Tolkein writing that Eru was the cause of Gollum falling into Mt. Doom is equivalent to JK Rowling later stating Dumbledore was gay.
Prove me wrong.
>protip, you cant. Because that is litteraly what it is.
Tolkein writing that Eru was the cause of Gollum falling into Mt...
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Tolkien was a Catholic and wanted to emphasize Providence.
>god giving a vital push at the last step to save mankind from darkness
>some old dude had really rough gay buttsex in his youth
Anyways have fun b8ing, saged
Who the fuck is Eru
Eru was the cause of everything that happened though.
Did he die from the fall or from drowning?
>OP thinks Eru isn't the all powerful god of every single moment/action/event from the beginning of everything till the end of forever
>literally thought Eru wasn't involved even though he clearly controls 100% of literally every 1/100000000th of a second planned out
lmao at your life breh
Rowling is a liberal and wants to emphasize diversity. Note that I do not like Rowling, just trying to convey the parralels that Tolkein was equally shit about making new shit up after he finished the books to push a personal agenda as well.
>justifying agenda-driven addons written outside the cannon of the original books by citing the very same extra works in question.
Face it, Tolkein was really good at world building but he himself, like Rowling, was a hack.
>by citing the very same extra works in question
The Ainulindalë?
>canon of the original books
LotR was an addition to his main canon, it wasn’t even set in the same universe when he started writing it you fucking retarded faggot.
We are discussing Lord of The Rings. And you are trying to argue that The Lord of the Rings is outside of the main cannon. Outside the main cannon of The Lord of the Rings. You cannot actually be that dumb.
Tolkien was trying to create a coherent universe and kept changing stuff over the years so that it would make more sense. Rowling just wants sjw points
You don't drown in molten rock.
It's still rock after all, it's just molten.
Rowling has written just as much extra information that has nothing to do with "sjw points" on the lore of the Harry Potter Universe. And even now several other stories within the same universe as well. One which was panned by SJWs interestingly. To say her extra works are purely for "sjw points" is a blatant lie.
The simple fact is The Lord of the Rings, as an extension of The Hobbit, made no such indication or mention and the idea that an all-powerful being that promised to not meddle actually said "um okay I'll do this one thing" was responsible for Golems death. Injecting "it was God lol" retroactively into his works is JUST as bad as retroactively deciding "Dumbeldore saw Grindelwalds cock in the mirror of Erised"
All books are outside of the canon of the films. This is the board for discussing films.
That addition is written into lore formally. Rowling is just casually saying stuff.
>Rowling has written just as much extra information that has nothing to do with "sjw points" on the lore of the Harry Potter Universe.
I dont think anyone attacks her for that though do they? I dont really follow hp but I dont see whats wrong with her doing that, it'S her universe
Kill yourself tripfag.
Checked. And no one attacks her for adding to knowledge, the issue is her changing what was already established. The point this thread is trying to make is that Tolkein has slipped under the radar doing the same exact thing.
>eru caused gollum to fall into mount doom, destroying the ring!
So if he was willing to intervene then, why didn't he intervene earlier? Why wait until after Gondor and Rohan had already bled trying to defeat Sauron?
>s-shut up!
It's like the Eagles question except even worse to try and defend. Eru could have just destroyed the ring the first time around when Elrond failed to do so as well.
idk if youre aware but a colossal amount of autism has been conjured by theologians discussing this problem
>Some people have criticised the Ring as lacking religion. Tolkien denies this: “Of course God is in The Lord of the Rings. The period was pre-Christian, but it was a monotheistic world.”
>Monotheistic? Then who was the One God of Middle-earth?
>Tolkien was taken aback: “The one, of course! The book is about the world that God created – the actual world of this planet.”
Imagine unironically being a Christian.
oh yes for sure my man, for sure. Rock truly is liquid just like volacanos!
watch your own video m8, it lands on the surface and combusts
Tolkien kept writing Middle Earth stories while Rowling finished her series, realized nobody gave a shit about anything else, and decided to periodically revise and retcon dumb liberal shit into her concluded stories because it means free publicity.
It's the equivalent of a hag ex-wife coming into your house to shit in your toilet once a month.
So what? Rowling is a Christian too and this back and forth makes no sense.
Tolkein revised and retconned Smeagle falling into the lava due to his reckless desire for the ring into "oops a God tripped him lol" and I'm not a fedora tipper but injecting "muh god" into everything is the opposite side of the same coin as injecting SJW shit into everything.
One is relevant to the plot and actually effects the story in some pretty big ways, effectively making Frodo's journey not just a little Hobbit on a quest in a world of big People, but one who has the will of the gods themselves behind him. That's a pretty big thing.
Dumbledore being gay doesn't have any relevance to the plot, his actions, doesn't change his role or even how others view him.
I'd say one gives a pretty significant change in context to the events of LotR, while the other is the idle Twitter of a bored writer trying to appeal to as many of the now grown up children that used to read her books as she can.
