Is there anything this woman can't do?
Is there anything this woman can't do?
Other urls found in this thread:
sit on my face, it seems
Being good looking
Objectively wrong
put the fork down
Wipe properly
fly coach
I think she has surpassed Hendricks.
For those trips? Anything
say no to seconds.
Refrain from getting plastic surgery.
impregnated another women
Imagine being that pudding
outrun a triceratops
Give mommy a kiss now
>hand always hovering near the cookie jar
what did she mean by this?
>ywn spend a night on a twin size bed with these two
>we've got work to do
I hope she eats as many as she can
>cookie jar
Do Americans really do this? I thought it was just in tv shows
Truly Based
Oh yeah, Ana Tomašković. Croatian milf and tv presenter. You have many videos of her on youtube.
>he eats his cookies straight from the packet
poorfag detected
>literally says "child-bearing hips"
imagine the smell of all that firevag on one sofa
He arrived as was foretold.
So thick.
You know it
Built for breeding.
To be perfectly honest I would love to suck milk out of her breasts. I adore her.
My God
My exact thoughts and reaction
i wish her boobs were a bit bigger but other than that she is amazing
Perfect weight tbqh.
why does everyone have that dress
Is it wrong to get a boner over how pale her skin looks in these pics?
Yeah it's the perfect plump
>tfw I want to see how her pale skin contrasts with bbc
I've been indoctrinated. Someone put me out of my misery.
God helps those that kill themselves
what works of high art might he do with her?
Beyond imagination
Hoping for our Holy Architect to do His blessed job.
Not eat
sit on my face
The designer of this dress deserves an award in structrual engineering.
Look at that disgusting pig.
The seams will hold! They will hold!
Absolute unit
But that would crush you, user
Why are women so stupid that it was actually a big thing for her to like her fat ass?
Men love asses. Women are jealous of asses. Why would you feel insecure for having one? Just because mainstream high end fashion is built for twigs?
Fucking hell. Men with big asses are proud they don't fit into regular trousers and jeans. Men with big chests like showing them off (not manboobs, actual pecs). Why the fuck is it such a big deal for women?
Honestly it seems like calling a woman chunky could push her over the edge into suicide.
thats a huge bitch
Me on the bottom right.
>trying to fake a masterpiece
Just giving us hope for a beautiful future, My Architect and Savior.
The future is now
She's an actress, thicc women don't traditionally do well in Hollywood, especially as leading ladies
Your daily reminder that we could have had this goddess as Captain Marvel
>tight bodysuit
like me for who i am, mostly because i'm an evil subhuman wretch and a self loathing narcissist
how the fuck was brie larson picked over her
Because Feige is stupid
She is a literal goddess in human form
>Why are women so stupid that it was actually a big thing for her to like her fat ass?
you do realise that women her size were not popular until recently and through the 90s and 2000s not at all
Press her anus against my dick and fart.
Wouldn't mind worshipping her
>tfw we could have had that ass in tights projected on an IMAX screen
Make a movie with a charismatic woman apparently.
Imagine coming home to that?
If a man did this.. Imagine the backlash. Why do dogs get away with it?
Imagine all that on your face
The fact that she's proud of her size is the best part
Came here to post this. Sit on my face mind.
disgusting pig
She is legit the perfect woman.
For you
Literally came to post this. She could probably sit on 3 faces at once.
You're gonna need a bigger bed
Be a non fat ass disgusting pig
Be satisfied by my 7x6"
is she gaining weight for a roll or is she just a fat bitch
this thread
Conjure forth in your minds eye the olfactory sensation.
Women are fucking stupid. If they're thick they want to be sticks and if they're sticks they want to be thick. If they have curly hair they want it straight and if they have straight hair they want it curly.
What an ugly pig.
she gave up
>scroll down the thread
>she keeps getting thiccer and thiccer