TERMINATOR: DARK FATE Footage Description

>The preview begins with cyber-enhanced warrior Grace (Mackenzie Davis) arriving from the future and landing in front of a young couple in Mexico City. The couples tries to help, believing her to be injured, only to be accosted by policemen who believe them to be assaulting Grace. When questioned, Grace swiftly dispatches the policemen to save the couple, but then proceeds to steal their car and man's clothes, leaving them stranded and bickering on the road.

>The next scene sees Grace and Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes), a young auto-mechanic caught up in her mission, on a bridge, fleeing from the new Terminator (Gabriel Luna), who has the ability to split into two. He corners the duo, but before he can strike, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) arrives in a fortified truck and blows him away with a bazooka. When Dani questions Grace about Sarah's identity, however, Grace has no idea who she is.

>A montage of action scenes follows, including a fully-human Grace fighting in the war-torn future, and culminating with Sarah and the T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) back to back, firing at unseen enemies, before returning to the bridge, where Dani, Grace and Sarah flee from the Terminator. Sarah throws a grenade at him and returns for the truck, growling "I'll be back!"

>Set 25 years after TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY, the new movie reveals that although Sarah and her son John Connor prevented their particular version of Judgement Day, Skynet still manages to subjugate humanity under different circunstances, leading to a different "dark fate" where the Connors are no longer pivotal to humanity's survival. Although John has since died and this is no longer her story, Sarah joins forces with Grace, Dani, Dani's brother Miguel (Diego Boneta) and the T-800 to save mankind's future once again.


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Other urls found in this thread:


The T-800. They're re-using James Cameron's idea that the living tissue ages naturally.

Attached: T-800.jpg (1777x999, 134K)

Sarah Connor. Hamilton talked about how this movie is a "passing of the baton" moment from Arnold and her to the new cast, who will headline the new trilogy.

Attached: Sarah Connor.jpg (1777x999, 115K)

Dani Ramos. Rumor has it she's the new messiah that will lead humanity to victory against the machines. Basically John's role in the original timeline.

Attached: Dani Ramos.jpg (1777x999, 181K)

Miguel Ramos. He's said to be a troublemaking rebel, and probably the decoy "chosen one" before they realize his introverted sister is the real messiah against the machines.

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>Although John has since died and this is no longer her story, Sarah joins forces with Grace, Dani, Dani's brother Miguel (Diego Boneta) and the T-800 to save mankind's future once again.

Oh thank heavens they got rid of the white male hero offscreen.

Grace, who is filling in for Kyle Reese as the Resistance fighter from the future sent to protect a person pivotal to humanity's survival, as well as for the T-800 considering she is a superstrong cyborg who can hold her own against the Terminators.

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what about me

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based Luismi

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The new Terminator. He's liquid metal, like the T-1000, and as previously mentioned, he can not only shapeshift and turn his limbs into sharp weapons but he can also replicate into fully functional self-reliant copies of himself.

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Me, as a person who does not give a fuck about any of this.

Damn Dylann Roof looks like that???

I liked that he tweeted or posted on Instagram
>i'm Back
as if he hasn't been in every pile of shit with Terminator slapped on it

Why would he turn himself into a racist caricature of Barack Obama?
Robert Patrick had sharp aesthetic features.
Same goes for the Chinaman in Genysis.

>so the old gang is getting back together, neat! haha silly Jim probably just forgot to give me a call. T-the phone will ring anytime now right guys? there is still time right? right??

jesus christ, was t3 the only good evolution of the terminators?

cause arnold is fucking cringe and just relies on his shitty one liners

full frontal of mackenzie might make me torrent this

Am I the only one who finds proper metallic cyborg T-series Terminators much, MUCH better than evolutions of this liquid metal shit?

The T-1000 was fine, it was a prototype, but now they are just getting silly.

Why is she female? Wouldn't a combat model copy a male's frame specifically for its combat efficientness?


>The new Terminator. He's liquid metal, like the T-1000, and as previously mentioned, he can not only shapeshift and turn his limbs into sharp weapons but he can also replicate into fully functional self-reliant copies of himself.
welcome to the age of capeshit.

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Why they still sending T800?

PG-13, at best you'll get 3 frames of bare buttocks, and probably a double.

what about me?

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Does anyone younger than 35 still care about the Terminator?

thats the only model they got?

Calling this now
>JC from T2 dies in the CGI footage theyre confirmed to be doing
>Arnie has failed his mission
>Unless, he can find someone to replace Jon
And the movie focuses on them finding Skynet's next big target, as it would be assumed that since the timeline didn't collapse (no JC to send arnie back should mean no Arnie in present anymore) they know theres someone out there

Imagine being excited for this.

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>tranny Terminator

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>Miguel Ramos. He's said to be a troublemaking rebel, and probably the decoy "chosen one" before they realize his introverted sister is the real messiah against the machines
Theyre gonna do that aren't they? That's gonna be real gay

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Yes. Im also starting to view t3 as underrated, sad as that is

Read its gonna be t2 arnie I think.
CGIing in Arnie and JC from t2 hints at this

T3 - 10 years later
Dark Fate - 25 years later

T3 ends with the world getting nuked while connor and his future wife kate are in the presidential shelter

Dark Fate - john connor died because sarah connor didnt train him and is shooting bazookas at terminators with future female saviors
also t-800 is back again i guess, dont know who sent it since the leader of the resistance is dead.

also deadpool director.

