Holy shit John Boyega's career is taking off bois

Holy shit John Boyega's career is taking off bois

Attached: Big Things.png (633x892, 719K)

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That homely feeling that feels homely.

So he's just narrating some home videos?

>The zebras try hard to raise their new offspring... Raise. Rei's. Rei's lightsaber. Heh, remember those movies?

Voiceover work is pretty common for known actors (even b-listers do it) but I can only wish his career is sharting.


Why does the bbc ever get anyone besides Attenborough to narrate? He only has a few years left, they need to milk him.

Surprise twist: the series is really about showing off that the BBC trained a monkey to read.

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He hasn't got a smooth voice or anything, imagine listening to this crap.

Iss mentow, innit?

Will he talk about his fellow negro tribesmen?

Holy shit, that's actually pretty cool. This must be the first time an animal has narrated a documentary about their own homeland. Can't wait to watch

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Alt right """"humor"""

It's all in the delivery user

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Former American soccer star Frddy Adu was hailed to be the next Pele...pic related

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*rolls eyes*

You'll get a kick out of this article

SJW fragility.

Shut the fuck up!


Celebrities picked for voice-work are typically people with narration-appropriate voices that are decent to listen to, i.e. Morgan Freeman, Sigourney Weaver, Josh Brolin, etc.

John Babingo was never someone I heard talking and said "THIS MAN SHOULD BE DOING VOICE-OVER".

This will be bland at best and annoying at worst. He was picked solely due to his visibility as a star.

>/pol/ "humor"

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Did he sell his soul?

>Me on the far right

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Wow. What a witty and humorous joke. /pol/ truly does have meme power.

t. Black Guy

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would be funny if it was just this

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>animal documentaries

Boring, been done to death. At least do something about rwandan child soldiers, somali pirates or albino nignogs getting burned for witchcraft

Look at the salt you've mined, I hope you're happy


hammina hamina

*slicks back hair, checks breath*

Holy fuck

They are females but they'll never be women.

I'm pretty sure that's everyone first thought from the thumbnail.

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>they are females
everyone in that photo has a dick turbovirgin

Good for him I guess

So these movements are just butt ugly women's way to cope?

Biologically they're females but they'll never be women. To be a woman means to be pretty and endearing.

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imagine being so thoroughly incel that you don't even know what women look like

juts keep pwning those sjws user

That picture has absolutely nothing to do with this thread's topic or the discussion within it.

Reminder that marxists and socialists have managed to brainwash the west into believing nazis were conservative.

He didn't mine any salt, dumdum

Fuck him

Bug hip nigger

not even trying to hate but
>voice over for a who gives a fuck nature doc
yeah thats the big time

>They are females

None of them are.

Hello female

>Biologically they're females

Those are all male transsexuals, bro.

It's all trannies? Jesus.


>Literally attempt to create a "New World Order" that defies all previous forms of institutionalized government
>Target Capitalism as one as the chief threats to society

"Lol, clearly they were right-wing gun-toting capitalists"

>And here we see a terrifying sign, a great white lurking ready to strike, its fin poised out the wave.... Fin, finn... The shark leaps high out of the water and above the seal, its over before its begun, the shark now has the high ground and the seal is done for

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Keep calling everything you disagree with "alt right". Its doing you retards great.

Post moar snug anime girls

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I give a fuck a little bit. If star wars guy wasn't narrating I would have watched it if it was good. But since he is I'm just gonna give it a hard pass, even if the reviews are good.

Great now he is ruining nature documentaries. Why can't this guy just leave us alone?

>Pele is king of the soccer field. To be king of your kitchen, use Crestfield wax paper

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lol nigger

>Oi blud we be lookin a chee'as 'n wildabeest an oll a dem fings in da serenge'i

>all of our grandmothers are alt right

you guys think he is mad at Adam Driver?

imagine having a huge ego off being the new trilogy's C3P0

imagine the smell.
Stinky neckbeard at a salt/lard covered mall.. that thinks it female.

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>t. Quandarious Jackson

You know what Washington, Jackson, and Lincoln had in common?
They were the last white men to have those names.
(Except Lincoln. He's always an honorary nigger.)

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>culture is not tied to race, you racists!
>we need a narrator for a documentary about Africa. OK, hire a black dude then.

Not saying that the Beeb doesn't have racial casting quotas but they also produce a shit-ton of documentaries about Africa that aren't voiced by Africans.

That's the joke.


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I'm not even transphobic but if you're ugly you should just die. If you're below a 5 you should just fucking off yourself and quit dragging the gene pool down with your tard dna


Well technically we could all narrate it and it would me our home video...

lol nigger

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