Japanese """"""acting""""""""""

>japanese """"""acting""""""""""

Attached: Acting.webm (712x400, 2.92M)

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It’s so baaaad

Weebs will unironically defend this.

This japan generation is a country full of failures

>japanese """""""""""wigs""""""""""""

someone post the rest pls

I know you're playin me, but imma bite.

A lot of Japanese stuff is supposed to be over the top, especially the anime, dramas and game shows most weebs gravitate towards. Try watching some shit that isn't subbed by a group with an anime girl logo.

With japanese entertainment, the autism IS the attraction.

Attached: 7bb5c8b8.jpg (673x717, 51K)

>I know you're playin me, but imma bite.
>A lot of Japanese stuff is supposed to be over the top, especially the anime, dramas and game shows most weebs gravitate towards. Try watching some shit that isn't subbed by a group with an anime girl logo.

Attached: maxresdefault-5.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

>A lot of Japanese stuff is supposed to be over the top

Because they suck

This is terrible. Post more.

Their taiga dramas are the only ones worth watching.

Attached: sanadamaru-1.jpg (580x580, 79K)

Attached: ohnoonononono.webm (746x420, 1.91M)

any good?

Japanese acting is top tier, you fags are just watching the wrong movies.

Attached: 1532557792302.webm (620x348, 2.89M)

I wasted my first kiss too. It was with a skelly heroin junkie who didn't give a shit about me, cucked me and used me.
I dumped her ass, she said nobody has done that to her before and then she became fat af the next years.


This seems like a stylized form of acting
Doesn't mean it's outright bad

this looks very based honestly

i think the japs understand the absurdity of trying to make anime live action.

His determined look is hilarious.

I have a boner

The "japanese acting" meme is a pleb filter


They yell and mouth like retards

I just taped my phone to a pillow

Yeah she is imitiating the delinquents
And that golden hair means she is roleplaying a gyaru. Which means she is acting perfectly fine.
Newplebs these days I swear

Attached: 1522005722429.webm (1280x536, 2.99M)

This was superfluously melodramatic. I still enjoyed it though.
