How come female superheroes never look the part?

How come female superheroes never look the part?
Why don't they bother at least hit the gym for 6 months before the movie?
I can't take them seriously because they look lazy as fuck. Even fucking Tobey Maguire worked out before Spiderman.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because it's not worth risking the awful shit HGH/testosterone can do to you as a prime fertile age female.

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God I wish they do these scenes but with women instead

I hate women

Anavar works without those side effects.

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Because muscularity is essential to the male beauty ideal and completely irrelevant to the female beauty ideal. Females have a much more difficult time gaining muscle and it's not practical to make a dramatic change in time for a role.

If you're gay.

WEBM related should be the standard female superhero body.

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wow source?


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>these two will never dominate you sexually

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Do you think that your epic flicks about pyjama wearing Gods and mutants would be totally realistic if the girls had a little more muscle mass? Do you think they'd be insisting that the male actors had such muscle mass if it wasn't the standard for attractive masculinity?

Abigail Gould

She makes Brie look like a joke.

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What Skyrim mods are you using?

He cute

uhh... women don't all look like that. What could they possibly need to maintain that's so important to them?

i see her being a single mom

>If you're gay
Bf %age being so low she's now a washboard = gay
Dating a washboard who's just unlucky = not so gay
Woman bodybuilder with breast implants = closet gay

This is why female heroes should never be based on strength or direct combat. The best female heroes are the ones with special powers like rogue can succ power and the girl who can phase through stuff, magic, beams etc. Women like black widow are retarded to watch on screen. Everyone knows women should never be physically strong, that is an evolutionary male trait. They should be soft, and use their sexiness or other non physical powers.

Fit normal women look better than ever right now, which is an odd thing in the context of how the media is portraying them. Several women working at stores around town near me have bodies that would shame Brie Larson or Scarlett Johansson.

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I think female superheroes normally have powers revolving around non-physical stuff. Usually magic (Jean Grey, Scarlet Witch, Storm, etc.).

>Everyone knows women should never be physically strong, that is an evolutionary male trait.
They could always explain that away by saying she got experimented on or something. This is a universe where you can give a scrawny manlet a shot of PEDs and turn him into Captain America. It's not crazy to think that Black Widow's strength and speed could be boosted up to the level of a fairly strong guy.

Alright user. The real answer is that beauty sells. Women want to look at muscular men and men wan to look at sexy women. The male super heroes don't have meat grinder abs becasue they actually need it for their powers. Most of them don't even work out, they are results of genetic mutations or radiation or super serums. There would be nothing unrealistic about them being scrawny and still super strong. They look fit to appeal to girls.

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Right, I see some monster tits just walking around my city


they just have to workout 3 times a week for 45 min to look athletic

Haha her nipples popped out
Thats an oopsie poopieroo if i ever saw one

nah this is a bit too much and absolutely 0 boobs, hard to sell to the masses

pic related would be much better

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Have Sex

>it's fine for women to have low body fat and have lots of muscle
Have fun with infertile wimmin and split vagoos if they do get knocked up and reach childbirth.

Imagine being attracted to /fit/ women. Now imagine them being the breadwinner. That's the only thing I can think of why anyone would be attracted to a /fit/ girl.

Never forget. Same woman.

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the "jacked" movie stars are lazy bums who roid and train a few hours a week. You blue pilled moron. Women with average genetics cannot get decently muscular in 6 months, without gaining some fat, and then needing to cut slowly. And even then their glute insertions will determine if they will have a decent ass to show for it at the end. Now the real question is why don't we have titcow superheros?

>Now the real question is why don't we have titcow superheros?


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This is one of the most perfect posts ever.

Everything about it is correct and didn't respond in typical Yea Forums retard fashion like "woman are retards" and "roasty toasty"

Just straight up showing how well they understood these types of women at such a fundamental level.

you might as well just come out of the closet if you're attracted to this

Because it's a male sexual fantasy that is basically sexist and degrading?

The part that's incorrect about it is that "men can't comprehend that level of self-absorption." There are tons of men like that. There's just more women.

>muscle = strength
wew lad

yeah, nothing like loads of barebreasted muscular men in the same films

From the front she looks like a 12-year-old boy with huge muscles, like Little Hercules or something, pretty damn gay and creepy.

I've never understood why westerners try to make aesthetics all about gender. I'm a man. I like to see beautiful women. I like to see strong men. I like to see beautiful men and strong women. You what I don't like to see? Ugliness. 10 times so in movies.
It's normal to aspire to be strong and beautiful. It's normal to be attracted to those traits. Stop trying to push your primitive morals into this.

