So why exactly did this semen demon leave the Orville?

We know for certain after all these weeks that she didn't do it for certain higher success because the only confirmed casting news about her is about other less known tv series. We also know that it can't be because she was bad for Orville because not only it's pretty obvious she had become a profitable meme but also her replacement tries to replace her in a large part.

This points almost exclusively towards there being personal psychological issues among the cast and the theory about a bad breakup with Seth starts seeming like a logical theory.

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She'd rather be on Discovery

I just want her back.

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I love her jawline

Seth cheated it's all there is

So she got mad and not him? That sounds possible because under his facade, he's probably an extremely cynical bastard because you can't be successful in 4-5 different franchises and not be one.

yeah fucking right

Attached: STD vs Orville.png (754x1110, 532K)

>That Critics Comments for STD Season 2

Generally ignore the "pro critics" scores entirely and focus only on regular people scores. It's NOT because regular people are smarter or anything, it's that they are MORE, and the same is true for imdb and metacritic (also the tomatos' algorithm is retarded because if multiple critics give higher than than 50% the score is 100%, look it up).

PS. In this case fuck them all, Discovery has some fun parts if you are a die hard sci-fi fun, but of course Orville is definitely better.

hard shilling. they know it sucks but they still have to give it good ratings

Oh. Yeah. I know. I don't really pay attention to Rotten Tomatoes entirely because of their fucking retarded rating system.

She literally cucked Seth.

>Orville goes on random ass 3 week breaks
Show's deader than Elvis.

It’s not even competently written, that little blurb feels like a meandering ramble because they don’t have anything concise to say about the season.

>Season 2 of STD cleans up Trek problematic past while effectively dramatizing new takes on the lore
What does that even MEAN?

>acknowledgement that first season of STD is bad
>then saying its cool that they said fuck off to all the other star trek seasons and canon

That's what it means.

Who is this? WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!

Halston Sage plays Lt. Alara Kitan on The Orville.

Alara Kitan is a Xelayan Lieutenant and former Chief of Security aboard the USS Orville.

Attached: the-orville-season-2-halston-sage-alara-fox.jpg (825x464, 72K)

Nah, I think the story is great or at least fine, it's just the casting is fucking retarded and the directional in general bad since there is extremely bad chemistry.

It has 2 or 3 characters that are great or passable and then it spams 4 or 5 other characters that are obnoxious. The chemistry in most scenes is extremely bad.

The series would be an 8 instead of a 6 if they completely remade the casting and if the direction tried to fix some chemistry in there.

Seth had the hots for her and she fucked around on him.

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her role as a beard was fulfilled
so seth told her to fuck off

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nah, I don't think he's gay, just extremely psychologically disturbed. It seems more like she being the sensitive one and him being the cynical bastard she couldn't stand.

In general I doubt people that control 4-5 different franchises can be what you call "normal". It needs a certain level of extreme cynicism to withstand constant drama.

>her replacement tries to replace her in a large part.
i keep thinking this is because seth has future story ideas or character dynamics that involve a small powerful female.

>a bad breakup with Seth
I would agree with this if they didnt have scenes alone together near her departure (pickle jar, bar scene with costanza, etc).
Maybe it was an amicable breakup because she hated watching all of eds romancing. (future chick plqyed by theron, palicki, krill mcmanus)
maybe they wernt an item but she just hated other cast members (not alot of scenes with her and palicki alone together after "If the Stars Should Appear" if memory serves)

is there anything that points to this being a character trait of his besides being busy?

Family Guy

Seth or some producers probably wanted to fuck her and she said no.

Wouldn't she just tell everyone now that we're in the #MeToo era

She was as dumb as her character, she got a taste of success and instead of solidifying it with a few more years work she immediately fell for the lie that she'd be in demand or just as popular elsewhere. If it is a personal thing with Seth she should've sucked it up and acted professionally for a while so she'd have a good springboard for other projects.

She kinda looks like Jilian Janson


i'm not a huge fan of hers but that scene of hers with anya olsen and based mike adriano is pretty kino

I dont see the argument you are making.
The fact that he created family guy (which is fairly cookie cutter sitcom in the early seasons, where he shared a writers room with over 70 people over the years, where he came back to fox after being canceled) is your evidence for "a certain level of extreme cynicism"?
Without a concrete explanation of your thesis im just gonna assume you dont like him.

i want to see and feel the inside of that vagina

>control 4-5 different franchises
The only thing he does on Family Guy and American Dad now is the voice work and they've already recorded so many lines it wouldn't surprise me if they had a custom soundboard that they just used instead.

lewd neck

Attached: 1118full-halston-sage (1).jpg (1118x1583, 250K)

>being on worst trek

Attached: xelayanyikes.jpg (992x558, 57K)

>lewd neck
you called?

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didn't even think about watching season 2 because she wasn't on it