>mfw 98% of all movies and TV shows are absolute dog shit
Mfw 98% of all movies and TV shows are absolute dog shit
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welcome to adulthood. now spend your time more wisely and stop trying to immerse yourself into some mediocre writer's/director's attempt at artistic representation
What the fuck is one supposed to do in adulthood?
I'm still waiting for an answer.
The last show i watched was season 2 of narcos when it came out
And i didnt even enjoy it that much. tv is a hobby for lazy fucks
>still waiting for an answer
imagine being so naive
Go watch Ikiru, then find something you can do that will make a difference in the world, no matter how small it is.
t. Failed artist
In order for there to be truely great things, there also has to be casual, normie, drivel as well. Otherwise, the greatest things would never shine and we would never appreciate them for their greatness.
I'd rather have 5 truely great movies than an ocean full of the same things. Because too much of anything gets old eventually.
So let the normies have their drivel, dig deep for those great things and cherrish them.
Ya dumb nugger.
Create? But I doubt you have any skill or talent
Agreed! Thank god for the Marvel movies!
Wait for the sweet release of death
I'm sorry sir but I've got some bad news for you
Have sex
I agree with you OP. I had Netflix for a total of 11 minutes before fucking it off. Scrolled through acres of pure rubbish before deciding to keep my $10
what is the other 2%
>skill or talent mattering in 2019
I can write.
>inb4 write
As I say, projecting. Creation isn't fulfillment; it's merely an attempt to prove oneself. And what to do but continue fruitlessly proving oneself to nothing.
but that 2%, man
Perhaps, just perhaps, you are a miserable human being, whose's misery consumes every surrounding hobby with the potential to see the world in a better light?
Cheer the fuck up, you have fuck-all to complain about no matter where you call home. No matter how "horrible" your circumstance is, you are easily twice better off than your predecessors a century ago.
Following into the self-pity route is a road that leads to nowhere. Get over yourself.
Listen to music faggot
>What the fuck is one supposed to do in adulthood?
Have sex
Stay off the couch/computer for a start.
the image kind of inferred self pity but his comment didn't.
It's quite literally ingrained in our biology. Childhood and adolescence is consuming and adulthood is creating. You will be forever lost as an adult if you do not create.
It really did. When you see all that previously gave you joy, falling into shit, it is beneficial to remember that the goal-post hasn't moved, only that of your perception.
Every thing turns to shit when you are personally miserable. Just stating that life doesn't need to always be that way, and can change if you will your life to change for the better.
Betterment rarely occurs without effort and sacrifice. It takes work, and if you work it, life can get better for all those who seek it.
Not meaning to be an asshole, only someone that has confronted their own bullshit, and since moved past.
I'm an idiot, and if I can, so can others.
i'm fine with everything you're saying. i'm cool with it. being down on yourself can make everything worse, sure.
but i don't agree that being content and happy will make new things better inherently better. if you want to argue that being happier will allow you to see things with more clarity and unbiased sure, but saying everything is great if you want it to be seems intellectually lazy and anesthetized
TV has always been garbage. There are few exceptions.
It's funny seeing anons complain about racial diversity or politically correct lecturing in netflix when all that was going on in the 70s. It was spearheaded by a jew, of course.
Dubs and I get a girlfriend who saves me from life failure.
Nah it's only about 70%. Unless you're specifically talking about modern movies and TV shows, in which case yeah
Nah, Television had short but great period in the late 90s - mid 2000s. And classic TV before that had its own comfy charm. TV has only been shit for about 10-12 years
Name one great tv show from the latw 90s.
>mfw you know OP is a cuck
>tfw feels good knowing that
>tfw the feels kick in big time
feels good senpai
The Sopranos
I live for those 2 percent
Sport's Night
That is a fair and valid counter-argument, thank you.
My only intention is helping service-anons find a path outside of suicide, that is agreeable to their personal priorities. Work at a highly-pressured military university, and I frankly don't want to see a well-meaning cadet take their life because of the real and perceived pressures of their roles.
Cleaned up a suicide of man I barely knew. And I refuse to pass on that experience to other young-service-members.
You sound like a good person user, just trying to do the same.
this is true for every decade of films. you're just depressed (in other ways, a virgin white male)
in the grander scheme of things you're probably more right than i am.
Don't undercut yourself, think you and I have the same mission in mind. We each have our lost souls to rescue.
Cheers user and good talk, wish you well.
>not 100%
Kek, this is some real armchair bullshit. I'll explain when I finish working out
This is The answer of a teenager