Random attacks by gangs on the subway

>random attacks by gangs on the subway
Why did they whitewash these characters?

Attached: joker trailer.png (1199x736, 1.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:


the same reason the love interest is a single black mother

Also, the subway was too clean and devoid of the negro

They were on their way to Dorsia's.

Have Sex

they didn't want to make him /ourguy/

it's set in an alternate timeline where whites just picked their own cotton

An American patriot

Attached: bernhard-goetz.jpg (737x431, 42K)

more to the point: where is the leftard outrage over this whitewashing?

They're a metaphor
For society


it's Gotham
it's clean from niggers

The leftist meme about well dressed white men beating people up is hilarious.
Top clown world.

Sounds implausible, the immersion is already broken

>it's Gotham
>it's clean from niggers
Croc ate them all

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (474x356, 49K)

because if we portray black people positively in hollywood films they'll stop committing 53% of all homicides despite being 13% of the population. duh

Wasnt the first group that hit him in the alleyway a mutlicult group of blacks and spics?

They're in fucking suits too.

white people are always openly shooting us in the streets. that's why it's okay for me and my boys to throw acid at the elderly.

Probably cubicle slaves with pent up anger issues for needing to be all smiles all day around the office lest the HR will throw them out for being difficult to work with and a detriment to the work environment.

white men in business suits are the real menace of our society

the media just highlights blacks

Gangs of well dressed white men roaming the streets brutally beating clowns and gang raping women.

>white men in business suits are the real backbone of our society

>the media just covers for blacks


Attached: mnaOksv.gif (331x280, 1.86M)

we truly live in 1984

Gang weed

The joker is civilization as we know it and the two white males are well they're two white males.

If a white man asks you to come listen to it's hip to be a square. It's a trap.

The twist ending of the movie reveals that none of this actually happened. The joke being that you're meme'd into feeling sympathy for a literal psycho.

Its so funny to see everyone slowly waking up to what the 1% have been planning and doing for years

look up protocols of zion for more truth.

i mean, it was mostly jewish "whites" that ran slave plantations


>some dumb incel makes a .jpg
>you believe it
is there any lower form of life than a /pol/ user

>its another /pol/ boogeyman episode
grow up, user

lol such a worn out trope

literally my immediate first thought - white guys in suits wouldn't be beating up a random guy on a train

black single mothers need love too.

1. most jews are white
2. that "statistic" about jews running the plantations is bs made up by fragile whites

they must be trump supporters.

>we gonna get a thicc black Harley Quinn
I'm ok with this

Jews are Semitic, not Caucasian, dimwit.

Yeah but I've seen the movie.
t. Jordan Peele


is worn out

>white men in business suits are the real menace of our society
pro tip: jews aren't white

European jews skin colour is white.

Semites are caucasian you retard.

"European" jews are not ethnically white, they do not identify as white (except during subversive behavior), stop pushing this meme

Shut up /pol/fag

Attached: Your whole post.jpg (359x240, 10K)

it does seem out of place though. looks like two business men mugginga clown

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Cry more virgin weeb

is it true that middle easterners and north africans are listed with "whites" in america?

They caused the 2008 crash and started every pointless stupid war since the end of WW2

Are you joking or an idiot?

Attached: Anger.jpg (430x294, 44K)

>"European" jews are not ethnically white
What the fuck is ethnically white? There are dozens of different ethnicities of white people but there is no white ethnicity. White is a skin colour simple as. If your skin colour is white you are white, it doesn't have anything to do with who people identify as, that's tranny logic.

>this is what americans actually believe

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back to your Yea Forumsntainment board, incel

wall street schmucks jacked up on cocaine

white = r1b

>looks like two business men
Capitalist filth do see proles as human.
Weeb and proud.
I'm asexual...

Attached: Ace_irl.jpg (821x838, 166K)

>They caused the 2008 crash
actually that was a combination of international banking jewry and blacks too dumb and poor to pay back their subprime loans

Dumb haplo autism.

