big butt lover edition.
Only 9 more days guys, just hold on.
big butt lover edition.
Only 9 more days guys, just hold on.
It's going to be so bad, isn't it?
Eh, season 7 for all its flaws had some great moments (Dothraki / Lannister battle for example).
If anything I'll be excited for the spectacle of it all and just finally having this story wrapped up.
Based Jon’s cousin thread. Thank you, OP.
is jon really a dragon fucker in the books?
During our rewatch my wife made a comment about Mance respecting Stannis and wishing him good fortune in the wars to come even though he was about to have him burned and said she still doesn’t get it. Yea Forums has so effected my mind I actually thought “scenes women will never understand”
Jon’s dead in the books, fatass never got that far
were they gay?
I should correct myself because I forgot after all these years. It’s really obvious in the books Jon never died, he warged into Ghost but the jews hate Ghost so they didn’t do that. Mel will probably bring back some lifeless golem that Jon needs to warg back into to become whole again in the books.
It's affected you retard.
No but you are
Can anyone seriously blame him
So is she half-Indian or Arab or what. Shame her plot was an absolute shitshow
Isn’t that what I said?
To be a chad you have to be a little bit gay.
post more please user
Yes dear.
In the one trailer it’s pretty clear Arya is running from the Mountain in the Red Keep. Arya’s list after the show cut it down was Walder (she killed) Trant (she killed) Cercei and the Mountain. Also looks like the Hound has a flaming sword, over coming his fear of fire and possibly in the same place. So Cleganebowl is actually going to be overtaken by Arya as just a little side action piece for Sandor to kill Gregor with fire while Arya kills Cercei? After all these years of people memeing Cleganebowl and what it was thought to be in the books that’s actually really fucking gay. And I bet Sandor is dying of injuries after the fight and Arya puts him down this time for pottery.
I don’t know if it’s the booze but I find you funny user
>Robb likes big butts
When was this ever hinted at
>that butt cleft going into her bagina area
>tfw hbo and dish still haven't made peace
its not fair
Seriously? Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter has one of the best asses of all time even if I hate her personally. She has best rear on the show and Yunkai whore has best front.
why not just get hbo now then?
It’s definitely one of the most sexual moments on a show that used to have a lot of them. Like there was phony shit we didn’t see like Littlefinger telling the one whore to play with the other ones asshole but they were explicit with Oona’s ass. Dabid must have been banging her. Though admittedly his wife is hot as fuck too.
This is how i predict s8 will play out and i'm pretty confident about it
>everyone hates Dany even after she saves westeros and loses her armies and dragons
>Jon is treated like a political puppet all season even by the people that are close to him
>she's pregnant at the end, they both fuck off to live somewhere with their baby after everyone treats them like shit all season
>the premiere episode had a line of Jon telling her how they should go hide somewhere and no one would bother them for 1000 years. this is in a scene where jon and her run off together
>tyrion is executed or is in exile after doing something pragmatic in the war (probably wildifire), but westeros hate him for it because he's tyrion
>sansa, davos, etc. rebuild westeros at the end as the actual heroes never get the heroes ending they deserved
How could I forget, fuck. Rare pic of me smelling her butt
good point
Tyrion is going to betray dany for Cersei, watch it happen.
>thinking Davos will survive
You're too hopeful.
I’ve got Comcast (which I fucking hate but it’s my only option here and our Dish service sucks) and I noticed something weird. I’ve had HBO since I moved in here when GoT was on like season 3 and Boardwalk was about to do season 4 iirc, and for the first time ever when I watch this show on demand it has an end date for availability until the end of this year. I don’t know if it’s just because they are updating stuff (it has the season 8 poster now and a generic description for the premiere so you can set it to record) or if it means something like HBO is actually going to pull it from the network and sell it or just so they can make money on the complete season box sets. But after like almost six years I’ve never seen it for this show.
better yet just pirate it right after it airs, which is what I do. Yeah, you might have to wait about 30 minutes for a 1080p quality upload to be posted to a torrent tracker, but it's better than paying.
>being too cheap to pay $10 is worth not being in the live gamethreads
That's a nice tight butt. But not big by any measure. Please stop using words incorrectly.
Not him but I think he will. Jorah too. Also unrelated but looking forward to how they interact.