You could argue that the guys piloting suits (Iron man, Antman, War Machine, Falcon) would have to be super fit, as would Hawkeye, because none of them have superpowers, but have to have great endurance, agility and some hand to hand skills.

>that spacing
>Yea Forums retard fashion
Why don't you just go back?


Has this thot had this post thrown in her face since?

That's also a male projection fantasy

Nope. She looks fine. If she had fake tits like most other /fit/girls, she wouldn't however.

If someone were asked to paint the whore of Babylon, this is what it would look like.

Ummm sweetie? Female superheroes already put 10x more effort into their bodies because that's what the patriarchy demands. Do you have any idea how hard pic-related had to work to get that body? Meanwhile Hemsworth just rolled out of bed looking like that because our sexist society holds women to higher standards than men.

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>women can't have sexual fantasies

why are mutts so scared of sex?

Women don't use that anymore they use anavar, it's a steroid that doesn't have many side effects for women.
Someone like pic-related probably uses anavar. That's the body Wonder Woman should have had

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they do hit the gym, but they don't use the steroids of their male counterparts because that's not sexually appealing

No one wants to see a muscular woman

Muscular men appeal to everyone

>women: wow he's hot
>men: damn, that's impressive, I wanna look like that

Why do other women even exist?

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>thinking women drool over monstroulsy deformed roidponies
You don't hang out with many women don't you?

Did your wife's boyfriend tell you that?

But women with massive boobs do exist in the wild. If Disney is pushing their agenda for diversity, why not body diversity? Pick any superheroine and they all look the same: tall and thin. It's getting ridiculous.
Women who like superheroes all have a favorite male, usually because of the body, but men? Gal Gadot is pretty, yeah, but she's just a scrawny kike.

Opinion discarded

Imagine typing this, whether ironically or not.
Let me show you the real wonder woman.

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The fact that you and your circle prefer twinks is not indicative of the primal impulses we still have. A tall, muscular man is less likely to flee in the face of danger, thus ensuring his survival and the survival of those around him. That's why women find those kind of men attractive.

>Last word invalidates everything before it
Great debating skills, chap.

it's amazing how many men in these threads are visibly insecure at the idea of a strong woman
even an average man can overpower a strong woman
and yet she makes you feel emasculated?
you must be an incredible wimp

imagine having sex with that

>A couple of wine glasses
>Things start getting hot
>You try getting closer
>She fights back with the hottest look on her face
>You can see her blushing
>Dilated pupils
>Bites lip
>She tries to get closer
>You fight back
>End up wrestling on the floor
>Breaking tables and shit
>Tear off each other's clothes
>Both are tired and horny
>Fuck anyways
>Fuck for hours

NO [ ]
Yes [X]

I agree with Ant-man, but not Ironman and War-Machine. The suit is an exoskeleton. It moves on its own. They don't have to be fit to wear it or carry it. Definitely not the new version, which is literally magic nanobots don't ask questions just consume product and be excited for new products. And indeed, as far as I recall neither him nor Banner are portrayed with meat grinder abs. And Rhodey is like a cripple now. So yeah.

Gawk-eye makes sense.

Doctor Strange make a bit of sense because his spiritual training included martial arts and physical exercise.

Spider Man doesn't have to be fit at all, he is a mutant. In fact during his first appearance where he's all CGI he's quite scrawny. They put the abs on him for his own movie. And interestingly only when he's out of the suit. Makes you think real hard about the logistics of fan service.

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Enough gripstrength to rip it clean off.

Oh yeah like that roided douch Bilzerian who fled like a babby as soon as Paddock started spraying bullets

Holy fuck you're a fucking idiot.
Women need that shit to look strong in films

I always imagined the suit wearers (IM, WM and Falcon) being built like f1 drivers in an ideal world. Not massively bulky like the Chris duo, but slender with lots of core strength.

>WEBM related should be the standard female superhero body.
Faggot, you have to take the last step and admit to your mother and father that you're gay as fuck.

I don't care that they are not muscular like the guys, i just think its unfair that every single movie goes out of its way to show sexy buff shirtless dudes but never gives us similar sexy shots of the women.
remember when they used to put these scenes into movies with women to pull the male audience in?
Now things have flipped and its not ok to 'objectify' women onscreen, but its ok to change the storyline so you can get chris hemsworth shirtless and wet for a panty dampener scene.
also, most of the sexy women onscreen have bodies that are attainable through diet and mild exercise...You can't get ripped as some of these guys without major every day workouts and drugs/hormones, so what message does it send.
but we don't care if timmy wants to look like Thor and uses steroids but we'll lose our minds if jenny starts extreme dieting to look like Black widow

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breasts are fake but the rest of her body is top shit bros. That hip to waist ratio is amazing.

