Why do they hate christians so much?

Why do they hate christians so much?

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they made Xavier so all is forgiven


Have you ever hung out with Christians? It's pretty obvious.

They don't seem to like any religions or play favorites, and they made fun of atheists and agnostics in Xavier.
The new show by the black guy had a weird sketch criticizing Islam and Wonder Showzen has the confusing "He Bro" skit

are zoomers just discovering pffr or something? i see threads all the time.


They've mocked Muslims quite a bit.
The scene in Shivering Truth with the terrorist and the decapitated guy was great.

That whole "Yea Forums reacts to Rick and Morty by propping up Xavier" 2 years ago probably exposed a bunch of people to PFFR.

ugh zoomers are the worst

That was 2 years ago? Jesus Christ.

>Mfw most of Xavier has been taken down from jewtube

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They're contrarians who like to point out the wrong in everything.

because despite having an obvious lock on political and cultural power, Christians continue to whine and cry like they are oppressed. You fuckers have been the dominant force in Western culture for over a thousand years, yet you squeal at the tiniest thing, like its still 2000BC and the Pharoah's dick is still in your ass

even if that were true its a laughably bad reason.


Christianity was totally appropriate preenlightenment when everyone was killing each other and the umayyad, abassid and ottoman caliphates were knocking on europe's door about to spread shariah law. I mean personally I'd be okay with women being locked in basements used as sex slaves, but some liberals might think that's offensive or something.

What fucking power?
Do you really think you're living in some kind of theocracy?
End of term abortion is legal now and no doctors or judges have been murdered by pro-life activists.

because it wouldnt even really concern you. Leftists bitch&cry about everything and then they try to change society in a way that benefits them with no regards to other peoples opinions or they attempt to dox people to get them fired.

Hate would be a valid response to that. But just whining? Nope thats not a valid reason sorry.

i dunno if i'm projecting but i thought there was genuine affection mixed in with their "breakdowns" of christianity

There's a holocaust joke in The Shivering Truth also.

>There needs to be a valid reason to make jokes out of something
Yeah, you certainly can make fun of someone, or a group for excessively whining.
