Which movie character is stronger than Jesus?
Which movie character is stronger than Jesus?
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He's tied with captain marvel.
a scrawny middle eastern jew? fucking secondary characters could take him out.
No one else took the full immeasurable wrath of God for me so no one.
Ivan Drago
dont talk about YAHAWASHI like that.
cesera borjia on the other hand is a weak effeminate hippy
Literally any that aren't quadriplegic
>breaks cross to free his arms
>just walk behind him and hit him in his side since his legs are still pinned
Litterally all the characters impersonnated by Jason Statham.
but Solomon is explicitly stated to be white in Song of Solomon.
oh, the nigger hebrew israelites have made their own god now?
nice try
Song of Solomon 1:5 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
Jeremiah 14:2 Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.
Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.
none, jesus is the king of kings and lord of lords!
Praise the lord, nigga
Oh, so that's why JDF has that tattoo.
Hail Satin
>gets beaten by an Italian manlet
Yeah no
the N-word
Look, Austin. I love you, but you need to fuck off from here. You are not gonna make yourself into a meme. You are not gonna get the alt-right to start supporting you as some counterculture alternative to JDF. It is just not going to happen.
Just keep doing cons, and living your best life. Maybe Hasbro will reach out to you now Saban is not calling the shots. If they do, it won't be because these chucklefucks like you.
the N-word
Dr. Manhattan
>white Jesus
oh I'm laffin
the N-word
Man I didnt want to know this. I hate living in a society with all these fucking crazy people.
There's only one way out friend.
And you starreee at meeeee
In your jesus christ poooose
REAL characters, user
>the N-word
>checks Book of Life
yep, works for me senpai
gandhi. he freed india in his lifetime. jesus didnt do jack shit while alive.
Sound and Gardenpilled
This made me kek
None. Christ is king.
This nigga was a carpenter. In the Roman times. This dude carried stones and wood and walked all day. Boy probably was a stacked ottermode
Yo I met him and that nigga was tight
Don’t send me Jesus he’s only a man.
Any Roman soldier
Prophet Muhammad
Based Jesus?
He's not in the FATE series because he's too strong for anyone there. Just can't be beaten. If you're not a Christian, consider that Jesus was the first being to be thought of as power level: maximum in history. So if something exist at the top of the world's hierarchy, it's Jesus.
>experiences the literally all suffering of every human past, present and future at once and doesn't break
>still offers salvation to them
I'd say nobody is stronger.
N word
Yakub the scientist. He created white people, you know.
The Roman that stuck the foreskin slurping Jew to the cross obviously.
the N-word
What a beta
>Song of Solomon 1:5
that's a woman talking
he was a big fan of hitler
Reminder that Jesus was rebel scum and there were literally thousands of his type during the Roman era that got BTFO’d but only one them fitted the narrative that Jews wanted to create the great abomination known as Christianity.
the N-word
also, NIGGER
Fucking based, RIP Oderus
Blacks aren't just dumb, they're crazy
Why are the blacks that believe this shit so angry at white people if they created them? Isn't it their own fault that they got outsmarted? Is Yakub worshiped or seen as a devil?
They seem to have a beef with everyone.
Hey! I have this T-shirt!
The N-word
I have that same belt!