Attached: If Harris had drones.jpg (500x657, 66K)

>literal ACAM BLM /r/socialism cringetard teenager comrade

If Gotham's problem were black people batman would have been like "fuck it" he fights because there is hope

You didn't answer, what is white ethnicity? What is white culture, language, religion etc.? Like I said, there are dozens of different white ethnicities but there is no white meta ethnicity because ethnicity doesn't work that way.

>jewry and blacks
Your revision and stupidity should be crime

Attached: Facts from pol.jpg (1328x854, 283K)

>I don't want to have sex, I'm asexual
Sure buddy. It's just a coincidence that you couldn't get laid even if you tried.

is the joker dare I say it... rising up?

reminded me of when they changed the black aggressor from that viral video into two skinheads.

Attached: 2012_bad_ass_005.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

>Rydz-Smigly quote

You get the idea.

Attached: 1243271414_black_guy_laughing.gif (228x180, 1.6M)

BLM ACAB fellow comrade, we must crush the fash from our tranny discord servers. wakanda forever!

Yes because they group most caucasians as "white", it's a retarded term anyway. Since they just mean Europeans when they say white they should just call it European American or something as "white" is not properly descriptive of Europeans.

Gotham in this movie is based on new york in the 70's. you were literally just as likely to get mugged by whites as niggers back then

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nice false false flag tranny

Speak English you blubbering mouth breather
I'm sorry I don't conform to your narrative. I just don't have sexual attraction to men or women.
Word salad is not an argument.

Attached: HMMM. pol version.jpg (589x939, 157K)

Because if you haven't noticed our society is being carefully controlled and conditioned, and you're not allowed to even hint that cities are filled with "diverse" individuals who can't follow basic laws

Nope, give me a single source to back that up.

You'd have to be a special kind of dumb to believe in those infographs without question though. Most people spewing that shit are /pol/fags.

Japanese confirmed white


No you weren't.
New York was made safe by Giuliani in the early 90s when he cracked down on Harlem.

based Marshall.

Which is lucky because neither men nor women have any sexual attraction to you.


did you even fucking read what I wrote?

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I'm not seeing the problem with that.
Was it mean to be an insult?

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>actual virgin incel weeb trying to cope this hard.

what about R1b V88 though?

here's a fun fact for all you /pol/ kiddies, as a white person in america you're 5x more likely to be murdered by another whitey than a black man

>"Using the research of Jewish historians, the book suggests that based on the 1830 census, Jews actually had a higher per capita slave ownership than for the white population as a whole."
>The relatively high proportion of Jewish slaveholding was a function of the concentration of Jews in cities and towns, not of their descent or religion.
Basically jews themselves stated they were higher slave owners per capita in 1992, a black guy wrote a book about it and was called anti semetic, then he wrote another book explaining it further, and this article says "hes not wrong but he is wrong because he doesnt take these factors into account" ie the usual damage control when dealing with pure statistical fact

>Slavery and the Jews

You mean in a majority white nation that whites are more represented than a race that makes up 13% of the population? Shocking!

>virgin incel weeb
No, why push so hard on a lie?
Makes me wonder if you're not secure about yourself.

Attached: Projecting.jpg (539x341, 26K)

>higher per capita
But user, those are two totally different things.

Have sex

Yes they are, I am not making claims about anything other than what I linked.


can you name ONE jewish plantation landlord in the deep south in the 1850's?

but not random violent attacks, and CERTAINLY not in a city like New York, in fact 96% of all violent crime in New York is committed by minorities

y'all /r/edditards really are cute when you try to distort the truth

>getting this defensive
Sorry incel, I know it's a sore spot.

They're rich frat boy financial managers with daddies money. You don't think they would beat up a hobo or weirdo if they were drunk and knew they could get away with it.?

Nice cope

Nice reading comprehension and general knowledge of NY history.
The unsafety persisted until Harlem got the zero tolerance treatment, which was in the early 90s.

Here's THE iconic breaking point for New Yorkers and how they saw the crime issue:
A white guy shot a bunch of black hoods on the subway, and gained massive support for it. Paving the way for Giuliani.

But the original argument was that it was "mostly" jews that owned slaves. You linked that in relation to this argument.