Made me pop a boner, that webm has my seal of approval.

See and pic-related too.
Any heterosexual man would want to see that. But women don't because women can't stand the challenge. Women complain enough when the standard is "just don't be fat," they would explode if they were expected to care about their bodies as much as men

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>how do you think zeus will react
do you even greek mythology you stupid bitch

some fatass uggo female acquaintance wrote in some shit e-magazine how games objectify women, she especially hated Shahdee and her intro in Warrior Within
what a bitter cunt.

more like women are jealous vindictive creatures that don't want other women getting the attention of men

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LMAO! Seething with jealousy.

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>more like women are jealous vindictive creatures
Funny how the world has been becoming more jealous and vindictive as of late.
I wonder why...

>He says, while being a big gay

Peak performance

>Funny how the world has been becoming more jealous and vindictive as of late.
started happening around the time women were allowed to vote

>spends months getting into shape
>is basically 90% cgi in the movie

Because women are lazy.

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It's easy to get in shape when you roid for roles, call me again when roles get given to elite natural bodybuilders who have trained for decades, rather than some guy who juices for 3 months to get paid a high six figure salary with promise of more.

Women can't take roids without looking retarded and needing implants to have some level of femininity.





Brie and Scarlet are jewish. What are you going to do? Hire goy?


looks like shit though
probably has aids too

Based Evangeline Lilly had god tier body for ant-man and the wasp.

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Who? Who is she?!

sierra skye in the filename bro

You know the answer OP

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disgusting asslets should not be allowed on screen.


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the problem is people thinking muscles has anything to do with what capeshitters are capable of, they have magic powers, the human muscles have nothing to do with it.

Now post Spiderman's plump ass.


eventually hollywood will realise that they can just employ instagram models with banging bodies for most of the female roles and they'll be able to get away with charging them less for equal appeal.

these are have sex posters?

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depends on the character, if it is an alien then a muscular kryptonian should be stronger than a non-muscular kryptonian

why do u have to use gay ass furry shit to get compliment ur point god ur a faggot

Wonder Woman trained 2,000 years
She's supposed to have muscles

no its all about star power

blame the people who didn't hire Jessica Biel for an important role more than 10 years ago. If that had happened her body type will be the standard today

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>call me again when roles get given to elite natural bodybuilders who have trained for decades

literally every other action star from Bruce Lee to JCVD. Problem is that being a good martial artist or bodybuilder doesn't necessarily mean you're a good actor, as Chuck Norris can attest.
I do sort of miss that sort of casting though, felt a bit more genuine

>what would Zeus do?

Honestly do people really struggle to "want" to go to the gym? I've been going regularly for about four years now since I moved down the street from one, I couldn't imagine NOT going. It helps me relieve stress and burn extra energy. I can't stand looking in the mirror and being unsatisfied with myself.

Do other people really not feel the same? What's that even like?

Yes, he should totally act like Zeus... and turn into a Swan in order to rape her...

Like the fuck was she thinking? Zeus is the rapist of the gods...

this is perfect women body (face debatable tho)

Captain Marvel with that body of work

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a body like that requires effort to achieve and maintain. I doubt most actresses would bother trying

in comics she looks like this

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is this the prequel to elliot rodger

Because ironically nearly everything that gets called a female issue is actually not unique to women other than nobody gives a fuck when it happens to men.

Actresses with this biotype exist, they just do not want to hire
Prefer to hire friends from the LGBT circle they frequent

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I can watch this all day

Men can be satiated easier than women. Just looking at their attractive physiques in the mirror and miring it or take a damn good selfie just to remind yourself how good you can look is enough. No need to upload it to social media for the likes.

Perfect Ms Marvel cast don't exis...

