>we will never see this debate
it hurts man
We will never see this debate
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Who the fuck is the guy on the right.
author of the linux kernel, linux tech tip
The smartest man on Twitch
Why the brainlets always flock to midgets like Ben Shapiro and Destiny only because they talk really fast, but say nothing?
Nick Fluentes and AltHype are better.
nick is not only a manlet but a mutt as well.
Nick isn't a few inches off official dwarf status, though.
neither are ben or destiny. those guys are like 5'6.
Destiny is such a literal retard. All his arguments lose their weight when you realize he is literally the size of a child and would shrink and crumple if he ever had to talk to his opponents in real life. I could literally kill him in a single punch he is that small.
You like Destiny, because you're stupid and talking fast looks like supreme confidence and authority to you.
Millennials that like Incestidy are the modern version of the boomers that like Ben Shapiro. Lowest of the low.
And all his talking is just like the last stream:
>Almost of media is leftists
>hahahamydydeWHAAT, if you remove the top 5 youtuber channels, 7% is not
He is is so boring, 5 hours of boring gatcha moments and no actual ideological discussion.
So is Destiny. He's half-Cuban
You must be 18 or older to post
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Lauren Southern, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS in debates
>Blaire White is scared of him
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
He is based Destiny
How did he destroy based Jontron?
Destiny was confirmed smaller than an actress who described herself as about 5' 3" (in shoes, no less). He's pretty smol.
>a twitch/youtube debater has won against other twitch/youtube debaters
I've been laughing for a good 10 minutes at that picture, who's the manchild?
Just looking at that little queer on the right makes my skin crawl, and I don't even know who he is.
I thought Destiny was okay until the jontron debate went to his head and he started desperately trying to get back that fame by debating random retards
>he unironically thought the female Ghostbusters was pretty good
He can't be that smart LOL
i don't like destiny either, retard. e-celeb "intellectuals" are all annoying.
what's your point?
>he talks fast over people, he won
>here's your debater for tonight
his twitch has 10k+ viewers every debate, and his youtube channel skyrocketed post jontron debate.
A manlet who gets destroyed by yes or no questions.
How long would this debate last until the ad hominems came out against based Buckley?
how much of an absolute fuckwit do you have to think that cud-chewing ratfaced manlet is remotely on the same level as hitchens was? kys
I don't like the content though. It's completely boring watching two fags argue ideologies for 3 hours
What is Destiny's political outlook? I instinctively dislike him because of his physical appearance, but I don't want to disregard him on that alone. I'm also kind of partial to Ryan Faulk even though I disagree with him a lot.
>delivers logical arguments at a fast pace
>cant beat his logic
>he must be wrong because he's fast!
I don't know much about Destiny, but isn't he like a sociopath, or something? Didn't he plan someone's murder?
Make fun of his height all day long he's still banging cute chicks
The breaking point for me was one of his rebuttal videos to Ben Shapiro
I don't like him either, but he was presenting a pretty fair point about extremism being much more common in the Muslim world than people admit. Destiny's responses were so fucking ridiculous:
>"How is wanting honor killings a form of extremism?!"
>"How is supporting terrorists a form of radical Islam?!"
The guy is a pure contrarian. By his own admission, he used to be conservative in a time when the internet was dominated by more liberal shit.
Capitalism good
Guns good
Fascists bad
Trump bad
Everyone I've ever talked to or met that was a fan of Destiny is some cringey communist neckbeard type
>arguing in bad faith
Some pedophile that plays shitty video games.
Which right?
It's not his height it's his proportions
why is his head so big
Destiny is a bitch but he didn't say either of those things.
>interrupting others is winning debate
Name one in the last debate.
I know you watch everything that guy do, because you love him , he fight scawy mutt supremacist on the internet after all.
Hmmm. Interesting.
To be fair, the one time he slows down is when he'll spend fifteen minutes looking up a source he doesn't manifest.
>logical arguments
He once doxxed someone on twitter, literally gave out that person's name and home address.
Do you care about the negative effects of illegal immigration on black people, yes or no?
One thing we all can agree on, he's a cunnyster and fully support consensual (and incestual) sex with them (and that's a good thing.)
>youtube videos of retards arguing for recently made up internet teams
Destiny and chris hitchens would be too busy 69'ing each other to have a debate. Peter Hitchens on the other hand would wipe the floor with deadbeatdadtiny to where he would get charged with involuntary manslaughter.
>Abandons his Aspergers child with the deadbeat junkie mom so he can move to LA and market his stream easier
>Cucks Swedish underbite goblin and steals his gf
>Uninvited from all Twitch podcasts and discussions
Truly Destiny is the most oppressed human alive
So he's your typical knowitall teenager, you'd think a man of his size would want to get out of adolescence as fast as possible
Pretty much your average John Oliver views. There is absolutely nothing different about him.
The modern neo-liberal Ben Shapiro.
>10k+ viewers
That's still nowhere near as popular as his jontron debate video. It's very very very obvious he pivoted to this debate shtick because of that lightning in a bottle
His fans get really anal about anyone who says he acts like an SJW or a leftist because he's pro-capitalism, pro-classical democracy and is autistically loyal to the constitution. I don't know if he considers himself a centrist or whatever, but his words are often about as extreme as Antifa's, as are many of his non-economic opinions. The guy has literally said conservatives need to be dealt with violently because they "argue with emotion instead of logic", as if that very statement isn't laced with hypocrisy
Just watch this shit and tell me if it doesn't make Destiny come across as an absolute psycho.
