>Remain outspent Leave
>Remain used foreign politicians to threaten the public
The seething. So much seething
Other urls found in this thread:
>destroying your own country
>to own the libz
Pretty much
>makes the same thread every day
>its an angry and mix of buzzwords
You are the only one that is mad asf here.
This is why Brexit is based. Finally Ireland will be free and united
>wait 9 months to officially submit to the EU that they want to leave
>can't make a deal for 2 years
>now shitting their pants that there's no deal and begging to have more time
Pathetic Brits.
In your dreams paddy
>destroying your own country
They did that when they joined the EU. This is correcting that mistake.
Online marketing is bad unless it's for the new snuggie you want.
Why would you want to be in the same country as Germany and France? It's like they never want to win another war ever again.
Remainers at work are literally going unhinged. They are stressed out. Ranting continuously. Everything is Brexit this, Brexit that.
I didn't take a side in this debate, but the Brexiteers are definitely behaving more calmly and rationally from what I can see.
I wonder if the same studio had to cancel their other production "TRUMP - THE RUSSIAN PLANT" after the Muller report turned out to be nothing.
>(American) /tvpol/ has no clue how economics work and that Brexit is terrible for Britain
Colour me surprised.
I wish British people would stop posting on Yea Forums.
Just fuck off. No one gives a shit about this fucking movie and the umpteenth thread about it that’s being bumped by the same collection of anons from the last 9999 threads about the same shit. Do us all a favor and take it to /pol/ so we dont have to see Cumberbatchs ugly bald cap on the catalog
Wasn't this already settled when Britain defeated Europe in WW2?
Shut up yank
how do you know what's in the Mueller report?
Still clutching at those straws huh?
Just a couple more decades on mass immigration and federalization, goy. You'll see. It will all work out. If you stop now you'll meet ruin!
Based, fuck libz
The absolute hubris of this cunt and his yuro handlers
>mass immigration
The immigration in UK from outside of EU (read pakis and poos) has grown since the brexit vote. Enjoy your isolated island sharia kingdom lmao.
Nah that dude asked a real question and you don't have an answer. Just a Twitter-length summary by a crony installed by the man being investigated.
Irrelevant anyway, this thread isn't about Amerifat politics.
i don't get why anyone would ever trust Germany of France. I'd rather trust the USA/UK. At least they leave my country in peace.
>Some dole bludger didn't like the fact they saw a Romanian plumber on their estate so they decided to ruin their countries economy
Yeah, that totally means EU doesn't have a policy of mass immigration. It will surely stop next month even if it did exist. Gaining the sovereignty to stop it is a terrible idea if you want to control immigration.
>*votes for brexit*
lol this
>Some onions boy loved to see his gf get fucked by Romanian plumbers so he decided to give away his countries sovereignty
>tfw Romanian plumber
>tfw voted leave
It's not the complicated Mr. EU shill. If the elite political body wants mass immigration and the public agrees or fails to resist nothing can stop it. If however the public wants to pull back from destruction of the British people via immigration the only hope to even start is through a Brexit.
The EU will never concede to concerns. Its entire point increasingly seem to brown up Europe at all costs. Trying to sell the EU as a pro-immigration control strategy is an example of that hilarious remainer delusion. Say anything to keep UK in the EU, right? ANYTHING.
You know, EU loyalty, """sovereignity""", pakis and whatever other reasons for staying or leaving the EU do not matter to me.
I just want to be able to live peacefully, in a good neighbourhood, and earn a fair wage doing a decent job while still having family time. Leavers keep saying it's "worth the sacrifice" when it's fucking not. I want to live comfortably, not make "sacrifices". I don't want to end up on the street getting shanked by uneducated chavs because the factories closed.
Fuck this is dumb.
Fucking lmao
I‘m German and I am happy to see the britcucks get fucked by niggers, pakis and all the other subhumans that we ship to them.
The factories closed decades ago moron.
Lazy piece of shit wants comfort and security but is too much of a coward to fight for it.
>he said while Greta gets gangraped by t*rks
>I only care about myself
Why should any care what you have to say then?
>*in the clutches of the EUs hands, without britain to aid them in votes
Gee people who were either too dumb or too cynical to care about the fallout are still dumb and cynical.
Ya don't say...
Got to say as a half-paddy, I don't think Michael Collins or Padraig Pearse would be fans of the EU.
Why not? Grandma Heidi already got gangraped by slavs. There's not a full blooded German left in the entire country.
As long as it also kills off the french faggots and the UK cucks I‘m okay with a couple rapes.
We need to get MORE niggers into the UK.
hopefully I can live til the day their shitty island turns into pakistan and the laugh my ass off.
Fuck you islandnigger subhumans get fucked
t. Madcow
>Germans unironically calling anyone else cucks
Mein sides.
>Nah that dude asked a real question and you don't have an answer. Just a Twitter-length summary by a crony installed by the man being investigated.
When even the guy who made the report tells you there is no collusion its still not enough for you Russia Truther dickheads.
>UK voted leave
>they can‘t leave because EU isn‘t about what you want
>EU just ignores your pointless vote and we continue business as usual
>he thinks I like the EU
V4 seem to doing pretty well at keeping non-whites out of their countries. Perhaps you should vote in some politicians who actually care about your country rather than larping about going back to the good old days of the empire.
Merkel only loves the 3rd reich or DDR flag.
The current German flag is disgusting for any real German.