Hard Pass

not buyin it

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>also deadpool director.
Biggest red flag this movie has had from the start

go get em ed

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completely unimposing

It shoud've stopped at 2, i mean 2 had pretty diverse cast, maybe this one will be action kino too r-right g-guys?

And that's how you know its gonna sucks

Sounds fun.

>they finished ruining Predator and buried it six feed under
>now they're trying to bury Terminator all the way to the mantle
Oh, well, at least it'll be several years before they give Robocop another shot and bury it for good. Any other science fiction action flicks franchises left to ruin?

>tfw just want a proper prequel to T1 staring Michael Biehn with his battles with the hunter-killers and survival in the future war, that ends with him stepping into the time displacement equipment and and ties right into the beggining of T1

>Although John has since died
you fucking what

Yes it's pretty much guaranteed that John is dead as they are going to have cgi arnie and John from t2
Its as I predicted, and I'm not happy about it

Jude Collie Will play John Connor
Collie serves as the body double for a younger John Connor, with Edward Furlong's 1991 facial likeness being applied through the use of CGI.

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I'm trying to decide how John dies
Does a terminator kill him or, are they gonna do a
>there's repercussions for your actions story
Where because they destroyed cyberdyn, John isn't trained to lead the resistance, and he just dies in a car wreck or something, thus he's insignificant
Only issue with that is, it doesn't explain the t2 terminator being in the movie later as an aged arnie. Would think that John would have to die before he's lowered into the steel for things to change for arnie

Passing the baton to a young girl and a spic? Movie flops.

Can they go one sequel without forcing a "ill be back" or "come with me if you want to live"? They're all forced as fuck.

you cant have a dead john connor in a terminator movie
it makes zero sense since it was always about terminators going back to kill him or the mother birthing him.
you cant just replace john connor aka fate

What happened to the Dr Who terminator?

different timeline
right now theres 3 timelines or 4 with the alternative ending of t2

t1 + t2 + dark fate
t1+ t2 + t3 + salvation

We're never getting a future war movie that depicts skynets defeat in the style of the t1 and t2 future war scenes are we?

Because they have no fucking ideas and just rehash it.
Really how fucking jard can it be to do what this guy said ?

>future war that looks like in T1 and T2

Nope, even though that would be the best way to go
Hollywood has cold feet about a war movie cause of salvation, and they're retarded

what the fuck is this gay shit

>A Terminator timeline where John Connor has died and wasn't important

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At least his hairline is still solid I guess.

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Reminder that they had already spent 260 million Euros before post production on this Spic and Vagina centric instalment of a dead franchise that hasn't had a good movie in 28 years

Last scene from last Predator movie, basically they want the Iron Man audience

T3 was good you plebs.

fuck you could directly tie it into t1 and t2, finally explain why/how the t1000 went back in time, depict john connor looking like the hardcore dude from the t2 future war opening scene that people have wanted to see since the 90's.

So why doesn't it make billion copies of itself?

its never gonna happen
expect a short youtube film like power rangers or the punisher

More like the Exterminator. They really casted this baby-faced beanerlet as the main bad guy?

it will and its gonna be an epic fight scene

Looks like utter dogshit


My only problem is johns dead. I can get behind the idea that T2 creates a new timeline where John isn’t needed, but to kill him offscreen without grace just like that?

can we stop with the liquid terminators already?
its such a hack job. at least T3 robot controlled machines and had a plasma cannon.

I’m starting to appreciate 3 more and more now.

>This Predator came to give us technology to defend ourselves against Super-Predators!
>Literally one (1) knock-off Iron Man suit which the Super-Predators presumably have access to as well and our scientific and engineering knowledge is about a thousand years too primitive for us to have any hope of reproducing
Such a shit movie on all counts but considered this was what the entire plot was building up to, its laughable.

Why has Hollywood not done a movie set during the Future War? They came close but then fucked it up by scrapping James Cameron's night-fighting, fields-of-skull, post-Hiroshima environments and trying to cater to the Transformers audience.

Just give me a feature length version of the opening to T1 or T2 flashbacks ffs, I couldn't give a shit about the time-travel plots anymore.

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>T1, terminator tries to kill the mother
>T2, terminator tries to kill the messiah
>T3, terminator tries to kill Sarah's dad as he fights in Korea
>T4, terminator tries to kill Sarah's grandmother, a famous teetotaler and suffragette
>T5, terminator tries to kill Sarah's great grandfather as he heads west towards Cal-ee-for-nye-ee
>T6, terminator tries to kill Sarah's great great grandfather as the Civil War breaks out
So on and so forth until the terminator is fighting, and losing to the Connor family's caveman ancestors. Final film is terminator trying to kill Sarah's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather. A Tyranosaurus Rex.

Humans aren't descended from theropods you retard.

This honestly just sounds like Genysis but with OCs

Is the movie gonna be in english?
or spanish?

