I hate it when white-collar businessmen randomly beat you up on the subway
I hate it when white-collar businessmen randomly beat you up on the subway
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they're meant to represent society
i feel just like the joker when my boss tells me i'm not up to dress code
Well he does kind of look like someone you'd randomly beat up on a subway
I live in NY. Wall Street chads are douchebags and would beat up a homeless dude on the subway if they could get away with it.
i used to think the white race was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy
unexpected in most cities but..
In gotham it was getting real crazy out there.
They're pc principal types. When asked what's so funny the Joker responded with a simple word. Niggers.
So they kicked his ass.
aids face
I also live in NY. At worst, if they were drunk, they engage in verbal harassment. Beating up a crazy guy who's minding his own business isn't something they would bother with.
Business school WASPs are the lowest of the lowest trash tho
I'm sure Arthur was trying to be funny to lighten up the mood, but because of his lack on communication skills, he probably ended up offending those guys.
>water from a button flower gag
How do we know he doesn't provoke them?
This was the 80s things like that happened.
is that his natural/real hair?
it looks so .. weird
Never seen a single film shilled so fucking hard in all my life.
>they've never ever done it but they would totally do it theoretical circumstances were met
Compelling theory.
that's kind of an odd correlation. You can't feel that connection because it's split from reality. You'd feel your boss pulling your leash in a much more passive aggressive manner
I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all!
You must be new then, this is nothing
>if they could get away with it
Why don't they? Blacks are literally allowed to get away with it.
I used to think the black race was a tragedy, but now I realise it's a comedy
someone post the tweet that says this movie will promote white supremacist violence
>look mom I posted it again
Ughhh you're so boring, so fucking dull and tired and boring. You can't even entertain a collection of idiots on an anonymous imageboard. You've failed irl just as you've failed in the dredges of the internet. Just go to sleep one final time
I don't think this film is going to be nearly as good as The Master and will probably be really pandering
Gotham is supposed to be fucking shit dude.
you got that backwards
>This is what liberals ACTUALLY believe
It wouldn't be shocking if niggers would beat him up because it's so normal.
I've seen the NYC Yea Forums meetup photos. You're not white.
>j-just say "nigger" and be racist, bro it's going to make all your problems go away! it's not going to make you even more of an alienated loser I swear
I can tell Todd Phillips has seen The Dark Knight
If I made my own business would I be able to be more free and flexible with what my company where to the job?
Always wondered that
like how the office building is not public and nudity would technically be legal
Kill yourself, delusional libtard faggot.
fuck nazis
secure the bag
so in this movie "universe" the white-collar businessmen are the n*ggers?
yep, the movie is dumb.
The left can't meme
Wall Street Chads are neoliberals, silly Drumpfkins
The producers are going out of their way to make it clear he can't be affiliated with the far right or incels
>gets beat up by a bunch of white guys in suits
>tries to date a black girl
absolutely seething
Honestly I cant even look at the thread without bursting out in laughter, what the fuck is wrong with you guys.
My boss tried that shit. I cited that there was no where company policy or my contract at the company stating any dress code other than "well kept" which is literally perspective. She shut up after that.
>I hate it when white-collar businessmen randomly beat you up on the subway
>never been to Russia
are you kidding me /pol/ jungle fever threads are 10/10
It's funny when poorfags actually think we give enough of a shit about them to actually dirty our hands.
That's a big drink
I work for a big corporation and I rarely talk to my boss and I don't even have to go to the office. Sometimes I wonder if I'm lucky
then your bros at work stood up and clapped and you burst into treats
Bane got the Big gulp and is rocking the 7 months pregnant look. joker is perfect too even got the Balding.
Goddamn this was perfect.
those rolls in the background though
This looks like pretentious garbage.
They're cubicle slaves. Can't use blacks lest be called racist, so they stick to a different slave class.
I'd take $500 and let some wanker fuck my shit up
no hits to the face and dick, everything else goes
I'm a lardass so I'll absorb his blows anyway
Yeah I was homeless for a year and chads would mess with me and my tent crew all the time, one time I woke up because I thought someone was pissing on me and the chad ran off and a second later I realized it wasn't piss it was lighter fluid and he was about to set me on fire for the lulz
>j-just defend holy black people bro, it's going to make all your problems go away and it's not going to make you even more of an estrogen riddled neckbeard
Weren't the kids messing with his sign white too?
being old wrinkly but thin makes you look like a transitioning tranny
truly sickening and unbased version of the joker imo
Yeah but wait till you take a blow to the chest and you feel winded
its all about subversion. this will be the last jedi of capeshit
what if they were mobsters? And it's friggin' gothamwhich is meant to be darker nyc
This, I’d much rather have a movie that focuses on the struggles of women in a patriarchal rape culture
Not him but you're a retard-faggot if you think you can't privately and verbally put your boss in their place. I've done it more than once.
They are smart enough to realise that they could ruin their career if they get arrested for beating someone up
Fuck outta here with your fucking creepypasta, not all of us are complete newfags.
Next step is to stop reporting crimes?
Like Sweden
>In this elseworld, instead of Batman, the joker gets beaten by Bateman
We live in a society where the bare minimum number of flair isn't enough.
Whats up with the giving bath to his mother? Who the fuck does this?
the next step is to not prosecute crimes that are reported. (you are here)
i expect his mother has dementia or something similar and he can't get any help supporting her
That's the thing about stories boy, sometimes...they're true
Wall Street chads are douchebags and would beat up a homeless dude on the subway
>if they could get away with it.
oh you're a dumbass. got it.
For you
>who's minding his own business
you don't know that, you've only seen the trailer
Just wear a fucking collar bitch and clean my shit
It's part of being a care taker for a parent.
Unironically this. It got me a GF and a job.
Oh yeah, I hear the white-collar businessmen are blight on the western society. I really can't wait for those violent thugs to be a thing of the past.
when hes not full on fat the jew in him really starts to show
>I live in NY. Wall Street chads are douchebags and would beat up a homeless dude on the subway if they could get away with it.
I work on wall street and no way I would beat up alone or with a group of my friends, a fucking lunatic clown in a subway. That scenario can only go wrong, he either has a piece or a knife and one of us is fucked, or we are filmed and we can say our lives good bye. We all work in risk management for fucks sake, this not a risk any of us would take. In 100% of the cases, people just walk out of it. In NY especially.
wall street chads sound pretty based