Movies for this feel?
Movies for this feel?
do all white men look like this?
Suddenly a prettyboy challenger appears
What does it feel to be handsome, bros
Any Sean Cody flick
Looks like a braindead fag. This is what I want to look like
Keith’s a braindead fag
Sucks Mick/Brenda’s cock all the time.
>tfw handsome and autistic
just neck me
>tfw used to be handsome and autistic but then I got fat
>tfw ugly and autistic
Have drugs
>TFW ugly autistic AND fat
Literally me, alcohol helps with the autism
blade runner 2049
>tfw ugly,autistic,fat and dumb
>tfw ugly,autistic,fat,dumb AND homeless
how are you posting on Yea Forums if you are homeless?
That hair though
2$ internet cafe nigga
what phone are you using?
>tfw ugly,autistic,fat,dumb,homeless AND non-white
Unless you have actual talent, this is a legit incel look.
If only
>implying incels would have the COOLEST hair in the history of mankind
Its not cool at all. Keith is cool because he's one of the greatest guitar players of all time, thus that look suits him. If you're an everyday-man, don't even try it.
>everyday men should all get buzzcuts
Not everyone's a boring piece of shit
Considering he's brazilian, no.
>his outlook on grooming is so minimal
brazilians are white.
American Psycho
Why are you mutts so obsessed with look?
You said that all men should have short hair unless they are famous rockstars. YOU said that, not me