Admit it

You'd buy one if you could afford it.

Attached: IMG_20190406_074542.jpg (3120x4160, 498K)

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Nice ipad faggot

For what?

Drawing gay furry urethral vore

I don't even know what is that but sound very faggotry.

no need. Drawing is a dying art form outside of design work and manga. Better off buying a solid dslr

A dog sucking another dog into his penis


I do have one and use it to draw

I use mine exclusively to shitpost in bed for maximum comfy.

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what gave it away? The "gay" part? dummy

How many cocks did your mom have to suck to buy that for you?

Buy what? a tv? I've got a couple though dumb fag.

Buy what? A tablet?? I found one in a parking lot, once. Used it until the charger-port died.

My mother would never take my job away from me

what is this? 2012?
who cares about ipads

Attached: 6476756.jpg (450x1338, 200K)

Basically, imagine this:

You can't even draw. You just like the idea of being able to draw on it.

So what is it?

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2016 iDead

It's a white hole

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Based faggot.

Attached: 1535403999832.png (630x996, 232K)

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Attached: smeg.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Me too.

Attached: image.png (395x395, 91K)

>no webm
>shitty hardware
>ios - you can't do that, it's not the apple way
>you need a mac to develop for it
No thanks, I don't buy gay shit
I wouldn't use it even if you gave it to me