We were so lucky

We were so lucky.

But then liberals existed

Attached: 72601B43-49D4-493D-8B4F-8C55DDFA960E.jpg (1600x1593, 190K)

Based and redpilled


>surrendering north africa
The Saharan river.

Italians are halfway niggers though

Attached: gaddafi_europe.jpg (460x690, 53K)

Is it the Alps?

blame France

I honestly blame France for everything. Those fuckers were the first cunts brining in their MuttNogs to prove that they could civilize them.

>implying Mediterraneans are European

Attached: 1000x700-Cefalu-Fisherman-20150531-cefalu_1041.jpg (1000x700, 88K)

Plot twist: the bad guys were the good guys all along.

Attached: manmade.png (4894x2189, 2.96M)

literally supported Terrorists for clout

what movie?

>mfw Filipino
Oh fuck

Why is new York so red

Fun fact : France were only the fouth contributor to this intervention behind the US, the Uk and Italia

Attached: jews-did-911.jpg (768x359, 89K)

egyptians were animals?

They have been invaded and conquered and substituted by them.
Egypt now is an arab shithole inhabited by Arabs.

I often think back to the day we killed Gaddafi. I was so ignorant of global politics that I let media reports convince me it was a good thing. It turns out it was the fucking beginning of the end.

No, but they were black

movie name?

Sure smells like incel in here.

>closes thread
>hides thread

There's an obvious connection on the right, op. They're not separated.

Air your room better.

That's your upper lip.