>This is the German mindset
No wonder you needed nothing less than the most brutal fascist regime in history to become somewhat of a relevant nation. The strength of men failed when the Romans didn't wipe the German race from the face of the earth.
Isn't the current flag what they used in 1848 failed revolution?
To Brexit: to say you're leaving but then stay for an unending period of time.
"Hey did you see Becky at the party last night?"
"Yeah she said she was about to leave at 11pm but then she brexited around in the kitchen".
>UK government votes to not have a no-deal Brexit
>UK government also votes to not use any of the options to prevent a no-deal brexit
>UK government does vote to delay Brexit
The fuck are you brits doing?
And now we fuck you too in the ass you islandmonkey.
Also UK is way more cucked than Germany so we are winning currently.
>Being this small-souled
The reason is most of the government wanted to stay, so they dragged their heels for far too long because they didn't want to do it. They ran themselves out of time hoping things would change.
>The strength of men failed when the Romans didn't wipe the German race from the face of the earth.
Congratulations. That's officially the gayest thing anyone on the internet anyone has ever written.
I like these comfy brexit generals.
Are these copypasta from Reddit?
>its an angry and mix
Don’t come here anymore pajeet
This is another thing I've noticed from the remainers. They have a prejudiced view of Brexiteers as 'the uneducated, unsophisticated, dumb masses'. It's quite simply snobbery - class war really.
>w-w-were winning
>hey muhammed can you let me watch you fuck my sister next time?
No, that would be anything written in German.
Nu-uh they're from friend on Facebook this morning. A real clown I tell you.
>save me EU!
Why such a traitor cuck?
>the most brutal fascist regime in history
Considering how much milkracing you sad twats do over Tom Mosley I'm disinclined to treat your confected outrage seriously.
dangerously based
>wake up
>Eurofags still seething
They maybe fuck my sister but they also fuck your entire family and turn them into kebab and get away with it.
Thats our revenge for WW2. Now enjoy the nigger rape.
>make your country a shithole
>no more refugees
It's a daring plan but it might just be crazy enough to work
crashing this country
That's not the evidence of the thread.
lmao so fucking pathetic
They have a prejudiced view of Brexiteers as 'the uneducated, unsophisticated, dumb masses'
But thats true
How could brexit have been properly handled if done by a government that actually wanted t?
But worth it
Everytime I read some news how you islandniggers get fucked it was suddenly worth all the niggers and rapes that we endured.
Soon your country will turn full shitskin just as planned and you won‘t be able to fight back in Operation Seelöwe 2.
>graduating means intelligent
The absolute state
>political discussion!
>a government that actually wanted t?
No government would ever want it. It's economic suicide and anyone in government, from any party, would see that. Its no coincidence that Farage was never even an MP
There won't be any German's left to carry out that operation.
Brexit is a monumental failure and brits are the laughing stock of the civilized world.
Does a more and hateful creature than the Kraut exist?
>Second referendum vote
why not just have a 3rd and 4th while you're at it
Average IQ of graduates is significantly higher than non-graduates. Sorry brainlet.
There is nothing the modern kraut hates more than itself and it's country.
Well, it literally does, on average.
The average IQ of a graduate is 110, with the average rising to around 125 for PhD holders.
It doesn't mean that you HAVE to have a degree to be smarter than average, but it does mean that graduating makes you more likely to be in that "above average" IQ bracket.
Patiently awaiting your ">implying IQ means anything" reply now
We will see Nigel.
Getting finagled
Well, why not? Democracy is about voting and making sure you're executing the will of the people. If they can win once, and the people want to continue Brexit, they'll win it again.
If they want a 3rd and 4th to be absolutely sure this is the way forward for the English people then there's nothing wrong with that.
>They have a prejudiced view of Brexiteers as 'the uneducated, unsophisticated, dumb masses'.
But they are all this and more.
What are some films about dumb norferners not understanding that the EU had fuck all to do with Commonwealth immigration?
I doubt you've even had sex let alone have any kids.
>Brits actually voting for designated shitting streets
No competent government would have held such a referendum when there was no need for it.
A competent government would have also had a competent opposition that told the people the simple truth: The UK is completely dependent on the EU while the EU doesn't care. This would mean in case of negotiations, the EU would have the upper hand. So the only viable option for a true Brexit would be a hard Brexit which without a doubt leads to economic hardships.
A competent government would then carry out this hard Brexit if the people voted for it since it was clear from the start this was the only viable option.
You have zero basis for this claim. Literally everyone has a degree.
it's not how referendums should be used
i'm for more direct democracy generally though
I would like to thank the brits in this thread for the comedy goldmine that is the house of commons.
I have never seen a more hilarious way of a nation destroying it's own reputation abroad within a few short months. Cheers.
Because you know as well as I do that if they have another vote a lot of people who voted leave will vote remain, not because they've changed their mind, but because they're tired of the endless fumbling of the ball by the government. And then it will become the done thing that if the people vote for something the government don't want all they have to do is pretend to try, get everyone sufficiently frustrated, and then come back and ask "are you still sure?"
You either believe in Democratic prices or you don't, more votes doesn't mean more democracy. Once there's a mandate to act there's an obligation to follow that action through.
But it is. People are fickle, that's why most referendums are advisory, require a clear majority when introducing a major change, and are also done multiple times to placate the people and ensure everyone is on the same page.
The UK government is just being autistic.
Why would i need kids for that?
That will happen in around 10-15 years and I will still be alive to witness it.
Gonna be nice to see all these faggot countries fall apart like UK and the US faggots.