No shit. This franchise became such fucking shit. I just want to see a trex fight a terminator.

kek, great job playing a full-on autist

These Mexican knock-offs of Terminator usually just have English subtitles for viewing north of the border

ah I see
cant wait for El Terminador

They kinda did it with Salvation. I always knew the whiners who hated it were just driving the franchise in the wrong direction.

>Am i forgotten?

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If she's a cyborg, all the strength and speed is coming from synthetic parts, not her natural strength so it'd make sense to just pick the best soldier (in terms of determination and technical skill) to enhance rather than adhering to the stereotype that; has a dick = superior warrior.

It's a bit like how with Captain America, they didn't just pick the biggest, most aggressive guy with the worst case of testosterone poisoning, they picked the weedly little guy who was smart and moral, because all the physical attributes needed could be provided by the science.

Humans aren't descended from teetotalling suffragettes either, they never reproduced.

>new trilogy

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The arcade game was good. That was it.

>this is what will finally kill the Terminator franchise

r-right guys

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>the new movie reveals that although Sarah and her son John Connor prevented their particular version of Judgement Day, Skynet still manages to subjugate humanity under different circunstances, leading to a different "dark fate" where the Connors are no longer pivotal to humanity's survival. Although John has since died and this is no longer her story, Sarah joins forces with Grace, Dani, Dani's brother Miguel (Diego Boneta) and the T-800 to save mankind's future once again.

You know what...this is actually a good turn of events. It caps off T2 while going in another direction, while making incorporating 2 timelines.

Way better than Genesys. Why did that even get made? FUCK.

>movie finally set post judgement day
>its set it the day and mostly brown
>probably the reason we will never get a future war movie
stay forgotten.

>Dani Ramos. Rumor has it she's the new messiah that will lead humanity to victory against the machines. Basically John's role in the original timeline.

So basically they are doing a Force Awakens where they replace a man with a Mary Sue. Fuck this. Make her do something else. Why redo the same shit with a woman? Why is this considered storyline progression? Fucking kikes.

>Miguel Ramos. He's said to be a troublemaking rebel, and probably the decoy "chosen one" before they realize his introverted sister is the real messiah against the machines.
If this is true, then this whole movie is just The Force Awakens all over again.

this is some cursed monkey paw shit isnt it?
>get a movie that ignores everything after t2
>its this instead
franchise is fucked, just bury it already.

Why does that middle person look like Stuart from Mad TV if he became gender nonconforming?

>Why is she female? Wouldn't a combat model copy a male's frame specifically for its combat efficientness?
Usually I would blame the kikes here but if she is cybernetically enhanced then it doesn't matter if she's a woman because she's got the parts to be able to put up a fight. She probably has Terminator-vision and all that as well. It would be a smart way to confuse the enemy but then again, the female mind is not geared for combat, which is why it made more sense for Sarah Connor to force herself to spend John's entire childhood training to be a fighter. She actually earned it and hopefully this grace person has been groomed to be a warrior.

>he can also replicate into fully functional self-reliant copies of himself.
I don't really like this at all.

its also utterly unstoppable. if the replicate is full functional it means it can also replicate, and so on.

>Although John has since died and this is no longer her story


Holy shit, even though I knew this was coming, I didn't think it would trigger me this fucking hard. I hope this movie bombs utterly.

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Well they are doing a fucky job with Alien thanks to the Prometheus bullshit.

>replicate into fully functional self-reliant copies of himself.

They don't have to up the ante every movie, but they will in the interest of bad writing. They know how to kill the t-1000, so they'll do that again as a nod. But the writers "cleverly" wrote in a new super power for him so they can do little moment where they kill him and he comes right back. There's no functional difference between that and just having a regular t-1000 without any liquid nitrogen. Instead of writing a new way to kill him, which would be too hard, they're just going to do the original killing and then do it again.

Right? Each time he copies himself the original and the copy should end up half the size of the original's starting mass. The Benderama episode of Futurama would be kino in Terminator form.

The franchise is a confusing mess and 3 (which get hated for some reason I don't get, it's a hugely entertaining Arnold one man show) provided an excellent ending for the entire franchise.

>which get hated for some reason I don't get,
might have something to do with it being totally retarded


It's funny that he is an extremely good actor, he can do comedy and serious roles, especially Maggie and Aftermath from the last 5 years provided extremely good acting by Arnold and were overlooked by anyone.

I don't know why he just don't follow that path and still desperatily graves his old success. He's 72 and is a multi millionaire, he doesn't need to do that cringy shit.

>My only problem is johns dead. I can get behind the idea that T2 creates a new timeline where John isn’t needed, but to kill him offscreen without grace just like that?
I don't see the issue. He served his purpose. He saved humanity in 2 timelines. There is just going to be a new timeline. It makes perfect sense. You can't be in every timeline. Even Sarah will probably die in this movie. She's just there to prepare others for the next timeline. This franchise can only end when Skynet is no longer able to create new timelines.

It's not like he was killed by Skynet or anything like that.

Don't fucking tell me that the movie that starts with "DUDE WHAT IF THE TERMINATOR WAS IN A GAY BAR LMAO" is "hugely entertaining"

I mean a strip club for women, still just as retarded

Which timeline leads to 20XX and the Year of Sigma?

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Which timeline leads to 20XX and the Year of Smegma?

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it will happen
in the far future
and it will be fan made

that robot has a really big penis

Which limetime leads to 20XX and the Year of Stigma?

