Oh hey it's that guy

>oh hey it's that guy

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reverse image search doesn't even know who the fuckj this guy is

>the 90s "oh hey it's that guy"

Attached: MWincott.jpg (480x360, 7K)

he was the boss in Fight Club and he was in Zodiac and I think 24

I liked him in BrainDead


I still remember his voice.

Is that his cornflower blue shirt?

God is not mocked, you son of a bitch

like fucking sandpaper


Zach Grenier
I remember his name because of Adrian Grenier.

My boss always has a cup of coffee in his hand first thing in the morning and I'm always reminded of the phrase "grande latte enema"

Anyone else still follow his films? I confess, I haven't seen anything besides End of Days, but I did enjoy his performance as Satan.

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He was in the first season of Vikings

It was nice to see him in Hereditary after all these years

I feel l like he used to be an actor you knew by name but then he got really old.

you should check out Miller's Crossing

that fight scene was atrocious

I forgot I saw him in that movie, I'm glad he's still acting in some films at least.

Jesus, Hawkeye aged like shit since the last Avengers movie.