Then there's no such thing as black. Dissolve every black activist and advocate group please.

>stating facts is distorting the truth

Why bother? I am not claiming anything other than what I referenced and linked there, that jews were higher per capita slave owners. Anyone that seeks to downplay that or obscure it is the problem, not people that just want an objective view of history.

but that fact isn't relevant here leftymong

I'm not the one asserting something without any evidence to back it up.
That's smacks of /pol/ cope to me.

Attached: Arguing with pol.png (706x674, 44K)

I am not the person that stated that and I already have stated that I am not claiming anything other than what I linked. Sorry you cant continue arguing what you want user, maybe start replying to the message that triggered you.

>admits it's a fact
I accept your concession

what are you trying to say? that white people can't be evil? because that's not true, just look at our president

jidf niggers in full force tonight

Calling me /pol/ won't ever help you have sex incel.

so then can you name even one if what you are saying is true? here, just find one from any of these lists en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_plantations_in_the_United_States

>*Camera pans in on cgi Heath ledger in joker makeup*
>"Heh... And that's how I got these scars"


I don't think you understand how statistics work retard

But, I don't want to have sex...

Attached: Blinks, excuse me..gif (230x230, 1.53M)

here comes the anti-/pol/ folder out of the nasal orifice lmao

why did none of you faggots complain about the white hoodlums and gangs in movies from the 70's and 80's?

What the fuck are you on about? Of course there are black people just like there are white people. But there isn't black ethnicity just like there isn't white ethnicity or Asian ethnicity. There may be afro-american ethnicity that has it's own culture but saying that there is black ethnicity is wrong because there are hundreds of different black ethnicities around the world.

REALLY don't see why left wingtards are so desperate to defend niggers and jews on the internet. is it some kind of stockholm syndrome?

>post factual statements
>this triggers the stormfag
back to your hugbox, snowflake


Attached: Pol needs to stop.jpg (1024x887, 175K)

Sure buddy, and you also fight /pol/ on this board not because they make you mad or anything too...

Do you even know what Caucasian means?
Semite is just an ethno-linguistic term. Jews and Arabs are Semites because they speak a Semitic language.
Caucasian is a historical race category that includes Europeans, Nafris, middle easterns and even part of the Indians, central Asians and Eastern Africans

FACT: you are a virgin freak

>white gangs do not exist
Um ok.......


Attached: tombstoneok1.jpg (636x428, 68K)

>user makes claim x
>people demand a source for it
>you give a source that claims y
>that's not what the argument is about
>lel triggered much??
absolute brainlet

Are you daft, user? I am not the person that made the initial claim, I am someone that was reading and was interested enough to research it myself to see what the truth was, found that article from 1995 that itself cites census data, and the reality is that jews were higher per capita slave owners at that time. Why are you incapable of accepting that?

>anti-/pol/ just as bad
??? kikes are many orders of magnitude worse than /pol/ tho

Thats what he meant, you have this seething folder that you post the exact same images from whenever /pol/ makes you seethe. And you do it for free too.

That's entirely false.
As a whitey, you are as likely to be murdered by a fellow whitey as by a blacky.

And considering the population statistics, that's mind boggling.

Attached: murder blacks whites.jpg (599x733, 34K)

>has never met a jew

So then look at that list and find me ONE jewish plantation owner, is that so hard?

Okay, believe whatever helps you cope with the fact that not everyone wants a sexual relationship.

Attached: not an argument.jpg (598x792, 237K)

You're a fucking retard


Fuck off with that right wing meme /pol/incel

>gets BTFO
>resorts to adhoms
>uses a shitty meme graph with 6 year old data points
hahahahahaha cope

You're obviously the triggered one that can't accept there is a degree of truth to the meme, like I have said multiple times now I am not the person that made the initial claim and I have repeatedly stated I am not claiming anything other than the information that I linked which proves that per capita in 1830 jews were bigger slave owners.

Why bother? I have no investment in this beyond having found out and shared the information that I did that states that jews had a per capita higher rate of slave ownership in 1830 according to census data. Playing into your obvious loaded question is meaningless, your extent of cope is something to behold though.