>"Does having positive feelings about Bin Laden necessarily make you a radicalized Muslim?"
>"Suicide bombings or targeting civilians is sometimes justified? That's your bar for radical Islam?"
>"Honor killings can SOMETIMES be justified? That's not radical Islam"
He's also a retard that thinks Shariah Law and having some religious iconography on US currency is the same thing.
Lmfao I squat 8x what he does holy shit that is funny
Literally (and I don't like to use this word often) everyone does that.
you are justified in committing violence against people who vote against your political beliefs.
Destiny isn't in the same tier as Hitchens, nor does he try to be. I would have been curious to see these two on stage together though.
There's a cynical part of me that believes Hitchens might have sold himself out in the years to come. He was a self-admitted socialist with sympathy for the reparations argument, and spoke once in disparaging terms of the US run in a more business-like fashion as having a "whiff of fascism". Given that he had a weakness for the moral authority afforded to him by his stature as a religious critic, it's easy for me to imagine how he would have been quite taken by the simultaneously self-congratulatory and self-flagellating white leftists who essentially control popular culture now and yet pretend they're countercultural revolutionaries. Though another part of me thinks that his unwavering support of the first amendment would have prevented him from sinking into that dark recess.
Lol at all the seething autists. Destiny is unironically based.
I bet you like Ben Shapiro
Just got dabbed on by the knife
But those are the Destiny fans though?
>why wouldn't Muslims want sharia law
Are you fucking kidding me? I'm from a Muslim country and only the country people want sharia laws, the city slickers Muslims do not want that shit even in their country.
Fucking Destiny played himself, he acts as if he's better than everyone else.
anyone watching nick vs destiny on the killstream
Nick Fuentes is fucking up Destiny right now
I like his busty sister
There is amusement when he talks about violence so often, the idea of this guy getting violent is honestly hilarious and I hope he tries it with someone, one day. Dick Masterson looks like he could bench the dude.
Nah he's getting embarrassed.
>letting your opponent talk and drop twenty different points
I see you have never debated.
Althype is the place where you grow out your /pol/ phase or die with it
Oh, okay. Fuck this guy.
He's so caught up in refuting Shapiro, he can't even consider why 20 - 40% of Muslims don't want Sharia law.
what is this like 20kg?
>you're doing good... for a girl
>"Honour killings can *sometimes* be justifiable?" "Yeah sometimes"? Believing THAT makes you a radical?!?!?!"
holy fucking shit, bet this guy calls himself a feminist too
Justicar/Integralmath presents similar racial and social views much more eloquently.
more like nick is getting wrecked bigot
t. allows opponent to drop twenty talking points
tbf that's probably his weight
The guy's every thought is motivated by racial hatred for white people. There is no other logic to it.
Umm naaassiii much? Based Destiny is saving the world right now by defeating scary hute supermes.
ben shapiro is a fucking retard but destiny got btfo by himself here, spewing shit he knows nothing about
Is there ever a gym so empty? My gym is always packed, I mean literally. Once I had to share a bench with 5 people I bench 2.5 and the dyel only bench 1.5 I had to keep changing weights but its okay, I'm a good gym etiquette
I think he's just a contrarian. Right wing stuff became popular for young white guys online, especially in the gaming community, so Destiny became a progressive.
10 years ago, he was an ultra conservative back when everyone else was liberal
My gym's practically dead between 1-3pm, it sucks having a job and being stuck with the 5pm tradies/boomers doing meme exercises
Defend this Destinyfags
I will die with that losing phase sadly.
I cannot pretend that 3 million migrants every single year is good for me. How could I?
And since there is no compromise to slow it down even a little bit from both "conservatives" and leftists, I guess I'm alternative right or whatever the fuck.
>10 years ago, he was an ultra conservative back when everyone else was liberal
get a life e-celeb worshiping zoomer
>not being radical
I only know this faggot from that one video where he gets btfo by some black guy
Destiny argues like a woman
for me? it's nazbol. this post was brought to you by the nazbol gang.
>I want a civil war
>I want trump supporters getting shot
lmao we're the ones with the guns soinigga
This, I felt really dark after watching his videos. I couldn't refute anything he was saying but I realized that adopting his worldview will just make me feel toxic and bitter.
>"All conservates are fucking subhuman slime that get the rope-"
>"Woah bro, woah, not ALL Muslims believe in [X], they have a diverse range of views..."
Nick isn't any different than the other two you retard
can he be stopped?
Do you like black peepaw
Do you like black peepaw
Do you like black peepaw
Do you like black peepaw
Do you like black peepaw
By going to a university and debate there with an audience?
Jesse is borderline retarded, don't pretend you think he's right.
I think it's his interview with Jesse Lee Peterson. The whole thing is pretty funny, but Destiny talks about making the switch from conservatism to liberal.
It makes his support for violence against conservatives even weirder
this shit isn't even his final form, remember when he took down own3d and gave rise to twitch? His power cannot be fathomed
internet debates amongst gamers in general are some smoovebrain shit. Come back to me when these people discover dialectics.
lmao how pathetic
>I hope there's a civil war
Noam Chomsky said leftists should be careful saying this kind of thing, because the right wing is much MUCH better at political violence
being against mass immigration is woke and progressive when posited from the angle that it's effectively an ethnic caste system wherein brown people get relegated to shit tier jobs that whitey doesn't want to do. the actual argument is that they deserve better pay, which you can be safe knowing will never happen because that'd ruin the entire point of mass immigration in the first place.
what the fuck
Destiny fans aren't the ones bumping this thread with seethe.