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nah, she's your typical normie trash who can only boost their self esteem by putting others down
there's nothing stopping a woman from taking a retarded photo of herself

You're a guy I'm guessing. People keep saying women hate seeing attractive women in skimpy shit because they seethe and get jealous. With men, it's good to see attractive physiques to strive towards but the standards are getting unrealistic. Hemsworth as sure as shit doesn't look like that in the OP year round. He'll be big but he has to do unsustainable programs, starving, and working out for an extra pump to look that good just for a few shots in a movie, and women throwing a hissy fit over normal guys not looking like and thinking it's easily attainable and look guys will have 24/7 isn't good. Hell, what Furious Pete's video showing how you can go from looking lean, muscular, and toned to a fatass in a few hours.

who is the fourth in the top row

looks like amber heard

Johnny Depp greatest lover

>How come female superheroes never look the part?
>Why don't they bother at least hit the gym for 6 months before the movie?

Because muscles make a woman unattractive and the most important thing for a female supero is to look hot.

Nice, I never knew her name.

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Most of the time, my body is exhausted for no real reason. So the whole "excited to go to the gym" thing doesn't happen to me. It feels like trying to stay awake when your eyes are heavy
But I do like to look good/feel good, which muscles do, so that's a great motivator
Plus I want to be as beefy as Captain America so I can go to children's hospitals in costume as accurately as possible. The thought of that wholesome future keeps me going too

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based user. keep up the good fight.

BASED. Fucking ultimate mommy right here.

do the needful sirs, provide with sauce plox

Ass implants

what fucking race is this? these instagram thots are all so tiresome to look at

This. That level of self-absorption isn't gender exclusive. Plenty of guys do that shit.

It's more socially acceptable for women to do it though, because hordes of men will defend them and their right to be "independent."

Are they trying to de-sexualize women but keep the men in peak physical condition to fight the patriarchy?

Those proportions are insane

Ive been saying it for a while now, male body and muscle dysmorphia will be the end of our society. And women will say we are just being whiny and petulant until every single one of us are dead

Damn, she must be living a great life. Earn money from posing and doing catwalks nearly naked with hundreds of thousands of admirers that want you and jealous women. The amount of validation must be insane. Probably enough to make her get wet. Not even a top-tier male gets that kind of stuff (Gandy was earning a pittance compared to his female peers; he took business class whereas they got private jets). An attractive woman that is either white or passes for white is the most privileged and can easily earn the big bucks by deigning to cash in on her looks and body.

I like working out and fitness should be encouraged but what these superhero actors look like isn't synonmous with fitness (Jackman felt as sick as a dog by going a day without food or water to look as ripped and veiny as he did), nor is it sustainable or a constant state. I wonder how many realise this.

Because, despite what modern feminism would have you believe (and what they really are actually trying to change), they do still want their female characters to look sexy. And to most people a buff female is not an attractive look.

Getting ready for Squirrelgirl

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The video for reference, by the way. Say whatever you want about the cancer-ridden Pole, but that's a great video not only for showing how these before and after things can be a sham but also showing how a fit man can look great to shit in a few hours and looking hot isn't a constant state you will look like 24/7.

you are slightly creepy desu

Its still just a little too much. When their arms start taking on a more masculine look, then it is gross.

Reminds of that guy's tweet about how he watched Captain Marvel watching a young boy the whole time to see his happy reactions and how this meant a lot to him and how when he rewatches Captain Marvel, he's going to keep his eye on a young girl the whole time. Fucking hilarious how much his was ripped a part and meme'd for that.

You're right. Some nice thighs and ass and a bit of ab tone is good though. But even then, I want to squeeze that layer of fat on the ass, not have my fingertips confronted by a wall of stiff muscle.

Exactly. I didnt mention anything about the ass, because the girl in the webm actually looks like she probably would have a nice one. But like her arms. You could stick those things on a guy and they would fit right in.

female workout = not stuffing their faces every hour
even cam girls can't resist eating during a fucking show

Didn't Disney tell her to slim down instead?

>Be normie
>Yeah dude, just lift heavy ass weight, eat clean and sleep a lot. It's not that hard

I'm not defending those women, but how would a straight guy feel if it was a man wearing the equivalent of a stripper outfit barely covering his dick and a thong, prancing around on stage? most of them would probably look away or look weirded out too.

You are full of fucking shit if you think Hemsworth or other fit male movie stars are lazy when it comes to thwir physiques. Do you seriously believe hemsworth just injects some steroids and poof he now has his body? He obviously works for it, the drugs just speed the process up.

Well wearing an equivalent of that would be fucking weird because those feminine stuff. A better equivalent would be a guy wearing some kind of speedo and maybe some running shoes and socks, i.e. wearing even less than the woman. Guys are liable to range from either feeling ashamed/emasculated to admiring the guy's physique.

Poor man, he will never live that down.

Props to Hemsworth and all. He still looks good when not shooting but pic related took my be surprise. He shoulders look pretty narrow relative to his size.

