Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Exceptionally cute OP well done

>H-hey user
>Wanna get comfy? I have chocolate

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Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita.

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> Well no because *joe leans into the mic* it isn’t her body that makes her strong, it’s her fighting style. Ever heard of fighting technique, man? I’m 4’10 myself, but I have the most lethal kicks because of my technique
> “yeah. The little cyborg girl is URM and knows panzer kunst”
> nice, nice is that a fighting style from like, Brazil?
> “no” *Nova pauses and tries not to sound condescending* “URM means she’s from mars. Pazer Kunst is an ancient fighting technique from mars; She was a soldier of sorts in the Great War before the fall.”
> *joe tries not to shit himself from amazement* Holy Shit! Jamie, pull that shit: “Mars Panzer Kunst”
> *joe breathes heavily into the mic*
> And just like that huh? She’s from mars. Makes sense. She couldn’t be from here. That type of cyborg technology her body carries couldn’t be from here. That berserker body probably weighs around 300lbs easily, she’d kick your ass without any effort, man. Rip your arms off. I heard she killed two cyborg criminals and injured a big Russian motherfucker in an alley. She’s probably that same girl that started a brawl over at Kansas.
> Can you imagine if hunter warriors from iron city had that type of body? There wouldn’t be any criminals left to collect bounties

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>They're already dead

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>"It’s right there,” she said. “I can feel it.” “Swiss peasant would use the top of her tongue.” “Lick it out?” “Yeth. Shly try?” “Sure,” she said. Gently I pressed my quivering sting along her rolling salty eyeball. “Goody-goody,” she said nictating. “It is gone.” “Now the other?” “You dope,” she began, “there is noth-” but here she noticed the pucker of my approaching lips.

dang I meant for that to be the other one

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Sechs is the greatest tranny in all of fiction.

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I thought she was afraid of those butterflies

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Top work rogan

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Sechs is a badass

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I fucking love this place.

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"Alita, I just wish you wouldn't post photos like that to Instagram."

"Oh my god, user, I can't even. Who are you to tell me how I should express myself? Dr. Rabinowitz says the best way for me to move beyond my history is to affirm it. I mean, maybe in the past I shared myself with some of the wrong people, like that one party with the football team, but if I share myself with -everyone- it takes away from some of that trauma. If you can't understand that I don't know if we should see each other anymore. "

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Reminder: flopped, sequel never

>Oh my god, user, I can't even.

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Attached: flop.webm (640x266, 2.8M)

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>how dumb you sound

>be me
>only ever see alita spam
>decide to watch alita this afternoon
>suddenly love alita
This is a nice board

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I love you spazz poster even when you don't get first post.

I love it too user

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If Alita was blonde she would be like this, unironically.

hello old friend how are you tonight?

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Status: Healed

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In the event that this film SOMEHOW doesn't get a sequel, what would happen? What would these threads become?

It's just the best isn't it fren

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heat death after a few months

I'm sure we'll be fine

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then we would cherish our time here and let it rest. but fight for some kind of continuation.


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Meme'ing into oblivion the movie and all the behind the scenes stuff from the 4KHD Blu-Ray. Alita will grow a cult following in the same way Blade Runner did.

Surely anyone acting this insufferable in Scrapyard/Iron City wouldn't last long before getting jacked or harvested or both

Mass suicides

We know, it's in the OP.

are you the user from last thread who saw it? Glad you're getting along with the comfy vibes.

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Where do these high-quality clips come from? Are we getting undeclared memetic support from the production team?

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Welcome user
nice to have you here

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We're already far better off than BR.

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tfw Iron CIty doesn't sound like such a bad place to live in anymore

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I'm not sure, I think some are ripped from the trailer but some have the official Alita logo in the corner

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sadposting time

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We'll commiserate together for a bit and then move on. The memories we've made here will stay though. You'll look through your pics folder and see all the old Alita edits. Someone posts an image you recognise. Maybe you'll head to pastebin and your browser will remember the home of the stories we made. Did cutout ever finish Mirrors? You'll scroll through films until you see Alita come up and maybe you'll watch it. Share it with someone who hasn't seen it yet. The feelings are still there.

