Hey Brie? C-can you smile for this shot?

>Hey Brie? C-can you smile for this shot?
>"No shitlord"
>O-o-ok. It's fine, we can fix it in post

Attached: SMILE.png (1366x1536, 937K)

Other urls found in this thread:


have sex


I can't stand that fak bitch, jesus! Until now, all women in the MCU were likable, even the less important ones. What a fuckin miscast...
When you realise they approached BDH or Kathee Sackhoff for the role...What the fuck went wrong?

Attached: W.jpg (1000x500, 253K)

Attached: 1504218514639.jpg (1940x1376, 814K)

>Yea Forums doesn't know what are alternate takes


Are people here really too stupid to understand the concept of multiple takes now?
I'm I the only person on this board with a basic understanding of film anymore?
Am I the only person who isn't underage anymore?

Attached: 1551663032311.jpg (600x931, 142K)

>937 KB PNG
>>Hey Brie? C-can you smile for this shot?
>>"No shitlord"
>>O-o-ok. It's fine, we can fix it in post
> wasting houndreds of thousands of dollars in vfx

She'd have made a pretty decent villain.

Attached: the puppies arent working sir what do we do.jpg (935x867, 50K)


the animation is terrible too. There's like four frames with no inbetweens.

looks like they're trying to give her a personality in post because Captain Marvel was just SOOOO SUCCESSFUL!

Trips confirms.

Everyone else, including my 29 year old self, is underage and B&

why would they use different takes for the trailer and the special look featurette? they'd literally have to color-grade and edit footage they previously deemed superflous.

And you honestly thinks it takes less time for them to CGI a smile onto her face?

Attached: d04.png (478x523, 14K)

>Why wouldn't she smile?
>She just didn't want to...
Lying in bed with the wife btw

Attached: 128769840482.jpg (201x199, 13K)

Nice! Jakheem has given you permission to sleep on their bed this week, I see,

She always seems like she has some sort of low boiling anger in every picture.

Attached: MV5BMjExODkxODU3NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTM0MTk3NjE@._V1_.jpg (1477x2048, 1.95M)

My pet cat's name is Johnny Five.

She's a sad little girl inside, with daddy issues. She had no childhood and her father left.

it's not the same shot
check out the angle and the background

Attached: 201946-172954.jpg (328x427, 53K)

Attached: 1529260522602.jpg (508x504, 77K)

Yea Forums is in a phase of post-irony. Both everything and nothing is bait. You cannot trust a single thing you read on this board anymore.


Attached: AB4EC2587444499EA4CCAB67AC410FBF.jpg (474x266, 24K)

>Brie we need you to smile in this next take please
>uhhh is that like a personal attack or something?

That's it, the thread doesn't get better than this.

Attached: Kawaii Bashar.jpg (480x479, 38K)

Why is this woman getting so much more famous post-wall?


Have sex

Ok, bend over bitch.

holy shit

Here’s lookin at (You) kid

You first tranny

Attached: tranny incels.png (500x594, 406K)

Attached: 1554379658716.gif (607x609, 821K)

Shut up creep


Attached: 1554408910810.gif (480x270, 244K)


Attached: 1554205639204.gif (500x379, 876K)

Have more sex, this time with humans instead of dogs.

she's clearly step forward slightly and then smirked in the bottom one clown man

Have Sex

Attached: 😐.png (645x773, 11K)

you first incel

Attached: chris tranny.jpg (1118x759, 148K)

No, YOU have sex.

she a cute

Attached: cgi smile.webm (950x798, 120K)



hey, she's a woman
why didn't they shove that down our throats?
can't see the forest for trees

88 100


this is a decade long phase then. ten years ago everything was a ruse, an attempt, you didn't want to "get trolled" so you called everything out as soon as you saw it so anons wouldn't see you be a fool and get a laugh. no fun allowed, everything is serious.


They've used different takes and spoken lines from trailer to actual movie plenty of times.

She's standard sexist character depiction, that's why. Exists only in relation to a male character. First her arc is defined entirely in relation to her relationship with her male brother, then her arc is defined entirely in relation to her relationship with her love interest (Vision). Basic fucking male writing, almost as bad as Thor's first love interest. In fact almost as bad as original Thor himself. He was pretty much a non-character too.