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At first I was completely off this movie because of Tim Miller but then I found out Cameron and Goyer were producing and writing respectively so I figured Miller can't fuck this up that bad if Cameron is guiding and Goyer is writing but then that FUCKING description showed up.

>One shot began with him starting as a black puddle and then rising up to assume his human form. Later on, he was seen chasing after Natalia Reyes’ Dani Ramos and Mackenzie Davis’ Grace. Then another Terminator that was basically an all-black metal skeleton showed up, indicating that this could be the Luna duplicate, and that Dani and Grace are now being attacked on two fronts. Fortunately for them, Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor arrives with guns blazing to help the other women out of their troublesome predicament.

What the fuck is this shit? This is childish as fuck. What's better than a Terminator? 2 of them! TWO!



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>implying Terminator was ever smart
You can't go back in time and kill someone so he doesn't exist, even if you go back in time. Multiple dimensions are a thing. In some dimension Hitler won the war and Germany is the leading power in the world.

Time travel movies in general are retarded.

>Fortunately for them, Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor arrives with guns blazing to help the other women out of their troublesome predicament.
how would sarah even know that this is going down is what im now wondering. is she a robot too? how would she know that judgement day wasnt stopped when its been 25 years since t2?

>ywn see a time travelling cyborg John Connor robot T-rex from the future with a hot gun toting fur bikini babe on its back fighting machines on a sea of skulls

Didn't know the T stood for Tranny, Jesus fucking Christ what is that thing in the middle

Didn't this movie come out already? It feels like yesterday's flop.

She should be bigger.

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That's a chick?

What do they get out of these sequels? the franchise was limited enough as it is, they should have just fucking stopped at T2


It's pretty amazing that even with JC in charge they're repeating some of the worst mistakes of Genisys. We don't give a shit about new people, it's about Sarah and John.

>the new movie reveals that although Sarah and her son John Connor prevented their particular version of Judgement Day, Skynet still manages to subjugate humanity under different circunstances, leading to a different "dark fate" where the Connors are no longer pivotal to humanity's survival. Although John has since died and this is no longer her story, Sarah joins forces with Grace, Dani, Dani's brother Miguel (Diego Boneta)

why? why any of it?
>movie is mostly spics ad a few old soon to die white people who are pivotal
fucking sjw pandering shit is what this is

This shit look like it's gonna be bad...like reallllllly bad

>even with JC in charge they're repeating some of the worst mistakes of Genisys.
after how he endorsed genisys saying it was how he would have made the next terminator movie i knew it would be beyond fucked.

so they've vaginawashed john connor? literally why?

>John has since died

My interest has also died

>Basically John's role in the original timeline.

John is now POC girl. Because only a POC girl can save the world in current year

The future that dooms mankind is female!

>several years
It's already in production m8, Robocop Returns. Got the original writers and Neil Blomkamp working on it so who knows how it'll turn out.

John underwent a MTF operation to throw skynet off xir track

>Got the original writers and Neil Blomkamp working on it so who knows how it'll turn out.
hmm. blomkamp has proven to be a one hit wonder so far but i'll keep an eye on it.

>young people dont care about epic boomer shit #392
>older people are put off by pandering to younger markets to the point main characters are disappeared for sassy chicanos and androgynous freak women
womp womp

I bet he could get in shape if they offered him a free personal trainer, dietician, and few million bucks

>mostly brown

so is this one unfortunately

that is supposed to be a woman?

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Taco-1000 the chicano hood rat terminator

>but he can also replicate into fully functional self-reliant copies of himself.
Is that a metaphor for immigration from Mexico into the USA?

I thought he was destroyed

>where the Connors are no longer pivotal to humanity's survival. Although John has since died
Well I guess it's better than making him the villain or having a terminator wearing his skin be tha actual savior of mankind

I dont think t3 happened in this movies universe.

the onlu good movie is the first one. all the rest is shit, even T2 and the whole friendship theme and not killing crap.

this may be the worst movie franchise ever, they just dont know how to stop.

and when you think theyre done after the last movie, here comes a new one with social commentary.

mexicans and dykes, what could go wrong?

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and arnold its also, again, in this.

the second incarnation of his career, post governor, is the saddest thing ever.

he should focus on trying to have some artistic integrity and do a good KING CONAN movie, rated r, absolute no fucks given.

s craig zahler would kindly do it and would write a great script.

it would be a decent ending for his career.

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>new trilogy.

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is this the 3rd of 4th time a new terminator film has 'been the start of a new trilogy'? its gonna fucking bomb again because everyone knows the franchise is shit now.

>save mankind's future once again.
Judgement Day is inevitable, so they haven't saved anything they've just created a different future where Skynet rules

they need to stop making these movies because it's just a loop now for Arnold paychecks

>Judgement Day is inevitable
But it's not. That's the point of this movie. That's why it continues from T2 and not T3. There is a timeline where Judgement Day doesn't happen.

Sure, not the nuclear one. But Skynet still ends up dominating humanity. That's never going to change.

