and at this point I feel like I'm gonna get home every day to find her dead. just wanted to get that off my chest

>Be a postman
>Ensure the safe delivery of people's important documents, facilitate the trade of goods that our societies were built on, even keep people's spirits up and love burning strong through the transport of loving christmas cards and love letters

>be a surgeon

It'll be fine. Hang on there

Joker 2019

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details? How is she going insane?

If this is real, you probably need to join a support group - as you are in need of ideas and a good place to talk about this stuff.

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i'd bail, but i'm also single because i bail out of most situations that suck. but yeah tough spot man.

thanks man but right now I don't think it will be. I'm reaching the end of my tether and I've been thinking a lot about handing her over to her family and leaving
severe depression and GAD. she can't go 5 minutes without distracting herself. on days where I can't take her outside she sits watching youtube videos, browsing online stores, playing a game and reading simultaneously just to drown out her own thoughts. she constantly wishes she was dead and will act upon it if she can't surpress it
I'm trying to find one but I've had real difficulty finding it at a good time. I have work and need to make sure she eats and sleeps in the evening
I'm considering it but I don't know what to do. her sisters are retards, her parents are smart but cold.

this, fuck surgeons

Good Will Hunting
A little bit of Memento

Time to bail dude seriously yolo. Plenty of other women out there.

One is an actual science that studies the reactions of the brain to the chemicals, the other is a literal feelgood pseudoscience.

Unless you married her or have children with her it's not your problem, the parents have have the responsability to take care of her, tl;dr time to find a suitable life parthner.

>one is a science and one is not

stonehearst asylum

I'm worried about what happens if I leave. I think her parents would only make it worse and she will kill herself. I don't know how I could live with that

if you're no longer in it that's their problem, they're her family, you can't save people by killing yourself. especially if she wants to die, you suffering doesn't make her want to die less, she needs to come to terms with what's not working with her. you can't figure it out for her. it could be a chemical depression or it could be that she just hates her life and either way you're not really doing anything for her but keeping her company, now if you don't want to leave and love her, then you're gonna have to stick it out and keep looking for help. i mean if you want more out of life i'd leave before she ruins your life too. some people just don't ever come out of that depressive state. but you know better than anyone what's going on, just be strong either way.

Speaking as someone who sometimes has to pick up completely insane people, one less crazy and dangerous person in the society, the better for everyone.

Whoah she is literally me

post her pusy pics pls

One of my friend's girlfriend's was depressive and suicidal, to the point that one night she slit her wrists while he was in another room. She was fine, but he left her about a month after that. He described it as an immense weight off his chest. Then again, he's a terrible bar for moral choices and a real piece of shit in general.

it's not your fault she's depressed, it's something in her life and mind. i completely understand the guilt of leaving, but would it really cure her depression if you stay? will she honestly tell you if you never leave i'll never die? because she could just do it anyways and then fuck you up either way. she's so deep in her hole that i don't think she even sees what she's doing to you and you matter too. and if she does see it, it's just going to be more guilt that adds to her depression.

>Speaking as someone who sometimes has to pick up completely insane people
You a taxi driver?


That's psychoanalysis

wow stories

That sounds a lot like me...

anxiety disorders are probably pretty common on Yea Forums

>have cancer
>doing chemo
>"good news, your cancer is receding and we canow remove it through surgery"

I'm not good at telling stories and beside 2 of them they aren't interesting, generally it's just an enourmous waste of time that involves the police and some light violence/convincing, the problem is that these people no matter how young or old they are they are just a waste of time for everyone involved, they relatives, the ambulances getting stuck behind them while there could be a real emergency somewhere and all the istitutions and burocracy beyond them.

I would never doubt a man with that OT level

Sopranos. The creator David Chase said the show was about psychology, for what it's worth.

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Love how this thread is full of idiots giving opinions about stuff they know nothing about.

Watch In Treatment, probably the most underrated show of all time.

this should be a Yea Forums's banner.
The HBO one?

He's a nutcase but he's not wrong about psychiatric drugs.

psychiatry is at best a protoscience

Dude empathy lmao

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Xenu Saves!

I feel for you, having dated someone who was like what you describe and worse (alcoholic, cheater, liar, verbally abusive, manipulative and constantly trying to blame me for their problems, constantly talking about suicide) i would advise you to think hard on if you love them and if they are worth your time. If the person is abusing you, verbally abusing and endangering your life, it would be a good time to leave and do not look back. People who are dangerous need to be avoided at all cost, but what you are describing is someone who is extremely dangerous to themselves. Good luck.

Most mental problems are caused by subconscious re-programming and are damn hell curable or at least helpable by psychologists.
Psychiatrists only help if it's clinical and natural

> thinks psychologists use the Rorschach test

that's psycho-analysts, user.

Batman (1989)

This is why i let my mailman do my prostate exam

>actually studying anything
good meme

listen to this guy user

Shutter Island

As a psychology graduate, I cannot stress how much of a meme the course is. I'm going on to study postrgad medicine to go into either neurology or psychiatry because you can't do jack with an undergrad in psych without a masters or changing direction (i.e. non-psych job). Absolutely dicking myself but I've saved enough to cover tuition for the first two years so I'll mooch off the family for the remaining two.

Congrats I've cracked up in the library at snippity snip

Here's some psych films that come to mind OP, not all strictly psych but revolve around psych themes.
>Donnie Darko
>Any of the Hannibal films staring Hopkins
>One flew over the cuckoo's nest
>The Machinist
>The Jacket
>Natural Born Killers
>Session 9
>Girl, Interrupted

Here for a bit, so ask a psych anything you wanna know about the degree (no I can't diagnose you)

Shutter Island

>his therapist doesn't have a MD and PhD both
I was pretty much an invalid from 14 to 30, but I met that guy and he changed my life.

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Whats the symptoms?

>arguing over the relative merits of two near identical disciplines of science when the replication rates of both are below coin toss accuracy

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