Attached: barack-olaughter.jpg (500x347, 34K)


you could only call that sexist if it didn't also apply to males, which it does

I guess. I'll give you that. Some of the male characters in the MCU are pretty bland too. She is bland, however, she's not really a "strong female character" unless we're being so stupid we're actually equating combat powerlevel with "character strength." Let's not be that stupid.

Her problem is the same as Black Widow's problem. Give her literally anything personal internal or external weakness to overcome and have her overcome it by the end of a character arc; boom, you have a strong character, gender irregardless.

this says a lot about our society
also checked

Attached: secret window.png (880x1262, 996K)


This is the worst panel of all time

If the take has the same lighting and composition you can literally just copy and paste the grading settings you utter fucking retard

Put me in the screencap holy shit.

how would you define strong?
thanos is arguably the most powerful character in the franchise and even he needed an army

At the end of the day it's all a redundant metric. The audience cares little for strengths and powers, they care more about the characters they're invested in and what's at stake for them, a relatable, emotional attachment so you have a reason to care.
The more alien they get, the less relatable they are, the less you care.
And I don't mean alien in the extra-terrestrial sense. I mean the "placing your pride above the fate of the universe" sense.

Attached: nggqvNG1e1s9frcro3_500.gif (500x251, 500K)

People are that stupid. You give them too much credit.
The worst is that Hollywood writers are the worst offender. At least some of the people on the internet known that strong=/=physical strenght/fighting/angry monologues.

Not as bad as when Peter Parker hit his ptrgnant wife so hard that she cracked a fucking wall all because somebody told him he was a clone.

sup brie

>this thread

yikes! oof! have sex!

This is a parody right?


not sure if trolling...
a strong character is one that has a good arc and isn't just a prop for another character's development

that sounds cool
fuck pregnant roasties

I mean, I don’t agree with it, but I get it.

Attached: n090033iPv1sxey22o8_r1_250.gif (245x156, 774K)

I'm confused, is this a meme or something? Shot looks different, background looks slightly different, her head is in a different position, most likely they just had multiple versions of this shot and decided to change it. Why is everyone loosing their shit over this?

That made my day.

>Why is everyone loosing their shit over this?
Nobody gives a fuck about it, it's just shitposting. If you haven't noticed, there have been about 50 daily threads with her face on it.

Yeah and every thread gets shit ton of replies and posters, that means people are loosing their shit over this.

what is the original from?

Some do because "muh waifu", others get triggered because it's spam. There's also those who post even when no one is reading the thread.
Expect at least 10 more similar threads within the next 2 hours. It should die down in a few days only to reemerge post Endgame.

Yea Forums is mad a woman ruined their beloved capeshit. Not even memeing, this is the reason they lash out so hard and can't stop talking about it. People here are literal manchildren and the "have sex" meme is really fucking relevant

They don't have anything else to talk about.

She kinda smirks in the trailer, probably they cut the smile too soon. youtu.be/7nN6KVAgwK4

>he hasn't seen the joker trailer yet

DC Captain Marvel >>>>>>>>>>> Marvel Captain MARvell

The one in OP's pic is from the special look trailer.
I still think it's just a different take, but if not, they might've actually done a Superman maneuver.

i don't watch trailers. they always spoil the decent parts and completely misconstrue the actual tone of the movie

Not true in the case of the joker but suit yourself.

You don't know that, you haven't seen the movie. I watch trailers after the movie to see how wrong it was.

I found the trailer pretty ambiguous but to each their own.

based and clownpilled

Larson's clearly banging one of the big time producers or at least someone with decent influence. She has no other pull whatsoever even when she's pandering it comes off desperate.

God I can´t stand this bitch.
AND her nigger scissor sister.

This. When she does smile is cute. I would fuck the feminism right out of her.

you can't know it's ambiguous until you see the movie, that's the point. trailers are always proven to be wrong and misrepresent. there is no "to each their own"

Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.

Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Brie Larson.jpg (512x738, 61K)

>What the fuck went wrong?

It went wrong when Disney decided to take over and change the Marvel comics
They resolved to put the SJW agenda and among the stupid decisions they decided to abolish the leotards
Women can't be feminine and sexy anymore
With this they "killed" Ms Marvel
And so was born Captain Marvel
The next step was to bring someone to MCU without the beauty and curves of Ms Marvel
The rest of the story you already know

Attached: froywdqq.jpg (436x794, 132K)

Honestly Marvel comics would have died without the MCU, which would have been an improvement for American comics.