The thread for the season four episode where the Night King first showed up and everyone realized the show was no longer moving at the book pace was insane. But on the other hand season five when the first four leaked kind of made paying for it seem pointless for four weeks.
My predictions.
>Dany dies giving birth to Jon's child
>Jon lives and kills Nightking
>Sansa lives and becomes Wardeness
>Arya dies
>Jaime dies in Winterfell
>Tyrion will be at the gates of Kings Landing, captures Cersei, she asks for trial
>Tyrion secretly hopes she wins because he doesn't want to be the last Lannister
>Hound is the champion, kills Mountain
>Cersei escapes with Jaime's child with the help of Tyrion
I want to see Jorah have a scene with Lyanna Mormont, also Jon and Arya should be a good reunion.
Tyrion and Jon too will be interesting, as well as Bran and Jaime.
he likely will, but at the same time, cersei is gonna have fucked with him too much since she's not gonna be pregnant when he sees her again.
remember tyrion still has to repay the debt to her. when she can taste the ashes, then she'll know the debt is repaid.
Of course Jorah will have a scene with Lyanna. And like all her scenes it will be awful. And I would be looking forward to Jon and Arya if she wasn’t destroyed in season six and seven. That’s really reddit of you to say. Tyrion and Jon already reunited last season. Bran and Jaime I agree with, I think that will be great. Bran will probably tell Jaime not to be sorry because he put him on his path or something. One I’m looking forward to is Theon and Bran, leaks said Theon is seen pushing Bran around in his wheelchair in the premiere. That sounds legitimately touching considering where they left off.
The Arya/Jon reunion sounds like shit from what I've heard. He makes a quip about weapons or something then they talk about how Sansa hates Jon's girlfriend. The Arya reunion should've been what Sansa got, but Benioff has a hard on for Sansa.
Are the rumors that GRRM is going to be making an on screen cameo true?
He said he was busy writing TWOW to show up for a cameo, though I think he showed up for the GOT parties this week so yeah....
shea is making me no want to finish my rewatch
that leak in season 5 was so awful, would have been much better if it never happened. Also, it ended with Barristan dying in the most pathetic way possible so it made things even worse, and the first 4 episodes of season 5 were all boring trash.
Agreed, I don’t know what his obsession with Sansa is. I think both Dabid and Dan are obsessed with her. And Dan was a huge Renlyfag and that’s why Stannis got ruined.
People have been saying that for years. GRRM hates everything about the show but the money and Sibel so I doubt he ever would do it.
Summary of S08E01 has been created here, read at your own risk
I’m kind of attached for the episodes for personal reasons as those leaks came at a good time for me and as much as some of it is objectively awful some of it is still some of my favorite parts of the series, really all the Stannis and Jon scenes together. Also I had a great build up to them because they had just released the last two episodes of season four in imax and it was pretty fucking cool, what a great night. Can’t belive its been four years since then.
Why does she give him a dragon before anyone knows he’s even a Targshit.
Alys Karstark is the best rack in Westeros.
Because they are in love and she doesn’t know Jon is a neglectful animal owner who forgot Ghost existed for years
You are looking at all bra you fucking idiot.
lame first episode. final season really will be trash wont it
Showfags out
I'am going to rewatch all of GOT since the first time it came out, what am i in for ?
>incel detected.
>Having a problem with Jon warring Ghost by that term
>calling someone a show fag
Gas yourself tourist. And I’m fine with tourists but check the archive you dumbass
My anushole is lubricating. Any boys here interested???? Just push the chunkies aside with your cockadoodle do
so lately i've introduced my grandparents to game of thrones, but since they're conservative and all i've gone in and edited out some of the sex parts. especially the fag sex. some stuff i kept for story's sake but it's a bitch to download and re-edit stuff. at least they enjoy it.
I haven’t been single since 2004
>tfw no Maario Naharis
fuck me this is better than what i hoped for. can't wait for bran/jaime to meet.
For season 2 to be better than you remember and for season 3 to be worse than you remember.
Maario Naharis
This is actually really true
>try and grow a beard to look like Jon since it’s in fashion
>all my chin whiskers are white and I look like Davos even though I’m in my early thirties and one year older than Kit
Does he dye his beard or is he just under that much less stress being rich and famous?