Watch it asshole. He may be a hack but Rowling at least is based af
Eru being the reason behind gollum taking the ring cheapens the entire story and that character interaction, therefore the characters and all their motivations, and therefore the climax of the book. Its fucking stupid.
Eru doesn't intervene unless absolutely necessary. In general, Eru allows bad things to happen as a byproduct of creating free will.
Melkor could have been blinked out of existence or mind controlled in the beginning, or anyone else that did anything bad for that matter, but this would have taken away the autonomy of his creation.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
Go ahead and defend it, im genuinely interested how someone would go about defending this choice.
No one in 2019 is a real Christian. They just follow the tradition because it's part of our culture.
>>some old dude had really rough gay buttsex in his youth
God and creator of Middle Earth
and then from that lava bursts out. as in liquid lava. Stop being retarded any time user
lotr is harry potter for edgelords. it's low quality fiction for people with black and white minds (see thread for evidence)
>Eru doesn't intervene unless absolutely necessary.
He couldn't have intervened to just have Isildur drop the ring in Mt Doom?
Imagine having your culture hijacked by a bunch of sandniggers and their creepy self flagelating cuck cult and being so cucked that centuries later you think it's your culture.
it doesn't stop being extremely dense just because it's liquid, only something denser would sink in it
>a hack
Why do Yea Forums kiddies love to throw this word around so much. You don't even know what it means
Because rlm popularized it
Tolkien thought Silmarillion was his main work and he never even finished it, retard
Isildur didn't go up there in the books. Making Gollum slip is not the same as mind-controlling the king of men to drop a ring that he doesn't know anything about into lava for some reason.
Rowling went out and made public headlights about that to stay in the spotlight.
You probably took that Tolkien quote from a private letter.
>yfw OP doesnt know about theodizee
So it's the same excuse as to why God allows children to starve
Read (not watch. Read, nigga. READ) the scenes with Frodo and Gollum. Frodo -or the ring- announced to Gollum that, if he touched it again, he will die. If you've read the books you'll notice foreshadow/prophecy is a recurring thing. If a character suggests something you can count on it to happen (like when Merry is anticipating his next meeting with Teoden king and Aragorn spoils the whole thing saying that he's unsure about Teoden's fate).
Frodo bound Gollum with words, when they took him as guide, so that he could talk him to his death. Frodo in the books could be really sneaky
>y-you can't drown in molten ice
>i-t's still ice after all, j-just molten
>liquid rock is as liquid as water
Tolkien created Middle Earth to be consistent with Catholic cosmology, simply existing in the prehistory of our own world. Eru is God. Sauron is a demon. Morgoth is Satan. Humans (including Hobbits) can't beat demonic evil under just their own power, and the ring was demonic evil. Demons as fallen angels are a higher creation than humans. Humans need the intervention of God. Eru pushing Gollum into Mt Doom was a miracle that overcame the limits of humanity and allowed them to defeat an evil more powerful than they are in the order of the universe. Humans are inherently unable to totally resist the temptation to sin. It's impossible. That's why Frodo was unable to destroy the ring. Tolkien had to write the scene this way to maintain consistency with Catholic cosmology. In fact that moment could be seen as a metaphor for redemption. You can't redeem yourself. Only Christ can. Rowling retroactively making Dumbledoor a backdoor bumbler was simply her cynically trying to score social media points after the fact and means nothing.
Jesus you are a fucking dumb ho
Suffocation and drowning are similar but not equivalent.
You can suffocate by having your access to breathable air cut off by anything.
You can only drown in water.
Did you read the book? Gollum slipped and fell into lava on his own instead of being pushed off by Frodo like in the movie. So no, this isn't the same as JKR's woke retcons.
>Drowning is defined as respiratory impairment as a result of being in or under a liquid
That's not why you can't drown in lava. It's viscous, so you'll burn to a crisp sooner than you'll get submerged.
The way it's told in the book it's implied it was the ring talking trough Frodo, that told him "Begone, and trouble me no more! If you touch me ever again, you shall be cast yourself into the Fire of Doom". And that's what happened
Nazguls could fly and they would've spotted the eagles very easily and killed them. The ring party decided to walk because then it would be harder to spot them.
Rowling is a liberal and wants publicity.
In my headcanon Frodo used the power of the Ring to make Gollum fall. There is enough evidence for this in the books even if it was not Tolkien's intent.
>Frodo asks Gandalf "why cannot I use the Ring to rule"
>Gandalf replies that Frodo would first have to dedicate his mind into dominating others and being a mortal it would still destroy him
>Frodo does dominate Gollum for weeks
>Frodo makes Gollum swear by the Ring specifically that if he betrays Frodo he will be thrown into the fires of Mt. Doom
>Frodo claims the Ring as his own, clearly intent on using it
>Frodo becomes absolutely devastated afterwards, yes, I know this was really Tolkien writing of the PTSD of soldiers returning from the Great War