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Good looking men are more privileged because they get actual respect for some insane reason. In contrast good looking women are regarded as meat by most people.

The jews really are the chosen people.

Except its not really. Sure his chest would be bare, unlike the woman in the webm. But the parts of the male body that are considered sexual would arguably be more covered up for a guy in a speedo. Literally the euivalent for a male would be a guy walking out in a jock strap or some shit. In which case I gurantee most guys would look away.

Are you including a good, muscular physique when you mean good looking men? Cause the respect would make sense in that regard because I imagine it takes more work than a woman to look sexy and feminine what with all the muscle building and fat burning.

Agreed, and no I wasn’t referring to muscularity. That is indeed worthy of respect.

Well yeah obviously im not claiming he keeps his thor physique year round. My point was he just uses juice to speed the process up to get to his Thor physique, he still puts in some work. Hell he is in good shape even in this picture. He must be doing something to maintain that body.

Fair enough. My guess is because even handsome men will still have to work hard than beautiful women. I refer back to that David Gandy thing where he was earning a pittance relative to his female peers he was doing shoots with. As I said, an attractive woman not can earn or gain a lot by using her body and looks. An attractive man can too but I would say there's still a disparity.

I'm secure enough in my sexuality to admire the male form. as long as he wasn't swinging his dick right in my face or acting like a total homo I'd be fine with it.

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you can't deny they tried, Halle Berry, Jennifer Garner, both in shape, both leading their movies but failed. Now the studios hired skeletons and their movies made hundred of millions. they will stay with what worked

The lean muscular male form is something I too can admire but I always struggle to understand how women can be attracted to some twig body like Leo's during Titanic or Chalamet's from CMBYN. There's no tone, no detail, not shape, and yet some can still be attracted to that. Maybe it's cause of the face attacked to those bodies.

some women like the effeminate twink boy look, taste is really subjective so I don't really judge too much within reason of course

The face has alot to do with it. But truth be told most women really arent that attracted to super muscular guys.

Most men dont, and all women wont. They want men to look like Chris Evans and if they cant have that, they settle for the next best they can get while fantasizing about someone better. Yes I am damaged by past relations and body dysmorphia and general insecurity, you dont have to ask. If I cant have a Superhero physique I have no value. And Im pretty much a framelet so its an impossible goal from the getgo. Feels great

>Skyrim character with 500 mods

Can I ask you?
You are a lazy person?
This is capeshit,
Women need to be muscular in this movies

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Well, not some Kali Muscle mutant-looking shit but they definitely seem to like a reasonably muscular and toned lean body.

Why the hell couldn't Gagot have had thighs like that? Is that really unattainable for her due to genetics?

Just imagine Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman with that hips, that legs in the big screen
and that posture
I'm super hot motherfucker

banging body, but face is kind of meh

Ive always disliked that saying. Women quote it dismissively as you bring up impossible standards because "actually women dont like big muscles" like yeah sure maybe you would be a little freaked out if Lou Ferrigno tried to throttle you but I have literally never come across a woman who didnt fawn over the "dorito" body type.

I just don't get fashion lads. What is the purpose of modelling clothes that are not sold? I guess I'll never be effay.

she refused.


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Whats your problem?

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Not surprised Marvel comics is losing money. Shame the movies will keep it going for years and years to come.

>what fucking race is this?

botox and makeup

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she looks like every other Instagram thot, nothing really special.

Oh for heaven's sake. Women, and men, don't have to only look like a) twigs or b) bulky abominations.

Italian-Native American hybrid, apparently.

This is a Fashion Show user

They treat it like art pieces, no? So it's treated like an art exhibition. But the clothes she's wearing could definitely be sold. The underwear, heels, and that net thing is stuff I can see women buy and wearing to beaches and on holidays and shit (except they'd probably also be wearing a bra).

You mean a v-taper and broad shoulders? Yeah, they love that shit. They don't like absurd, mutant looking guys but guys with that shape, some nice biceps, a little bit of tone and maybe some arm veins is something they love.

Unwilling to put in the work or studio executives don't demand it of them. And let's face it, guys have an easier time looking the part. If you've even been to the gym you can see how easy it is for a dude that puts in the work to transform himself, women need to put in way more work to reach the same "wow" effect.

And please lets not confuse the attitude of the normie audience that think physiques like that of hemsworth and evans aren't carefully crafted by a personal trainer, a chef and the assistance of a doctor with the added benefit of some extra chemicals. If you think that any of these cunts are going that extra mile you're crazy.