None of these movies is ever going to go:
>OK, we finally stopped Skynet for good and forever

It's going to be an eternal loop of "the future is fucked go back in time and unfuck the future...but the future refused to change"

>Sure, not the nuclear one. But Skynet still ends up dominating humanity. That's never going to change.
Again, no. There's a timeline where it doesn't happen at all. Nothing is inevitable.

Hard to have a Terminator movie if Skynet never makes Terminators, user.

Fuck off Mostow. Your film was terrible and opened the door for murder of this franchise.

Then there wouldnt be a movie moron

I kind of agree. The dogshit attempts to follow T2 previously just tried to force the Connor as a messiah thing.

The problem with everything post-T2 has been that they've tried to make the background story into the main plot.

No. it would just be the happy ending. It's the reason the protags fight.

>and 3 (which get hated for some reason I don't get
Are you being fucking serious? 3 was an abomination.

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Why do I picture James Cameron in a room throwing shit around like a deranged gorilla

This. Every fucking film has essentially be a "Terminator of the week" affair. I'd fucking love one with just a single T-800 as the bad guy again.

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>Sure, not the nuclear one. But Skynet still ends up dominating humanity.
how does this even work. skynet lost in a post-nuclear world where it had nearly every advantage, how can it dominate humanity if it cant become the dominant power? if some automated factory started shitting out killbots it would be blown to hell by the airforce within the hour.

Is that slender thing supposed to be tough ?

I been waiting for this in ages.

I'd trade any more terminator movies coming out until the end of time for just another season of the sarah connor chronicles.

So, two dwarfs?


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What on happened to Edward Furlong?

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beaninator two

liquid makes it easier to have zero practical effects

i thought genysis bombed hard. this looks even worse

Sounds terrible

Will not see

i would take salvation over this marxist drivel we are getting now. the first half of salvation was kino

>has been in all but 1 """"1""""' one numero uno Terminator movie

fuck you i liked it

Trannynator looks every bit as catpiss smelling as its cast and intended audience.

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I'm bored of the whole Connor/Fate story. At this point I'd be happy with a movie that starts with the attack and then follows a group of people rebuilding. The first formation of the resistance, etc. Would probably work better as a TV series.

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I didnt know Simple Jack was cast.

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No. Terminator 3 was pointless rethreading of T2. Pretty much only saving grace was nukes at the end, kinda like fucking Genisys, nuke sequence in the beginning was pretty cool. Only decent Terminator thing since T2 was the tv-show and that was cancelled when it started to get interesting. Dealing with things like how AI thinks. Does AI have feelings? Is AI actually rational at all? That was kinda ruined by the writers strike first season and most of second season was ruined by channel execs that demanded more action and self contained episodes. Self contained episodes led to tons single episode disposable Terminator of the week villains.

Arnold is necessary for good Terminator film.

Strip clubs are for men and occasionally organize women's nights. Most male strippers bodybuilders that are flaming faggot.


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>gib me nude naow
You really want to see a naked justin bieber lookalikes? Holy moly a goddamn literal faggot

>who has the ability to split into two

>Making the Connors unimportant
>Killing off John
>Once again ruining the ending of Terminator 2, as well as contradicting one of the themes of the film.
>Already planning a new trilogy, despite not knowing if the film will do well

Not looking good at all.

Terminator Salvation had amazing special and visual effects, incredible cinematography and a good cast. The writing was just so awful that it managed to ruin what was otherwise a good film.

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The problem was it didn't look at all like Cameron's original vision of this weird techno looking apocalypse. It was all brown and a bad metaphor for the war in Iraq or something. That and it was pure shit

Why do all t800s looks like Arnold now? First Terminator had different looks for its T-800s. I understand that's its a model and there's gonna be quite a few Arnolds but its getting ridiculous

>Although John has since died and this is no longer her story
Garbage fucking twist and making the same mistake that T3 did. John is the Time Paradox that the franchise is written around. If he's not the savior of humanity, then he doesn't defeat Skynet and send Kyle Reese back in time to father himself.

Why the fuck is Cameron making the same rookie mistakes that all the mouthbreathing fucknuts that ruined the franchise after him made?

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>Why do all t800s looks like Arnold now?
Brand recognition. But in terms of the actual lore, you're right, it's dumb. Not to say that the "lore" really matters anymore. It's just another franchise to shill at this point

Predator, Alien, Terminator, Star Wars were flushed down the toilet decades ago.

This x 1000

Nobody wants anymore Terminator time travel. Give us a gritty futuristic war film.

>Although John has since died and this is no longer her story
What? Wasn't the whole point of the first two films that if they can kill John (or his mother before he is born) that is literally all it takes to win the war. So this new films approach is "Lol, JK"?

Can't tell if its worse than
>John Conner is Skynet now lol

In fairness, I didn’t read it but I’m going to guess that this movie is going to be a continuation of the first two movies but the first two movies were essentially pointless now and this is actually a reboot.

SJW Terminator here we come.

>SJW Terminator here we come.
I want the new terminator to say "watch my pronouns" and then talk about the advantages of open border style imigration. "I'm telling you Sarah, it's a religion of peace!"

Why does Cameron loves spics so much?

Predator reboot so bad that it makes Terminator movies made since T2 look like semi competent cinema.

Sarah Connors great5565 grandfather during days of T-Rex was pretty much pic related.

T-800 looking for him might run into T-Rex and realistic chicken sized Veloci Raptors.