>He thinks having Northern Ireland is a good thing
Enjoy the economic sinkhole and Ulsters I guess.
Yep. It really is time for a new government system. The ruling class are completely out of touch with reality and the country they rule. It's all a joke. I hope both the Tories and Labour both get BTFO because they clearly don't actually care about the core of the country anymore.
>I have never seen a more hilarious way of a nation destroying it's own reputation abroad within a few short months
How about destroying it in one day
lmao, you'll be beheaded by them for trying to lock Ahmed's asshole while he's fucking your mother.
I really don't care about either side OP. I just want to watch the UK burn.
Literally who?
remember when there was time to understand with more accuracy something before (((they)))
start doing movies about it?
how this shit is not propaganda?
better yet: why watch this? looks like the most boring shit ever - and this britbong potato looking pulling a bold make it looks even worst.
>Referenda are usually done multiple times
No, that's not remotely fucking true you charlatan
I came to this thread to talk about the movie
the norf wins again
>brexit means brexit
Didn't her husband sexually assault a load of staff members at charities he worked at?
You too
But it was worth it
Londoners are cunts tbf, it's entirely valid
She's Bongland's Hillary Clinton, eh?
I guess you just enjoy that kind of thing.
She's dead, Jim.
No, she was an MP assassinated by a brexiteer
good lad
Just wall off London and let it become it's own insufferable country already.
Oh, well who gives a fuck then? Corpses don't get a vote outside of Illinois primaries.
As long as they finish you off too I‘m okay with it.
Island monkeys need to go.
The Tories used the EU as an excuse as to why they refused to do anything at all about immigration since they came back into power. Watching it blow up in their smug fucking faces has been the best part of all of this. I hope we have a hard brexit and the losses to business are incalculable.
>People were retarded and didn't know what they were voting for
>Let's not give them a chance to back off
That's mean
I agree
Any European anons in here? How much are people laughing at the UK right now?
Absolutely based
>You have zero basis for this claim.
A Question of Intelligence by Daniel Seligman
Plus pic related.
>literally everyone has a degree
Also false.
The average for degree holders in civilized countries is about 30%, with PhD holders being less than 3%.
Like you can see in the pic, what you major in also influences things, but one thing you'll notices is that the average IQ for a degree is always higher than the mean.
I don't understand why you're so opposed to this objective truth.
No one here is trying to claim that every degree/phD holder is a genius, just that the AVERAGE of them is higher than the average of those that aren't.
Someone can easily infer from your posts that you don't have a degree yourself, and you may feel threatened by these claims, but just like having a degree doesn't mean you're a genius, not having one doesn't automatically mean you're a brainlet.
It just means it's more likely.
>tewwy woicence
>become an independent nation like the overwhelming majority of nations on the planet
>lmao ur detroying your country lol
remainer cucks everyone
>Let's leave the EU without a deal and trade under WTO rules, plenty of successful countries do it, like uhhhhhh Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, and Sudan
>I've sold withdrawal deals to Mauritania, Sudan and Somalia, and by gum it put them on the map.
This. May spent 2 years trying to convince the rest of her party to stop Brexit, including holding a snap election to try and win more seats to be in her favour, then when it got closer to the deadline and tories were more divided than ever she admitted defeat and now claims she wants to honour 17.4m. She refused talks with Corbyn 2 years ago and now suddenly wants a cross party negotiation. Shes at a loss. Yevette coopers bill is a means to stop brexit and the lords are still filibustering like based unelected lords they are.
The only good thing about this mess is it might mean we arent going to be a 2 party government much more, but it just depends if the public ignore the past 2 years of deceit and lies and vote lib dem since ukip has no chance and neither does green.
Brexit is unironically kino
>People didn't know what they were voting for
Absolute horse shit. Do you work for the BBC by any chance?
>mickey mouse magazine as a source
Good joke lad
Remainers unironically quote David Davis "if a democracy cant change its mind then it fails to be a democracy" like its some lightbulb moment and the fact it took them 2 years to come up with a quote that at face value seems perfectly reasonable. But then what they conveniently forget that if a democratic vote is suppressed, altered or stopped then we become a facist state.
Im all for another referendum AFTER the first one has been honoured. They can hold a second referendum the day after we leave the EU.
How has the EU made their country worse? Their economy certainly is better because of it
United Kingdom of Sharia Law by 2025. I'm calling it.
Brexit literally broke electoral law. Leave withdrew their appeal against the decision by the electoral commission, and paid the fine.
Because the referendum was only 'advisorary' it means the result stands. If it were binding the vote would be void, and we'd have to vote again...
>pakis vote Leave because they think itll lead to more pakis
>inbred northerners vote Leave because they think itll lead to less pakis
One of these two groups was wrong
Fascists typically tub thump for elections in an attempt to gain power, but then outlaw them once they win.
Similar thing happening with brexit.
Paki here. I'm in yr country and there's nothing y'all can do about it. lmao
Lesser evil blabla
>attack a single source in the entire post which also happens to be corroborated by all the others ones
You might have as well pointed out a typo as far as counterpoints go.
And I still don't get what your angle is.
Why does the claim "People who spend years studying a specific branch of knowledge that's more complicated than average tend to be smarter" irk you so much?
I could understand if someone was trying to claim "lmao you don't have a degree so you're dumb by default", but what are you even trying to argue here?
That there's absolutely no variance between the IQs of the general population and graduates/PhDs?
There's already variance in IQ scores between people who have and haven't graduated HS, why wouldn't university be the same, in your mind?