If there's no sequel eventually we will be gone. But just as Alita will never be unmade, we will never be forgotten.

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In the Scrapyard, Dr. Rabinowitz has you lie down on his therapy couch, presses the button to electrify it and paralyze you, then sells your body parts to Vector's gang.

no, I wish. It's an old edit somebody made a while ago. I forget which namefag did it.

Cheers Todd hope you don't try to murder your adopted family in your sleep


Thread Man, never change

fuck I knew it didn't do well but those numbers are awful
$25M to make Blade Runner is a steal though

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welcome home, fren

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>tfw Blade Runner was a flop
>tfw it still managed a sequel...[/spoiler]35 years later.[/spoiler]

Will it take so long for us, Alitans?

Lots of painted backgrounds. Looks gorgeous especially today.

Guys did Zapan really deserve all that shit? How was he supposed to know that Alita was a 300 year old Martian badass?

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Tried my hand at coloring this panel. Not the best, but it was fun either way.

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If it does, we will wait as long as well need for it.

I don't want to go, user

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never change

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>thinks on how long it took to get the first

Hey fellow fans, what's your #AlitaExitPlan? I've already got my helium tank and my note ready to go if there isn't a sequel. If they don't announce one, we need to all go on the same day to send our message loud and clear.

never change you crazy bastard

Attached: even BIGGer smile.jpg (906x774, 58K)

$28million in 1982 would be roughly $73million today. Still very impressive, though!

Make sure you check out everyone's stories and edits. Someone had a mass archive of /alita/ content hosted somewhere but idk if it's still around

Which Voiceanon clip does this one?

Quads of truth!

Honestly this

> Kissu

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excellent work user

If you mean that user typing paragraphs then yes, it's me. I do like the vibe of this board. I.also prefer discussion over straight memes. Hopefully the general appreciates that too.
I didn't know that. I will check it out

No but I expect it to take 4 to 5 years because of the CGI and Cameron is busy with the smurfs.

No zapan wuz a good boi

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All we need is video essays about how 'deep' it is and we'll get a sequel greenlit in seconds.



>tfw it took longer for Alita to be adapted from page to screen than it took for Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? to turn into Blade Runner.


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This is in Meditation. It's the biggest collab we've done since drawfren did this greentext and I wrote the opening.

> hey user, it’s really cold. Let’s stay in bed and cuddle under the blankets all day

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that's pretty good user

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what about your dad?

Zapan a BITCH.

>who's rules do I live by?

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collection of stories here pastebin.com/yHqEheSy

He accepts you for who you are now user. As long as you don’t hurt me.

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>Hello there
>No cuddling, and you're staying at least one meter away from her at all times

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>I don't think your dad likes me very much

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Hopefully we won't need to. I'll remember you if we do.

Omg you turned her into a thot

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I like it!

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How did you do it? No one ever gives out their secrets.

> girl invites you to cuddle
> first thing you think of is her dad

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are you new here?

>He knows I see everything

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>user, come back to bed

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Unfortunately I’ve been stuck in this Yea Forums hellhole for almost a decade

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Man, this whole palette is so orange. /r/ing someone replace Ido's head in this with a big, round orange.

I got healed by her tears. Crying Alita is cutest Alita

Denials will get you nowhere flop-user

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my condolences

I need to fuck that cyborg

Thanks for your work, fren

Yes, we're scared of the rocket science brain surgeon. Dude's next level terrifying.

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it's mostly memery but we sometimes get on a roll with discussion. Just gotta be patient I guess.

>tsk, hugo
>jacking off cyborgs

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I'm curious. just how do a Yea Forums incel like you plan to ask Alita out without being immediately rejected.

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>What the hell was that?
>It sounded like Alita invited someone to bed

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this is a very cum town bit and I'm all about

r/ing Peaches to drop in with the Titanic comparison


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based sadposter

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>Hi, Mr. Ido, is Alita home?

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You are not my father, and I m a grown woman.

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Not all, just the one kind

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Most of us have seen this movie literally several if not dozens of times. We also have pretty much dissected every inch of every frame of every 122 minutes of this movie. Anything you could possibly think of discussing we've discussed. Twice. We've heard it all. Forgive our old, wrinkled, and cynical ways. But, please, if you are so greenly inspired and wish to bring up something specific, we'd be more than happy to jump in.