Surely he's older 40s at least
Kit? Are you retarded or like five years old? He was born in 86.
Oh sorry did you mean Davos? That guys like 60 that’s why I’m scared
Again how good the Jon and Stannis adaptation of ADWD was in those first four episodes. The Janos Slynt scene only got shit on for not having “Edd catch me a block”. Considering how bad the show got the fact they retained most of the scene and did the Stannis nod is almost shocking from where we are now.
Waste of time. There’s tons of sexposition early on and their boomer
brains will be confused
Upon rewatching, Season 7 is better than Seasons 5 and 6. 5 butchered Dance With Dragons, and 6 was boring besides BotB and the Tower of Joy memes.
At least with 7 I can acknowledge that its so far removed from the books and enjoy it as it's own, less well written but still entertaining thing.
I also really like Jon's king in the north outfit, repping that Ned look.
>start reading on the wiki out of boredom
>all these cool uncharted lands with Cthulhu shit
>all these neat pirate cities
we're never going to see them are we bros?
decline in quality aside why are they canning the show after 8 seasons with 8 only have a handful of the episodes?
you'd think with it GoT being as wildly popular as it is and with it being HBO's golden goose they'd want to milk it longer
>first episode days away
>no full season leak yet
HBO did/do want it to go longer, D&D want out and have for years. They wanted to do a final season (7) of 10 episodes, HBO twisted their arm and managed to get a S7 of 7 episodes, and a S8 of 6 episodes.
Is it true Stephen Dillane hated playing in the series, i remember reading somewhere that he hated fantasy stuff
it's not like they're great writers/directors why not just replace them?
According to people who viewed the premiere Bronn will not be liked throughout a part of the season by the fans due to his actions in episode one. This is likely him now cashing in his chips with Cersei and giving up on Jaime and Tyrions false promises.
And apparently due to Tyrions actions in episode 1 they're saying he has now gone up the list of being an endangered character. They're all on that list but the threat to Tyrion has gone up heaps apparently.
Also some footage was filmed of the intro scene that they update in each season and in the kings landing sequence it goes down into the dungeon showing Balerions skull. The new intro also shows the hole in the wall at eastwatch, as if ice was falling out of the broken section and their is all a part of the intro that zooms in on the last hearth with icey frost weather engulfing it. So we're likely to see the last hearth this season.
As far as I know, he just wasn't very interested in his character, the setting, or pretty much anything having to do with GoT.
Be on your toes because there's bound to be some fuck-up or other. I recall during S7 whe HBO Spain "leaked" the next episode 4 days before it was supposed to air. It just started appeared in the list and a bunch of people got it before it was taken down.
>HBO did/do want it to go longer, D&D want out and have for years.
Implying Dumb & Dumber have any say in the matter.
HBO doesn't need them, they own the rights to the story and HBO would have just hired somebody else as the showrunner and kept the show going for years if they wanted.
No wonder mods banned these shit threads
>As far as I know, he just wasn't very interested in his character, the setting, or pretty much anything having to do with GoT.
Once Dillane had read the script and meet D&D, he realized the show was going to be shit but signed up anyway just for the money.
keep your garbage opinions to yourself thank you
I remember when the “Polish dub” of S02E01 was leaked on the Friday before the premier and everybody here jumped to download it... only to get letter from their ISP the next week informing them that it had been an HBO honey trap and they had illegally downloaded copyrighted material.
>why not just replace them?
>HBO would have just hired somebody else as the showrunner
GoT has been a monumental undertaking in terms of organising everything to shoot in the various locations all over the world. Say D&D exited after S6, to have someone new come in and have to learn all of that, risking the downfall of the show, was likely just not in the cards for HBO. It was D&D, or nothing.
>S1 kills off all the good actors
>D&D eventually assassinate Stannis
so who are we left with who can act? Jaime?
Nikolaj is not that strong, Lena acts circles around him
get ready for SJW season
>S1 kills off all the good actors
charles dance stuck around a good while longer than S1 and he was by miles the best actor in that show
>lena headey
>a good actress
stop being fucking retarded
that said, neither is nikolaj
none of the actors of the MAIN cast are really good, but there's still plenty of very good actors who have minor roles
>Fifteen years past, when they had ridden forth to win a throne, the Lord of Storm's End had been clean-shaven, clear-eyed, and muscled like a maiden's fantasy.