Not seething mate... Feeling exhausted, embarrassed (for you), cringe, and a nice German word.. schadenfreude.
Then why are republicans refusing to release the full memo? They've blocked it like four times already. You'd think if it's a full and concrete exoneration on everything from collision to obstruction after two years of crying about a witch-hunt you would want it out for everyone to see ASAP.
Still here, m8.
It's really sad to see how far the Graun has fallen.
brexit niggers absolutely seething
Because the report was given and the person who made it said it concluded there was no collusion, didnt he? Im not averse to the idea that there was collusion, but why would the report conclude there wasn't, and if there was why wait to say so?
Fun fact : Since the end of WW2 the deaths caused by American wars/coups outnumber the casualties of the war.
Reads like the creaturs geneology
IQ is a meme
All the more reason to not care then?
I mean, if it's so meaningless than why are you so opposed to the idea that people in higher education score higher, on average, on a test you see as worthless?
>WW2 killed about as much people in six years as it takes the US to kill in fifty years
Omg wtf i love open war in Europe now and also the draft
Agreed. So is race.
You're cunts
brainlet cope
I hope UK gets the shortage of food and medicine that is predicted to happen, 1 of 2 brits fucked themselves because they think they know shit about basic economics 101. It was not a decision by the few, but the average brit, they all deserve to pay the toll.
I'm 144, fite me
Look at the top of his head
Why do all remaincucks have a crystal ball?
>why does the pilot keep announcing theyre trying to get my family off the plane? Im voting for another one
I don't see what your height has to do with this, manlet.
But seriously do people really think the published Mueller report drew the wrong conclusions, and the report is secretly filled with tons of evudence against him? How does that work?
Wow, life without the EU is utterly impossible. Am I right, my fellow smoothskin humans? Who ever heard of a successful country not in the EU?
>method of voluntary transportation is equal to a democratic country
Why are all remainers so facetious?
Wasnt this comic about Trump?
Trump, Brexit. It all the same right wing populism
>These politicians – who include, but are not limited to, the MPs Mark Francois, Andrew Bridgen, Steve Baker, Bernard Jenkin, Bill Cash and Christopher Chope
I checked, they are all married, why call them british incels, they are not following a celibate, they are all voluntarily married. Is like if I called someone who preaches Marx's teaching a fascist, that is just plain wrong, or a black guy white, I don't get it. I don't feel like I am being punctilious since the whole point of the article is to "meet the brincels".
I blame the desire to have as many articles as possible, and thus shitting out OPINIONS articles, which feels like you have someone that wants to say something without being accountable for being wrong, instead of keeping it to the facts, I think Forbes lost a lot of credibility thanks to its "blog" section.
>Saving your country from a future tyrnnical EU empire
>destroying it
what did he mean by this?
The average voter did not know SHIT about the economic consequences of Brexit, would you rather have someone in your neighbourhood who never studied economics to handle the next's yearly budget for your city?
Germany is the USA you retard.
EUfags will argue against these pictures whilst simultaneously saying in this thread that the average person shouldn't have a say in the matter and that elite technocrats now best.
Shes clearly distracted or at least tired
She's tired of Theresa May
>Let's go WTO
Fucking retard. Take a look at what countries operate under WTO rules.
Okay but why do you need the immigration policies and debt allocation to be a part of the EU? Isn't the core of the organization just some open borders between European states and a limit on tarrifs and shit? Do you really need to ransom that stuff when the UK should be capable of just not taking on the EU's international policy?
Id rather live in a democratic state than a facist state, like i said id happily accept a second referendum after the first one has been honoured.
Oh I see now, he's just an airheaded bimbo.
>all these people supporting remain
Britain went from the largest empire in world history to a European Union Soviet satellite state where they aren't """"""allowed""""" to fish off of their own coastline or have any say in their immigration policy. Anyone harping on about
>muh.... muh economy
is a cuckold, weakling retard trying to their freedom for perceived security, which like all deals with Satan winds up with you losing both and gaining nothing.
Well, we didn't get any of the shit predicted after the actual vote, so I'm not sure why anyone would expect another bunch of predictions from the same people to actually happen.
Because when we joined the EU some 40 years ago it was just a common market. Its now grown into a ridiculous superstate that implements policies to its members by unelected officials. Who knows maybe when we leave we can start selling wonky cucumbers again
But I wonder what really happens if you just declare personal sovereignty over those non-trade rules? Does your country get sanctioned? Is the EU really going to cut out the UK if it just declares theyre only respecting trade rukes from the UK?
Seething krauts.
They didn't want it...
I want UK to proceed, to enact the will of the people, I want to see the bubble of delusion bursting once they see how much money do they have to give, and how they will have to start importing food from USA whose standards are way below that of Europe, so that the other countries finally understand what a stupid decision it was....and then in 5 years some lunatics will justify it saying that it was all a scheme by the DA JAWS to make the other countries fall in line.
The pound going down, various companies reporting a huge dip in profits, UK-european research deals going up in smoke?
British Education at its finest. When you begged to join 40 years ago you knew where things were headed. The preamble of the treaty of Rome literally starts with the "ever closer union" line. de Gaulle was right to want to keep you out.
Just pay verbal and morale dividends to your majorities. Its that simple. If you're gonna do the immigration thing and the diplomacy and the international checks and balances thing, just make sure to turn around and tell the actual people theyre respected, and give them a tax cut or a celebration or something to be proud of. Just fucking maintain the theme of sovereignty and national pride, and you can do all this liberal superstate stuff without seeming like destructive confused weaklings
If you're still making this argument three years down the line I'm afraid you've totally missed the point of why Brexit happened.