This sad manlet would get rekt'd in a civil war
So this is how American win debates?
You can just say that it's a way for major corporations to drive down competition and therefore wages.
I meet lots of commies that are against immigration nowadays because of stuff like that
Hitchens sold us out seventeen years ago when he started shilling for the Iraq war.
His motive was nakedly transparent and no one ever called him out. He went to his grave never having to answer for it.
You mean that guy who knew the study Destiny cited better than Destiny did and it pissed Destiny off so much he ragequit the debate?
Anyone remember destiny's long ass conversation with that psychopath XJ9? Truly a glimpse of madness
>being against mass immigration is woke and progressive when posited from the angle that it's effectively an ethnic caste system wherein brown people get relegated to shit tier jobs that whitey doesn't want to do
Did you see the internet leftes dogpile Angela Nagle after she went on Tucker Carlson's show?
I don't understand why you people think Hitchens would debate someone like Destiny...
A midget pedophile that plays shitty mobas and wants to bomb mexico
hitchens would fucking rape destiny and ben shapiro
>Hitchens sold us out seventeen years ago when he started shilling for the Iraq war.
Sold who out? He was always a dyed-in-the-wool Trotskyist, like a lot of Trots he just changed the argument for global revolution from socialism to americanism
>the linux kernel
Yes, as opposed to the Linux... detergent?
But even when whites become 30% and still do better on average because of genetics, the evil faggots in power will say it's because of racism.
If they are this balsy when we are 60%, imagine what they will do in the future on the lie of oppression and equality of income.
I can't allow my children to live in that world, even if that makes m evil naaaaase.
>JonTron, Sargon, Lauren Southern, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS, Blaire White
He doesn’t even believe in race realism. He’s a fucking idiot. Alt-hype ass blasts him. You know you’ve won when people start saying “okay so what if they have lower iq should we just execute them all.” Or “why would you even want to know that.” Destiny is a good debater but not logically consistent at all. Same with contrapoints, it’s psueds who’s areguments get raped by a few scientific studies or just basic biology.
That's actually a good point. I'd forgotten he was a Trot.
I saw this midget once. He was 'debating' someone about syria and trump but after about 5 minutes it stopped being a debate and became a lecture. All destiny could do was shut the fuck up and get educated on how little he knows about anything.
When is there going to be a Justicar vs Destiny debate?
He received and addressed ample criticism for his support of the Iraq War in his time. His relatively lone status as a leftist proponent of the war gradually morphed into a general condemnation of Islamic radicalism and anti-religious sentiment which more or less dominated the activism of his final years, and that's what people primarily remember about him.
>author of the linux kerne
If this guy claims to be the author of the Linux kernel then you can disregard everything else he's ever said. He's a bullshitter right out of the gate.
Linux? For me, it's TempleOS
>listening to the podcast for 5 minutes
>so, you're saying that bla bla blah haha you're contradicting yourself
also the right-wing guy also a fucking latino, it's so embarrassing
I haven't seen a single intelligent leftist able to adhere to basic logic.
RIP Richard Stallman.
>political debates in 2019
what a waste of time. you are changing nobodies mind.
He had a nakedly mercenary motive for supporting the neocons ne trotskyists: he got US citizenship from Bush's state department out of it, thus sparing him a spit-roasting in the British civil courts over libel and slander.
I won't even get into how neoconservatism is a Jewish movement, and his self-identification as a Jew. Nothing needs be said there.
I’ve really just stopped caring about politics after I stopped watching ryan. I don’t agree with him but I feel much happier now that I’ve really both sides of the political spectrum and that I probably shouldn’t get to worked up about politics
>He received and addressed ample criticism for his support of the Iraq War in his time.
he wasnt executed by firing squad, so not nearly ample enough
>now that I’ve really both sides of the political spectrum
please clarify
It's not about changing minds its about entertainment
He started developing firmer pro-interventionist sentiments in the early 1990s during the Bosnian/Herzegovenan War.
You can ascribe whatever motives to his support of the Iraq War as you like, but to say he was never called out for it during his lifetime is wrong.
Nick said only straight guys should be in military and got btfo last night by destiny
Hassan "Profit is Theft" Piker
I’ve seen both sides of the spectrum. I’m kinda tired but I’ve seen all the arguments from different point of view and realized that politics just aren’t my thing
Their only argument is calling iq “pseudoscience” (it’s not). But they believe in shit like “gender.” Crazy bunch of brainlets. You’d think if iq and race had nothing in common the studies would be conflicting but nope it always shows the same time and time again control after control. The cultural bullshit bias doesn’t apply either or east asians wouldn’t score the highest. IQ has been used for almost 100 years by the government but nah its psued right?
Speaking of e-celeb bullshit, has anyone ever called out Ben Shapiro's support for the literal ethno-state of Israel? Seems like such an obvious target
If you don't want to check out of politics entirely check out therightstuff.biz
TDS and FTN are their flagship podcasts and have kept me from going down the well of despair.
That's true for Trump though. He was always a out of shape tub of lard.
a paedophile who can't debate without using dishonest tactics
wow, you know, I think you're the first one to think of that.
Any skinnyfat manlet threatening political violence is pathetic regardless of their political beliefs (yes, that goes for the muh helicopters crowd too)
I'd need more information
You should watch him “debate” that big pharma kid who went to prison. 5 minutes in and he realizes there’s a 20 point iq gap and then just gives up and starts sucking his cock for 2 hours. He’s a straight up brainlet who debates other brainlets. Put him against somebody with 130+ iq and a few studies and he’s done for.