>pic unrelated:it's just the first first OC meme from the very first Alita General thread.

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>no dad I'm not doing anything
>I was talking to one of the stuffed animals

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Attached: Alita vs incels.webm (720x400, 2.99M)

not peach but I have this that he made

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>Yeah, she's upstairs, what do you have there?

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Attached: Literally ME.webm (640x360, 1.19M)

>Alright then, go to sleep

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this user has it right. We're indulge and like comfyposting but we're always ready to discuss something no matter how small or minor.

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>ywn be the small spoon one night so you can fall asleep listening to alita's heart beating

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>W-well I heard she likes chocolate and oranges so I thought... would you like some?

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you mean, Brave RR. Peaches is convinced RR was trying to pay homage to JC movies.

Also not peaches, but saw this earlier tonite

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Alita, watch my OK for a minute? I gotta check on something quick. I'll be right back.

Attached: 28.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

>okay, dad
>I'm gonna sleep in the blanket fort if you don't mind

Attached: blanket fortress 2.jpg (1532x975, 995K)

>tfw only 3 away from 19 times
I'm a failure and let our girl down

>No thanks
>Listen boy, I want you to show my daughter a good time, alright? just not TOO good. Got it?

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I hope someone saved all of these.

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>tfw only one viewing

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>or else I will show you why they call me the Fourth Reich, understand?

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probably not but I wish I noticed that fucking typo fuck

>Sleep well little angel

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This is peak dadposting.
Bravo James Cameron / 10

>Anything you could possibly think of discussing we've discussed.
I love this comfy general already. How about a challenge from this greenly inspired user? Is there a Christ allegory for this movie?

Those scenes are similar up to that point, but then Jack has Rose up on the bow of the ship for that famous segment, while Alita and Hugo start kissing

>No problem sir, we're going stargazing! We'll be back before 10

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Dude, im literally hugo there. And you haven't let /ourangel/ down unless you refuse to buy the blu ray

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>I will, dad

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>You better not be scaring my date again
>Don't listen to him user, he's overly dramatic

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holy fuck. without seeing this photo, i JUST made this because i got back from the movie and am making a couple of things

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You know Iron City doesn't let anyone out of the gates when it's evening user.

>9:30 tops
>Have fun kids

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Kate Winslet is even fatter than I remember

We had a guy who was deep in to holy numbers that was pretty wack. Idk if he's still around though.

>Is there a Christ allegory for this movie?
yes but I prefer the more Gnostic allusions going on which Kishiro seems to have had a thing for.

I'm in this far, I won't let her down.

Attached: i-like-it.jpg (750x471, 42K)

>be back in time, ja?

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>buh bye!

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>A: I'd do anything I had to for you. I'd give you my heart.
>H: Don't just do things for people, no matter how good you think they are.
>A: It's all or nothing with me. This is who I am.

Attached: Jesus.jpg (468x591, 22K)

>now that I think about it, that gentleman seemed of Jewish ancestry

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Well with performance capture they said Rosa could be playing Alita into her 60s...

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Absolutely adorable.
Well done OP!

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There isn't a proper allegory for the whole movie, just a bunch of symbolism.
The analysis I liked the most explains Mars is true heaven, Alita is literally an angel who fought during the fall to erradicate evil.
The cyborgs are like nephilim and Zalem is a fake paradise, it's hell.

you literally wrote a story about it m8

>user, can you hold my hand and show me how the chords go again?

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>your cute boyfriend will never take you stargazing
>you will never go stargazing with Alita

hugo could've taken the heart, sold it, alita would've been no threat to Nova, she'd have a shitty replacement, and they could live happily ever after, in peace

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writefag, is this you?

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and in it Alita found a way to get past security

I know that feel. Real feels went in to this one.

Welcome greenhorn, watch the dogs.

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Nah, Voiceanon

My guess is VA

>Hugo will never take you stargazing
You're targeting a certain someone with this aren't you

CutOut, could you please fix this so the black lines are cropped and the white space between her hair is removed?

Thank you.



That's not in the cards, user. Alita doesn't get a happy ending.