Heh. I love watching fags whine.
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland are fine. This is also an excellent time to strengthen relations with the United States.
>V4 seem to doing pretty well at keeping non-whites out of their countries.
Mostly by not giving them anything and treating any found rapefugees as shit. However, if V4 didn't put up a vigorous defense in the EU, it would be mutted for certain by quota fags.
>The pound going down, various companies reporting a huge dip in profits, UK-european research deals going up in smoke?
Various companies report dips in profit every year. UK economic growth
has been steady.
Where was my recession? The emergency budget? I was told these things were going to be the result of an out vote.
But no, I'm sure they're right this time.
Save for Switzerland, all those countries participate in the EEA and are Schengen nations. Switzerland is in the Schengen zone as well and has deals that basically make it part of the EFTA. Because you're a brainlet, here's the bottom line: They have to accept EU rules and free movement of people too.
The past three years has been everyone shitting themselves over Armageddon coming next week and it never actually happening. It's the exact same shit as Trump will be impeached tomorrow, no tomorrow, no actually it's tomorrow. People believe whatever they want to believe.
>wtf I love the political elite now?
>Germany is now entering a recession
Would never have happened if they had access to the glorious EU free market.
When did the Berlin Wall go down? Germany has been busy. Think of all the wasted effort on predatory consolidation.
Because Brexit has not happened, the UK is still in the UE, that is when the real problems come up.
Ah, yes. Unlike those men of the people
>Because Brexit has not happened
But their argument was that the vote itself would cause these things, and it didn't. So why believe their updated predictions?
Why do people think that leaving a trade union will completely destroy any possibility of trade with nations within that union? America and Asia trade with EU countries all the time, the UK isn't just going to stop because they don't get special clubhouse prices anymore. This whole thing's retarded.
>When you begged to join 40 years ago
We had a referendum to join the EU you retard, no one begged at all otherwise the vote wouldnt have been given to the people it would have just been implemented by the governing body
Trading the EU for the US sounds like the most retarded thing possible
Well thayd the type of thing they need to be negotiating but unfortunately the UK and EU are both stonewalling themselves and eachother and pidgeonholing the necessary work because neither the UK government nor the EU feel any reason not to just do nothing
You won't be saying that when lucky charms are the same price as cornflakes you heathen
Brexit was a stupid move on the part of Great Britain. If their politicians were any smarter, they could've just ignored EU regulations and all the tards in the EU could do would be screech autistically because UK could threaten to not pay contributions and there is no actual way for them to enforce their will.
Rather a genuine unabashed posho like Mogg than a duplicitous fake man of the people like Blair or Cameron. At least you know where you stand.
You begged like little bitches. And were vetoed en.wikipedia.org
Why? The US won't bog the UK down with unelected bureaucracy and sovereignty-threatening demands. It will most likely be, dare I say it, a trade relationship.
This. Now they keep all the rules and get all of the people's discontent, as well as a demonstration of incompetence and poor faith, when all they had to do was say no fag and just don't do anything they dont want
> duplicitous fake man of the people like Blair or Cameron
What about Farage, going to endless photo ops og him enjoying a pint or whatever while being an investment banker in the city
>If their politicians were any smarter, they could've just ignored EU regulations
So much trouble could have been saved if our government had taken this attitude. Other countries do it all the time, but the UK have always been such sticklers. And it pissed people off enough to force their hand.
What you're describing is called political sabotage. The EU doesn't want the UK to leave, the UK government doesn't want the UK to leave, so fuck the vote and fuck the people we'll just drag it out until the wind changes.
Uh, whats going on over there, England? Whats the idea?
Sure is
The EU will be dead in 20 years.
Will it be bloody?
no nation is independent. every country relies on others for trade.
>we wuz an empire n shiet
Emphasis on was
The EU gives few fucks about the UK leaving, just like they gave few fucks about when Greece threatened to leave during their crisis.
>20 years
The UK will have broken up long before that lol
So why need an EU?
>Who ever heard of a successful country not in the EU?
I'm Dutch and this is basicly how most europeans think. We are actually reddit the continent
All I know about this is that I agree with the French bitches speech from Deus Ex.
This is why most talks on Brexit breaks down, remainers think the only issue for leavers is free movement, that voting leave is just racism and nothing else, rather than the blackhole money-sink the EU has always been for the UK. Part of the reason it's being dragged out is so we still have to keep paying.
The EU would rather control everyone, but they know they control the UK government, and that even if they did leave they'd try and destroy them
>Gaining the sovereignty to stop it is a terrible idea if you want to control immigration.
The point is that UK gaining sovereignty hasn't and will not stop immigration from outside of the EU because you are cuckisles that enjoy paki cock in your women.
I don't think investment banking and drinking pints are mutually exclusive.
That, or he fakes it a lot better than Cameron trying to eat a hotdog.
>rather than the blackhole money-sink the EU has always been for the UK
Not true. The benefits of trade from being in the EU was much more than what was sent each week
>politicians were any smarter,
You mean if they cared about the citizens
EU laws, while fucking retarded and unnecessary, are keeping politicians, here and in Brussels, in a job at the expense of normal people.
Now we see the circus where they try desperately to justify the EU parliment by not exiting.
