The chad Horus guard vs. the virgin serpent guard

>the chad Horus guard vs. the virgin serpent guard

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Virgin Horus guard ain't got shit on Chad Setesh guard which is too badass to be depicted.

The "we can't afford helmets so we'll never use them in later seasons" guard

god damn those were some good armor designs

>we don't have any budget to make anymore helmets other than the cool ones left over from the movie and the ugly turtle buckets we made for our dollar store Ra
>"too badass to be depicted"

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Kree shak!

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>god damn those were some good armor designs
how did they see with the helmet on?

eye tubes
space egyptian magic

Horus guard has super expensive slick Iron Man interface inside
Serpent guard is pretty much blind

And the setesh guard's nose droops

how convenient

They don't. That's why they get fodderized so easily.

>good armor
>naked exposed midriff

is this the official Stargate Command?
here's your new general bro

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fear not Sha're, I will save you

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so many legendary leaders

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wttf is this?

Stargate fan groups on FB are a comedy goold mine

Wtf man this had me in stitches

say that to my face not online see what happens

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Jaffa jokes?

Stargate Fan Ronny Buchwald reporting for duty, ja

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Looks like Roger from American dad



at least they are having fun

The Jaffa armor was utterly useless though, either against bullets or staff weapons, it makes no sense. They probably couldn't find enough swole actors in Canada.

It was originally supposed to be impervious to bullets but then they realized that the show would be boring as shit if the SG teams couldn't fight against the most basic foot soldiers.

*blocks your wormhole*

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>the number of stargate sg-1 episodes will never increase from 2010 until the heat death of the universe

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>it's a God has to walk around the muddy forest with three foot soldiers to catch some bug episode

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I liked the Kull warriors, it's a shame that they turned into easy targets as soon as they got introduced into the story.

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It was weird to see the actor again on The Expanse.

>replicator carter will never penetrate you

feels bad man

At first you had to empty a whole mag into one, then you could down them with a single bullet. It was a gradual nerfing.

The wraiths got nerfed pretty bad on SGA, it was ridiculous.


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If you think about it you have to, if you want any interaction at all with the good guys and the bad guys. The worst example of nerfing of course was the Borg, who should never have appeared after their first appearance, and definitely not after TBOBW.

I always had a problem with the way the writers handled the enemies. They always look strong and near invincible then a SG team finds a magical Ancient device and it's fixed. The only time the writers didn't fall into that trap was on SGU with the drones but that's also because the show got cancelled before they could nerf them.

has the show aged well? is it worth binge watching if I loved the show as a wee lad but I barely remember anything nowadays aside from having some of my earliest faps to Samantha Carter?

Such a great moment

Its still great imo but why not download a few episodes and find out if it still works for you?

Not mass producing the armor to fight the new threat.

it's crucial to be patient with about the first season and a half, as those are especially cheesy and planet-of-the-week. late s2 it really takes off. still it's very campy but has a good sense of humor about it.



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>when the gabbagoold is just right

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A few years ago I was seriously unwell and bed bound. I binged all of SG1, Atlantis, TNG, DS9, Babylon 5, and LoGH. SG1 absolutely holds up, go watch some.

top bantz

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Never mind that, why doesn't everyone use the wrist mounted rapid fire staff gun as well?

He's really improved himself over the years tho

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I'm glad he's picking himself up, it might had been hard to not have work after your god dies in battle.

The prequel was kind of weird

fuckin stolen valor

Why is SG-1 so comfy bros?

Did you also watch link related yesterday?

>when drunk Ta'uri stacies LOVE your meanest Horus guard jokes

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Did Jack's pond have fish in it or not?

Ha fet

Hi Jack!

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ayy lmao

one of the best characters for sure

He had a very comfy ending

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Did anyone else find the overall concept interesting? That ancient Egyptians were just LARPing some weird interstellar/interdimensional desert culture created by a bunch of ayys that happened to pass through Earth sometime back?

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Story? I don't remember that X-Files episode.

Wraith strength is proportionate to their food. If there's not enough food, they don't get to always be super-Wraith. Those times when one did get extra chow down on humans, it took them a full mag to bring them down most of the time, sometimes multiple people emptying rounds into them.

We got one last job. You coming, Yea Forums?

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The episode Avatar.Skinner is going through a divorce. Turns out Skinner's wife is a monster that loves him.