Agrees with everything everyone says until they criticize marijuana

>agrees with everything everyone says until they criticize marijuana

What is wrong with Joe?

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is he gay?

Nah he agrees with that now aswell

It's entirely possible.


we cures cancer, boomer
you can also make paper with it

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Probably. His whole life revolves around trying not to look gay.

It's an interviewing tactic, brainlet. People watch for the guests not to hear Joe's hot take on the day's issues.

Why do weedfags become raging cynics whenever someone points out that regular weed consumption is associated with higher rates of mental illness.

>"Smoking increases risk of lung cancer"
>"Dude everyone knows that, the science is settled at this point"

>"Weed smoking increases risk of mental illness"

I noticed this weird thing where he'll start speaking on an issue he listened to another guest give the week before, like the one he just had with ben shapiro.

He went on and on about psychedelics being used for people with ptsd, this is all stuff a previous guest spoke about the whole time like 2 weeks ago. But rogan didnt even mention his name or give any credit to this expert, he talked of it verbatim as if it was his own thought

is this normal? it almost seems like plagiarism

Ask Brock Lesnar

A great interviewer that demonstrates genuine interest in anything his guest has to say.
Imagine if he was intelligent as well.

or he disagrees, and then just restates the persons opinions in different words

He says "I read" or "I heard" and unless he particularly cares he won't mention it or sometimes he doesn't remember
I personally remember dick all author names and I love to read

>tfw no Joe Rogan bf (best friend)

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I don't listen to the podcast, but it's probably to offer a sense of continuity by having the current guest respond to previous topics

Fuck you dude, how often do you crack open a beer or watch pornhub? Shut the fuck up

unironically drug addiction

>has no convictions except smoking weed
There are way too many people like this in the world

I don't claim that alcohol has zero negative effects though, and that any studies that do show its consumption has negative effects are funded by pharma shills that want people to use antidepressants instead of drinking

is this post satire

After 5 years smoking relatively heavily, weed gave me my first and only panic attack. Haven't
touched it since

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it's a bit weird to quote scientific research 'facts' or ideas when it's something you hear about in colloquial conversation
I'm pretty sure joe rogan doesn't read or ever verify anything on the podcast.

Maybe this is what OP meant, he's such a centrist flip flopper because he knows fuckall about the subjects he talks about aside from things he's heard, things from various experts that are sometimes contradictory

he'd never take on an expert guest because he knows his repertoire will run thin quickly and that he'd be a bad representative of whatever given subject.

also this
he conducts INTERVIEWS, not debates.

Everyone has a vice

Here they come now.

joe rogan is genuinely the lowest-functioning person to ever receive a talk show

legalize it

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Video games and porn literally wreck your reward and motivation center the way pot does, yet you hypocritical faggots only target one of those

>Everyone has a vice
yeah but being super defensive about it is faggy

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Alex Honnold said on podcast that he doesn't touch weed and Rogan didn't say a word.

Why are Jews pushing so hard for the legalization of weed? What could they possibly have to gain from a population stoned, and dumb?

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he married a coalburner
he's definetaly not normal

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I have a shitalian friend who watched rogan since highschool and I'm certain rogan imprinted on him. they have the same body language, way of speaking, and way of thinking, it's surreal.

You forget how triggered he gets when people criticize women or make generalizations about women.

He looks so homogay there.

He gets upset when anyone says something "unreasonable" he's textbook fence sitter, you can never take things to their logical conclusion, it's always * X is positive thing* BUT *X is also sugarcoated negative thing*

ITT: brainlets who can't accept that some people become absolute retards when stoned while others are fine

I've noticed if I marathon a show, I will end up sounding like a main character from it. Or I'll monologue internally as their voice for a while. It wears off after a while. Just imagine watching one guy ofr like forever?

trying to emulate Leno. I bet a lot of people did then

Maybe his podcast is so successful because he's never confrontational with his guests and gives them a platform to talk more informally about themselves.

t. inbred

>joe get stuck in an argument circle and keeps repeating the same thing for like 40 minutes

every time

Yea its normal, citing this source would be irrelevant to the conversation or break the flow of the interview. Check out the greats like Howard Stern who do the same thing.