Okay. I definitely understand, user. It's all so tiresome.
>but to say he was never called out for it during his lifetime is wrong.
Hmm. Okay. I followed him pretty closely during the Bush admin and never really saw any of that, but it's possible I missed it.
I should've clarified, in an actual live debate with Ben not just on the internet. Obviously I'm not the first person to think of it
He's right and you know it. Lolicon is basically cp and it lowered actual rape
He didn't. He "debated" Jon and showed that Jon read some fake statistic about blacks or something.
But Jon still gets millions of views, even on literal paid advertising. He is still on top lmao
>Be afraid, republiDRUMPFS!
Jesus H. Christ
Destiny wins because he usually debates retards like Nick Fuentes or some alt right niggas. Few times he didn't he lost.
This kills the destinyfag
JonTron said rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.
He'd probably like them, him being the first internet intellectual and all
I unfortunately happen to know who this Destiny guy is, and the saddest thing about this post is not the post itself, but how many responses it received.
They do. But it’s muh oppression and not genetics to a leftist.
Which is true
Oh. So he IS a pedophile.
What a great eceleb thread. I'm glad I dropped in.
jontron is a fat kike who uploads twice a year
>Destiny facilitates the debates
>He always wins
Just like the old saying, "The house always wins"
Put that midget on a fair vround and he won't wven budge
Someone needs to meet up with Destiny in person and make him understand his views are irrelevant because if push comes to shove ANYBODY can beat the fuck out of his tiny ass. My fucking girlfriend could kick his ass. When the world crumbles, might makes right, and it doesn't matter how well you debated on the Internet and virtue signalled.
It's funny watching the cope leftists use when you point this out - they sincerely believe white cops look the other way when white people assault, kill, and steal from other white people
t. talseflag destinyfan subhuman.
Is there a name for that weird thing he does with his jaw when he talks? Its unnerving.
Yeah because he read a fake statistic. It ultimately didn't do much damage to Jon though, despite how hard Destiny and his lemmings tried. Probably helped Destiny get some viewers though, likely his true reason for all this controversy
Can someone explain this without sperging out about Hitler?
Genetics and evolution is the answer to literally everything. It is THE answer one way or another to all human political issues. If you don’t think it is then you have to start jumping through hoops and your worldview becomes inconsistent. It’s like trying to do calculus without admitting that algebra works.
Not him but it's a normal and healthy instinct to want to kick the ass of a facetious little pervert.
He's iranian and he still gets millions of views lmao
I think he is some sort of kidney disease in early childhood. Gary Coleman had it too.
Everyone who has ever done a livestream should be round up and shot
So you would rather people rape children rather than them jerking off to loli in their basement?
not really I'd point out we need to improve our communities and if you look back in 60s blacks had lower crime. Crack epidemic did fuck them up.
He's proven right when Jussie staged a hate crime
If Destiny's opening argument was after WFB's, it would immediately occur.
And their only rebuttal is a phantom of an argument. “Institutional racism.” Never seen the numbers for that one though. Funny, leftists never have the numbers.
But there ate studies that show blacks are more likely to go to jail than certain races
Think he currently aligns with classical liberalism with a more social left slant. Holds some surprising views though like life beginning at conception.
You tend to go to jail more when you commit crime more. It’s a weird phenomenon I know.
I would rather pedophiles be so terrified of being found out that most killed themselves. And the rest repressed their urges from the first to the last of their days.
I want anyone who makes any apology for or concession to pedophiles whatsoever to be similarly terrified.
Including you.
seems like the "only rebuttal" are actual studies demonstrating racial disparities in sentencing, while your arguments are pseudo scientists on youtube?
Jon read a statistic and was trying to argue there was a problem in the black community with crime based off reading some false /pol/ statistic.
And he said something about how refugees were bad and shouldn't be allowed willy nilly into Europe, because it will get rid of European genes in Europe.
He's some fat youtube gamer guy, the cultural/political climate was intense and confusing, I don't blame the guy for not being eloquent or good in a debate on these issues.
Well that's what happens when you commit more crimes and are incredibly stupid about it to boot.
>false /pol/ statistic.
no discord tranny, it was from FBI crime stats
Incarceration rate has what to do with sentencing again? They tend to be sentenced longer because of repeat offenses. Also, source?
>Unga bunga im gon kill them until they died
Are you retarded? They're still doing it even though it's the worst thing to be charged with in the western world. Killing them isn't going to reverse the rapes, smooth brain.
>seems like the "only rebuttal" are actual studies demonstrating racial disparities in sentencing
Because those meme studies are only there to prove a point that the researchers have already decided on, i.e. that racism is the only reason there's a difference. It's like how you dogpiled on that Maine governor for saying that most drug dealers in his state were blacks from outside Maine, and almost every fucking drug bust after he said that half the fucking suspects were blacks "from New York/Jersey"
Been listening to some Destiny debates lately and found something confusing. In certain debates he's very charitable and reasonable and entertains uncomfortable ideas he disagrees with regarding stuff like race realism or ethnonationalism. He'll follow proper epistemological methodology and praxis and all that good stuff, then in the next debate he'll resort to moving the goalpost and logical fallacies. He clearly understands the rules and methods of debate but seems to employ them arbitrarily, and it isn't even based on the subject of the argument, just who he's debating. Very strange.
>well maybe the researchers forgot to account for X factor so I can still hold my bullshit belief.
• Violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to account for any of the demographic differences in sentencing
he got BTFO by some hillbilly engineer that does shrooms. dude literally came on his stream and had a hour long talk and the only thing destiny could retort was the man didn't like black people and quit. good luck finding the vod but it did happen.
violence? why violence? what about other types of crime/previous offences?
>Violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to account for any of the demographic differences in sentencing
Who said violence? Funny that they used *violence* as the metric to compare, not, y'know, crime in general, right?
Maybe they should stop breaking the law more, whether violent or not you disingenuous little cretin. Blacks absolutely commit more crime which is why they are sentenced more for the same crime. If you control it for priors they aren’t discriminated against. I fucking hate you disingenuous little rats.
how the fuck did we not see nipple?
Real reason is Judges and Prosecutors are tired of seeing nothing but criminal blacks in their courtrooms so they get sentenced longer
Holy shit
Because moving the goalposts is all he can do. Next he will talk about drug decriminalization. He will ignore things like burglary and theft though. Leftists are retards don’t expect them to have the ability to think critically.
>debating against something that doesn't even exist
truly ahead of his time
No it’s because when Tyrone gets sent to jail for beating his wife he has 4 drug charges already. When brad does it he has 0. That’s why Tyrone gets 5 years and brad gets 1. The study won’t show that though. Again, they will put the microscope on a completely leading statistic and blow it up to prove discrimination.
• Black male offenders continued to receive longer sentences than
similarly situated White male offenders. Black male offenders received
sentences on average 19.1 percent longer than similarly situated White male
offenders during the Post-Report period (fiscal years 2012-2016), as they had
for the prior four periods studied. The differences in sentence length remained
relatively unchanged compared to the Post-Gall period.
The only reason why violent crime history is highlighted as a key finding is because they are the biggest factor that could contribute in different sentencing decisions, if you think they don't account for other trivial factors, you're literally fucking retarded. This study is done by the federal sentencing commission by the way.
no link. i listened to it live and im sure its on one of his vods. it was back when he debated jontron. he had a random viewer come on his stream and it was some older guy
He won't concede ANYTHING to someone who's considered a Nazi because he doesn't want to be seen agreeing with one.
When blacks get sentenced they are more likely to have PRIOR CONVICTIONS violent or not which goes into the sentencing factors you little rat. Now fuck back off to reddit with your shitty debunked study. You know drugs and other crime have an effect on sentencing too right brainlet?
Destiny, he's a retired starcraft 2 pro who's a very succesful streamer.
He built his base around being funny and edgy.
In recent years he went very left-wing and started debating.
He has extremly strong opinions on subjects he knows nothing about, I think he's gotten a little better, but most of the time he basically takes the position of anti-right and whatever the general left wing thinks, and then after he has selected his viewpoint he looks for stuff to support that viewpoint.
He's very condescending and likes to laugh at others and call them idiots for their opinions. He was calling Shapiro an idiot about some radical muslim video, because Shapiro thought honor killings were radical. Then he said he didn't know what honor killings were and started to google it on stream.
In one debate he demands specification and sources on every point, and in another when someone asks him for a source he rages that he can't give sources for everything.
He's said that he knows something is true, because he's been told it many of times.
He's a channer, and argues a bit like a /pol/ack who never thinks he's wrong.
He's pretty hypocritical. He thinks it's unfair for him to get shut down for saying things like nigger or faggot, but not anyone else.
He's by no means a brainless sheep, he can take stances that are quite unusual. Domestic abuse for example, probably because he suffered it.
Seems like a good father.
I used to believe exactly as you do. The last seven years have shown me the folly of that argument.
ANY normalization of perverse sexual behavior, especially towards children, is social cancer. It always leads to a next step towards normalization of sexual abuse of children. Because the slippery slope is not a fallacy. It's a political agenda.
that guy is pretty clever. playing the long game
Who /TeamSoph/?
Do you really think the US federal sentencing commission doesn't account for other factors and only consider violent crimes?
>The only reason why violent crime history is highlighted as a key finding is because they are the biggest factor that could contribute in different sentencing decisions
Why wouldn't prior convictions for "non-violent" crimes count in sentencing decisions?
>This study is done by the federal sentencing commission by the way.
Yes, I'm sure they'd happily concede that race wasn't a factor in sentencing decisions
>oy vey the goyim are making good arguments against our indoctrination
>quick, distract them with sex!
I don't think I've ever seen this ploy used in such a textbook manner.
stop wasting everybody's time. i don't believe anything. if they do account for it and say so, just post the relevant section here or point us to it. you literally could only gain from doing it.
i'm not american and i don't have a dog in this fight.
That long game in its various forms has been in play for about a hundred years now.
>when a boomer calls your arguments good
got a source for that?
In that study that’s quite literally what they did.
can you link that honour killing vid?
They do. Violence in criminal history is a key point because it's an additional variable they've put in their updated study, and they still maintained their findings afterwards.
Sauce on the Ben Shapiro vid?
glad we got confirmation /pol/ is full of underage and newfags
are you in New Zealand?
>accounting for violence in an offender’s past in fiscal year 2016, the only year for which such data is available. This figure is almost the same as the 20.7 percent difference without accounting for past violence. Thus, violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to contribute to the sentence imposed to any extent beyond its contribution to the offender’s criminal...
Tyrone beats his wife but has 5 drug convictions prior gets out of jail and beats his wife again. Cletus beats his wife but has 2 drug convictions, gets out and beats his wife again. Tyrone gets a 20% longer sentence. Just fuck back off to wherever you come from, just please fuck off.
That's true at least for homicides in some areas and some times.
In 1976-1995 in chicago the poorest whites(0-10 income percentile) commited less homicides than the richest blacks(90+ income percentile)
In 1966-1975 this isn't the case.
