All the minorities smart and witty

>all the minorities smart and witty
>white people slobs and dumb

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just like real life

if im such a slob, whered i get these trips, huh?


Maybe it's good to do this, maybe it'll make niggers start trying to be less shit in real life.

And? White people have had positive representation in media for thousands of years. Does it really hurt you to see one show portray non-white people in a positive light?

Are you fucking kidding? Jussie Smollett literally just got off scott fucking free and I guarantee that he will be celebrated by black radicals just for trying to make white people suffer with his dumb plan that failed.

Black people act like they hate you. Start believing them.

>Trump's a fascist dickhead who needs to be strung up on a tree

The comedian episode fucking sucked

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I saw the first comedian episode last night. It wasn't that bad, the cinematography at first reminded me of david lynch. When all the camera angles are zoomed in too much, from weird asymmetrical angles.The whole room being weirdly quiet and ominous was great too, very nice set. kumail nanijani is nice to watch, they could've done some more interesting stuff tho

I was expecting a black mirror rip off, it really did feel like a twilight zone episode. they should've worked more on the ending, like showing how things would be different once he ghosted himself.

The little niglet said he was the reason he got into stand up comedy, and immediately after ghosting himself the niglet is there at the comedy place still.

the female niggress being the next subject of tracy morgan's bad acting was also too cheesy. she was already funny in the first place

It was literally comedy deathnote.

muh buh jussie smullet dwilight zoan

either talk about movies and tv or fuck off back to your containment board


>the subtle racism of lowered expectations

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>main character is a wh*te m*le

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I noticed that too, but to be fair, the first episode is better than get out

the first episode was ok, second was embarrassingly bad

just like real life

The Comedian should have been about an abusive comedian that jerks off in front of women and then they suddenly disappear afterwords. The comedian then has to figure out what's really happening

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>one show

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Well it is the twilight zone after all.

based brits

>it's racist when you negatively portray nigs
>it's not racist when we negatively portray whites

its a trap idiot, they want your falcon

Why did the pilot want to crash the plane I never got that

Yes because whites are the only reason the term 1st even had a definition


*1st world that is

Sounds like modern britian all right.

thats like saying pee is better than poo

If you don't like it, why don't you make your own twilight zone?

Oh, so now y’all wanna argue how people are represented in media actually does matter?

If y’all don’t like it maybe y’all shouldn’t watch it? Ain’t that what y’all used to tell us?