We aren't worse off because of Brexit, everything was already austerity going to fuck before the ref. Council budgets are slashed but none of the 100k council chiefs and heads are feeling the pinch, libraries have been closing, roads deteriorating, bins uncollected, long before Brexit.
Hard to blame the Tories either when their hands were tied by the lab overspend.
Life just isn't economically viable.
We have seen UK collapse because industry is undermined by cheaper imports. Imports we cant control because EU controls them.
Car industry, steel industry, coal too to an extent collapsed initially because of eu imports, and now from China. If we cant set import tariffs we have no future.
Culturally we are too far removed from EU to be part of their rules
So it should make sense to you why the UK hates its government
Sounds hard to quantify.
totally worth it. fuck libs
Possibly, although likely not in the western nations. Some poor, weak country will decide to leave when they'll suddenly find themselves occupied by the newly formed EU army for vague 'humanitarian reasons' to protect the thousands of newly arrived refugees. Obviously they won't like it and all hell will break loose. The EU also just lost 13% of its revenue overnight at a time when they're rapidly increasing their spending. Who's going to make up for that? Remember that most Empires fail because they're no longer financially viable.
So what youre saying is, invade Germany?
My point is that those countries are not "out" of the EU as leavers fantasise. They pay contributions to the EU as well.
Maybe, but that makes it just as retarded for the leave campaign to run around saying ''we send the EU £250 each week, lets keep that for ourselves lol''
No begging there you illiterate fag, basically some little conspiracy theory about thinking UK will use its membership to stengthen US ties. If the EU doesnt need us then why are they making it so hard to leave? Why is junker on twitter saying UK cant ignore the voice of 6million who signed a petition? Face it eurofag, you lot will be bailing Germany out with your ever so strong euro, or maybe you will give them the Greek treatment? Either way just make sure your next meme isnt copywrighted otherwise you will be thrown in jail for breaking EU copyright law
So if I pay you can I fuck your wife?
You are a fool, congratulations on destroying our home industries because of cheap imports.
I guess you like supporting all the unemployable window lickers on the dole
No one cares about that insignificant island fuckup of a country. Stop posting about this.
Indeed, but that was the argument remain needed to make, rather than going "Ackshually, it's more like £180m!" and looking smug.
This is just wrong. The UK was paying 13% of the EU's budget (second only to Germany and France), I think it's dropped to 7% now (putting it fourth behind Italy). That's a lot of money for them to lose, and the EU has always been about making money, not some world peace bullshit or dumb kike conspiracy, just cold hard cash. No-one gives a shit about Greece because Greece has no money.
Then they stop fucking trading with you
so is the EU just post Stalin USSR now?
They lost 13%? Why?
>I don't understand why you're so opposed to this objective truth.
Because the correlation between “IQ is higher on average in people who complete harder and harder degree levels” and “most people with a degree voted for this thing therefore it is correct” is being made off the back of it.
It really isn't, the EU was fine when it was just about trade but now it's about the United States of Europe and socialist bullshit where the richer you are the more you have to pay to keep Greece in fresh diapers, our membership is a net loss and has been for years.
So its irrelevant ransom, then? If there wasnt an EU, would it be normal to sanction someone due to not matching your immigration policy? This is just a trade war over HOPEFULLY ethics, but more likely just flat power. The only thing ANY of this represents is weaponozed trade. Nobody in the EU gives a fuck who starves or goes poor, they literally just want to run a state and are eager to abuse their only real leverage. Its sickening.
Minor contributions that don't compare to the extortionate rates larger members are forced to pay.
Have an actual leave plan in place and ready to go. It would lean heavily on themes of Independence and immediately reach out to America and other friendly nations to initiate closer trade relationships. It would be designed to keep the faith of companies based in Britain so they're not scared out by the uncertainty. In typical Brit bantz manner, it would use any success as an excuse to thumb its nose at the EU.
>cold hard cash
Cash hasn't been "hard" for a long time and and if push came to shove, you can be sure the ECB will start with "quantitative easing" aka printing dole for the EU to spend.
What language are you speaking ;)
The problem is simple soundbites win. The average voter is never ever going to listen to an analysis of the benefits of trade etc. when they could hear Farage saying broad but meaningless statements
Britain's contribution to the EU budget.
If they let the UK leave then other nations follow.
Not exactly but it's getting there from the other end.
Members of Yea Forums must recognise the rights of right honourable and honourable anons posts
*sounds of MPs complaining and booing in the background*
and if they dont let britain leave then they can basically just do whatever they want and the member states will just have to take it. the conqueror can impose whatever they wish on the conquered. theres a lot at stake here
Yeah no shit, they're forcing membership by hypocritically threatening financial ruin (as an alleged pro-trade org!), and the UK government is in bed with it and allow jt to happen by indefinitely pigeonholing the job they were voted to do. The EU does not actually have a justification into forcing membership just to survive. Thats so pathetic and hypocritical its disgusting.
lol no. Norway pays like 70% of what Britain pays per capita (EU revenue comes from contributions that depend on GDP, GINI and population). So if the UK were like those other countries mentioned it'd pay somewhat less but it wouldn't get to make any of the rules or choose how the money is spent. Win-win m i rite?
The UK is going to be America's bitch after they exit from the EU. 4D chessmaster wins again baby
It's not about just scraping by enough for a budget, it's about profit. Do you think it's just a coincidence that the richest people in the world owning the largest banks and heartless media companies fully support the EU and everything it does? There's a reason it's run like a mob.
Everyone's already part of the American Empire whether they like it or not. It's just a choice of being within the German vassal-Empire within the American Empire.