How exactly do women have to put in more work? Genuinely curious. My guess would simply but doing what men to do by building muscle in the right places and getting down to a certain body fat percent... except for building way less muscle than men and being allowed to have a higher body fat percentage because 1) it's not healthy for men to get really low and 2) it's attractive when do have a little bit of fat. Look at those clips above of that catwalking models; men love the fat on her ass and thighs jiggling and she marches up and down the aisle.

*it's not healthy for women to get really low

Men climb the mountain

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What I've noticed, personal gym stories here, is that women lift way less weights than men do, as a result some of the exercises you can do straight out of the gate as a "never worked out dude" are far more varied and their training "level" increases at a greater rate.

That and the natural hormones of course, women tend to burn out quicker when doing exercise regimes and I know a couple examples of them actually injuring themselves which would slow down their training (pulling muscles, overstraining, etc, etc). Men have stronger physiques in almost every sense, which is why women wanting to be actually fit need to put in more work.

>Why don't they bother at least hit the gym for 6 months before the movie?

>To get into Captain America shape, Larson trained for nine months with Jason Walsh of Rise Nation in West Hollywood

If you’re going to try to berate women at least get your facts straight
Have sex

I think you get this less when the women aren't hideous tumblr goblins with rainbow coloured hair. I've seen women building each other's egos up about how good look, including short, dumpy ones to taller, thinner ones. The fat neckbeard probably just seethes over how good Chad has it rather than deny their attractiveness or try to tear them down.

nope. they don't give a fuck about other women; it's just virtue signaling.
notice how you never see men constantly commenting and posting shit like inspirational quotes?

"Men climb the mountain" isn't just fitness. It happens in business, politics, etc. Men apply themselves and work toward their goals while women just cry about sexism and demand special treatment

If you've spent any length of time here you'd know this isn't really true.

It's when you get communities of highly neurotic women that you get the self-destructive behaviour on a large scale as it devolved into crab mentality. They start telling themselves that ugly is beautiful in order to not feel like they have to do anything to change themselves, and anyone who goes against that by actually changing themselves is the enemy.

It's a really - unorincally - TOXIC environment that makes everyone locked in it miserable. But for some totally inexplicable reason everybody just sort of ignores it.

Business and politics is literally just bad men who deserve to lose everything receiving special treatment. Taller, better looking, more evil, greedier, more ambitious, etc.


fringe cases here vs what we're actually seeing happening in the world

What about when the mountain top is unachievable? Or when the person up there was placed there by luck and didn’t climb shit? Then the correct course is to tear it down.

>what we're actually seeing happening in the world
okie dokie

they do not hire the right people

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They don't want

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>climbing mountain too hard
>instead gonna do something a hundred billion times harder
I guess if you aim at something literally impossible then failure was always inevitable so you're not actually responsible for it

They should have cast Katrina Law as Wonder Woman. Decent height for a woman (5'8), black hair, good body, vaguely exotic look owning to that Taiwan blood, and much more believable as a female warrior. Oh, and better eye candy too. She could rock a leotard like Gadot never could.

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What’s the point of trying in life if you have to climb a mountain to get the scraps of what parasites like Chris Hemsworth get for being born? Vindictive resentment is the only reasonable reaction to that inequality of opportunity.

This reminds me when mcu had soul.

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this post is why I support forced euthenasia

Looks like a bird took a shit on Brie's shoulder. Disgusting bitch.

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This Black Widow suit in Scarleth is not baggy like this

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>This reminds me when mcu had soul.
>Another bitch who made no effort.

have children

Do you despise men like Hemsworth?

with that ass
She does not need

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shes not a bitch

and many men don't like larson and gadot
this really makes you think
what do they fail to do to make them dislike them?

yes, men find unattractive women unattractive. how is that relevant to you hating attractive men?

straight and masculine

gay and feminine

>not despising good looking people in the modern west

user have you ever been in the real world? This is all feminism is. Instead of climbing the mountain they just claim that the mountain is sexist. The US just had a woman run for president and her platform was basically "I'm a woman so you must give me special treatment." Then when she lost she blamed it all on sexism instead of owning up to her mistakes.
then you climb as close to the top as you can. You don't just make bullshit excuses to never improve and blame everybody else for your failures.

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Fucking pays to be a legfag, lads.

i don't hate anyone
I just wish these millionaires valley girls work those skelly asses.