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Prob one of the few good things about salvation

>The T-1000 was a prototype, 1 of a kind
>Even Skynet was apprehensive about using it for the events of T2
>Every movie since: "Lol, jk, there was loads of them!


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lmao he even has a janitor's uniform on

20 bux say this movie will get blasted to shit by liberals for stereotyping kek

actually looks better...

they should have made her work out
OR hire a woman who would work out
OR hire a feminine looking man and have him work out and put some makeup on him

>just find a cheap Latino so Latinos in America watch this. Those idiots will watch dog shit as long as we put a Latino in it.

Alternatively they just should have used a skinny but fit guy. Someone with body built like Michael Biehn's, someone that looked like actual operators look like in the original Terminator.

This is probably going to be Ghostbusters 2016 bad and it produced by James fucking Cameron. Talk about how the mighty have fallen.

>at least it'll be several years before they give Robocop another shot and bury it for good
You might want to sit down. I have some news for you...


Is the person in the middle meant to look like Dylann Roof?


I already have my continuation of T2, thanks but no thanks.

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Does it end with a cliffhanger or there is some decent closure?

>new trilogy

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Dark Fate? More like Down Rate, amirite?

>new trilogy.
with more diversity
Skynet is a fuckin white man. It is also whites' fuckin FAULT. :^)

>there will have been twice as many bad Terminator films as good ones by the end of the year
Dead franchise

Because in fact he doesn't care about the Terminators.
Just giving them their name.

>The couples tries to help, believing her to be injured, only to be accosted by policemen who believe them to be assaulting Grace. When questioned, Grace swiftly dispatches the policemen to save the couple,
So black/brown couple and a white cop I'm guessing?

>Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes), a young auto-mechanic
So she gets coffee and donuts for the real auto-mechanics?

>where the Connors are no longer pivotal to humanity's survival
Das rite wite boi. U no longar need'd

It ended on a cliffhanger, which pissed me off for years but I've come to accept it. Still an amazing show regardless and the only thing in the franchise after T2 that's worth watching. Assuming you can get past the bad pilot episode, a lot of people watch the first episode and assume the rest is shit. No, it gets a lot better.

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He doesnt look scary at all, he looks like some janitor or something

Did you even have to ask? Also the cop is probably blonde haired and blue eyed.

>new trilogy

remember when Terminator Salvation was supposed to be the first in a new trilogy, same with Genisys?

The Terminator franchise is dead.

>This terminator comes up behind you
>"Oh hey, Miguel right? The trash is over there. Hello? La Basura. LA BASURA."

*kills you*
*puts you in the trash*
[cue applause from the latino audience]

SJWs would declare this scene as an oscarworthy.

Is Salvation worth watching? I've always wanted to see it.

yeah, but this movie can;t be saved by the god awfully script.

I miss The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

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thanks, user!

why do they keep beating a dead horse?
just fucking apocalypse my shit up and let skynet take over rather than raping my childhood

>new trilogy

they just tried this and it flopped horribly.

>Assuming you can get past the bad pilot episode, a lot of people watch the first episode and assume the rest is shit. No, it gets a lot better.
Liar. The whole of TSCC was absolute garbage.

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They would ruin it
>t1 and t2 future war
>grimy metal dust and dirt under a black sky
>soldiers crawling through the ashes of civilization, hunted incessantly from the skies by unfeeling unflinching robot hordes
>salvation future war
>nice bright clean desert :^)

Cliffhanger that is kind of a closure or at least fan service.

John travels into future to hide from Skynet and runs into bunch of folks we know from the future including his old man. Everyone is literally who? Possibly in sarcastic manner. Including Kyle Reese whose jacket he just stole.

First season is in my opinion better than most of 2nd season. 2nd seasons Terminator of the week episodes kinda devalue Terminators, better built up stuff where it takes multiple episodes to deal with terminators and to figure out what the fuck it was up to were better. On the flipside, some of the Terminator of the week episodes are pretty damn great, especially one involving tech investor or scam artist hiding innawoods and one about Terminator that was accidentally sent into 20's. Show was cancelled when it actually got interesting with stuff considering nature of artificial intelligence.

>The Terminator franchise is dead.
If movie produced by James Cameron does Ghostbusters 2016, we can be absolutely certain about the death of a franchise.

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>split into copies

I’ll take “what is conservation of mass” for $500.

No, you’re not. The best parts of the last two films both involved T-800 endoskeletons. Hollywood producers need to get a clue that new doesn’t equal better.

>First season is in my opinion better than most of 2nd season. 2nd seasons Terminator of the week episodes kinda devalue Terminators, better built up stuff where it takes multiple episodes to deal with terminators and to figure out what the fuck it was up to were better.
I didn't mind that, also Cromartie was still the main terminator and clearly more competent than the others. They were just there to off resistance fighters so in my headcanon they just didn't have the advanced programming he had.

>On the flipside, some of the Terminator of the week episodes are pretty damn great, especially one involving tech investor or scam artist hiding innawoods and one about Terminator that was accidentally sent into 20's. Show was cancelled when it actually got interesting with stuff considering nature of artificial intelligence.
Also the developing John/Cameron relationship was finally getting into "will they finally fuck?" territory. I really wanted to see them bang. Anyway I prefer season 2 overall because of Shirley Manson and John Henry. Didn't care for the three dots conspiracy shit though

>Female mechanic
>Wears her hair long and looks like that

tip top kek

Someone get the SJWs to throw a shitfit about bodyshaming

why didnt they make arnold human in this movie?