The fact that you have to shift the blame to jews makes whites like you seem even more pathetic

i've met plenty, and in my experience they are even more slimey and ugly than the worst /pol/ stereotypes which really says something. I guess i'd be bitter at the world if I was a hook nosed, sallow-skinned, flat-footed oven dodger whose only hope of ever having sex is subjugating some brainwashed yid

jordan peterson fan detected

I hate when chill fratty preftigious investment bankers start physically assaulting people on subways. Absolute menaces of society!

>post factual statements
>this triggers the kike
back to your hugbox, snowflake

And have sex please, or do anything more productive with your time.

I have never listened to or watched any of that guys videos except for one interview when he was on tv.

>Gets BTFO

Attached: 1553818681032.gif (265x308, 1.95M)

>gets BTFO
>resorts to adhoms

>Why bother? I have no investment in this beyond having found out and shared the information that I did that states that jews had a per capita higher rate of slave ownership in 1830 according to census data. Playing into your obvious loaded question is meaningless, your extent of cope is something to behold though.
In other words you are full of shit and your "research" is shit. If you cannot even find or name one then you are a liar, admit it.

>Needs to go back to the 19th century to prove a point
Shame you can't go back to the 19th century to get laid incel.

Times user was literally the Joker:
>pulled a statistic out of his ass
>got proven wrong with actual source
>pretended to laugh it off

do you losers have a single unique meme?

No OC, go make some more Grittys so we can make fun of them too

Attached: white people original.png (1051x558, 426K)

why are heebs allergic to facts?

Because hollywood is one big disinformation campaign.

>White gangs are a myth
>provides evidence
>"F-f-f-fucking incel"
Kill yourself, Tumblr

Attached: tumblr.jpg (500x748, 115K)

nobody identifies as "white" in europe, only "white" identitarians

jewry has based its entire way of life on copying others, it's no surprise that their minion drones are so adept at it

That evidence doesn't prove anything retard.

Because they wanted to go easy on the truthbombs, this movie is based and redpilled enough as it is

The Clinton reforms forced quotas on banks who hadnt loaned enough to blacks with low income and shit credit because they be racist.

The over financialization of subprime shit speaks for itself. And variable rate mortgages are hardly goyish. Didn't the church forbid Europeans to even charge interest until like 50 years ago?

You are annoyed that I am not humoring your loaded question while suggesting that objective census data from 1830 and referenced by mainstream media in 1995 is actually worthless. You are a joke.

>post facts
>user gets triggered
>posts memes he got off /pol/ instead of confronting uncomfortable truths

As Tolkien taught us, evil can never create, only corrupt.

this is /pol/ in a nutshell

>have sex
No! I'd probably throw up from letting some rando touch me like that again.
It's the weekend and I've just finished all my current assignments, I got plenty of time to shitpost away of 4chin.

Attached: It's the truth.jpg (500x500, 55K)

>calls the graph a meme even though the source is right there in the pic

uncomfortable truths that niggers aren't as bad as facts demonstrate? How I wish that were true shlomo, I really really do

>literally has to use black and whites photographs to try and prove something about white people
Every time lmao.

not him but you are EXTREMELY disconnected from reality if you arnt aware of the cancer of criminal gangs of every colour and creed. Heres some information that might shatter your shitty stormfront worldview;

Humans are shit. People are fucking shit awful selfish evil cuntish dickheads, no matter what society or group they belong to. Youll realise this too when you grow up.

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>uses old data for no reason other than it helps his argument

Not when you exist

Attached: xiq5j78q5fq21.jpg (750x383, 55K)

All you have to do is post a modern and relevant gang, but you can't huh?

here's another fun fact about america - the fbi stats indicate that over 30 thousand black on white rapes occur each year while white men average between 0-10 rapes on black women a year

>96% of violent crime in NYC is committed by minorities (mostly black)

why are you like this? maybe one day you'll grow up and realize your ideological disposition that everyone everywhere is equal simply isn't true

>recognizing the negative social effects multiracialism means you think whites are angels
That's not how this works.