But the story is about being true to who you are. Remember Ido's words.
>Don't ever feel sorry for yourself
>You're the only one built for this

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>they get in argument
>user suggests splitting up
>she leaves
>user immediately realizes what a shitty idea this was
>runs out after her
just planting seeds

That's not how it works, all that was wishful bs user. She can't live without that heart.

Am I that distinctive?
Listen it's a fun thing to daydream about!

fuck you disney shill no arguments with Alita

You're like the OG OC meme's little sister.


>The making and authorized distribution of this film supported over 15,000 jobs and hundreds of thousands of work hours

im still not over it bros

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fuck off shill

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The thread has spoken guess that idea's going in the burn box.


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whatever writefag wanted feels

Tiny Sechs?

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does anyone have the unedited version of this?

k I'll go fuck myself good night

best oc

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>hey user
>i just want to relax tonite
>let's listen to music
What do you put on?

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yeah I'm really getting tired of this shit

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I was not expecting a murder within the first 15 minutes. Like damn, alright.

so uh... i guess we all really want to go see Dark Phoenix now huh...

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The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground

Where is Alita deliver when you need her? I have a hot new chapter ready to go and I don't hear the *ding, ding.*
Sheesh. Anyone know where she is?

>Chapter 15

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X-men should have ended with Logan. Even then it was getting old.

I mean, he's admitted to it. He wanted to make a James Cameron movie.

They're still going to release that?

I'm amazed they got away with what they did in a PG-13 rating, the manga is super violent

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Please see:


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>[Post a Reply]
I'm sorry Alita all I have is a bunch of Nightbringer and Deathspell Omega pls don't leave I'll get comfier jams how about Smashing Pumpkins' 1979?

Attached: lil-cowboy.jpg (1080x1241, 136K)

Here I was worried you'd died. Nice work as always friend. I love your take on the nuts and bolts of Motorball.

dumping kino

Attached: Alita discovers herself.webm (1744x720, 2.97M)

this, Logan was great. Brutal, bleak and violent.

Attached: touchFace.jpg (324x383, 60K)

Yeah, give me a second, working on a rare Ido.

the trailer appeared on basically every screening of Alita i saw so pretty much

Kinda an unorthodox pick.

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Rare Ido, served up.

Attached: rareIdo.png (591x1040, 785K)

Okay then.

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that awakening scene might still be my favorite in the whole movie. Undeniable magic to it and it's a shame nobody besides the fans seem to see it.

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this is some of my finest OC, 659 hours in pixlr editor please like subscribe and follow my patreon

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Oh shit I forgot I had this. For everyone who wasn't here for the insanity that was thread #99. We were talking about wrapping up the general entirely I remember.

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Do you guys have the original manga page? It'll be easier for me to start on the original.


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These song make me feel comfy. I'd hope Alita would like them too.

Attached: R14kkDk.jpg (637x524, 46K)

Besides Alita, what is your favorite Rodriguez movie? I think i gotta go with Desperado. Shits just too cool.

Attached: RR.jpg (1335x2048, 1.36M)

From Dusk Till Dawn
And Spy Kids 1 because I loved it as a kid

thanks cutanon I grabbed that from the art book because it's a good pose for memes

I member

>daughter, I am disappoint

dadposting best posting

Is Desperado the one where Johnny Depp is blinded and starts shooting people based on sound?

It's unquestionably mine. It's such a warm and positive scene and it never fails to lift my spirits. It's absolutely perfect.

I went into this movie with no expectations and they completely stole my heart in the first five minutes.

probably Desperado as well but obvs Dusk til Dawn is right up there.

probably Sin City but I do have a soft spot for the Spy Kids movies
>do you think god stays in heaven because he too is afraid of what he's created?

that's The Mexican

that's Once Upon a Time in Mexico

lmao I'm retarded I meant Once Upon A Time In Mexico ahhahaa holy shit

based retarded filmposted I still love you

Is it a martian thing?

Attached: Capture.jpg (502x381, 48K)

I love the colors you used on this one.

That's the one with Brad Pitt and the gun, that one I remember.

My second favorite Rodriguez movie.

being cute? Harmonicas?