>I'd fucking love one with just a single T-800 as the bad guy again.
Its too brute force for today. If you just have a robot killing people like t1 it removes the possibility for loads of cgi

a fan made predator youtube movie that somehow made it into theaters

>new predator movie
all old scifi franchises are dead

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>leading to a different "dark fate" where the Connors are no longer pivotal to humanity's survival.
This, I can see. That being, after Terminator 2, they assume theres not gonna be a Skynet. Thus, Sarah doesn't worry about getting John ready for the apocalypse and thus, he's just a normal dude.

But then that leaves the question, why does sara look like she never stopped training? This would imply that Terminators have either been after her and/or killed John, but if the Conners are meaningless why would skynet try to kill them? I detect bad writing.

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also thanks for the answer about the ending, I will give it a try

Fucking kek

>new trilogy

getting ahead of themselves again lol

>Humanity's future is in the hands of a goblina, a sex changed Dylann Roof, and a boomer Hillary Clinton

Dark Fate indeed.

>there are people here who defend this movie

its going to be a trilogy of 'this is the start of a new trilogy' failed terminator films. salvation, genisys and then this.

and salvation will probably be the best of the 3

so since the machines couldn't defeat john connor they instead opted to make a woman the leader of the resistance? clever girl....

how do these movies keep on getting made? do they really make a ton of cash?

Don't forget T1 > T2 > Sarah Connor Chronicles which was the best_ timeline

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>tv show is best time line
I like T1 T2 T3 Salvation timeline

>star wars
>alien franchise
>star trek
>dark tower

Am i missing any?

Jack Ryan
The Mummy
Mystery Science Theater 3000

>Set 25 years after TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY, the new movie reveals that although Sarah and her son John Connor prevented their particular version of Judgement Day, Skynet still manages to subjugate humanity under different circunstances, leading to a different "dark fate" where the Connors are no longer pivotal to humanity's survival. Although John has since died and this is no longer her story, Sarah joins forces with Grace, Dani, Dani's brother Miguel (Diego Boneta) and the T-800 to save mankind's future once again.
This isn't in the article what is your sauce?

>i want a new terminator that ignores the sequels and has linda hamilton
well at least its gonna be fun right?

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this is a woman? i won't be seeing this movie. why can't the radical feminists come up with their own franchises? are they not equally creative?

>well at least its gonna be fun right?
doubt it. T3 was fun this will be bad most likely

Yeah, but god damn if she doesn't look like a tranny in this, it's really disgusting.

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>They hire a mexican to play a robot that can replicate into many copies of himself after illegally coming over from the future

How does Ra... Cameron get away with it?

Cameron at least knows how to shoot an epic blockbuster which the last couple of directors had no clue.

Im interested.

and the Yea Forums threads about it... summer glau was once tv's main waifu

She looks like Bee Armitage.

maybe it gets hollow on the inside, like bones

Is not directing, just producing. He was involved somewhat with the writing, but the director is the one who did dead pool and he was heavily involved in creating this new story

i'm glad dylan roof has turned his life around

nanomachines, son


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he looks like some random Mexican thug

>how do we make people watch this attrocious movie
>i know lets sell it as feminist movie because controvery is what sells these days, just look at the bland piece of shit movie that is captain marvel

The absolute state of American audience. They are all latinos at this point, how fucking embarrassing.

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>The absolute state of American audience. They are all latinos at this point, how fucking embarrassing.
Whites don't hardly go to movies anymore, except onions to capeshit.
Consider the following
>ticket cost 10 dollars
>popcorn and soda could very well cost an extra 15
>25 dollars to go watch what could be a bad movie
That doesnt include a wife or kids
So, you stay home. Thus Hollywood doesnt cater to you anymore, so they seek a new audience via pandering

I like that we see two female scientists and a female soldier in this scene. Future is female :P

>skynet produces terminators
>females produce babies

math checks out

What is he, like 5'8"?

maybe all the arnold versions were created for time travel? Idk, I could probably write this shit

>dylann roof vs taconator
this movie is gonna bomb so bad

>(((we))) want the beaner audience, get used to it goy

fuck off Furlong, you ruined monica keena

The Terminator universe cannot support a new trilogy of movies unless the story is taken in a radically different direction, and that is not going to happen.

>John has since died

He secretly transitioned into Natalie Reyes. SPOILER

The next model of T-800's will be transgender

Didn't he vanish off the face of the earth?

>This piece of shit has the nerve to retcon Terminator 3
T3 was a masterpiece in comparison.



cute tho

These sequels are ridiculous. I can understand people liking the first two Cameron movies. But are there really Terminator 'fans' out there? Seriously? Who the fuck in their right mind would want more of this shit? There's NOTHING more to be said. The story was finished in the first fucking movie.


its going to be a termimammarior or not?

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I'm a pretty sceptical but this sounds kino. I just want good Terminator again, in that world that Cameron created in his fever.