All the sad virgins in here taking a stand against weed because they associate it with people who have fun and don't take like so seriously

i'm unironically anti-fun

I hate how he interrupts a guest during a story because he can't let someone else lead the conversation for more than a minute

Pretty much this, you don't have to give credit for every little thing you heard but he does tend to say a buddy of mine told me but he will mention that buddy's name if he thinks that his guest knows/met that person

>Joe is blown away by all of Eddie's red pills
>next podcast calls conspiracy theorists idiots because his guests thinks they are

He has to make his guests feel comfortable, if you start saying UH your wrong buddy people will close off, if you agree with someone they're gonna talk more

If you have high iq smoking makes your paranoid.

If you have high iq smoking makes you paranoid.

Explains a lot

>tried weed for the first time when I was 35
>it was pretty relaxing and fun
>now I'm 36, have done it 5 more times since

Feels pretty good if I'm being honest. I wish I didn't wait so long.

He has no opinions except for the fact that he likes smoking pot, and picks his guests based solely on what will trigger people and get him attention.

fun show though.

Why did you delete this post

What are you hiding?

anyone else smoke because they can't sleep?
i haven't smoked in 3 weeks and now i have insomnia

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Do you Yea Forums nerds have no irl friends? This is how normal conversations sound. You're just hyper-focused because his longform conversations are recorded and online. If anyone was recorded that much in conversation you would catch onto the various sayings and mannerisms that person has.

Loosen up, jeez louise.

Fuck I really can’t tell if Alex Jones is bat shit or if all the evil in the world is caused by horned elves only communicated with via hallucinogins.

I unironically started to like Schaub more than Rogan.

>if all the evil in the world is caused by horned elves only communicated with via hallucinogins
Thats just a meme low iq people spread. Ive done DMT dozens of times along with countless breakthrough experiences with LSD and psilocybin and the gnomes arent a real thing

From what I remember reading weed doesn't so much cause mental illness so much as it highlights preexisting mental illness.

Because there's no valid criticism for marijuana.

>agree with things person says until they say thing you disagree with

He just had a podcast with a pro Marijuana doctor and an anti-Marijuana journalist and he seemed to be right down the middle between the two slightly leaning towards the anti guy...


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I’ll bend you over and cum in your butthole, baby ;))

Because he really likes smoking weed. It's like if a guest told him that eating elk was wrong or that running uphill with his dog was bad for him.

Smoking weed doesn't make you interesting

He didn't receive shit, he started a podcast and he was a pioneer in that medium

It's 2019 bro, weed is the loser's drug now

> 2019
> In support of prohibition and imposing their subjective morality.

Can't blame him for getting his jimmies rustled on this.

As annoying as I find Crowder, i felt bad for him when Joe bullied him for an hour on marijuana.

>agrees with anything anyone in front of him says even if he had made millions of other statements contradicting this

Smoked a few times, had a few edibles. For the most part my mind just short-circuits and I get constantly distracted to the point where I can't really form cohesive thoughts and become very forgetful. When I'm coming down off of it, my mind goes to dark places and I get a fun emotional crash that's worse than sober if I think about my problems. It also gets really fucking old when my friends want to do voice calls while they get high because there's a high chance of them not giving a fuck about conversation, constantly changing or ignoring the subject, and ultimately passing out. Suffice to say, I just don't really like the stuff, and it's way too expensive.

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I don't smoke weed anymore, I don't know what the hate for it is all about. Yeah it's not good for you, but it's not immediately life threatening either, it's just like any other vice.
People don't go out and axe murder innocent people because they smoked to much weed, they might get lung cancer or become dull and lame but that's their problem, harmless to the rest of society. So I see no reason why anybody should give a fuck about anyone else smoking or drinking

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important reminder that joe absolutely dominated the argument. he must have contradicted 20 different points that crowder made

I used to be a big pot head but I quit and picked up a different vice, I started buying dildos from bad dragon and plowing my ass constantly steadily increasing the size of the toys as I get more and more used to the smaller ones.

I'm not sure which is worse though to be honest.

How good are the orgasms compared to just jacking off?