Oh Christ, you're some r/braincels twat that thinks every good looking person lives an impossibly perfect fantastical life. Anyhow, you're basically despising the human race for the advantages good lookers have.

Kevin Feige really should never have read comics

>then you climb as close to the top as you can
Then you’re just a useful idiot settling for less than what other people get, propping them up in the process

Are you some Marxfag that wants to tear down those who have it better than you? I bet you get hard at the thought of throwing acid into the face of Hemsworth or beautiful models, you sick fuck.



*licks lips profusely*

>shes not a bitch

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Not impossibly perfect. they’re just on an advanced form of welfare, never have to earn anything but somehow also receive respect and admiration as though they’ve persevered. not even being straight up evil negates these advantages.

it seems like even dumb people are starting to realize that truth so maybe sheer resentment will counter some of it eventually.

>We'll never get to see her run around in a red, white, and blue leotard doing superhero antics and showing off those thighs and backside from every possible angle
God fucking dammit.

not anything barbaric like that but yeah good looking people losing their privilege is always justice.

Is it bad I want her to try to suffocate me with her ass?

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Gal Gadot the Wonder Wimp. Lynda Carter did this stunt herself no stuntman, no safety harness.

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They won't unless you can somehow fundamentally change human nature. The beautiful will always have this privilege or edge. That's just how things are because it's nature. The halo effect will always exist even if it isn't fundamentally just or fair. You won't get this justice you seek, and you'd happily reap the rewards of good looks if you had them (not that being good looking is a guarantee of an amazing life either, cause it isn't even though the beautiful do have an edge over the average and ugly).

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ugly people existing is injustice towards the world.

they should be exterminated. this is MY justice.


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Has Gadot ever looked this good?

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>be a woman
>take anavar to get big
>still not as strong as a man that works out every now and then


Why is it that every time I see this word used at the start of a post, said post is always retarded?

>with that ass
>She does not need
thread is about women not putting effort to look the part, you're part of the problem. and I would not put her ass in the first ten in hollywood

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Smart people can definitely adjust their perspective with the right resentment. There’s already occasional stories of handsome men getting denied their welfare by angry employers and such.

>This is not in the top 10

Come on user, you can criticize her for alot of things. But her ass? That's not one of them.

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The Whedon BW was always sexist when she looks vulnerable and scared. But Whedon never capture the sultry double agent superspy thing at all; the Russos nailed that with Winter Soldier though.

I need to proofread. I'm a stupid motherfucker.

Imagine the smell.

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God, Imagine fucking her from behind, it would be just like fucking one of your bros, but not homo.

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That's fucking evil. That some shit people don't forget either. I feel bad for the kid.

I remember Noomi's fucking delts in Prometheus.
That shit was dope.

She had to put some effort to look that good.

what if i was thinking of one of my bros while fucking her from behind. would it be gay then?

>user have you ever been in the real world? This is all feminism is. Instead of climbing the mountain they just claim that the mountain is sexist.
You're like a parody. In the outside world you don't get "muh mean feminists" bitching about "muh sexism in X", it's just the internet corrupting your mind. Although if you live in a place like Seattle or L.A. then you're probably right.

Because capeshit is for closet gay boys

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maybe in the first 20 but top ten nah

What's the context? Was it a purposeful 'social experiment' to see how guys would react to such a shitty situation? Definitely vile if so. Skinny, short, ugly ethnics don't need that kind of shit. They already feel inferior enough to Chads.

link me to videos then

you think she had that body without doing cardio and having a good diet? I don't care if she can't lift a truck tire, she's a female she's supposed to look fuckable, not like a man.

have you seen her leaked pics? her body isn't that great, you really swallow what media tell you

She looks like she fucks black guys

Cap works out (although he doesn't need to since he's essentially mini Hulk in a permanent state, I guess he just enjoys working out) and Thor swings around a heavy af hammer multiple times.

There is a in universe explanation for them to appear big.

At the time of the first movies? Of couse she looks bad now, she's older.

If she had a 8,9/10 ass she have a free pass

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the thing that gets me about all the gimmicky "booty buster" gym thot routines is the ridiculously high volume and low weight, it just doesn't fundamentally make sense. These women are so uneducated that they don't start off with strength training and then transition to hypertrophy work.

In order to build those ginormous insta-fit girl asses you have to have a relatively intermediate strength base. Fundamentally there's always a proportion between strength and size, the stronger you are the greater your muscle volume ceiling is thus doing 8x20 60lb squats for a month isn't going to get you anywhere. They don't understand the concept of progressive overload, volume and weight strategies.