>never really seen a tranny like this in real life until yesterday
>at thrift store, looking at stiff
>tall person in a dress turns around
>40 year old dude with a wig/long hair, stubble, and makeup
>scared the shit out of me
how do these people think they're anything more than an abomination?

also to be Yea Forums related
>friends are normies who like capeshit
>want me to go
>don't want to
I refuse to give money to Brie Larson

Marvel comics are still dying regardless

Attached: 24-saw-puppet.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 93K)

Go out and socialize you pathetic faggot. They're literally doing you a favor.

This new take with CGI or not proves that they actually did 2 versions for Captain Marvel in the movie
A bitch version and another version Valley girl

My sides

Attached: 010101010101101AHAHAHAHAHAAH.jpg (184x274, 7K)

This is the third take

I'm convinced brie has dirt on feige, and the only reason she got the job is because she'll metoo him

>falling for manufactured controversy for literal psyops childrens' movies
I really wish you wouldn't do this

>I refuse to give money to Brie Larson

But your white friends already gave me a billion

Attached: 167839867653.jpg (589x591, 24K)

Put me in the screen cap nigger.

Attached: 1548665176869.jpg (640x585, 73K)

Attached: 1534598765921.jpg (720x1280, 47K)

Fucking incredible

Right on

Is this some caricature from made as a joke?

A daring synthesis

No, they were saved with Iron Man, it was only to follow with 2 or 3 more movies and they would have saved the Marvel comics
The MCU would be safe from this SJW endless propaganda

>brie doesn't smile
this meme is silly

Attached: brie-larson-uk-premiere-of-scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-held-at-the-D0K6F4.jpg (821x1390, 158K)

thats the original, hands are removed on post

>she's so mean

Attached: brie larson huzuh.jpg (264x360, 20K)


>but did you see she doesn't like being hit on by TSA niggers

Attached: brie larson laughing.jpg (600x900, 180K)

>You come to me on this, the day of my womb's barrening.

>did you see that picture of her foot?

Attached: brie larson.gif (394x302, 2.7M)

>did you see how she called film critics white guys?!

Attached: brie larson and incomprehensible name lady.jpg (640x360, 128K)

>capeshit thread
oy vey

Attached: 1441066230383.jpg (640x425, 64K)

>3/10 would NOT bang

Attached: brie its only smellz.webm (1280x720, 424K)

i mean people always post the simple-enough explanation for that eyebrows girl from valeria's story as to nepotism... why dont they know this about larson? not that it matters, but it is kind of interesting in larsons case because she really isnt particularly interesting. like her music looked like a homeschooled girls idea of a rock band that somebody just went way too far to enable.. kind of cute in a way, but im curious as to how much fucking pull her connection has because her success to charisma ratio could probably assist the field of physics and other complex schema for understanding phenomena.

This isnt a smile, this is anguish. I actually feel sorry for her now, having seen this, she needs actual help.

>reddit spacing

Attached: BLar KEK.jpg (580x580, 50K)

>DCshills are this retarded
Reminder that Superman's mustache was actually CGI'd HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>we could have had Captain Thicc Redhead Bubbly Mommy as the new face of the MCU

Attached: 50xrjg481ad21.jpg (407x594, 28K)

Attached: WiltedSkeletalEquestrian-max-1mb.gif (280x215, 813K)

RIP MCU Ororo Storm

Attached: 0n9nj42t.jpg (1920x1080, 371K)


Attached: brie best.jpg (548x768, 101K)

DC manages to some how find a way to dab on marvel.

The Disney CEO would have to be straight to do this

Attached: 2818bc8ac179ba33016cac70c25b6159.jpg (800x1207, 93K)

>ten years ago
So you've only been on Yea Forums since 2009?


wait for something like this

Attached: ella balinska.jpg (1080x1076, 316K)

She can be the


Sue Richards

Attached: Cheers.gif (348x323, 2.32M)


well done

Attached: 1554110506538.png (332x332, 116K)

Why should a woman have to smile? to be nice to men? nice fucking sexist train of thought. how about this instead:





It's 100% legit and played straight. We're talking about a book where the lesbian protagonist goes back in time and punches Hitler in a war zone and yet he still gets away. Why would Hitler be in an active war zone? Why did she let him get away? Bad writing.

Jesus Christ, comics are so fucking gay.

