what the actual fuck were they thinking
What the actual fuck were they thinking
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they weren't
Arr right white dog wtf u saying bish dat rook rike the same person.
You got probrem?
In this iteration, Spike is a divorcee dad who needs to get his hapa kid (Vicious) out of the Red Triad because he is tempted into a life of drugs.
They couldn’t make him a white man, so something similar but less white supremacy
wouldn't surprise me, all the males will be fucking white girls in this
>complains about the Asian
>not the nigger playing Jet
Japanese cartoon = Japanese character
Japanese = Asian
Korean = Asian
"For once, Hollywood seems to have gotten the message about whitewashing Asian roles."
oh no no no no this isn’t real right?
the whole cast is shit
Everyone already new Jet was going to be black when it was announced that Netflix was producing it so it’s not really a surprise.
Wait wait listen to this idea: Ed is trans
Like Jazz
"you might think he looks aryan but actually when Japanese people look at this they see a pureblooded asian" >level 4 otaku and Japanese culture expert
>how mainland asians see themselves
>curly hair
>Japanese Character
"Spike SPIEGEL" is Japanese sure....
It's pretty ambiguous is the show what Race Spike is.
>His racial background has been speculated online to be anything from Jewish, American, Italian, Chinese, or Japanese. It has also been speculated he could be Latino, a light-skinned african or the last Mohican by select online communities
But you're tight Netflix is retarded and just cast "An Asian person"
Maybe in your dreams that character looks like the average pan faced squinty eyed gook
I thought Spike was a chink cause he fought like Bruce Lee
but then he's too good looking to be one
probably a hapa like keanu reeves
you cant trust the wiki but its right in saying he doesnt have a set ethnicity apparently.
Something ive seen no one say is that during the time this anime came out no one gave a shit about muh diversity.
A character with the last name Speigel was just assumed to be german decent.
i'm going to laugh so hard when people start accusing it as a Firefly rip off.
top kek
Creator or anyone else who owns the rights to this should come out and say spike is a Pajeet. The sheer butthurt that would cause it would fuel me for generations.
See you space Kumar-boy...
Bruce Lee was handsome tho
>changing Ein into a husky
Biggest travesty. Shit will be WE WUZ NOTEZ AND SHIEET adaption tier.
was a hapa
That's because Jet is black
Cocaine is a hell of a drug
Actually you're all wrong and should have sex immediately.
>This guy exists
>Cast a manlet in his mid 40s
Motherfucker looks more like guy from Waltz for Venus
The guy he was based on
dios mio
ehh the anime is mostly ambigious with the ehtnicity of characters, that aspect of the casting doesn't bother me it's just john cho might be a bit old to play spike and do convincing action sequences
Is live action Cowboy Bebop actually happening? And this is Spike? lol
ITT: Uneducated
what a fucking kino episode
[zalgo]Cowboy Bebop wasn't that good anyway [/zalgo]
Cho looks nothing like that guy besides being just Asian
That actor is inspiration for Aokiji in One Piece too
His hair is curly and their eyes are similar. Seems like he's supposed to look vaguely Japanese like most Anime Protagonists.
>Inb4 the name
He's from Mars. We don't know enough about the lore to know what that means.
John Cho isn't even a good looking Asian
all good actors are sadly in their early 40s. That's the tragic reality of film making
>Cast a good actor
>Cast an actor that's the right age
Why did they do neither then?
>what the actual fuck were they thinking
they weren't, no one seems to do that nowadays.
Ryan Gosling would have actually worked.
He can't act though. All he can do is try to be Keanu Reeves IRL by looking sad or disinterested.
He's perfect for tragic characters such as Spike
Cho is way too yellow lol. Spike should be more Ainu
cowboy bebop is an asian show which means the characters were asian
spike spiegel is a jew
That's Lupin, not Spike.
he cute
a martian jew*
his fro is green
fuck that's perfect
Looks pretty accurate to me
The US needs to collapse as soon as possible. Jesus Christ.
This image is fucking hideous and I dislike you for showing it to me
They should have cast lip gallagher
>he looks exactly like the source character which means he'll be a good Jet
Why are you so dumb?
>That huge bulky arm
>when the point of Jet's arm was showing the mundanity and perfection of Cybernetic technology
This. If they’re going with a guy that old they should have just cast Keanu Reeves
Fuck off.
Today I will remind them
Keanu Reeves can't act. He has never done a charismatic character well in his life.
He's good at playing guys that are wishy washy and emotionally completely ditached.
I'm indifferent to this. Who gives a shit about live-action anyway.
And Harold was picked for being a good actor?
Everyone in cowboy bebop always looked ambiguous to me. They should have cast a bunch of mutts (hapas, spics, etc) to play everyone. Even Vicious, who people don't seem to have a problem with, looks awful, imo. Imagine seeing an older white guy weebing out with a katana, it's going to look completely laughable.
Gay cartoon praised because my protagonist dies
I like him, but he's fucking too old for the role. Unless it's some parody or an old crew sequel to the show/movie (that would be kind of cool, actually).