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For natties:
The bigger your muscle, the stronger you are.

For roiders it's basically irrelevant. Sure, all the Olympia guys are also pretty strong, but look at someone like Zyzz. Shortly before his dead his weight was roughly 100 kg at 8-10% bf and his numbers were for someone at this weight a joke.
He could barely lift 200 kg from the floor, the most he ever squatted was 130 kg for 5 reps and the bench... well, this is unknown since the only video of him going heavy is one 3 years before his death were he did 130 kg for... actually zero reps since chestbrah holds the bar as his spotter.
Basically, on roids you get big with baby weights, comparable to the size you gain of course.

Fucking Donnie, cucking that chink HARD

I guess Gal knows a thing or two about training since she served in the Israelian army.

people always call me crazy when I say this. Dude was never meant to be huge. Look at it him in Ghostbusters. He has nice proportions in that movie.

afaik high-rep low-weight works just as well for strength training as the other way around, assuming you do sets to failure

it is a pretty dumb way to do it though since it takes more time for the same result and far as I can tell it's actually harder as well

though women don't do sets to failure anyway, since they're just in the gym to thot it up; chat with other women 'working out'; flirt with guys in one of the few places where males aren't yet afraid of getting #MeToo'd; etc.

women arent actually good at anything

They're good at making my dick hard and sucking it. Not that I'll ever find out firsthand.

women don't know how to do shit in the army. they literally fire sargeants who drill their female recruits to the same standards as men because it makes the women uncomfortable

absolutely fantastic taste user

Doing something is always better than nothing but there's a reason every respected strength program is structured around low-rep high-weight structures. Different types of hypertrophy are achieved in different volume ranges (look up Myofibrillar vs. sarcoplasmic hypertrophy). Plus high volume is an incredibly inefficient approach to progressive overload which is the golden rule of strength training.

Van Damme is a great actor, watch his performances since JCVD.

Also Lundgren is also decent, he nailed the psycho in Expendables and played the entire cast on the wall in Creed 2.

Problem is those guys didn't get cast for anything but buff dudes in the 80s and 90s, they needed to age and lose agility to get better roles.

>for some insane reason

You don't look like Gandy if you don't have a mixture between good genetics, consistent workouts and on point nutrition. Males can form their bodies better than women, but women get a pass for just being thin. Every male model does working out, only very few female models do work out. Males respect good looking males because it's always a sign of hard work and dedication to stay handsome.

she was chubby when she got hired

What a mean prank

You are basically correct. All studies about thst subject came to the same conclusion: to even be able to get that much power you need to be an sociopath completely free from empathy. Everyone else would just break and went straight into a suicidal depression.

muscles actually are bad for you in army combat.
it's more about endurance.

Source? Tell me there’s a happy ending.

Then how come I'm not successful even though I am a sociopath? Checkmate, atheist.

I live in DC and trust me, feminists are very real. There is a lot of bitching about "muh patriarchy" any time a woman fails at anything. Pic-related is common in the real world.

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Peak Carano is qt

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Because all these fucking powerlifter chicks are garbage actors with the range of a piece of cardboard and Hollywood knows it

>muscles make a woman unattractive
Just how gay are you?

>mrw we'll never see her skull crush villains with those pale thighs of justice

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>garbage actors with the range of a piece of cardboard
Perfect for capeshit then.

More Katrinakino.

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After seeing Brie Larson's super bored acting in Cpt Marvel I unironically think Ronda Rousey would have been a better choice.

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Oh look, the person they should have cast as Wonder Woman.

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that is why the white race is dying lol

Where can I get anavar?

>that is basically sexist and degrading
you mean based and redpilled

Holy shit, half the fucking thread got deleted? What did I miss?

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Just to remember that Kevin Feige is disgusted to see women showing legs and arms

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soul souless

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women in bikinis

>you let her pin you to the ground
>she gets mad that you let her win
>slaps you and laughs then makes out with you while holding you down

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>file deleted

why mods?!?! I want to seeeee them

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>Tobey Maguire worked out before Spiderman
hell yes he did, he was buff as shit in those movies

Women are not strong without steroids

Why do people find girls with biceps attractive? I love abs and fit thighs on a woman but big biceps ruin it instantly
Learn 2 archive

it's a shame she wasn't better at acting. Same with Ronda Rousey. Hollywood almost broke through and finally had their /fit/ actresses instead of twigs. They really need a female Rock.
>Because muscles make a woman unattractive
objectively false

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you're a fag

imaginr having sex