How do you manage to miscast a fucking dog?

how do you manage to miscast a fucking dog?

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is this shit for real?


Hey guys this is netflix here, I've decided to cast these quads as dubs
Hope you enjoy the upcoming adaptation of OP's thread

dont be breedist all dogs need representation


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>miscasting jet
Why the fuck did they change him? He was perfect the way he was.

Does Netflix try and get a hold of IPs before anyone else just so it can adapt them as shittily as possible?


I'm a netflix executive and I have a pretty neat idea, what if instead of space they crew a sort of futuristic pirate ship on a really big planet, like 8 times the size of earth, but with lots of really tiny islands instead of continents

making Jet black and Faye a latina is fine, but making Ein a fucking huskie? YOU WENT TOO FAR THIS TIME NETFLIX

>have thing
>change it
Genius. The best part is nobody can even complain, because adaptations require artistic license and so forth.

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brah look at this dude.... uhju uhju wait till you see the f- uhhujuJUJUJUUU NO NO NO NO ohhhHOHOo ohh HaHAHAHHA

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leave it to netflix to almost make something good, only to disappoint everyone

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The Faye one is honestly more egregious than even Jet. Fuck is that bitch plain. It really is like they went out of their way to cast just anybody.

Spike should be (or at least look) younger.

And why not make Ein a fucking cat while they're at it

Every dog is cute no matter the breed and i want to pet them all

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Nothing turns up in Gurgle

The dog is the closest theyve gotten to a good cast so far tbqhwufam

Yeah, he was perfect being white

I posted this yesterday but...

Here's your Ein bro.

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actually, you can find the article. an "anime news" website that has exactly one article and numerous misspellings. the person who made it is obviously the one pathetically making this thread over and over.


Species washing keeps happening ever since Thor.

how do you miscast a corgi? they have never seen the source material why did the creator let his ip get bought up like this

Except pit bulls and poodles because they are ugly and retarded

>mauled to death the entire cast

>haha jerks, they DIDN'T miscast the dog! Therefore it doesn't matter that all their /other/ casting choices are absolute shit


Hasn't netflix learned from death note that they suck at anime remakes? This along with Avatar the last airbender will be a shitfest.

I thought they're gonna cast a pitbull?

Why? Corgis are one of the most popular breeds with soys there are.

>A thing sucks! Therefor when I lie I'm actually telling the truth! Just for a different thing and not the thing I actually wrote! Checkmate atheists!

Is Netflix purposefully trying to piss of Yea Forums?

Incompetence and lack of coherent artistic vision. It's what happens when movies are designed by a committee rather than created by an individual.

A friend of mine just said they're finally getting their dog this week.

The world is already a big joke, might as well laugh a little more

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They didn't even got the right black man

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It wouldn't surprise me. Just look at the Witcher casting fiasco.
>haha you stupid nerds think I'm going to cast a bunch of black people just because I'm an SJW?
>well I'm actually casting a bunch of brown people just because I'm an SJW! Checkmate shitlords!

The Japanese suck at live adaptions of anime, Hollywood must be truly deluded to think THEY can pull it off.

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Honestly after seeing the shitfest that was the Titans casting but also seeing how good it was I give Netflix free rein to cast whoever they want. Cast Ein as a cat for all I care as long as the show is actually good.

I'm suprised it wasn't a Pitbull desu.


Corgis are stupid as fuck so they chose a smarter dog that’s easier to work with on set. Pretty straight forward.

Corgis are pretty intelligent

Lol no not compared to most other dogs.

Lassie remake starring a pitbull when?

How many threads have you retards gone through over this one fake article?

>Of 110 breeds ranked on the basis of intelligence, the Pembroke Welsh corgi took 11th place; the Cardigan, which the AKC says possesses "almost human intelligence," came in 26th

>They have dog gone lost their minds

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It's an 'acting' dog. it's just 'go here, sit'.

more disappointed with the lack of ed, she was the foil to break the hurt and baggage of a crew of adults that lost the ability to enjoy life

Are you guys ready... for...
>punch sound effect
>quick close up of protagonist face
>punch sound effect
>close up of antagonist face
>cringey dialogue

I sure am... I sure am.

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100% guaranteed one of the writers wanted to put their dog in the show

Corgi's aren't big enough to mount anyone


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Who do you think they'll cast for Ed?

r8 my pup

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HAVE YOU HEARD THIS STORY? A MAN INJURES HIS LEG! DURING A HUNT! He's in the middle of the savannah and can't TREAT THE WOUND! His leg ROTS, DEATH APPROOOACHESSSSSSS!!! Last minute, he's picked up by an AIRRRRPLAAAANEEEEE. He looks down and sees a land of pure white below him... glistening in the light... It's the summit of a SNOW CAPPED MOUNTAIN! THE MOUNTAIN IS... KILIMANJAAARROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

As he gazes down, he feels the life flowing out of him, and he thinks, 'THAT'S WHERE IWASHEADED!'