Not exactly ambiguous since that would require intent. Really it's the same reason cartoon lions don't resemble real lions. Comics aren't life drawing it's just rote copying and technique mixed with a little artistic license.
>jew fro
>good movement
no actor has all of these, let alone talking in the melancholic way spike does (in sub and dub). this should have never happened
It's claim to fame is bringing movie animation quality to a miniseries. Double frames with lots and lots of blur.
The guy from Kick-Ass? He's not really charismatic though. He has a douche vibe to him.
So did they actually make Ein a husky?
You faggots will cry about anything even when john cho is fucking based
>play in pic related shit
>play gay Sulu in Nu-Trek
>play iconic character of Spike Spiegel
How could this happend?
Nigger, look at JGP in Brick, he was intentionally modelled after Spike.
korean incel lobby
the korean guy from lost is based, Cho is annoying
No thank you.
Harold & Kumar go to white castle is kino you pleb
Maybe if you pathetic loser in his mid 20's who smoke pot everyday.
you're not wrong actually, this is breddy gud
if you like dude wypipo humour.
can someone post something from john cho that's spike esque?
Im glad theyre finally filming this and I hope they make Akira finally next so when they are both shit and eventually bomb Holywood will get their animoo adapting itch out of their system.
Who cares about the cast, who's directing, who are the writers?
Here you go.
why would they stop? making shitty versions of everything else hasnt stopped them from doing that. it's like people who post about what the movies make at box office and argue over it... it has no impact. this will always be cheap entertainment for mental midgets and children that you are forced to consume because you've given up on adult networking and forming real relationships, and it will never satisfy you because its made by people with fucking lives who dont understand that your only sad interaction with the world is through their uncanny facsimile of reality. which i am sure they would recommend you to suicide for because they know their products are shit and really not intended for a normal adult to base their whole life around.
Kinda. There is a bit of Lupin, Marlowe and Dylan, too.
Searching (2018) and Columbus (2017)
Faye was supposed to be part poo. Green eyes and "pass" for gipsy.
Jeff Goldblum
hes 70 years old
Too young
Too old
I agree. CB is, from that standpoint, 56% in space.
Based philistine retard
>not Keanu
>Cast Japanese characters as white
>Cast white characters as asian
hes 70 years old
Pic related will be Vicious.
Age might be bigger problem than race here. John Cho is 46. Spike is in his late 20's. Dindu playing Jet is actually younger than Cho, just 41 for at least he is about as old as the character he is playing.
>Dindu playing Jet is actually younger than Cho
For fuck's sake, there was zero thought put into this. They really need to stop making live action anime adaptations, it's obvious that the people behind these things just give zero fucks.
Jets name is Black. Picture related, as you can see name and race are bit different things.
To be fair, that guy would definitely be considered white in the US.
>how about the bazinga guy for John McLane?
Man, Dirk really got old
>there really are people that think Jet black is black.
Yep. Entire point of Jet as character is being older, more experienced and more patient mirror for young hothead like Spike who occasionally gets himself into deep shit due to being too aggressive and not thinking about things forward.
>german have polish name
>black guy is called white
I always thought it was like a hapa son of bruce lee, not some 45yo beta asian accountant
I have never smoked pot and I hate non-whites
This is shopped right?
I think that they are just incredibly shallow. "Soo.. I suppose people like this show for its cowboys and the.... uh... bebops?" We should consider that for the adaptation. Also space ships.
he doesn't need to act, he has the spike personality irl. that aloof calm charm thing.
One presumes Faye is a hapa, and then Spike and Jet are the result of further generations of racemixing
Just put him in some shoes with a heel. It's not hard to make a 5'10" guy look 6ft, most guys at that height claim they're 6ft anyway.
The age thing is still an issue. It kind of kills the dynamic between Jet and Spike if they're the same age.
What is the big deal?
Fuck netflix, but the casting is not as horrible as it could have been. You knew jet black was gonna be cast as a black person, and while John Cho was actually a suprise. It kind of fits anyway since Spike is based of a japanese actor anway.
Get over yourself
The other choices aren't great either. Faye is some gap toothed Mexican, and a young bishie edgelord like Vicious is being played by some older white guy. Let's not even get into the fact that fucking Spike is now older than Jet. We haven't even seen Ed yet, I can't wait to see what tranny abomination they use there.
>thank go they only shoved an eggplant up my ass and not a cactus
That's how you sound.
You just know they're going to politicize the fuck out of Ed. A (somewhat) gender ambiguous autistic PoC is like a goldmine for netflix.
It's a shame because Ed is just a cool character, not some walking political message.
Easy - just don't watch it. I pirate everything i want to see from netflix, fuck subbing to them
no problem with an Asian personally but john cho does not fit at all
also the no white guys in my "diverse" cast trend can fucking die
>also the no white guys in my "diverse" cast trend can fucking die
But there is a white guy user, he's the villain!
barely white, looks like a hapa
He looks like a potato plant with a head like he has.
Why are Asian men so ugly
Is this why they are so obsessed with plastic surgery?
>asians complained that they always get typecast into kungfu dude
>cast an asian for a kungfu dude that isn't even asian
Is this some weird irony?
Spike is 50% Jew and 50% Chinese.