Then the black 90+ income percentile commited less homicides than the white 0-10th.
The black 75-90 income percentile still commited more homicides than the white 0-10th. So the absolutely richest blacks didn't commit more homicides than the absolutely poorest whites, but down a percentile group and the rich blacks commited more homicides than the poorer whites.
>In one debate he demands specification and sources on every point, and in another when someone asks him for a source he rages that he can't give sources for everything.
This is what normie liberals and more ardent leftists always do.
I agree with Destiny on a lot of stuff, but the shit I disagree with him on is some pretty awful annoying shit like policing jokes.
Anyway, people on my side are always trying to call this guy a cuck, but he basically stole someones girlfriend on video. Went on a show where all the hottest chicks were wetting their pants over him. He's pretty much a Mac Daddy as hard as it is to admit.
5 minutes in
>Here's my imaginary one data point that a multivariate study conducted by a federal institution fails to account for
>very left-wing
he's not. he's an admitted neoliberal.
basically just arguing for the status quo all the time.
why anyone still cares that he's on political shows is beyond me.
>e-celeb has fangirls
Stop the presses!
men go to jail more than women, guess why
who is the guy on the left??
>Went on a show where all the hottest chicks were wetting their pants over him.
Fun Fact: If these women are streamers, they'll do this for any larger e-celeb they can get in contact with because it will boost their career.
right retard spotted
>he basically stole someones girlfriend on video
She was a stripper in a poly relationship with some hippy who mentioned fucking other girls in the last couple of days. Destiny flew 8000 miles to fuck some degenerate slut.
>here’s one way we can put the microscope over one completely dishonest statistic and say yup it’s discrimination
A similar tactic would to say that white people commit more crimes total than blacks so white people bad. When you zoom in that hard on a specific when you yourself don’t even know the methodology of the study, it just doesn’t mean anything. I’d bet my life blacks have more drug crimes on their record or burglary or theft that doesn’t count as violent. So when they don’t count for violence it makes it look like we put the poor black man who din do nuffin away longer. You are a useful idiot for the religion of egalitarianism.
As stupid as your post is, I'm wondering if you ever thought about the following:
>political extremists notice that other political extremists can be radicalized further by something as simple as posting a certain image on an image board
>political extremists start partaking in this effortless behavior knowing that their political allies will become more hateful and insane as a result
Do /pol/ shit-for-brains ever think about how easily manipulated they are, even just hypothetically?
I know dilation is arduous and unpleasant, but you do need to do it every eight hours.
This is cope sorry. Aren't we supposed to be the honest side?
What does that have to do with you posting a sex scene to derail the thread?
>believing in evolution is extremist to left leaning brainlets in 2019
We’ve come full circle, congrats you’re the new evangelical purist.
there goes the discord tranny post again
stop spamming buzzwords already
Well to be honest everyone would be standing for a stream with those measuring lines behind them like in a prison line up.
The extremism I was referring to was the "oy vey goyim" brainless neo-nazi shit, retards.
Stop being wrong then
Don't forget to use a saline douche to clean out the hairballs. Without preventative care they can lead to infections, and eventually sepsis.
>only me the big brain isnt brainwashed even though i believe everything the mainstream center believes
which thot there did he fuck?
It’s a 50 year old boomer he’s harmless. Honestly Yea Forums is like the /pol/ for people under 30. They take the rational arguments and say them. /pol/ is a fucking embarrassment with crazy literal boomers posting obama memes and unironically wanting to genocide all brown people.
But you're not putting anything under the microscope. You're literally asking, what if the people who conducted the study on whether or not blacks are sentenced more harshly for the same crime forgot to factor in the type of crimes committed. I'm not sure how to answer that.
Strange. You said "posting an image."
I guess you're just throwing shit at the wall now.
None of them are children, so none.
Yeah, okay Destiny.
Then you didn’t read the study and are a shameless egalitarian. Sorry man, reality and especially evolution is a really fucked up non fair thing.
>homosexual autist who's literally just butthurt about niggers
also destiny has a lot of paypigs. they wanna suck his wallet through his dick.
Oooh BASED TRR watcher over here!
His show is entertaining, but that crowd tends to overcompensate on a lot of issues without listening to the actual arguments he's presenting.
>they wanna suck his wallet through his dick.
u wot m8??
>based shkreli is the only one who trumped him
>nobody talks about it ITT
the legend SHALL NOT DIE
People give this guy money?
>resorting too ad hominems in order to “discredit” Destiny
Oof, big yikes for me!
You don't have to like him, but Hitchens was an incredible polemic. There's not many people who could out-debate him
Watched a good portion of the althype vid and cringed pretty hard for althype. His voice is shaking when he is making his points because he's trying to use words to assert the dominance of his group. In the past the group would have just beat up someone like Destiny for daring to say that the tribe was weak - words aren't effecting the blows althype wants to land, so he comes off as desperate and weak, further making him less convincing. The altright is at its best with edgy memes and generally shits the bed in a debate.
You want to win, or at least sound convincing? You need the moral high ground, not to sound like you're in a power struggle with the other debater. Doesn't matter if you have accurate statistics, without a moral imperative to act a certain way with that info you might as well not have it in a debate. The National Socialists had a moral argument against the Marxists - that Marxism would destroy the individuality and distinctness of nations and the various peoples worldwide, and subsequently suppress the creative differences of individuals - and yet the altright resorts to IQ and crime statistics rather than adopt a universalist moral position to advocate for nationalism.
btw it really starts up at 2:25
>uhh, what do you mean by autism?