>Six and a half feet tall, he towered over lesser men, and when he donned his armor and the great antlered helmet of his House, he became a veritable giant. He'd had a giant's strength too
>In those days, the smell of leather and blood had clung to him like perfume.
You have 10 minutes to justify the Sansa/Arya plotline and explain why it wouldn't be crowned the shittiest season if it wasn't for the nightmare that was season 5.
This show was so good for the first 3 seasons so what the fuck happened, i just can't believe that the people who brought us that also brought the rest.
Its almost like they were using someone elses work and then ran out/decided not to use it anymore...
Even so, copying his work all those years should have at least thought them something. It's like they don't even understand the most basic of ideas that Martin was trying to put forward. Like for fuck sake you have the guy on speed dial, ask him if you're not sure.
I think they got pompus.
They used his work as their own, got awards, love, fame, money, and think it was because of themselves. Their heads got too big, so they said fuck it and practically threw away the last two books and used their own weird OC. No one really cared or noticed. Hardcore fans did, but not enough.
who is this?
>leaks show Jorah with Heartsbane
>tfw Jorah will kill Daenerys with Randyll Tarly's weapon
Jesus Christ he's handsome. Jock bastard.
I still think Myrcella (I) was. Am I going to prison now?
>not longclaw
God this fucking show.
everytime new got thread is made i will go look if someone is posted this, and when it is already done, it really is based, and i dont need to post it. Thank you based user
Azor ahai
>Azor ahai is supposed to stab her beloved in the heart
heartsbane moar like ARSEBANE amirite lel
If Jaime is the sword lightbringer, then who is the sword that wields him?
I mean who is the hero that wields him
Cersei as he ultimately chooses her over tyrion
I'd love for Cersei to be the last cunt standing just to piss off the normies.
>the sword that wields him
FAREWELL, user. I was a thousand times more evil than thou!
I corrected myself in the post directly beneath it you jabroni
Who else /Dondarrion/ here?
>Cersei is the final boss
Did anyone predict this several seasons ago?
He's based, but why is he still around? Is the plan for him to give the kiss of life to another character like Cat in the books?
Nah he gon light up Hound's sword when Cleganebowl happens.
Is Preston still ourguy ?
I really hope Sandor manages to knock his helmet off so we can get a clear view of how grotesque Gregor's face has become, the tease of it with Unella was pretty cool.
this helmet is like blinders for a horse, you cant be scared if you cant see anything
So are they gonna do anything with Euron? Or did he really just show up to get freaked out by the ww and never get mentioned again?
Hes picking up the golden company you doof. Cersei told that to Jaime.
>mfw "hands of gold" doesnt mean Jaime killing Cersei, but the Golden Company killing her
Who here hyped for yaaas Queen in s8
What even was the point of Rickon
He had literally zero lines in S6, just brought back to be killed off. Sad.
Suspense for the battle of the bastards,in the book he's on skagos with OSHA and Davos is gone there to get him
>When Sam and Daenerys finally speak to each other, he asks for her to pardon him for stealing books from the citadel and his father’s sword. She asks if his father is Randyll Tarly. Sam says yes and then she confesses to executing him after his refusal to bend the knee. Sam is visibly upset and jokes to Dany that “at least I’ll be able to go home to visit Dickon as the head of House Tarly. Dany says she also killed Dickon, and at this point, Sam is bawling, and he excuses himself.
That sounds fucking hilarious
switch beric and the hound and its based
Why the fuck would he kill himself? He hates his father
>uninterested in the show
>still has the best performance in the show and everyone with half a brain loves him
1/2 Spanish ... as in "from Spain".
Why do people on Reddit unironically like this? It looks like straight garbage
>Cersei and Euron have sex and Euron asks if he was better than Jaime; Cersei doesn't say anything but it's implied that it was
he seemed to get along with his brother though
kek, this made me laugh
you're so fucking stupid
based dyslexic user
Reminder that Stonis still lives
>GRRM told the showrunners they can make up the ending so the books can have its own
I wouldn't even be mad
I showed this to someone who was at the prem in NYC and she said that although some of it is close there are some outright lies in this summary. My bet is this is just another HBO plant.