You should smile user, it'll help you pass. You wouldn't believe how many discord trannies this triggers simply by asking them to smile.


Seriously now, why is it Yea Forums is constantly hammering on about the fucking smile? Actually stop and think about it.

I absolutely hate Brie Larson and many people do, because there are reasons for it. She's dumb, sexist, racist, rude, offensively stupid, and the thing that's most commonly said, the pressing matter, is that she doesn't smile? She's playing a goddamn alien. Imagine how retarded women would sound if they complained about Ryan Gosling not smiling in Blade Runner.

You're playing right into the greasy "heyyy pussycat why dont u smile a bit" stereotype. The only thing you're doing is actively giving liberal morons ammo to point and say "see? They're exactly how we say they are!" and hiding it under the guise of being "ironic" or whatever you need to feel cool and justify your pea brain. Everytime you harm the correct side with dumb shit the wrong one is allowed to keep going. In short, fuck off.

oh no NO NO don't let the briefag see this!

Maybe if you smiled more in your daily life you wouldn't feel the need to type up such laughably angry walls of texts. Smile, user-chan. :)

I want to eat Brie's creamy centre

Attached: b061fe1-1.jpg (671x564, 280K)

Maybe if you didn't consider three incredibly short paragraphs "walls of text" you'd be intelligent enough by now to come up with a better response. :)

there shouldn't be this many words in one panel

That's sexual harassment user!

go on

Attached: bkKtaDl.gif (500x283, 878K)

what happened to One through Four?

Attached: 1c372a9.png (651x961, 390K)

You should smile more, its lady like and helps with passing. :)

I didn't realise I'd have to follow through, I just think her
>hurr hurr i'm a big strong womyn
gimmick is bizzarely cute in a strange almost neotenous manner.

I'm not sure whether I want to gently dominate her or be bullied by her for being a dicklet. Maybe both.

It's her fucking job to be entertaining. She's paid to appeal to an audience. If she can't do that she's fucking useless and deserves ridicule.

>hurr hurr i'm a big strong womyn
she's just sitting there user

I don't get it, that smile's not cgi


>doesn't smile
>does smile

Attached: loki sneaky peaky.gif (500x259, 2.8M)

Why would she be smiling or a happy person? We live in a society where any positive changes / moves towards equality are mocked endlessly and nothing gets done. Everyone is a petty mess .

She could have played a good Villain

Vision is defined by his relationship with Wanda even more.

Bendis started that, not Disney.

She must be crazy in bed to get that part with her ugly ass

>It's her fucking job to be entertaining
I'd say it's now even more than that. Major actors of the MCU became "heroes" for a big part of the audience. They have to take care of their image, of the message they send especially to kids.
Actors like RDjr or Chris Evans realize how important they are to so many young people, they're not just actors, they are symbols.
Cynical people can criticize the MCU as much as they want, but children need and love heroes, and that's what those actors are to them.

Larson's job, now she'll apparently become the "face of the MCU (yuk!) is to be more than just entertaining, and I don't know if she understand or if she's ready for that.
I hope she'll change through years. I don't want her to be the aggressive bitch she seems to be right now. I don't want to hate her either. I want to see her paying visit to kids that suffer from cancer, wearing her Cpt Marvel outfit in order to bring them hope and love. Then, and only then, I'll respect her because it would prove she understants what her job really is.

Attached: RDJ.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

"Greta, do I have to kiss this bitch?"
"Yes, Saorise, now do as you're told."
"Y-yes, Greta..."

include me in screen capture pls

No one has complimented that get, so I wil


As with all females, they are only offended if the guy perving on them is not attractive.

She checks to see if he is attractive and then reacts.

Beautifully put.

I wonder if they realized if RDJ and Evans knew what they were getting themselves into.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

hello youtube

She need more improvement in that arse department

Attached: tumblr_nylptlVCE41rk74v1o1_400.gif (310x465, 1.92M)

Even the ass

Who reads this shit?

Attached: 1553913843426.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

she cute

>angry woman
>square face
>midlife crisis
She would be perfect for the live action remake desu.

Attached: Cruella de Vil.jpg (225x225, 11K)

Newfag detected

holy fucking kek

Attached: 3425346.jpg (572x548, 31K)

I want to see this

Scarlet Witch a cute

Alot of the cast seem to be genuinely moved by how much it matters to kids.

Where are the teeth from?