>it wouldn't get to make any of the rules or choose how the money is spent
Why are you acting like it hasn't always been that way?
Uk will still get refugees, most of them come from ex uk colonies
And our deal with Lichtenstein!
nice head cannon you have there
thats right remainers it was this fucking easy to stay in the EU. You just had to do a convincing job of pretending to be British as opposed to a globalist neo-class but you couldn't even fucking bumble through that
This. The entire fucking thing could have been avoided if they just said Britain was the greatest country in the world like once every six months
How can I achieve ayy lmao dick size?
Bullshit, anti-EU parties have started shutting down about that shit like little bitches when the people saw how deep of a hole the UK is digging for itself.
if you're still a brexit supporter at this point, you're a fucking moron. EU will fuck the uk.
and not do it looking like they'd just eaten a big handful of maggots while all their nigger diversity hires glowered in the background
this is how you become a vassal state, heheh. eu can rekt your entire country and you cant do anything about it because look what happens when you try to leave. the roman empire is reborn to be honest
It's called desperation user
>sign a treaty to join an Union with massive benefits, that also come with responsabilities that are laid down in front of you
>decades later of an objectively beneficious association decide to break it for some reason
>"but all your benefits will be forfeit, and since your economy has been built for decades on them it'll have disastrous consequences"
You imbeciles deserve everything that's about to come. All the EU is doing is obviously saying no to your retarded schemes to try to get out of it while keeping benefits.
This. Chad EU vs. virgin UK
virgins side with the strongest for protection Chads stand up for what is right
>inb4 reeeee muh economy
Materialist dialects are for neo-serfs
Point of order, Mr. Speaker!
Imagine all the people who voted leave because they watched Sargon of Akkad videos on the evil EU feminists lmao
Well if the EU and Britain stopped trading with each other completely, then I think the consequences would be dire for both parties. Thats call 'leverage'. If the EU can't survive leverage, then its too weak to exist. Which it is, by the way.
>Well if the EU and Britain stopped trading with each other completely, then I think the consequences would be dire for both parties.
I think the consequences would be a lot worse for one of those parties lol
Of course it'll be worse for everyone, that's why I said it's a beneficious association. The question is who would be worse off without it.
Well not really, we all know the answer.
I dont think so. If EU countries tried to choke off trade from Britain completely, then those people in those countries whose livelihoods depend on that trade, would basically start civil wars all over the place everywhere instantly.
This is the single most incorrect post I've ever read. The 'responsibilities' were never, ever a part of the original trade union, they all came many years later. The EU is not objectively beneficial to anybody except the EU. The economy was never built on the EU at all, that's just meaningless conjecture spouted by idiots who believe everything celebrities tell them. Your last greentext point doesn't even make any sense and is just pitiful, all anger currently over Brexit for pro-leavers is with those in charge of organising the actual process not doing their fucking job. People like you just repeating the ignorance of others in an attempt to appear smart is exactly why the world has gone to shit.
>the EU isn't a turboprogressive feminist anti-white nu-soviet union
Is this what you're trying to tell me
No. The EU as a whole is the second biggest economy in the world, just after America - even without the UK. The UK leaving would hurt a bit but they would adjust fine,
>tfw Northern Ireland is single-handedly fucking over the A*glos
>it's the daily bitching about the EU while procrastinating about exiting the EU thread
Like duh EU countries, you aren't going to be able to close your economy off from a market the size of the UK! DUH! Not without war, you aren't. You should have built that EU army. You should have built at least one tank. Do you even have one tank? Do you even have one tank between all of these countries in europe? Pathetic.
this is what I think people don't understand, the immigrants won't stop coming, the EU has nothing to do with that.
>would basically start civil wars all over the place everywhere instantly.
imagine actually believing this
t. useful idiots
>this is what I think people don't understand, the immigrants won't stop coming
Well they will stop coming but not the type of immigrants people thought
Typical BREXITER meathead.
Based. Thats what they get for stealing it in the first place.
>This transparent samefagging
Leftists are economic illiterates.
They are KNOWN for this.
You britfags are dumb enough to have a fucking LABOUR party for fuck sakes.
t. usefull idiot
This is SAVING the British economy.
You know what would have destroyed the British economy, if they had joined the euro.
Literally an autistic shut-in with no friends who posts /pol/ shit on twitter all day now
Imagine lacking self awareness to the point of thinking that your opinion would be universally accepted.
But Brexit will actually boost the economy.
Why do you brainwashed brainlets not understand this?
Watching to much John Oliver are we?
>also done multiple times
Here's what people understand. The SOVEREIGN UK will now be able to decide how many immigrants come.
Sure if they're cuckeded leaders like May and Corbyn decide they will be flooded by Pakis, but if they get non retard leaders they can stop that as well.
It's about sovereignity.
And stop going on about the NHS, eastern European immigration has fucked up housing prices and run up healthcare costs just as much as the poos.
Now the UK will be able to take in specific groups.
If they need 100 nurses from Romania, they can now accept 100 nurses instead of having to let in every romanian between 18-30years of age
yet he's right
Notch is also a good case to reform the economy. Faggot like him should not be a billionaire.
You think the EU will be a united front but it won't. The UK is a humongous market you cant deny it. The EU will be full of people that will look at that market they've suddenly been cut off from and go 'hey I can make money there'. The same could be said for Britain. You can get butthurt because they technically left your tinpot market. But you can't expect to be cutoff entirely from each others market. You're going to have trade anyway. It would be like trying to hold to super magnet away from each other. You just cant overpower it.