>so do you think it's okay to say "autism" when you mean "stupid"?
>you're not getting memed, I'm a healthcare professional
The title is overrated. There's plenty of popular youtubers that I'm sure get nothing. He has a very dominant personality and if you don't think that plays a part you're deluding yourself.
You can’t blame him. He smelled the 20 point iq gap and just started sucking him off, realizing he was defeated.
>They don't consider this simple factor
>They do
>Sorry whites are just superior
What is even your argument?
You are delusional. They would flock to anyone who is popular.
Except Trumples refuse to watch a video longer than 20 minutes, later on Destiny BTFOs Shkreli so fucking hard it makes him assblasted.
dude, i asked you once to stop wasting people's time and point out the part of the study that confirms they've taken other crimes into account and you never replied to me. will you do it or not?
Destiny and JonTron was one of the most amazing things I've ever seent.
JLP can’t say the word immigrants so he resorts to aliens lmao
He has a kid, several fwb, can we at least agree that he has no issues with his personal life? As much as people like you want to think he does.
Meanwhile basedgoy doesn't even have a biological kid.
Some of the things he says really get under my skin.
It doesn't fit my worldview when he says "if you don't want to date trans or black people it means you're transphobic or racist".
You're not allowed to answer with "I don't find them attractive" because then he asks you to analyze your reasons for not finding them attractive.
Which is fucked, because obviously I don't have good reasons and that means I have no choice but to admit I'm racist and transphobic. And then that makes me start thinking that it's not actually such a bad thing to be so, if this is all it takes to be labelled so.
So he won the argument based on the fact that blacks are less intelligent. Okay so where do we go from here? You know that the elites don’t give out affirmative action because of slavery right? The powers that be have known about the inferiority of blacks since the 50’s. Would you rather go on TV and piss off 13% of your population and say “yes you are all stupid so we in a first world country will still help you live a first world life.” Or do you think they will blame it on slavery? That’s the only two options. You are out of your mind if you don’t think that the governments of the world don’t know for a fact that blacks are dumb as bricks due to genetics. But what can you do? Genocide? Nope. Ship them all back? Nope. The safest thing is to convince everyone it’s not their fault. People with subsaharan DNA are empirically stupid compared to other races and there’s a reason it’s blasphemy in the religion of western egalitarianism to bring it up. You’re crazy if you don’t think that the powers that be don’t already know this. It’s just very inconvenient for a society to recognize it.
He's a massive hypocrite all the girls he goes for are pretty much universally attractive chicks. Petite, feminine and submissive.
But he will hit someone else with a double standard.
Just check these logical arguments
im really winning these debates
>chases around some barely-legal turbothot in NZ
im really the legal and moral authority here
Metokur, Naked Ape, and Alt Hype have all beaten Destiny in debate, Nick Fuentes also beat him before, Nick was scheduled to be on the twitch debate to start with but Destiny said he wouldn't be on it if Nick was and so trainwrecks pulled Nick, only after Blair White dropped out and trainwrecks had no one else he included Nick in the debate
If there were a procedure to make a man turn into a woman 100%--looks and biologically, and after transitioning she were gorgeous as fuck and could bear your children, are you saying you wouldn't be in a relationship with the perfect trans female? If there were no way to tell she were biologically born male? If despite all of this, you still wouldn't, then yes I'd say that's transphobic, because there's NO reason in this scenario to support not wanting to date the female.
such high iq that he ended up in solitary confinement lel
>based shkreli is the only one who trumped him
Metokur, Ryan Dawson, Althype, and some drunken daily stormer guy took a huge shit on that sophist.
That ceases to be a tranny though?
Yes, after the debate Destiny and Hassan were saying that their strategy needs to be interrupting as much as possible and not let the opposition speak, this is how leftists debate
refute him, bro
You'd have to change things on the deep genetic level. Male to actual female is more than just an aesthetic thing.
You have to produce pheromones (trannies can't shake that man smell), produce softer skin and smaller bones. Like it or not, you're doing a man if you're into trannies. Until that happens, I'm just not fucking a guy with a wig.
They act like men and are as easy as men.
i don't want to fuck a man sorry
High iq is linked with white collar crime after all.
that's not a real scenario and won't be within our lifetimes. what good does even answering that question do? I could say yes, I could say no, it wouldn't change anything.
>bro what if we we were in a retarded hypothetical situation, would you concede then?
woah... so this is the power of the destiny debate team
How can anyone like Destiny? He's just a pseudo-intellectual who holds edgy teenager opinions.
I haven't read the thread and just seeing this guy's face made me irrationally angry.
didnt destiny get arrested a couple years ago for molesting his kid or something
edgy teenagers like him
I could literally go to a dating site and get a trans person over to fuck in 5 minutes. Actual women are never that easy. They're not women.
>black people debate by beatboxing
They seemed to get along and have some respect for each other. youtube.com
Imagine thinking that beta turbo manlet destiny is smart lmao
desTiny is intellectually dishonest. When confronted with someone who knows how to debate and bring facts to the table, he spergs out to entertain his underage cult followers. It's sad to know that he does this for a living. Pick a better career, desTiny. How about one as a midget cannonball in circus performance?
it truly is the alt-right success story
You’re a retard if you think race has any significant value to IQ when studies show that IQ is relative and depends not only on income but also on enviroment, upbringing and education.
Just because someone is a nigger doesn’t mean his IQ is per definition lower than of a huwite person. This meme needs to stop.
>it’s been used by the government for 100s of years, so it’s correct
Nice logical fallacy, faggot.