I hate stories like that. Men only think about the past right before their death, as if they were searching frantically for proof that they were ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I can hear this reply so I appreciate it

dignified / 10

>Vicious' bird is cast as a parrot

Check out her teeth.

90 degree proper posture. your dog should audition for ein

Huskies are better than Corgis, but that would be fucking dumb to just change it.

Then again, doing Bebop live action is dumb itself.

>huskies are better than corgis
in what way

Casting is gonna be the least of the problems
I can't even begin to imagine the complete horror show of the dialogs
Probably 30 fuck/shit per minute
Combine it with the lazy aesthetics and the mundane cgi for everything is is gonna be another Netflix shitshow
Fuck netflix, fuck jannies and fuck niggers

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>couldnt get TOADLINE SNARF to agree to terms

sad what netflix chooses to do with their budgets

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Why is Hollywood so bent on adapting classic animation into live action? Are they hoping people forget it exists so they have an excuse for not making any more?

You are a complete moron

the casting seems fine but that scriptwriter for the first episode...
casting issues and bad writers are to be expected though
the actual question is what about the muuuusic

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When was the last time you even saw a movie with a corgi in it? I'm willing to bet they went with the closest looking breed because they couldn't get ahold of one that was trained to work on cue..

you don't have to get on your knees to pet it

It'll be A Tribe Called Quest style jazz hip-hop instead of bebop.

they are meant to be carried and hugged

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established, popular ips mean a built in market. a built in market means less risk. less risk means better chance of greenlit. ipso facto adaptations instead of originals.

conspiratorially though i think they're trying to systematically stomp themselves into everything so no one can escape their influence

>ethnically diverse cast
>white male is the villian
every time

Why not cast a pitbull from the local hoodrat nigger?

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the asian is a male who isn't gay, fat, old or cucky so i can't complain

>Cast a Korean as Japanese
>Cast a black guy as white
>Cast a Mexican as Chinese
>Cast a white guy as Japanese
What le fug

faye was supposed to be chinese? i remember her saying she was a gypsy but i wasn't sure if it was a joke or not

why doesnt he like cabbage?

She was a very wealthy girl from Singapore, but apparently DVD liner notes indicate she was a white immigrant.

i did not know either of those two things, neat

this isn't real right

The landmark in the show that's pictured in the videotape, which leads them to the location, makes it clear it's Singapore. The liner notes thing I didn't know until recently.

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Is nobody gonna mention Vicious? He looks like a dork. That guy couldn't pull off a permanently scowling murderer with no empathy.

Where can i read about these?
First time i've heard about it

Netflix doesn't almost make something good, they take something good and fuck it up.

This'd at least be funny if it were a pitbull.

after seeing the Blame! adaption i'll never trust them again. the fact Nihei worked on it too just makes it even more depressing

They don’t care.

How the fuck is the black guy the closest looking to his origional counterpart. Atleast he has similar facial features. Spike and vicious look nothing like those two assholes

I think he looks alright.

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Who will they cast as Pierrot le Fou and Vincent Whateverthefuck?

Not only that but when it's made by people who don't actually like the source material and only want to make it because they know people like it. They have no respect for anything they do or the audience they're doing it for.

It's gonna be the Trump card

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Does this take place in the Harold and Kumar universe? What happened to Kumar?

kind of reminds me of jurassic park, with hammond being the adaptationers and the dinosaurs being the adaptations

Every last choice is just godawful

i'm actually cool with these desu. i always assumed they'd cast a black guy as jet. maybe it was because of the voice acting. seems alright
girl for faye sexy so whatevs

Que donde esta?

>protagonist is some lame asian
>was it that difficult to cast an actual japanese guy who is tanned?

Ed will be a transgender child with autism
Bigshot Bounty's stars are romantically involved
Pierrot le Fou is cut for being fat shaming
Julia is white, board is full of AMWF /r/hapas shitposting for weeks
No one off episodes, it only follows the Vicious plot
Magical natives and the Dragon chiefs are cut for being stereotypical

why would he be tanned? spike pale af

I don't think Americans like casting or working with Japanese people besides Ken Watanabe because Japan doesn't give a fuck about America and casting a Japanese person won't make Japan anymore likely to get into it.

Also maybe because Korea and China way more likely to dig it if Korean actor instead of Japanese actor.

Spike is half Chinese.

>an asian finally gets a lead
>hilariously the anime character he's playing isn't asian
I don't even know any more.

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What are they going to do with E.D?
Who could play that character?
Without E.D AND Ein a corkie it really would be blasphemy of it being called Bebop.
You can't have a live action without one of the most iconic characters.
Please tell me nd explain.

I'm assuming they have them already but it's not a popular actor/actress so didn't want to talk about it and maybe intrigue people.

So she's a slav / gypsy from a rich family who lived in Singapore. Makes sense.

>rip off western shit.
>convert it back from japanese.
>retards worried about race in babbies 2nd anime.

Casting a Korean as a Japanese person from a franchise made in Japan. It's an extra kick in the balls because Japs hates the gooks.

In his ass, where he pulled that shit from