>calls the data old when it's clearly not and the dataset hasn't changed

You realize crime happens in places other than America, right?

You're wasting your life, in 30 years you will still be here arguing with /pol/

>hUmANs aRe sHiT

Attached: National_IQ_per_country_-_estimates_by_Lynn_and_Vanhanen_2006.png (800x370, 143K)


>implying the attack wouldnt have been carried out by Mexishits instead

Why are you quoting statistics about one shithole city? The planets bigger than your dump retard. Of course people arnt equal but there is one thing ALL people have in common, exactly what i fucking posted.

Name a single blockbuster movie in the last 4-5 years where a black character does something wrong and gets punished and/or is a villain or an all around despicable character.

they can be yuppies on coke during the 80s after a party, so maybe it's plausible in that enviroment.
Yet well, at least between the kids who kick his balls there are negroids among then (at least mutts not full negroids, that's racist)

Ya, I heard they got nigs in Canada now too

It's the same in any major US city.

>Doing exactly what he's criticizing you for
What is wrong with you people? It's like you have no ability to reflect on your own statements.

Attached: 1554229695113.png (610x702, 107K)

BASED they also ran most of the ships - can't post the source, I was banned last time I did that

and yet whites rape more than 2x the amount blacks do
>6 year old data is fine to use because I say so
last reply to your BTFO'd ass


>Pseudo science and feelings over facts.
The last vestige of tossers

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>6 year old data is fine
Of course it is. Especially when the trends haven't changed.

Are you retarded

>gets BTFO
>resorts to adhom
check and mate

>iq is racist because niggers are dumb

Only Alita

>whites rape more than 2x the amount blacks do
Yet there are 5-6x more whites than blacks. Sooooo.
Also, see pic.

Attached: interracial rape.png (500x357, 78K)

>people in this thread has never met spoiled white rich assholes
upper class cityslickers are worse than niggers

Attached: based.jpg (249x249, 17K)

So yes?

Run away from the fact that iq is pseudo bull

Attached: sonic_laugh.png (278x245, 82K)

just go back to rebbit already

kys polTURD

>what is per capita
What the fuck are you on about?

based and true

What exactly is the point ur trying to make by replying with this to the post i wrote? talk me through the process. Im talking about how people are ubiquitously just shitty and you reply with a map of IQs

big thinking


because it's a cartoon movie about a insane clown you fucking retards


because gotham is based on NYC you utter fucking mongrel

>people has
hi nigger

he cute and tells the truth


but its not NYC its a fictional city you fucking absolute spastic

we live in a society...

Y'all reddit leftycels need to read this

Reminder that high income blacks commit more crime than low income whites.

unironically been made fun of by fratbro whites more than nigs

>there's only 3 white men in business suits on the train

they're not even trying.

>there are white gangs too!
>"gang members" in trailer have on suits

They're obviously just demonizing middle-class white people, as modern Hollywood tends to do. Get a grip.

let me spell it out for you fuckboi:

POC don't get representation in movies as it is, then when there's a role in which POC historically excel at it's given to whites. I mean wtf is that about

>muh per capita

its in the middle of the night, they've prob been out patying

It's like the single mothers who say whites get more welfare. They can't understand that there are between 6 and 7 white women to every black woman. So for every 6 blacks of welfare, 1 white is. How fucking hard it's that to understand? You legitimately have to tell them that 75 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock for them to begin to understand but they always come back to oh but more whites use dem programs tho

you know who does more harm to your family than bogymen blacks? people in financial institutions


All these triggered kissless virgins from /pol/. You wouldn't rage so hard about little things in media if you had a balanced life.

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cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks bro

how does the common nigger contribute to society ?

Oh, I see. It's just clever social commentary. Brilliant.

Nah they would be more likely to take him out to eat while they drunk dinered and passively made fun of him while doing so.

They aren’t niggers

Stop, that's too high level for pol filth.

Attached: red.more_then_meets_the_eye_by_yukiumi_chan-dbzlaos.png (1024x562, 294K)

Percentages be hard, especially when they go against your retarded ideology.