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Think Id rather have Skynet win at this point

Wouldn't we all


>I didn't mind that, also Cromartie was still the main terminator and clearly more competent than the others. They were just there to off resistance fighters so in my headcanon they just didn't have the advanced programming he had.
Cameron easily the scariest terminator, followed by Cromartie. Out of the other terminators one that was sent to past to set up communication system was probably the best. If I recall correctly that whole thing took like three episodes to resolve, even when that terminator was there only operational for relatively small part of those episodes. More self contained episodes are easier to rewatch as those aren't multi episode arcs.
>Also the developing John/Cameron relationship was finally getting into "will they finally fuck?" territory.
It was also going to what the fuck Cameron actually was and what motivated it or her? What made her tick? One of the negative things coming out of writers strike ending the first season prematurely is that we almost certainly missed a terminator having average day in high school episode. That could have been potentially the best or the worst episode of the show.
>Anyway I prefer season 2 overall because of Shirley Manson and John Henry.
Same thing with shapeshifter and its motives. Those are some of the more interesting questions show raised. My problem with 2nd season is mostly pacing of episodes and A- and B-plots of episodes being almost completely detached from each other. Something on level in this episode: John and Cameron are fighting a murderbot from future. Sarah goes to get her nails done.
>Didn't care for the three dots conspiracy shit though
That particular conspiracy was bit too trippy and all over the place, but generally the paranoid conspiracy shit is the territory where show was at it's strongest.

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The story is never over so long as time travel can do whatever the fuck it wants.

The only problem is that the stories are getting ridiculous in that the main cast never treats the terminators with respect. The first two, they were scared shitless and never fought them when they didn't have to. Now they're actively hunting them and shit.

The same is true of T3, whenever they see a Terminator they run away, the only people that fight them are other Terminators or people who know they're going on a suicide mission.

>thread about shitty wamen terminator franchise corpse milking turns into discussion about based Sarah Connor Chronicles

my niggas right here.

Terminator was a story that was done after the first film. They only made a series because the sequel was so much fun. But they clearly have nowhere else to go.


not pedo or gay but this kid is very cute

Underrated movie tbqh. Better than T3 and Genisys

>The Terminator universe cannot support a new trilogy of movies unless the story is taken in a radically different direction, and that is not going to happen.
T:SCC kinda did that. Less action, more paranoid conspiracies and kinda Blade Runner-esque pondering about nature of AI. A lot of old fans didn't like that because no Arnold, not as epic action scenes due to TV-budget constraints. A lot of them also didn't like the fact that John wasn't messiah at the start of the show, but a whiny bitch without ever realizing that becoming something much tougher might be his character arc and major theme of the show. That is funny because the two original movies are ones that actually are good as both action movies and scifi films that have something with bit philosophical dept under the surface.

Show was killed by executive meddling from Fox when it got really interesting in regards to going other direction from the two original masterpieces.

>These sequels are ridiculous. I can understand people liking the first two Cameron movies. But are there really Terminator 'fans' out there? Seriously?
Yep, failed and mostly pointless sequels with couple nice scenes have killed most of the fanbase. There are fans, but most of formerly active forums have been killed by normiebook groups.
>Who the fuck in their right mind would want more of this shit? There's NOTHING more to be said. The story was finished in the first fucking movie.
T2 kinda has a point, even if the original movie is self contained. Major points where fan base is divided is mostly about was the tv-show good or trash and how bad each post T2 sequel is exactly. T3 has some defenders despite being T2 with worse jokes. Even Salvation has some defenders. Pretty much everyone agrees that Genisys was trash, but was bad enough to be good in Plan 9 kind of way is pretty much only divisive thing about it.

what the fucking fuck

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i like Mackenzie Davis she's got that robotic way about her, this might be pretty good.

>he can also replicate into fully functional self-reliant copies of himself
well humanity is fucked then isn't it. whatever the movies says that's it, skynet wins, it's over.

based holly holm

what the fuck, thats the guy who plays ghost rider in agents of shield

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>this might be pretty good.
based sunshine pumper

well desu i don't care about the terminator franchise the first film stands alone, i do think she's a good casting choice though and it'll be cool to see sarah again.
i would have liked to see a proper future movie with scrappy/wily john connor teaching people on the quiet, building the resistance and all that but maybe one day.

There's already a few like that.

>new trilogy

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What happened to the Transhumanists from Salvation?

Basically. Beaner sows are born pregnant.

less dense with each copy

Theyre trapped in a different timeline where the fag that made dead pool cant touch them

Whats so bad about Genisys ? Genuine question

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The cgi is bad
the acting awful
terminators are killed left and right so theyre not a threat
thats it pertty much

A good future war movie is what most fans would like to see... instead of inferior re-threadings of two classics. Unfortunately Salvation didn't deliver that.

Same as with T3. It is tonal mess that doesn't know does it try to be a serious movie or comedy. Almost a parody of the Terminator and T2. Like T3 it kinda ruins the very idea two original movies had about fate. First movie is self contained masterpiece. Second is a great sequel, but IMHO it is overrated and there is a lot of nostalgia for it from people that saw it a certain age.

New movie will be like other post T2 sequels. A pointless quipfest and third passing of batton moment for the franchise from old cast.

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