Obnoxious as hell.
And yet his iq is 40 higher than yours and he’s a millionaire and you are brown.
>Noam Chomsky said leftists should be careful saying this kind of thing, because the right wing is much MUCH better at political violence
The left is perfectly capable as well. Commies committed the largest mass murders after all.
Did they have a debate or something? About what? Jon is like the absolute worst at conveying his opinions so I bet it's hilarious to watch him stutter and backpedal and then start making funny voices to distract his losing argument.
Holy shit hes so fucking stupid. How do people listen to this faggot.
I tend to go by "Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise." Be honest, be straightforward, be supportive, and advocate for one of two things: for blacks (and other groups) that want to remain a part of Western Civilization, they need to improve to our standards. Those that don't want to be a part of our civilization should understandably want to separate, either by going to the closest thing to a home country they have or forming a separate society and advocating for all other groups that want to behave likewise. Leechers have to decide which group they want to be part of. Affirmative action is maintained for the first group until they reach parity, cut off for the second.
>are you saying you wouldn't be in a relationship with the perfect trans female?
Part of the attraction is the fundamentally different mindset that comes from biology and growing up as a girl, if that isn't replicated I wouldn't.
>turn into a woman 100%
life isnt anime, weird boy
86% genetic the latest studies say, brown “person.”
at least i'm not a shiptar
He's funny, charismatic.
Being confident in what you say is more important than being smart and correct when it comes to attracting followers.
Sure you can call him stupid, but he's still at least 3 digit iq, probably a bit above average.
Does it suck beinf brown and having low iq? It’s probably bliss right? Being an animal?
cringe projecting my man
>Just because someone is a nigger doesn’t mean his IQ is per definition lower than of a huwite person
yeah that's right that's not what iq stats mean at all retardo. thanks for clueing us in lmao
Sargon whooped him too. Destiny didn't let that go for a lot time after their discussions.
Jon is literally parroting points made on /pol/ that are based mostly on fear-mongering, racism and misinformation.
Blacks do more crimes because the a lot of blacks are poor or at least have a hard time living. What the alright suggest is to remove blacks from anywhere so the crimes dissapear (as if) instead of fixing the system that facilitates the problems minorities face.
And he’s spouting all the nonsense not knowing he’s a useful idiot to the fringes of the right. Because if a half Iranian agrees with them then it must be true!
If you could brain swap a guy into a girl's body, that wouldn't be gay. 0% of trannies are like this.
Fucking a man gash that has to be stretched every day for years to prevent it from self healing is mega gay. 100% of trannies are like this. 100% of trannies are disgusting and you are irredeemably gay if you fuck one.
I love listening to faggot manlets and nigger lovers who would never serve, debate on whether women should be in the military.
My experience in the military has taught me one thing. Almost all women in the army are useless and only good for one thing, comfort whores who fuck for rank. Honestly, they really fuck up unit cohesion.
>our responsibility to fix blacks
naaah I'd rather take my resources and move away. Like what most white people already do.
how does one refute a basic bitch who collects studies?
The Sargon debate right after the Jontron fiasco sure, but the other times? Nah.
>3 digit iq
He doesn't even understand what he's arguing against in that video and then doesn't want to try. Seems pretty fucking stupid to me.
I think he edged those ones out.
Destiny was pretty butthurt after the first one.
Like, MY DUDE, I literally cannot survive without my iPhone! Also we should send sorties to fix up Mexico.
Buckley vs Destiny, not Buckley vs Hitchens
>Blacks do more crimes because the a lot of blacks are poor or at least have a hard time living.
Do you mean the rich blacks also do more crimes because large parts of the black demographic are poor, because of something like they're still being influenced by that subculture?
Or do you just think that rich blacks don't do more crimes too, and it's all because the black demographic is skewed because of their overrepresentation in poverty, and the poor do more crimes?
what's a good entertaining debate to watch?
It’s your responsibility to make sure everyone lives in a happy, wealthy society. If others suffer, you suffer faggot.
That’s why America is a third world country and why The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, UK, Luxembourg, Norway, Finland, Sweden, France is dabbing on your asses.
Jesse Lee Peterson vs Destiny.
I think that's the one most people can agree that Destiny won. Jesse is insane and it's hilarious.
thanks I'll check it out
If I can't look down on dumb people and laugh I'm not having a good time.
Thanks for listing off a bunch of white countries where the minorities act like animals and force the whites away like I just said.
brace for amaze
JonTron is the best entrypoint, if you know about JonTron. Nick Fuentes is dope too.
i make well over 100k a year and the only complaints I have in life are spergs like you shitting up boards with your politics autism.
>Just the video
>With reactions from a bunch of dorks
those countries all have massive white majorities
Yeah I don't like how people on the right were pretending that Destiny got schooled or whatever. Destiny was composed and pretty much made JLP look thicker than normal and nullified his whole game. Everytime he tried to dismiss him with an "amazin" it didn't look particularly good.
For the record I dislike Destiny.
Yeah pretty much how I feel.
Nice job signalling to the rest of us that you have no clue what’s going outside of America.
What I mean is poor people tend to do more crimes than wealthier people, no matter the ethnicity.
So we can conclude tha either we kill the poor or we start fixing the system that enables the poor to stay poor.
America still holds a white majority too, so whats your point?
First world country only works with whites and probably east Asians. You can't get nonwhites to be self sustaining if you want them to live at first world standards, their baselines are just too low. They'll rubberband back to their global average if you ever stop propping them up, leading to an endless resource drain.