>start rambling race statistics at random women
i wonder why you can't get a girlfriend user

Seethe more.

chill with non semantics senpai



Attached: kronk doesn't make sense.gif (245x140, 360K)

>people are ubiquitously just shitty
But they aren't equally shitty. The worst thing that will happen to you in my corner of the world is that you'll have your bike stolen.

Attached: 1453381800923.png (328x407, 69K)

>jokers diary
>was on catching the subway and got beat up by the a gang of white guys in suits
>when the fuck does that ever happen. They must be the only gang in suits in the world. I must be the unluckiest clown in the world. I feel depressed.

is this true? those rich investment bankers pay far more in tax than niggers. in fact, vox day worked out how much the differential is just for your average white and black person!

>If you are a white American, over the course of your lifetime the federal government will, on average and on your behalf, transfer $384,109 of your wealth and income to a single black individual

You got that reversed. I'm the one laughing.

Attached: smoke so much cigarettes you wouldn't believe.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

I’m married and an old fag, I don’t really rage about much.

Luckily, I live in an area where I don’t have to deal with the blacks or illegals. I also don’t have to deal with crime either. Huh.

Imagine if it happened today

Attached: ulrike-meinhof-79-23-76.jpg (850x400, 43K)

You're just making shit up and you know it.

What's it like knowing your 4/10 gf lies about staying at melissas house after a night out when really she's at Jamals.

>C O P E

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i'm hearing jewish voices and i like it

WTF I love jews now?
Seriously though, it's pathetic trying to shift absolutely every single thing onto someone else. Why can't we just hate niggers and freely admit they belong in chains or africa? At this rate I don't know who you guys hate or what you believe, save that anything done wrong has never been actually done wrong by you guys.

I'm not American, so I don't have to worry about that :^)

There's Jews in this thread RIGHT NOW.

Attached: 1420714098505.gif (350x117, 1.17M)

You can't even name one. Your a fucking hack. good job, dipshit.

>four teenagers, Barry Allen, Troy Canty, Darrell Cabey and James Ramseur, were shot and wounded by Bernhard Goetz
>(((Bernhard Goetz)))
oy vey, that explains the massive support he got!

Hollywood would turn the white vigilante into a tranny poc folk hero, and the black hoods into white alt-rightists.

took me literally one second


as a jew you're an honorary american. it's in the constitution

thats just an incredibly blinkered view of the situation. You think people that influence housing market booms and forclosure or profit from your money by giving it to someone else and charging them for it are fine because they pay more tax than pol bogeymen?


Attached: 14t3kox.gif (452x308, 2.78M)

>it's an autistic shitposting /pol/ vs /leftypol/ episode

Attached: popcorn pepe.gif (498x498, 1.13M)


Lol you're a loser. Sorry user I cant stay and go in circles with you, I am watching death wish with a sexy girl now. Enjoy

>I saw a picture on /pol/ so I believed it
lmao literal NPCs

Not him but, 2 seconds of Google:
>Did Jews really own slaves?
>Yes. Jacob Rader Marcus, a historian and Reform rabbi, wrote in his four-volume history of Americans Jews that over 75 percent of Jewish families in Charleston, South Carolina; Richmond, Virginia; and Savannah, Georgia, owned slaves, and nearly 40 percent of Jewish households across the country did.
>A number of wealthy Jews were also involved in the slave trade in the Americas, some as shipowners who imported slaves and others as agents who resold them. In the United States, Isaac Da Costa of Charleston, David Franks of Philadelphia and Aaron Lopez of Newport, Rhode Island, are among the early American Jews who were prominent in the importation and sale of African slaves. In addition, some Jews were involved in the trade in various European Caribbean colonies. Alexandre Lindo, a French-born Jew who became a wealthy merchant in Jamaica in the late 18th century, was a major seller of slaves on the island.

Movie street criminals are always either white, or a bizarre group of whites blacks and hispanics that doesn't exist in real life.

literally 99% of the financial sector has nothing to do with subprime loans

you are all clueless zoomer fags. There were white gangs in non-american anglo countries that even wore suits,

but that was 60-70s. They were called the mods.

