AKIRA LIVE ACTION KINO -If you were a street thug

And you could have a state of the art bike....

Why would you put stickers all over it like a fucking weeb? Oh yeah, what do we think about Leo doing a live action movie unironically?


Will it be based passion project, or weird wonky laughable flop?

Attached: Kaneda-Motorcycle-by-Otomo-Katsuhiro-600x909.jpg (600x909, 108K)

People who travel keep souvenirs. Those are mostly different bars or other degenerate locations

I think its like car / corporate / sport and army stuff desu

Akira movie sucks.

Akira cannot work outside Japan. I don't know if it can really work well live action. The story is too tied to the Japanese psyche and its history.

>hurr durr you just totally don't get it baka gaijin
give some examples why it couldnt work.

>a pg13 akira with happy ending and without body horror and crazy imagery
No thanks

Idris Elba


A lot of it is random office product brand names the artist just spotted around the manga studio, like the Canon and Epson company logos. Japanese don't understand romaji. They just draw it because they think romaji looks cool.

It'll probably be shit

There already was live-action Akira and it was called Chronicle.

maybe you haven't noticed but they're all degenerate junkies

I used to teach in Japanese schools. The education system there is basically the military. The kids are pushed so hard and crushed by so much studying and the discipline is brutal. Teachers will full on scream at and hit kids if they misbehave. Like they'll make them stand up and chew them out for half an hour. When they finish school for the day they go to cram school. Kids who can't handle it are basically discarded and become yankis and bososukos like the bike gangs in Akira and their futures are already over. Japanese have a messed up attitude to childhood and adolescence reflected in the archetype of the monstrous adolescent that's all over their media, like Tetsuo. They don't have the same concept of childhood that we do. The kids are basically forced into the mold of mini adults. Things like the military using kids to run tests or giving the psychics those pills that make them stay kids but turn them elderly at the same time, and using school chants and stuff in the main theme songs for the movie, make it pretty clear the subtext of the story is about growing up in Japan. It's kind of the same as growing up elsewhere, but it really isn't. There's a reason why Japanese are the way they are.

That's a big dildo

PS also the nuke stuff.

How dare you

Based good answer

Yeah but even rapper morons don't cover their escalades in stickers. I guess it's just an connection to mod culture when they'd put stuff on their scooters

Kineadas bike is stolen, he can do whatever he likes with it.

I've seen some good commentary that tetsuo represents Japan's own fear of becoming a super power in the80s. Going from an insular bombed nation to a car and technology giant and their own loss of identity.

I've read the manga and I think what you're saying is spot on as it's ultimately about a Lord of the flies situation where children fight for the control of a ruined Tokyo.

The film never captures that so I doubt a Hollywood remake would be more than recreating special effects set pieces for nostalgia