Can documentaries be popular AND well made?

Or do entertainment "documentaries" just count as fake news that captures a zietgeist?
Why we're they so popular then but not now?

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Because it was a scam.

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Why didn't McDonald's just pay him off?

because McDonalds lawyers prove this movie to be fake, they werent at fault.


the same people who believed in this shit also believe in

>eat like shit
>get fat
>diet and excessive
>get thin
Why was this regarded as groundbreaking, exactly?

It's mcdonalds fault that you are eating like a fat fuck

it is this fucks fault I can't supersize or get a biggie fry from wendy's anymore

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>muh fast food bad
>takes twice the amount of calories a big/fit male should take in per day
Was it autism?

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>scamming people out of their money with a fake controversy
i think theres another word for this

>kyaaa please fuck my ass corporation-sama!!

you dont get it do you? the faggot in that movie let himself get fucked in the ass by corporations. it wasnt rape, he consented. he didnt have to eat only mcdonalds for a month

Fyre and that other one, Neverland, that woman with the blood thing Silicon Valley, Making a Murderer, OJ, Abducted in Plain Sight, Minding the Gap, Won't You Be My Neighbor, Free Solo and so on. All recent, popular and reviewed well.
I feel like people (normalfags) watch more documentaries now thanks to streaming youtube, Vice, HBO and whatnot.

Going against corps with retarded arguments is the best way to shield them from criticism, retard

Not just this. But the retard also ate too much.
Anything can fuck your body if you take 5k of it calories each day.

*in calories each day

This. If you eat nothing but burgers , fries and soda with no exercise no shit you're going to get fat. If this guy got a water and a side salad instead of a pop n fryand went on a 60 minute walk after each time hed be fine.

The guy even did a TV series, but in a similar vein it was dishonest and the system for how the documentaries like this got done became more obvious.

It's similar to Michael Moore documentaries in that they present what look like facts but ends up misleading you a huge deal.

Vegans are just deceptive assholes who can't stop lying.

Supersize Me is a comfy watch, haven't seen it in a while but it's wonderfully early 00's.
My favourite thing about it is that the guy didn't tell anyone that he's a drinker, so his liver was already a bit fucked up prior to the experiment and it exacerbated the results.
I remember seeing a trailer for Where in the World is Osama bin Laden. Hard to believe that was 11 years ago - I was excited for it but never watched it.

burgers/fries/soda wasn't the problem, it's that he was eating as much as possible... thousands of calories over his daily recommended. he refuses to release what he actually ate.

That's not even the point of the controversy.
The problem with his "findings" was that he was getting fatter, but NOT NEARLY ENOUGH.
Alledgedly, after the first rounds of filming they noticed that he was getting chubby at best, with his health not even degrading at a rate good enough to be distinguishable from normal fluctuations.
He ate SEVERAL TIMES over what is shown in the documentary, and not even only from McDonald's food, because there was no way he was getting that fat and unhealthy on fast food alone.
He'd scarf down stuff like lard and straight oil, plus deliberately dehydrating himself to increase the noxious effects of the food he was ingesting.

People greatly underestimate how good the human body is at regulating itself.
Yes, a slight caloric surplus will make you fat.
No, it will never make you that fat, that fast, no matter what you're causing it with.

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They become most popular when Netflix lost the rights to all the good shit.

Rules stipulated he had to eat 3 meals a day. A meal meant a main, a side, and a drink. Also over the 30 days he had to try each menu item once. He had to super size it if they asked. I don't think he exercised whatsoever.

I love McDonalds, I've been there twice in one day maybe ten times in my life. As a kid-teen I'd get soda, then diet soda, now I don't get a drink and I have my water at home. Fries or a pie are once in a while, most of the time it's just a couple of cheeseburgers.
The rules he made meant he was going to manipulate the results into what he wanted to see.

>Rules stipulated he had to eat 3 meals a day.
But that's the point.
The lawsuit and his loss were also because he didn't respect the rules and repeatedly ate off-screen to make the results of his movie more shocking.
The point of the controversy is that EVEN with those absurd rules, he still wasn't getting nearly as fat as he wanted, so he cheated to make fast food look worse than it is.

A lot of the progressive types cut their teeth bitching about corporations through fast food at the time. My english teacher had us read fast food nation, apparently it was supposed to blow our minds.

>hey bro lets eat an excessive amount of kilojoules and carbohydrates and put all the blame on someone else!
>cool idea bro, ill film it

That guy ate McDonald's every meal and LOST weight. And, it was during the time McDonalds's was REALLY shit with transfats.