People who do this shit in movies are writing from another time period.

did you see that guy in california who got accosted by the cat lady over his maga hat? well it turns out that he is jewish and he seems to be getting a lot media defense out of the blue. could just be a coincidence.

Colonel Edmond Reginald Hucklestein

>drunk fratboys beating poor people up is something not possible

No thanks, I'll keep my passport Mr Mohammad AlAmerkana.

Attached: A U T I S M.gif (480x270, 512K)

Oh there were white gangs 50 years ago? Yeah I heard that John Dillinger was a real bad egg.


>le 4% face

Why was that so hard?

hello? the financial sector has crashed the economy. MULTIPLE TIMES. The suffering caused by greed for fiat is just unquantifiable, the knock on effects to millions and millions of people.

>complain about lack of representation in the film industry
>position in society which has historically and disproportionately been occupied by black people
>they cast white characters instead
how do you think POC feel rn?


Strangers on the Subway? I see you've never taken public transportation.

cool it with the antisemitic remarks bro

Gangs 50 years ago were pretty vicious. Even the ones that looked silly.
Italian job is this sort of thing

meant for u dont @ me

>TIL: Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis was Jewish
You learn something new everyday.


...and literally 99% of these people have nothing to do with that. they have desk jobs, they trade currencies or futures or whatever lmao. left wing populism really is retarded

He said most, retard. Not "all". Learn the difference.

Friendly reminder Lincoln wanted repatriation and that John Wilkes Booth was literally jewish

Clearly they're metaphors for society.




>Rich people owned slaves
holy shit, fucking news at 11, but still the majority of slave owners were white



not an argument


did you read it?

proves what?

Old Joker origin
>Gets thrown into a vat of chemicals
New Joker origin
>Gets thrown into society

this thread really blew up with leftypol. Got caught with one of their lieeeeessss again huh.

lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to africa but got assassinated

Reminds me of that white Vietnam vet who beat up that black guy on the bus and when they made a movie about it they cast a Mexican as the veteran and a white guy as the bad guy


>Jews accounted for only 1.25% of all Southern slave owners.


>believing jewish propaganda

Still waiting for the source that most slave owners were jews.

>go see your shrink
>its a black woman
>go on a date
>its a black woman
>catch the subway
>get beat up by a white gang
>turn into the joker

>jewish propaganda
lmao nigger kys

>But it's ok to believe THIS Jewish propaganda!

Based Jews then

And they were what % of the population?

>Harvard Professor of Government James Q. Wilson explained the broad sentiment by saying, "It may simply indicate that there are no more liberals on the crime and law-and-order issue in New York City, because they've all been mugged."
based and redpilled

nice argument, faggot

Jews are smarter versions of whites


Attached: 1544659951705.jpg (530x600, 223K)

Wow, rich people were more likely to own slaves, news at 11

I bet a few /pol/cels think this is a real quote

Well sure.
Including rich blacks, for instance.

>provides evidence
>b-b-buts its propaganda
anti-semites are fucking retarded


Attached: 1461543910231.png (680x596, 49K)

Jews are higher IQ which means they’re more successful which means higher rate of slavery ownership

Baby Driver. I cheered when Jamie Foxx's character died. he was a real shitbag

yeah and?

And what?

>Jews actually had a higher per capita slave ownership than for the white population as a whole.

you can convert to judaism and become a jew. you're still white. you white jew.

Jews don't count as white towards identity politics though.

this always shows the stormfag hypocrisy: they claim that jews have propagandized white society, but that would mean most whites are low IQ

>hurr it's the niggers' fault that America is a shithole
lmao Lyndon B. Johnson played you all.

Attached: i7ulz3rz3hoz.jpg (3012x1648, 535K)

That explains why you’re a virgin

how it possible that this board has more jews than /pol/

>incel sees white criminals in a movie
>REEEEeS about jews endlessly on thread

Why are incels such deranged snowflakes?