>brexitbot desperately shilling
>no fucking argument
Tell me why you want to stay poor and have our economy destroyed?
Who is going to be cut off from you idiot? It'll be more expensive because tariffs but if you want to tap that market the EU won't forbid you from it.
>yet he's right
sure thing buddy
>representing left wing radicalism. champagne socialist, "porgressive" issue most people actually oppose, and aggresive anti white ethnic minority interests is representing 90% of the British population
Now it really isn't. Labour is on Labour in name. Go start another war in the middle east you stupid bastards and tell me its for the good of the working man.....
>implying you gave an argument to begin with
he's right about Soros and the EU, yes
Holy shit an actual fucking labour voter cultist that supports this shit.
I bet you think socialism actually works.
You people are the economic equivalent of flat earthers.
You unironically want to be poor.
Also democracy is a terrible idea.
>billionaire claims privilege does not exist because he won the lottery making a shitty game clone in Java
Somebody must be paying to have this thread every single day on Yea Forums?
Don't you guys think?
Also weird that the mods allow it.
It's like they are compromised or something.
I did.
Brexit would be good for the economy.
The countries in Europe that aren't in the EU are doing better.
We would make trade deals with the rest of the world and wouldn't be bogged down with insane "regulations" that only benefit the corporate elite.
>I bet you think socialism actually works
I think the last socialist party albiet nationalist as well managed to pull their country out of bankruptcy and poverty and went on to control a large portion of Europe. So yeah Socialisim is unironically good
>Brexit would be good for the economy.
Not an argument without backing it up.
>The countries in Europe that aren't in the EU are doing better.
Not an argument without backing it up.
>We would make trade deals with the rest of the world and wouldn't be bogged down with insane "regulations" that only benefit the corporate elite.
>the rest of the world doesn't have regulations
Also, wishful thinking.
>So yeah Socialisim is unironically good
Based and REDpilled
Well I mean why not just cut them off completely?
They weren't socialists.
They actually used free market monetary policy for the first part of their existence which made them really rich.
Socialism fails every where it's been tried.
Because not the EU, nor any country government have the right to forbid private enterprises from doing whatever the fuck they want as long as it's within the law?
No one is going to blockade the UK, import/exports will simply be more expensive.
You know who that fucks over? It's not the large companies that can cover their costs, it's the poor fuckers that have international businesses that operate on low profit margins.
And you know what they'll most likely do? Keep the trade with the UK but cover the import cost with an increase in prices. Someone in the EU can just buy shit coming from other countries in the EU, but people on the UK will be fucked.
I too enjoy massive poverty and slavery.
I did back it up.
You just pussied out of the argument by saying wishful thinking.
Leftists SEEEEETHING over Notch.
>I too enjoy massive poverty and slavery.
You are going to love the UK after leaving the EU and under Tory rule then
Imagine being an assdamaged leftist with no actual argument against what they are saying.
I have never heard an actual good argument against Brexit. It's just fearmongering and the dumbest shit remainers can come up with.
>I have never heard an actual good argument against Brexit.
Yes you have you are just willfully ignorant
>leaving a trade deal will have economic consequences
>hurr durr fearmongering
Why don't you just say you want to watch everything burn to stick it to the lefties?
You can get out.
Stop bitching and get out.
The modern left runs on emotion, not logic.
Perfect examples right here. The first could have provided some good arguments but instead just accuses you of being ignorant because you disagree. The second doesn't explain how withdrawing from a trade union will cause Britain to sink into the waves like Atlantis, they just take that as fact without question, the idea of cost and benefit doesn't factor with them for some reason, they just see the cost alone and it makes them anxious.
>The modern left runs on emotion, not logic.
>The modern left runs on emotion, not logic.
>The modern left runs on emotion, not logic.
It will be really funny watching the EU fight amongst itself over how much access to give Britain. My guess is it will end up being pretty much complete access. Anything less would be a loss of profits for both sides. And thats really hard to stomach.
>The first could have provided some good arguments but instead just accuses you of being ignorant because you disagree.
Arguments have been presented to you but you just ignore them anyway. The UK is voluntarily leaving what is effectively the 2nd biggest economy in the world, its retarded.
>Brits still believing they are the centre of the universe
Yeah sure we will all be fighting over Britian, kek. Cannot live without the blood sausage.
>leftist don't understand economics
>not a single pro-BREXIT economist exists
economists are kike shills, they're literally never right about anything
And, not only are they leaving the EU, they are by default making the EU (again one of the major economic powers in the world) their rival when it comes to trade. Its fucking retarded and so are you.
>leftists don't understand economics
>economists are kike shills
You seem confused.
>I'm not emotional, and I'm going to prove it by getting emotional
Great job dummy.
That is the single most simplistic and ignorant way of viewing it there is. Overall growth is not just outright beneficial to every single party involved, never has been or will be. The EU is made up of member nations, some of which get less out of it than they put in, one of which is the UK. This is the exact emotional ignorance I'm talking about, you see the word big, you think it's a good word, and that's all there is to it to you.
Yeah dude. I don't care if its 20% profit increase or 0.02%. People don't just leave it on the table. It would be very hard to try and stifle trade between the EU and the UK. Like trying to hold a balloon underwater.
>some of which get less out of it than they put in, one of which is the UK.
Nope. I bet you believed that ''lets fund our NHS'' bullshit too. The benefits of being in the EU are more than the amount put it.