It's so fuckin beautiful. Its what brought me back 9 times.

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that aspect ratio is fucked


Attached: powerpepe.png (268x256, 128K)

here, have the improved version

Attached: 60fps.webm (1920x800, 2.82M)

you're right, I'm glad I wasn't SUPER wrong. Idk how I got the titles so fucked up. I've been making minor typos all night for some reason.

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Attached: waltznod.gif (245x150, 497K)

checked this nigga is a factory agent


>Ikd how I got the titles so fucked up
Because of the line
>Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T?

thanks for making me feel a little less retarded user

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Is this a Robert Rodriguez thread now

Attached: Robert_Rodriguez_photo.jpg (969x1490, 848K)

>Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T?

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The Faculty is underrated. Not my fav, but still.

Attached: Faculty.jpg (960x1440, 144K)

>Yeaow! What's that?!

Why is he so perfect?


sure, why not. Look at this giga-chad. Making Ed look like a soft small fry.

Attached: cast-crew.jpg (2048x1367, 573K)

Wow, user. You have good taste. What should we listen to next?

Attached: serveimage(9).gif (800x331, 2.69M)

I don't know if you can handle it user

Attached: alitaswag.jpg (682x690, 96K)

Attached: RobRod-Rosa.jpg (1200x1711, 132K)

Okay, this one is rough. It's going to take me a few more minutes.


Attached: meemees.png (349x363, 12K)


Attached: 1553238811623.png (1470x1098, 2.67M)

I need a rewatch. Last time i saw it was at a drive in theater.

Attached: rosahugrobrod.webm (1280x720, 397K)

Show me how that ass jiggle

Rosa wit her hair up is CUTE

I would butt... image limit, our old enemy

I'll keep playing classic rock ballads until you fall alseep

image limit again

now beings the blanketposting until 310.

holy shit why do I keep making stupid ass typos I never do this wtf REEEEEEEE

>726.5 MB
>924 items

Is there space for one more here?


That's kind of depressing user. I want to believe the things we do matter.


always room in the fort

But they do. Things being temporary is a blessing because it makes us appreciate what we have.

I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. What is it?



Tree fitty

how should I do that

tends to be reliable albeit slow. put it in a .zip folder and upload it for us
i'll love you forever user

I didn't realize there was an image limit on Yea Forums until I tried to post in this thread. Maybe I'm a newfag, but I'm Alita's newfag

You guys are too good

Yeah I've never seen a thread hit it before this one

I will finish it this weekend. Going to binge it.

Eh, I tried. It's ready for next thread.

>never seeing us hit image limit
oh you anons are in for a treat. We hit them regularly.

>finally able to start wagecucking again
>alita isn't in my theater's anymore

Some threads we hit image limit in 200-250ish posts.

>user, are you still awake?

yeah, yesterday I think we hit a new record at like 240ish or whatever. I don't even know, but we did it.

>Always. I have insomnia.

2-5 hours of sleep a night, on weekdays.

I am as are many others. It's my Friday and I've got some nice stouts to drink. Peak comfy posting.

Watching tv, drinking vodka, friday relaxing. I'm awake and comfy.

I like to sleep with my back against the wall and hugging a body pillow. My head lies over said pillow and I embrace the rest tightly.

who is chef for next bread? if there is blonde-Alita I will be irate.

i have fresh oc but can't post until the new thread

I got it, give me a minute

Someone make it before that one fag makes one with the thot SJW not-Alita

you can soon, we're just cookin' next bread

Just give me a sec, I'm looking for a very specific picture and my folder has gotten huge

Friendly reminder that Rob Rodriguez will never forgive you for bullying him years ago, nor will he ever respond to any of your messages.
Oh, and you're not getting a sequel either, because you didn't buy enough tickets.
Some fanbase, lemme tell ya.

I just made it so idk why it got buried but it's quality OC

Alitaposter problems, we've all been there.

No I mean I made some good stuff myself that I'd like to start the thread with but I can't look if I'm having a discussion so just hold tight and give me a minute

lol I'm an idiot I replied to myself alita forgive me

Good to see you're still here MK

Not quite. -co



co = cotout

Nice try, Satan. Looks like a fake thread