It’s hard to dislike Denzel though, even if he was an asshole in that movie



well it is a board for tv and film

Cope incels sorry math triggers you


>alt-righters: "I can't fucking stand all these niggers in my movies, I just want a movie with whites!"
*Movie showing whites as the good and bad guys*

Yeah but it was still like 1% not even close to most

It's Yea Forums you fag

Seething incel with no argument

I wasn't involved in that argument.
But 'most' could refer to 'most proportionally'.

1% of slave owners when they were 2% of US pop in 1865. So much for “most”

this only happens in russia but they're wearing track suits

>most proportionally
Lol this level of goalposting

Proportionally most, anyway.

I wasn't making the original argument.
Implying more Jews than whites in absolute numbers owned slaves is retarded.

>Implying more Jews than whites in absolute numbers owned slaves is retarded.
except that is what stormfags like this faggot want you to believe

holy shit are there any gentiles that post here

what is going on

>they were 2% of US pop in 1865
They weren't 2% of the US population in 1865. They are now, but there is no evidence they were back then. To argue that jews didn't hold the most amount of slaves per capita is plain wrong. Also, they brought these Africans here, too.

it feels so good not being racist, not caring about left or right, not living in a divided racist country... feels good to live your life in peace, reading all this hateful comments. hope you guys get better some day!

Attached: 1bb.gif (487x815, 587K)


What country?

I am not Jewish, but I still recognize their superiority

>Also, they brought these Africans here, too.
Damn those Jews running the Dutch, Portugese and Spanish empires!

>Jews weren't in the European money-lending trade that funded one of the most profitable enterprises in pre-modern history

Attached: 1551056145995.jpg (570x600, 286K)

You could pull up a census record and I bet you my bottom dollar most of the owners last names are anglo in origin.

>It wasn't the white's desire to have slaves which the Jewish bankers were simply one of their tools to get their goal

they do if you identify as a white jew, as opposed to a black jew.

Attached: jewish-slave-ship-owners-fb-img-1467708431908_orig.jpg (600x475, 51K)

>There were only 15 ships that transported all slaves to the western hemisphere

That post is talking about 'per capita' though.

No, white Jews get out of shit like white privilege without any issue.

How many ships do you think were used to transport Africans slaves to America? Millions? Dude, even jews don't argue the point that they owned and transproted a great degree of Africans, they just dispute the claims that they had "overwhelmingly dispropriate" influence in it. But if you look at the facts, you know that they did in fact have it. Just like they have it now with the media, education and big business.

>No, white Jews get out of shit like white privilege without any issue.
well then white people are too fucking stupid then because they can do the same thing too
>Oh I'm not white, I am Irish, we were persecuted by white people for centuries

show us a list of all the other slave ships and their owners

Pretty much.

Thats how he knows society has truly gone insane, when the white guys are the ones to attack him.

The source is in the image I posted. Is it too difficult for you to research it yourself?

Lots of triggered jews in here unable to accept simple history

So I guess all white guys are shooters since some white guy shot up a mosque a few weeks ago right?

>lot of stormfags here doing the same cherry picked shit that the media does to white males


Man, do you even understand what we are talking about here? We're not talking about if every single jew in the world participated in the slave trade. We're talking that they had a vastly disproportionate influence in it. You go on jewishlearninglibrary and even they do not discount their influence in the slave trade, they just try to argue other things. Such as the point you made "well, everyone did it". No shit, everyone did it, that's not the point.

so you accept the fact that most Jews are wealthy because they fucking got of their asses and made something of themselves? I find it so hilarious that Whitey McCletus goes on and on about how Jews are rich and powerful and are bankers and blah blah when literally Medieval European laws forbade Jews to do anything but those jobs, if Jews are monsters then it was a monster that white people created

Is cherry picking the new fake news ?

>Medieval European laws forbade Jews to do anything but those jobs, if Jews are monsters then it was a monster that white people created
I do not disagree with that. But should we all suffer for what our stupid ancestors did back then? Jews are on top of the game today not because they are smart or driven, but because they have established themselves long ago as these big players and they only allow others of the same gang to participate, all the while hiding behind the "white" moniker.

goetz is a german name you mouth breathing retard