And? It's not enough of a reason to kill himself over. It's out of character. He also has a wife and "son"
Kek, just how dumb are you
You could at least try to hide your samefagging
>busy writing TWOW
>say a dumb thing
>multiple people call you dumb
No you're right it has to be just one user there's no other explanation
pottery, since Stannis also disliked "playing" Stannis. He just did his duty.
..but I'm not into brown girls...
I thought he was staring at her feet
Shes half chilean half bong
Is her skin not white? I'm not interested
Are there any more spoilers/leaks besides?
I haven't seen the show in years and just follow Yea Forums threads but I'm still interested in who actually lives or dies
all the episodes other than the end can fuck off, just wanna see how this shit finishes
>I'am going to rewatch all of GOT since the first time it came out, what am i in for ?
Steadily declining quality coupled with ever increasing disappointment.
>I'am going to rewatch all of GOT since the first time it came out, what am i in for ?
I swear to god if the show ends on some Dany + Jon fighting the Night King 1-on-1 and the Nightking dies and all the other white walks just melt away then i'll be angry. Surely there's something more than that to it.
My money is on a lich king/Davy Jones sort of deal, Jon Snow having to take the place of the Night King and lead the hordes back North
i'd be down with that twist as long as it actually didn't seem like it wasn't pulled out of the ass
it's completely illogical that children of the forest wouldn't tell bran about "the catch" when he was up north
also, this thing is a fucking cliche nowadays, so there's that - wow and potc both approached it in a decent way, but potc ruined it because, well, will turner and elizabeth were shitty characters while davy jones was unironically top tier antagonist with a solid amout of depth
and it worked in wow simply because of le epic scale and le epic story
it also worked because arthas as the lich king had a lot of backstory and was well understood by the playerbase
they'll be going down the phantom menace/LOTR line - kill the big bad and they all die, because they're linked via magic
all white walkers are linked to their wights, but white walkers are not linked to other white walkers
you kill a white walker, you kill all his wights
a friendly reminder
i think if they directly targeted the white walkers during the battle, it would bring some nice tension to the mix, like daenerys sacrificing drogon so that jon can fly in with rhaegal etc, while characters like jorah, brienne, grey worm all fight against the wights and essentially sacrifice themselves
but the good guys are ognna get btfo in the first battle, seeing how winterfell is in flames even in the trailer - this obviously means that the army i nfront of winterfell led by jorah failed at least to a certain extent
George already said the Other problem will be taken care of and dealt with user. He doesn't want to leave that plot line hanging and implying they'll just be back. Besides doesn't make sense for there to always be a Night King when there were none before this one and he was just made to kill people as per the show
>> HBO would have just hired somebody else as the showrunner
> It was D&D, or nothing.
Nonsense, as we've seen with The Walking Dead and other tv shows, the showrunners can be replaced at any time and the show will still go on. There is nothing unique about D&D that makes their presence on the show critical.
I found a theory online that argued that the NK is not the same species as the White Walkers.
> Children are fighting humans
> Children create white walkers to help
> They get out of control
> Children create the NK after the white walkers to control them (that vision of pushing the blue shit into the guys chest)
> NK takes WW North
> Children and Men build the wall
I mean the NK was never defeated was he? Why would he return north all those years ago if he could just btfo everyone?
> they'll be going down the phantom menace/LOTR line - kill the big bad and they all die, because they're linked via magic
>all white walkers are linked to their wights, but white walkers are not linked to other white walkers
If it's just le kill the command center and they all die like drones cliche I will be severely disappointed. All those years of buildup for something that I could've written in 5 minutes
Does anybody have the pic of D&D with the quote of them saying; "the great thing about this show is we get to make it up!"
Why did Ned call him Baelor? I thought his name was Yoren?
That was his house name
>I really hope Sandor manages to knock his helmet off so we can get a clear view of
Joffrey's zombified head.
Reminder that Ramsay was /ourguy/
> What even was the point of Rickon
He’s going to show up at the siege of Winterfell leading his army of tattooed unicorn riding Skagosi barbarians.
A literal Shaggy dog story
>In its original sense, a shaggy dog story or yarn is an extremely long-winded anecdote characterized by extensive narration of typically irrelevant incidents and terminated by an anticlimax or a pointless punchline.
I never saw him pay any attention to Myranda's feet.
Dillane is an actor's actor, he's all about the art but is not so foolish as to refuse a ton of cash if offered.
In all of his interviews during GoT he never praises the show and stops just short of shitting on D&D, as he knows they're total hacks but doesn't want to burn any bridges. That's why they treated Stannis like shit and killed him off in such a shitty way, as he kept questioning their judgement on set and telling them how they ought to do the show and they're petty faggots.
>Who else /Dondarrion/ here?
Unironically one of my favourite characters in the show
She looks a bit like Lyanna, don't you think?
Cersei is sleeping with the Kingslayer!
Gods, D&D are SO fucking incompetent...
/got/, would you like to help decide the next Yea Forums soccer team? vote below!
>try to break a character
>obtain the opposite reaction
What did D&D mean by this.
>the Nightking dies and all the other white walks just melt away then i'll be angry.
user, I have some bad news...
>My money is on a lich king/Davy Jones sort of deal
It was retarded in Warcraft and would be retarded here
Why are there zombies in this show? It's fucking stupid. Walking Dead teri cringe. GRRM is a hack and the fact that some niggers have the GALL to compare him to a genius like Tolkien is, quite frankly, disgusting.
GRRM is so far ahead of Tolkien its not even funny. His characters are so much more iconic and memorable than the bland ones in lord of the rings. Think of Jon Snow, Daenerys, Jaime Lannister - household names, they all have real in depth character development and the audience feels attached to them. This is no contest against fucking Aragorn and Frodo, and the entire plot of Lord of the Rings is so convoluted and confused that it's not even worth talking about. Whereas GRRM's plot, full of twists and turns, is compelling and engaging. He portrays war so much more realistically, and his story is gritty, human, real, and authentic. He actually draws from real history, and unlike Tolkien doesn't rely on meme languages and """lore""" to make his work great. His work is already great because it stands on its own merits, and his is the story of our generation. It is for this reason that Game of Thrones is the current pinnacle of television, and why ASOIAF is so iconic and beloved, and why its legacy will far outlast Tolkien's.
He isn't the American Tolkien because he is far beyond that level.
Why did HBO hire based Enya to do GOT's soundtrack?
who else /tully/ here?
any r/freefolkers? any more based frikidaddy leaks?
>bruh lets make our armour look like fish scales lol
in a show where all the nobles were brown i guess it makes sense
Based. This is now a /tully/ thread.
he's scared as fuck of hbo. he ain't leaking anymore episodes. dumbass could've leaked the entire thing but he wanted his channel to get popular by slowly leaking it so whatever.
Some good ideas but here's the comprehensive answer.
>undead Ned umber
Why did the show hate the Umbers so much? They didn’t reacts Greatjon like they did a bunch of other characters he just disappeared without a word that he died. Then they got a great actor for Smalljon but made him a Ramsay ally and killed him off after a few scenes. Now this.
>left to die to arya
>guaranteed to get the rope after roslin shits out another frey
Shut up. Our based faggot BLACKEDfish is going to turn everything around.
This is a really bad opinion and you should gas yourself for it. Besides the Spoils of War it was all trash and so ridiculously predictable. How can you for one second think those scenes at Dragonstone and all that other nonsense was better than the stuff at the Wall in season five? Fuck even the High Sparrow blows most of it away, at least Pryce was putting in effort.
Who here is /Tyrell/?
>In Kings Landing, Bronn gets offered a ton of money from Qyburn at the request of Cersei to go kill Jaime and Tyrion.
I seriously want to know why she hated him so much. I bet he forced it in her butt and ripped her up or something. It’s ridiculous at this point that they can’t have a scene together.
arent they like all dead or something
Literally no one. They're a "house" of sluts and fags.
>>left to die to arya
Wasn't it stalking? I think that they legally aren't allowed to be in a same room.
They both were racist towards each other, English v Irish
They did?
Did Gryff deserve it?
Based Bronn
Gryffs a cuck and so am I for finally finishing S1 the day before telltale went under
Show isn't canon. In the books they're about to take power
Who isn't?
Delete this
So they're going to end up showing the religious fanatics as being morally in the right, huh.
Makes you think...
Fuck Tytus and fuck the Lannisters
>Jon and Daenerys go on a Dragon-flying date. Dany asks Jon if he wants to ride Rhaegal and Jon responds by saying “how would one ride a dragon?” and Dany tells him “one just does.”
>Jon says “I could fall off and die” and Daenerys remarks by saying “then it was nice knowing you, Jon Snow” (in a fun-loving kind of way).
I know they're joking around but he could've legit fell off and died, then the North would go apeshit. How irresponsible.
Where are you reading this? YouTube comments or reddit? We know that’s not true and Bronn doesn’t do what Cercei asks, fuck even the trailer shows him fighting beside Jaime. Remember Tyrion’s reminder last season he would double any offer?
I wonder who's more delusional. The person that wrote that, or people that are believing it.
Will Melisandre return?
who cares. bring back kinvara titties already
She didn't give him a dragon you mong.
I can't wait to see the crying fat boy whimpering as she just stares at him cold and awkwardly. Like the face Stannis pulled when Shireen hugged him.
this is mine
can you post the template?
Didn't Hillary compare herself to Cersei? Shit, even she's more self aware.
Unrelated, but how are your parents dealing with the fact that a supposedly grown "man" is reading """literature""" aimed at teenagers?
Literally none of that i correct
I'm not hyped for this shit anymore.
>Daenerys committing a brutal and ethically fucked execution is going to be played for laughs/downplayed because the Dad wasn't too nice to Sam
God I hate it.
Why is everyone picking as bodyguard someone that failed as bodyguard? Are you all in a hurry to die?
dont really care
Myrcella v2
>Adventure pals
Beric, Thoros
Sam's dad
Mountain undead version
He was pointing him to the statue of Baelor the Blessed where Arya was
No one is. All hype has been shifted to The Clone Wars season 7
someone was quicker so there
Literally saw video clip of images of the new intro that is also available in video. But I just saw the pictures of the new game of thrones intro. Find it yourself faggot.
Euron is so gross. I don't want him to touch Cersei.
Euron has a 14 inch penis with the girth of a forearm.
I feel the same. There's honestly no likeable characters left in the story aside from Bronn and apparently they are going to ruin him and Jamie. And even Jamie can get shit by teaming up with Daenerys.
Just reminding you that this man will be king
magic penis
Offscreening aside, why didn't he get more screentime? He was funny.
>Marrying bastards
The fall of House Lannister
Is no one going to get the iron throne?
Tyrion actually paid the girls off earlier off screen to be a bro to pod and give the awkward child the confidence he lacked.
unironically what does this character add to the show?
>soon to be queenslayer
>broke oath to Elia, Aegon, and Rhaenys by letting his father hunt them down while he sat on the throne
>broke oath to Caitlyn about keeping her family safe
>left Sansa to rot with tyrion
>let his own brother be accused of kinslaying by their father
>Doesn't even have to confront Stoneheart
Muh Goldhand the Just
Fuck Jamie
>stabbing a royal guard in the neck in the middle of a massive battle with the short time window to realize the guy turned against his boss
>lack of confidence
Pick one.
That dude just has boundless charisma and an amazing presence I don’t even know if it’s acting. He could read the dollar deal menu from the drive through at Taco Bell and I would be entertained.
I'm talking about a different kind of confidence. A confidence earn't through the slaying of pussy and not on the battlefield you obvious virgin. Black people refer to this confidence as mojo. And white people refer to the loss of this mojo as the yips.
What language are you using? Maybe google will help me translate what the fuck you are talking about.
i finished mine!
In the west we call the language being used as English.
Fockin lengend
8/10, would campaign with
Nice fan theory to explain bad writing. Reminds me of the Sansa/Arya excuses.
How was Pod the Rod bad writing? It was just a minor comedy bit.
Jaime and Cersei choke and stab eachother and fall down the tower steps to their death together Wow
This but the wildfire explodes right after. And from the rubble a naked jaime with both hands intact rises and claws his way out.
>lmao he fucked so good they gave the money back
Littlefinger had a long spiel about mutilating his girls if they lost money. Remember that, dumb fuck? Remember when GoT wasn't a cartoon?
How likely is it that we see:
>more undead viserion
>undead giants
>undead major characters
>can literally cure death
She's in the top 3 measter picks for sure.
I went to your shithole to see if you were still the same people spamming the retarded BobbyB memes that got us banned here the last year and a half (you were) and the retards posting there unironically like Dany and Jon romace, don’t know Euron Greyjoy’s first name, think “Yara” is a good character and one that took the cake of most casual of casuals didn’t know what Ramsay’s name was. I miss when the redditors that posted here were from the Song of Ice and Fire forum, those nerds at least could have a conversation.
Anyone who gets /got/ banned is okay in my book.
best one coming through
targaryen fucking shits need not reply
>wanting dfc for the mistress
come the fuck on
post yours
>order your men to fire
>everyone dies
>game over
best ending considering the game was shit and will never be continued
you're just jealous you can't have a sister-wife
if the other houses are so great, why do the last two targs have to come to the rescue of the realm hmm? what are the odds.
i enjoy primalfetish but brattysis and the like don't tickle me as fancily
wtf senpaitachi
into the dragonfyre you go
>targs are so autistic everyone kills them off
>last one acquires dragons through blood magic but is now infertile
justice. maybe a targ can do something useful now.
Why did Robb have such good taste in girls?
burger queen is nothing but a spoiled brat who had everything in her life handed to her and thinks she's some big shit because of it well she kinda is because of muh dragons, but you catch my drift
my boy young griff is the true ruler of westeros assuming stannis is dead of course
>cock jokes in first ep
its gona be shit lads
I fucking hat Podrcick so much
lol @ that coping
Its funny because right up until that point where she left her story was based on GRRMs where she was inspired by George W. Bush.
When that one dude leaked the episode. I knew it was real dude because there was a stupid cock joke like right away to kick off the season. Even fake leakers wouldn't write that shit
He's a craven, cruel, covetous piece of shit. Yeah, he deserved it.
Ludd is based though
It's a shame this thread isn't made out of cocks. They'd have never gotten (You) off it.
It's because stannis is a Mary sue that everyone loves for no reason.
Nice haircut fag
Did moonboy style it for you?
have sex
Are you speaking through a translator or something? How does that have anything to do with how your claim that Bronn is coming to kill Jaime and Tyrion when not only does that go against the spoilers but even the trailer shows Jaime and Bronn fighting side by side in the crumbling and burning Winterfell for their lives and not to mention last season when Bronn almost died he left the gold behind? You aren’t only being fooled you also are having a hard time following this story.
>5 butchered Dance With Dragons
How can you butcher something that was already shit? DwD is up there with Feast for Crows as the shittiest book in the series.
>everyone sees Jon and Dany flying dragons for fun
>davos/varys/tyrion: wowo they should get married or something
>not wondering who this dudes real parents must be
there's no excuse, beric literally says he looks nothing like ned in the show
Go outside
Nah. ADWD is way worse than AFFC.
Literally have sex
What shit can this idiot accomplish that literally no one else can? Why is R'hllor obsessed with him?
Think this will be another dead end subplot.
Mary Sue? The dude’s whole story is he constantly got shit on and pulled through, and that’s the book version.
New thread
>obsessed with him
Because Thoros kept bringing him back. It's a spell, he never spontaneously came back to life, Thoros prayed for it every time.
That theory is retarded. They even said he was the first and the others came after plus he was leading them all those years ago in killing shit, he's up north because Children used magic and allied with humans to trap them. The death and decline of Children over the years probably led to his restraints weakening until they broke then they had to rebuild and take time to do it right this go around
Because Thoros was his friend and they were the only words he knew. How the fuck can’t you remember one of the few touching moments of this show?
So you like having that insane Dorne shit, the garbage and insulting Arya story of season six that season five set up and the capeshit avengers season seven that season five ultimately lead to just because you didn’t like Aegon being introduced so late in the books or because Dany had runny poops for a page? ADWD is way better than the show
This, except i'd be House Targaryen with every ironshit House as my enemy, my castle would be a rebuilt Summerhall, my wife would be Arianne and my mistress Tyene. And replace Jaime with Gerold Hightower
arianne is a slut, you dornish-loving fool
Don't give a fuck as long as she's thick, and why else do you think I replaced Jaime and am okay with an honorable manlet like Robb as commander, i'm cuck proof